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Your school asked parents about the social development in children in the last Parents' Meeting. Here are some opinions. Read the following information and answer the questions.

Parent 1: Social development in children is an important part of childhood. Social activities can help enhance children's social abilities and make them more confident.

Parent 2: Social development should begin at a very early age. It is important for young children before starting school. Playing with other children can help them get skills needed to make new friends.

Parent 3: Many ball games are a great way to encourage children to communicate with other kids. It's a good idea for them to play basketball or football together. They can learn teamwork.

School headmaster: Parents should try to allow children to deal with the situation on their own first. Children can learn what works and what doesn't work from their failures, which help children act properly in the future's society.

(1)The underlined word “enhance” can be replaced by.
(2)What kind of activities may be supported by the third parent for his/her children?
A.Playing basketball with friends.
B.Playing computer games.
C.Holding parties at home.
D.Watching TV alone.
(3)Which is NOT the advantage from social development according to these parents and headmaster's opinions?
A.Children become more confident.
B.Children get skills needed to make new friends.
C.Children learn teamwork.
D.Children are afraid of making mistakes.


⑴词义猜测。根据make them more confident.是他们更自信。可知是:提高孩子的能力。所以答案是B。

⑵细节理解。根据文中It's a good idea for them to play basketball or football together.打篮球或踢足球是一个好主意。所以答案是A。

⑶细节理解。根据文中make them more confident.是他们更自信;help them get skills needed to make new friends.得到技能,交新朋友;They can learn teamwork.他们能学到团队合作。可知D项不是优势。所以答案是D。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读理解A Blessed Teacher
I remembered Ricky came back to see me ten years after he was in my class. He told me how I had inadvertently(不经意地) changed his life.
Ricky often gazed out the window during one of my ninth-grade history classes early in my teaching career. He was quiet, and his good grades and mild manner were why I did not move him away from the seat by the window.
One day, I leaned over his shoulder and quietly asked, “What are you looking at? You gaze out of this window during every class.”
He said, “I am looking at the band.”
According to Ricky, I said, “If you like the band so much that you have to look at them during this class every day, I want you to go down to Mr. Overby (the band teacher) and tell him that I sent you. Tell him that you want to be in the band. Now turn around and finish working before the bell rings.”
The next day Ricky went to Mr. Overby and told him I had sent him and he wanted to be in the band. He added that he did not know how to play any instrument.
When Ricky visited me ten years later, he thanked me for telling him to go to Mr. Over by because he fell in love with music and discovered his musical talent that had not been tapped. His musical talent resulted in him getting a scholarship to college and earning a degree that now allowed him to provide for his family. Most of all, music had brought great pleasure and satisfaction to his life.
After Ricky thanked me, I pointed out that he did all of the hard work it took to become the wonderfully talented person that he was. I did not make him walk downstairs to join the band, practice his instrument, and get the good grades that led to his college scholarship.
Ricky responded that I could have yelled at him for looking out the window. Instead, I gave him an alternative that changed his whole life.
After he left, I thought about his words. I realized that I was teaching children with every word I said, every action I took, and with every decision I made. Ricky's story raised my teaching bar. Most of all, I have never forgotten the lesson Ricky taught me, a blessed teacher.
(1)Which of the following words can best describe the author?
A.Curious and helpful.
B.Independent and creative.
C.Tolerant and responsible.
D.Courageous and professional.
(2)What did the author do when he found Ricky gazed out?
A.He yelled at Ricky.
B.He moved him away from the seat.
C.He took Ricky to Mr. Over by.
D.He asked Ricky to finish working first.
(3)Ricky thanked his teacher because his teacher .
A.encouraged him a lot
B.taught him to practice the instrument
C.discovered his musical talent
D.made a difference in his life


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
History has some very special qualities about it. It is a 1 of what has happened in the past, and the really interesting thing is that much of history has been 2 time and again. It allows us to learn from the past, both the 3 made and the successes achieved.
One of the 4 of history is that it allows us to know how famous people 5 when they were faced with challenges in their life. 6 these challenges happened at a certain time in the past or in a 7 country or culture, all of them can always teach us something 8.
Take for example the 9 of Thomas Edison and how many times he 10 while on the road to finally inventing the light bulb (电灯泡). He could be held out as an example of a person who 11 stopped trying. I am sure he was 12by those difficulties but he did not let them stop him. He had a 13 and he just kept trying until he reached success.
Or, think about the story of Abraham Lincoln who 14 to become President of the United States even though he suffered 15 losses. Most of us only know about his success. 16, his life was not an easy one. His story makes us keep moving forward no matter what 17 we have in life.
These true history stories will make you stop to reconsider 18 or food for thought about going after your dreams even though you may not think you have the courage or the 19 for now to get what you have always wanted. They could help you make decisions and 20 when you have no idea what to do. They could inspire you to be all that you can be.
(1)A.note B.belief C.chance D.record
(2)A.reported B.expected C.repeated D.corrected
(3)A.mistakes B.jokes C.agreements D.challenges
(4)A.events B.periods C.problems D.advantages
(5)A.studied B.reacted C.competed D.explored
(6)A.Although B.Because C.Unless D.Whether
(7)A.developed B.poor C.different D.popular
(8)A.clear B.simple C.special D.useful
(9)A.name B.story C.position D.character
(10)A.failed B.watched C.escaped D.traveled
(11)A.also B.often C.still D.never
(12)A.shocked B.beaten C.discouraged D.controlled
(13)A.job B.dream C.duty D.power
(14)A.happened B.prepared C.pretended D.managed
(15)A.hearing B.weight C.personal D.slight
(16)A.In fact B.As usual C.In all D.After all
(17)A.directions B.improvements C.permissions D.difficulties
(18)A.passing by B.giving up C.setting off D.calming down
(19)A.ability B.habit C.goal D.choice
(20)A.introductions B.conversations C.judgments D.Impressions


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Have you ever wondered whether where is life on Mars? The bog Red Planet is a mystery to us but (hope) not for much longer.
On November 11, the Mars rover(漫步者) (name) Curiosity started its journey into space. After eight months flying in a rocket, Curiosity covered more than 566 million kilometers and finally landed on Mars — according to BBC reports.
The rover is there to find out there is, or ever was, life on the cold, desert-like planet.
The place Curiosity landed is called Gale Crater, a huge hole on Mars. Scientists believe that there (be) once water and even life there.
In order to do its job, Curiosity is packed with many (use) tools, though it is only three meters long, about the size of a small car.
It has a robot arm that can collect soil and drill into rock. It also carries own laser gun. The gun can turn a small amount of rock into gas, so that Curiosity can study what the rock (make) up of.
the help of these tools, Curiosity will act as a robot geologist. For the next two years, it will stay and travel inside Gale Crater, (collect) and studying rock and soil.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Today, we talk about a common object that appears in many expressions — buttons! Buttons, which are usually small and round and made of metal or plastic, are found on all sorts of clothing. They fasten or connect one piece of clothing to another in order to make sure your clothes don’t fall off.

To be cute as a button is an old saying, which means to be attractive or sweet, but in a small way. Babies are often described as cute as a button. Language experts don’t know why. But they do say this expression dates back to the late 1860s.

Here is another expression related to button: button-down. People often wear button-down shirts to the office. Button-down as an adjective means to be conservative or traditional. People described as button-down stay as close as possible to the normal way of dressing and behaving.

When buttoning a button you slip it into a buttonhole. A buttonhole traps the button. So, to buttonhole someone means you have trapped them in a spoken conversation. Now, let’s say you find yourself buttonholed in a conversation at a party. Someone just keeps talking and talking and talking! Finally, you can’t take it any longer. You tell the person to button it! This is a direct, but unacceptable way of saying “Stop talking!” Button your lip is another equally rude but effective way to stop a person who talks too much.

Another kind of difficult person is someone who pushes one’s buttons. To push one’s buttons means to know exactly how to get that person angry or upset. People who like to push other people’s buttons usually do it for selfish reasons. They find a person’s weak point and then they use it to upset them.

1What do you think of someone who wears a button-down shirt to the office?

A. Funny. B. Traditional.

C. Crazy. D. Fashionable.

2What will you probably say to get rid of a long and boring talk?

A. Button your lip. B. Be cute as a button.

C. Push your buttons. D. Be button-down.

3How does the fourth paragraph mainly develop?

A. By giving examples. B. By making contrasts.

C. By listing figures. D. By analyzing cause and effect.

4What does the underlined phrase “pushes one’s buttons” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. Learns of one’s secret. B. Shouts loudly.

C. Gets someone to lose his temper. D. Argues with someone.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Standing in front of the “Chilkoot Trailhead” sign for 15 minutes, I didn't take one step. I was afraid of bears. That's what was keeping me from walking the trail alone. I had hiked through black-bear country back home in Colorado, but now I was in Alaska, home to the fierce brown grizzly bear.
Fortunately, a friendly couple arrived and asked me to take their picture. We started talking and soon were walking the trail together. I was relieved. Ron and Carol were from Alaska and they taught me how to stay safe in bear country.
I had finally started my hike along the famous Chilkoot Trail, where more than 115 years ago, thousands of gold miners had walked. I was writing a book about the Klondike Gold Rush, and I wanted to follow in the footsteps of the miners to know what it was really like.
Ron, Carol, and I walked through the forest. As I was looking around at the beautiful scenery in the forest, I tripped (绊倒) over a big tree root and injured my ankle (脚踝). Fortunately, my ankle felt better in the morning, and we followed the trail. We went to bed early that night because the following day would be the toughest hike of all.
At dawn, we started hiking up the steep (陡峭的), green valley. Icy glaciers covered the mountains above. Soon we were as high as the clouds and could see only 20 feet in front of us. Finally, we reached the top of the Chilkoot pass and saw a Canadian flag moving in the heavy wind. Hours later, we arrived at our campground.
The following morning, my ankle was feeling fine, and my fear of bears had mostly disappeared. I said good-bye to Ron and Carol and walked alone for the next two days. Without seeing any bears the entire trip, I finally arrived at Bennett Lake. I rode the old train down to the town of Skagway and checked into my hotel.
While relaxing in my comfortable bed in the hotel, I thought of the miners from the Klondike Gold Rush. When the miners reached Bennett Lake, they had to cut down trees, build boats, and travel 500 miles down dangerous rivers and lakes. Then, when they finally reached the goldfields, they had to start digging.
(1)Why did the author stand in front of the “Chilkoot Trailhead” sign for 15 minutes?
A.To wait for Ron and Carol.
B.Because he felt nervous.
C.Because he met a black bear.
D.To take photos of the beautiful scenery.
(2)The author hiked along the Chilkoot Trail to ________.
A.find inspiration for his writing
B.search Alaska for bears
C.enjoy the beauty of nature
D.look for gold
(3)When crossing the Chilkoot Trail, the author ________.
A.got help from two local miners
B.once tried to take a boat trip
C.hurt himself by accident
D.was almost killed by a brown bear
(4)What kind of feeling did the author mainly show in the last paragraph?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Chicago festival season is here, but are you ready? Music festivals, film series, street fests, beer bashes—it’s a summer long party. So pull out your calendar, reference our guide and start blocking off weekends.

Friday Art Markets at Daley Plaza

Select Fridays August 19 through Stepmber

Daley Plaza

Cost: Free



Nearly 75 artists will be exhibiting their work in Daley Plaza, including jewelry, ceramics, sculpture, paintings, glass, wearables, wood and mixed media.

Renegade Chicago Pop-Up

Sept. 9-10


Cost: Free



Get your hands on the goods at this outdoor celebration of all things handmade. Festivities include food trucks, DJ sets, craft brews, DIY workshops, photo ops and shopping.

Millennium Park Summer Music Series

Select Mondays and Thursdays June 12 through Aug. 21

Millennium Park

Cost: Free



Grab a blanket and some picnic snacks for a free outdoor concert in the park. The music series features a wide variety of music from top local, national and international artists.

Northsider Craft Beer Fest

Sept 23


Cost: $ 15-$ 69



Spend a day on the green sampling beers and hard ciders (苹果汁) from breweries across the country, including Colorado, Michigan, California and Wisconsin—and let’s not forget those in our own home state, too.

1What can you buy when you visit Friday Art Markets at Daley Plaza?

A. Art works. B. Beers.

C. Picnic snacks. D. Fruit juice.

2Which of the following lasts more than two months?

A. Friday Art Markets at Daley Plaza. B. Renegade Chicago Pop-Up.

C. Millennium Park Summer Music Serie. D. Northsider Craft Beer Fest.

3What is special about Northsider Craft Beer Fest?

A. You can enjoy free drinks. B. You have to pay to attend it.

C. You can appreciate a concert. D. You can create your own beer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Welcome to Adventureland!

Everyone loves Adventureland! The Parks and Exhibitions were built for you to explore(探索), enjoy, and admire their wonders. Every visit will be an unforgettable experience. You will go away enriched, longing to come back. What are you going to do this time?

The Travel Pavilion

Explore places you have never been to before, and experience different ways of life.

Visit the Amazon jungle(丛林)village, the Turkish market, the Tai floating market, the Berber mountain house and others. Talk to the people there who will tell you about their lives, and things they make. You can try making a carpet, making nets, fishing…

The Future Tower

This exhibition shows how progress will touch our lives. It allows us to look into the future and explore the cities of the next century and the way we’ll be living then. Spend some time in our space station and climb into our simulator(模拟装置)for the Journey to Mars!

The Nature Park

This is not really one park but several.

In the Safari Park you can drive among African animals in one of our Range Cruisers: see lions, giraffes, elephants in the wild. Move on to the Ocean Park to watch the dolphins and whales. And then there is still the Aviary to see…

The Pyramid

This is the center of Adventureland. Run out of film, need some postcards and stamps? For all these things and many more, visit our underground shopping center. Come here for information and ideas too.

1The Travel Pavilion is built to help visitors .

A. realize the importance of travelling

B. learn something about different places in the world

C. learn how to make things such as fishing nets

D. become familiar with mountain countries

2If you are interested in knowing about what people’s life will be, you may visit .

A. the Travel Pavilion B. the Pyramid

C. the Safari Park D. the Future Tower

3If you want to get a toy lion to take home, where will you most likely go?

A. The Pyramid. B. The Nature Park.

C. The Future Tower. D. The Travel Parvilion.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The US will have a new president this fall. Voters will decide between the Democratic candidate (候选人), Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump of the Republicans.
But the voting is not a must for each person in the US. So quite a lot of people choose not to vote, especially the young generation. According to Fox News, one-in-five young voters between the ages of 18 and 35 said clearly that they wouldn't vote for either of the two candidates. Just 12 percent of voters aged 35-54, and only nine percent of voters aged 55 and older said the same thing.
This is not only because young people don't like Clinton or Trump, according to the Fortune magazine. The truth is that they are traditionally less likely to vote than their parents.
“Young people are not at an age in their life when they think politics or government has anything to do with them,” said Rodd Freitag, a political science professor at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, US. “But for the older age groups, they have a home, they pay taxes (税), they care about schools and the community.”
Many believe that the civic (公民的) education of an American youth is another reason why they don't vote.
Students usually just do community services like cleaning the neighborhoods. This means they haven't learned how to link real life problems to politics through voting, according to Christopher Beem, a politics professor at the Pennsylvania State University.
He said the country needs to help young people learn how to take part in politics and get them to see that they can make a difference.
(1)What percentage of young voters wouldn't go to vote?
A.9 percent.
B.12 percent.
C.20 percent.
D.55 percent.
(2)According to Rodd Freitag, young people are less likely to vote because ________.
A.they don't like either of the candidates
B.their parents don't like to vote
C.they don't think it is a part of their life
D.they have no work and care little about living problems
(3)Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.US Young Not Voting
B.US Young and Their President
C.Young People's Power
D.Voting for the New US President

