精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
9.A person,when he or she is young,can't read __________many books.(  )

分析 一个人年轻的时候读的书越多越好.

解答 答案是C.本题考查副词固定搭配.so 如此的,副词;such如此的,形容词;too太,副词;either也,副词;本题考查"can not/never+too(越…越好)",所以答案选择C.

点评 辨析副词要在识记常见副词及其搭配的基础上理解语境,根据具体语境推断合理的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.It does not matter who wins.We are told that from day one.Usually,that statement is followed by some remark about being a loser.If we do not care who wins,then why do we compete?Fun,experience,the chance to meet new people---these are the reasons we try to outdo each other.
       People will compete over anything.Every Christmas,my neighbors and I have a little Christmas light competition.It is heaven for the electric company,but I think we give Will Rogers Airport a scare.It is bright enough to land a plane in our front yards.I admit that last year my neighbors won,but only because they bought every strand of lights Wal-Mart had before I could get there.
Personal competitions are great,but we get a little carried away.I cannot stand to see coaches shout at kids playing sports.Who cares if someone messes up and the other team advances?
       I'm tired of people competing just to win.It happens not only in sports,but in music competitions,too.People auditioning(试音)for chair placement in certain bands can get really unfriendly.This year I did not audition for a certain band,but I went to auditions anyway.This was the first time I actually had the opportunity to comprehend the whole picture.
       Other times I've been the person who was nervous and anxious.This time,I sat back and observed everyone else.I came to the realization that the people who aren't so good are terrified of the good people,and the good people are scared stiff that the bad people have taken lessons and can now show them up.Unless a person is on the outside looking in,I don't think anyone realizes this.
       Maybe competing is human nature,but we shouldn't let it influence our judgment.Being disrespectful to opponents(对手),letting competition become our life,and becoming so involved that we close ourselves off from friends and family is not the meaning of competition.
       A little competition is healthy,so it shouldn't hurt anyone.If it does,someone somewhere needs to back off,find the good thing hidden inside,and try it again.Winning isn't everything,and losing isn't the end of the world.
63.The author mentions his competition with his neighbors toD.
A.make excuses for his failure                        
B.express his concern about the airport
C.imply his neighbor cheated in the competition
D.show people really care about the result of competition
64.The underlined word"this"in Paragraph 5 refers toD.
A.the rules of competition                    
B.competitors'effort to win   
C.the influence of competition on life
D.the negative attitude to competition        
65.From the passage,we can learn thatB.
A.the author failed the audition
B.competitors may be unfriendly to each other
C.it is coaches who always mess up the match
D.those who observe opponents calmly always win
66.Which of the following opinions does the author probably accept?C
A.Competition for the job is fierce.
B.Winning or losing is none of people's concern.
C.Competition is healthy,but it can get out of hand.
D.The disadvantages of competition outweigh the benefits.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.The young manager is well known for his problem-solving skills,________ is important for a successful leader.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Tom was caught cheating in an important exam._____,he lost a golden chance of taking part in this competition.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.His little daughter was so __________that he could easily pick her out in the crowd.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.Unfortunately,before I had the chance to get familiar with their music,the band       .(  )
A.broke upB.made upC.turned upD.set up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Would you like to go dancing with us tonight?
 ________________________.(  )
A.I'd soB.I will like to
C.I would like thatD.I would like to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.Liu Xiangcould have wonthe championship in hurdle race in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,
but  unfortunately his  foot was hurt badly.(win)

