精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
19.A.The way to get involved
B.Websites to check out
C.Join a forum you are interested in
D.Describe your personal interest
E.Online dos and don'ts
F.Online information
People are always saying that you should make friends with native speakers to practise the language.Now in the internet age,that's much easier.
The best way to strike up a friendship with English speakers online is to find those you share a common interest with.If you're able to discuss a hobby like movies or basketball together it will be much easier to start those friendships.
76CGetting involved in a forum based on your interests is also a great way to learn words that you might never have met in class.Different people may join different groups or forums,and you have to find the one that suits your case.
77.Dso,where do you go to find English speakers with like-minded interests?The most obvious places to look are Google and Yahoo.These popular Internet sites are bursting with groups and forums.
Once you've found a group that suits you,spend some time thinking about what you want to say in your first post.it's a good idea to introduce yourself,give your nickname and age,say where you're from,and tell what your interests are.
78.AThis is generally the fastest way to get involved in a forum and to introduce yourself to others.On a movie forum you could ask something like,"I've just seen the movie Revolutionary Road.I thought it was brilliant.Has anyone read the book?"
79.Bwww.englishforums.com:To find someone to talk to using Skype,check out his site.simply put Skype in the search engine and that will bring up the many people who have posted a desire to practice their English using Skype.Its chatrooms are also good places to find English speakers.
mylanguagexchange.com:The website is an online language exchange community.There are even lesson plans to help structure the conversation.
www.englishonline.org.cn/en:The British Council's English online website is another place with lively forums worth checking out.Or you could join a Facebook group.There are thousands on the website.
80.EOne common mistake people make when they approach English speakers online is to begin by saying that they want to be friends to improve their English.
While this may be the truth,don't say it.it suggests you have little interest in a real friendship.
Be imaginative in approaching people.Perhaps you see that someone is from a certain country that you would like to visit.Tell them so,and then ask if they can tell you a bit about it.Then tell them about yours.

分析 本文介绍了在网上找到有共同兴趣的母语是英语的朋友,从而提高自己英语的方法.首先参加以自己兴趣为基础的讨论会是学习课堂以外的词汇的好方法,然后为了找到一个志趣相投的网友,你要仔细描述你自己,而制个视频是参与讨论会的方法,www.englishforums.com几个网站都可以进行这个活动,最后作者建议不要在交流开始就说出自己练习语言的目的.

解答 76.C.根据76题中的Getting involved in a forum based on your interests is also a great way to learn words that you might never have met in class.可知参加以自己兴趣为基础的讨论会是学习课堂以外的词汇的好方法,所以答案是C.Join a forum you are interested in
77.D.根据77题中的.it's a good idea to introduce yourself,give your nickname and age,say where you're from,and tell what your interests are可知为了找到一个志趣相投的网友,你要仔细描述你自己,所以答案D Describe your personal interest.
78.A.根据78题中的This is generally the fastest way to get involved in a forum 可知前句介绍参与讨论会的方法,所以答案是A.The way to get involved.
79.B.根据79题中的www.englishforums.com:To find someone to talk to using Skype,check out his site可知本段介绍进行这个活动的网站,所以答案是B.Websites to check out.
80.E.根据80题中的While this may be the truth,don't say it.it suggests you have little interest in a real friendship.和Be imaginative in approaching people.可知本段介绍在活动里可以做什么,不可以做什么.所以答案是E.Online dos and don'ts

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Many of us enjoy doing it:you turn on the camera on your mobile phone and hold it at a high angle,making your eyes look bigger and your cheekbones more defined.You turn to your best side and click.There it is-your selfie.
Over the past year,"selfie"has become a well-known term across the globe.This August the Oxford dictionary added the word to their online dictionary and defined it as:"A photograph that one has taken of oneself,typically with a smartphone or webcam and up-loaded to a social media website."
Today it's not difficult to find social networking pages full of photos people have taken of themselves and their friends.And selfie culture has become especially relevant for young people.As many as 91 percent of teenagers have posted photos of themselves online,according to a recent survey by the US Pew Research Center.
So what are the reasons for the rise of selfie culture?
"The cult (狂热) of the selfie celebrates regular people,"Pamela Rutledge,a professor at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology,told Vogue magazine."There are many more photographs available now of real people than models."
Posting selfies also allows you to control your image online."I like having the power to choose how I look,even if I'm making a funny face,"Samantha Barks,19,a high school student in the US,told Vogue.
In addition to self-expression and documentation,selfies"allow of a close friendship for long-distance friends,because you can see each other's faces every day",wrote Casey Miller at The Huffmgton Post.
But US psychologist Jill Weber is concerned that selfies might lead to social problems,"There's a danger that your self-esteem may start to be tied to the comments and‘likes'you get when you post a selfie,and they aren't based on who you are-they're based on what you look like,"Weber told Vogue."When you get nothing or a negative response,your confidence canplummet."
63.With the first paragraph,the author intends toB.
A.tell us the fun of taking a selfie
B.describe what a selfie is
C.introduce where the selfie came from
D.inform readers that the selfie is popular among teenagers
64.Why is selfie culture so popular according to the article?A
a.It enables people to choose how they look.
b.It helps people improve their self-esteem.
c.It's a chance for ordinary people to show off themselves.
d.It is believed to be a helpful way to develop a new friendship.
e.It is considered a good way to stay connected with friends that are far away.
A.a,c,e          B.b,c,d     C.a,b,c          D.b,d,e
65.What is Jill Weber's attitude toward selfies?C
A.She thinks they are a good form of self-expression and documentation.
B.She believes the disadvantages of selfies outweigh the advantages.
C.She is worried that people's self-esteem might be affected by how others react to their selfies.
D.She thinks that selfies can help people learn about their friends based on who they really are.
66.The underlined word"plummet"in the last paragraph probably meansD.
A.rapidly develop                
B.greatly exaggerate    
C.become dangerous                
D.quickly fall.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.We often see wind-horse flags in Tibetan areas.They are long cloths on which pictures of horses and scriptures(经文)are printed.People often put these flags on top of houses,or leave them where a vehicle accident happened.They prevent evil spirits from injuring people again.
    A wind-horse flag can be white,yellow,red,green or blue.These five colors symbolize the five elements that form the world; earth,water,fire,wind and sky.Another explanations that red is the sun,green is the grassland,yellow is the earth,blue is the sky,and white is the cloud.
    The wind-horse flag originated with a monk who obtained a scripture from India.When he crossed a river,he carelessly dropped the scripture into the water.He quickly saved the scripture and spread it out on a big rock to dry as he sat in meditation(默想).Suddenly violent thunder sounded like drums.The monk felt liberated(解放的)from all of his sadness,and when he opened his eyes he saw that the scripture had been blown into the sky by a strong wind.Finally,he went straight to heaven.
In order to honor the spirit of the monk and the Buddhist scripture,people printed the scripture on a piece of cloth and hung it up between the sky and the earth as though the scripture was flying in the sky.
    We also know why people put the wind-horse flag on the top of mountains and houses.The Tibetan ancestors had a very great idea about chanting scripture.They thought people not only could chant scripture,but also the five elements.The wind-home flag is a good example of how they use the wind to blow the flag,which means that the wind also chants scripture.
60.The second paragraph is mainly about the wind-horse flag'sA.
A.colors         B.styles            C.materials         D.functions
61.What happened when the monk meditated?B
A.He felt very sad about his mistake.
B.The scripture was blown into the sky.
C.He was punished by the gods.
D.Many wind-house flags were flying.
62.According to the passage,the origin of the wind-horse flag is based onC.
A.a historical event                  
B.an ancient custom
C.a religious tale                    
D.a vehicle accident
63.Why do people put wind-horse flags on the top of mountains and houses?D
A.The wind-house flags are safer there.
B.The wind-house flags can be nearer to the sky.
C.People can see the wind-house flags more clearly.
D.People believe the wind can also chant scripture.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.bored    support    personal    hero    destroy    tradition    invite    contribute
1.The retired teacher was very happy to receive a(n)invitationto the wedding ceremony of his student.
2.Nowadays people pay more attention to thetraditionalfestivals,which helps promote Chinese culture.
3.It's everyone's duty to make a(n)contributionto protecting the environment.
4.Personally,I don't think it a good way to learn English only by remembering words.
5.Many houses weredestroyedin the earthquake in Yunnan Province.
6.Most of the people who attended the speech wereboredwith it and left the room earlier.
7.In order tosupportmy son's education abroad,I have to take a part-time job on weekends.
8.We've known dand some astronauts.ifferent kinds ofheroes,such as history makers,sports stars.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Music is a language which speaks to everyone-since the day we were born we have heard music of some kind of our lives.But there are many different kinds of music and it is impossible to describe them all.Here are just a few well-known types.
Classical music is serious Western European music from the Middle Ages and it is often written for a large orchestra(管弦乐队),or for a small group of players.Many instruments can be used.A lot of classical music is also written to be sung in a theater-as opera.Classical music is very popular and schools often teach this type of music.
Jazz developed in the Southern States of North America at the beginning of this century.The black people of these states,who were originally slaves from Africa,had their own rhythms.Jazz brought classical music and African rhythms together.
Blues was originally black country music from the Southern States at the beginning of this century.It is slow,usually sad music which is often sung by one person with a guitar.
Rhythm and Blues (R&B) developed from the Blues in America in the 1940s.It became faster and more complex and used more instruments,eg.saxophone,guitar,piano,drums.The music was often about city life and white musicians started playing it as well.
Musicians developed Rock and Roll from Rhythm and Blues in the 1950s and it became popular with young people.It spread to Europe in the 1960s and is now known in most countries.A lot of pop music comes from Rock and Roll.
Pop music developed from Rock and Roll in America,Britain and Europe in the 1960s and is now in every country.
41.A classical piece of music which is sung in a theater is calledA.
A.opera         B.Rock and Roll            C jazz              D.Blues
42.Which of the following started in the Southern States of North America?B
A.Classical music
C.Rock and Roll
D.Pop music.
43.When did Rock and Roll become popular with the young?D
A.In the 1940s.B.In the 1970s.C.In the 1960s.D.In the 1950s.
44.Where did pop music develop?A
A.From Rock and Roll
B.From Blues.
C.From jazz
D.From R&B.
45.The passage is mainly aboutC.
A.music-an international language        
B.how music spread around the world
C.some well-known music and their history     
D.how music developed in America.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Speaking at a forum on student achievement last night,Professor Stephen Dinham,Chair of Teacher Education at the University of Melbourne's Graduate School of Education,said attempts to improve student self-esteem(自尊) in unreal ways,such as avoiding criticism and handing out unearned praise,are failing some of our most vulnerable (脆弱的) students.
"We know self-esteem does influence student achievement but,unfortunately,some schools attempt to do this in unreal ways,such as avoiding negative criticism and providing only‘positive reinforcement'.If we over-inflate(过分吹捧) student self-esteem in this manner,they will struggle when they get out into the wide world,"he told the audience at last night's University of Melbourne alumni event.
Professor Dinham pointed out schools focusing too much on"welfare",particularly in low socioeconomic areas,create a low expectations model that leads students to low achievement.However,schools focusing too much on the"academic"at the expense of the personal are getting it wrong,too.
"The‘welfare'and the‘academic'approaches are both wrong.What research shows is that the best teachers and schools,including those in disadvantaged areas,have a balanced focus on every student as a learner and a person.We can actually build up student self-esteem by ensuring every student feels they are achieving success and making progress.We do this by providing meaningful feedback(反馈)-which includes constructive criticism."
According to Professor Dinham,a fundamental mistake was made in the 1960s when,in line with wider social changes,schools rightly became more responsive to students as individuals.Mistakenly,being responsive to students was interpreted as also being less demanding and many schools therefore became more permissive.
The best teaching style is one where high responsiveness to individual student needs is combined with demands for students to achieve their best academically and conform to (符合,使…一致) acceptable standards of behavior.Real achievement is the best way to boost self-esteem,which can then lead to further success,he said.

67.We improve a student self-esteem in unreal ways if weC.
A.give him praise now and then
B.don't provide meaningful feedback
C.don't give them the necessary criticism
D.focus too much on his academic performance
68.If we avoid negative criticism and provide only"positive reinforcement",a student willB.
A.fail the school                   
B.have problems in the real world
C.become more confident in himself 
D.make good progress in academics
69.What Kind of mistake was made in the 1960s?B
A.The school was too strict with the students
B.The school became less demanding of the students
C.The students were given too much permissive remarks
D.The students were too much influenced by social changes
70.Which of the following is the best way to improve students'self-esteem?D
A.Responding to individual student needs
B.Making students acquire right behaviors
C.Giving them encouragement and praise
D.Having them make real achieveement.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Ugly was the cat in our department,He had only one eye.He-was also missing his ear on the same side and his tail has long ago been lost,leaving only the smallest stub(尾根).
Every time someone  saw Ugly there was  the same reaction."That's  one UGLY cat!"All the children were warned not to touch him.The adults threw rocks at him when he tried to come in their home.Ugly always had the same reaction-he would stand there until you gave up and quit.If you threw things at him,he would curl his lanky(瘦长的) body around feet in forgiveness.But if you ever picked him up,he would immediately begin sucking on your shirt,earring whatever he could find.
One day Ugly shared his love with the neighbor's huskies (a kind of dog).They did not respond kindly,and Ugly was badly injured.By the time I got to where he was lying,it was apparent Ugly's sad life was almost at an end.
Ugly lay in a wet circle and I could feel him struggling.Then l felt a familiar sucking sensation on my ear.Ugly,in so much pain,suffering and obviously dying,was trying to suck my ear.I pulled him closer to me,and he turned his one golden eye towards me.
At that moment I thought Ugly was the most beautiful,loving creature I had ever seen.Never once did he try to bite or scratch me,or even try to get away from me,or struggle in any way.Ugly just looked up at me completely trusting in me to relieve his pain.
Ugly died in my arms but I sat and held him thinking about how one ugly little thing could so change my opinion about what it means to have true pureness of spirit,to love so totally and truly.He had been hurt on the outside,but I was hurt on the inside,and it was time for me to move on and learn to love truly and deeply.
Many people want to be richer,more successful,well liked,beautiful,but for me,I will always try to be Ugly.

51.What would people usually do to Ugly?C
A.Treat him like their own pet.
B.Smile at him because of his appearance.
C.Avoid him because be was ugly.
D.Pick him up and show kindness.
52.What happened to Ugly one day?D
A.He was hit by rocks.
B.He curled his lanky leg,
C.He made friends with huskies.
D.He was badly hurt by dogs.
53.Why did the writer think Ugly was beautiful and loving?B
A.He was suffering and pitiful.
B.He showed his love despite his pain.
C.He was always loved by the writer.
D.He used to bite people but got forgiveness.
54.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?D
A.The writer wants to be ugly.
B.The writer preferred pets with scars
C.The writer got.sense of pride from helping the cat.
D.The writer rethought the meaning of love and care.
55.What can we learn from the story?B
A.Better late than never.
B.Never judge from appearance.
C.Hardship can be treasure in life.
D.Curiosity killed the cat.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Everyone needs friends.We all like to feel close to someone.It is nice to have a friend to talk,laugh and do things with.Surely,there are times when we need to be alone.We don't always want people around.But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.
No two people are the same.Sometimes friends don't get along well,which doesn't mean that they no longer like each other.Most of the time they will go on being friends.Sometimes friends move away,then we feel very sad.We miss them much,but we can call them and write to them.Maybe we would never see them again,and we can make new friends.It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.Families sometimes name their children after a close friend.Many places are named after men and women,if they are friendly to people in a town.Some libraries are named this way.So are some schools.We think of these people when we go to these places.
There's more good news for people,if they have friends.These people live longer than those people if those don't have friends.Why?It could be that they are happier.Being happy helps you stay well.Or it could be just knowing that someone cares,if someone cares about you,you will take better care of yourself.
59.The first paragraph tells usC.
A.none needs friends    
B.we always need friends around us
C.making friends is the need in people's life   
D.we need to be alone
60.If people have friends,they would live longer,becauseD.
A.they feel happier and healthier
B.they get a lot of help from their friends
C.they take better care of themselves    
D.both A and C
61.This passage tells usB.
A.that people are all friends            
B.that people need friends
C.how to get to know friends         
D.how to name a place.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.-________,Nick.The concert is about to begin.
-All right,Mom.I just rose to greet Tom,my classmate.(  )
A.Take heartB.Take your timeC.Take your placeD.Take care

