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5.Although many companies offer tuition reimbursement(偿付),most companies reimburse employees only for classes that are relevant to their positions.This is a very limiting policy.A company that reimburses employees for all college credit course-whether job related or not-offers a service onot only to the employees,but to the entire company.
One good reason for giving employees unconditional tuition reimbursement is that it shows the company's dedication to its employees.In today's economy,where job security is a thing of the past and employees feel more and more expendable,it is important for a company to demonstrate to its employees that it cares.The best way to do this is to make investments in them.
In return,this dedication to the betterment of company employees will create greater employee loyalty.A company that puts out funds to pay for the education of its employees will get its money back by having employees stay with the company longer.It will reduce employ turnover(流动),because even employees who don't take advantage of tuition reimbursement program will be more loyal to their company,just knowing that their company cares enough to pay their education.
Most importantly,the company that has an unrestricted tuition reimbursement program will have higher quality employees.Although these companies do indeed run the risk of losing money on employees who go on to another job in a different company as soon as they get their degree,more often than not,the employees will stay with the company.And even if employees do leave after graduation,it generally takes several years to complete any degree program.Thus,even if the employee leaves upon graduating,throughout those years,the employer will have a more sophisticated,more intelligent,and therefore more valuable and productive employee.And,if the employee stays,that education will doubly benefit the company:Not only is the employee more educated,but now that employee can be promoted so the company doesn't have to fill a high-level vacancy from the outside.Open positions can be filled by people who already know the company well.
Though unconditional tuition reimbursement requires a significant investment on the employer's part,it is perhaps one of the wisest investments a company can make.

(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

78.According to the passage,what is unrestricted tuition reimbursement?
To reimburse/Reimburse employees for all college credit courses
79.A company gives employees unconditional tuition reimbursement in order toshow the company's dedication to its employees.
80.Two most important results of unconditional tuition reimbursement are that the companies will probablycreate greater employee loyalty and have higher quality employees.
81.If the employee stays after graduation,he will bring the company more benefits becausehe is more educated and fit for a high-level vacancy.

分析 本篇文讲的是关于公司为员工提供学费报销的政策的分析,文章主要一开始论述了是否该报销学费,后分析报销进修学费带来的好处:增加员工忠诚度,提高员工素质.利于企业的良性发展.

解答 78.To reimburse/Reimburse employees for all college credit courses  解析:根据文章第一段,我们可知,"unrestricted tuition reimbursement"是和"limiting policy"相反的定义,即后一句:A company that reimburses employees for all college credit courses
79.show the company's dedication to its employees  解析:根据文章对二段:One good reason for giving employees unconditional tuition reimbursement is that it shows the company's dedication to its employees可知.给员工报销学费目的是对员工表达关怀.
80.create greater employee loyalty and have higher quality employees 解析:第三第四段分别说明了该政策会带来的两种后果,即"this dedication to the betterment of company employees will create greater employee loyalty."以及"Most importantly,the company that has an unrestricted tuition reimbursement program will have higher quality employees."总结两个观点可得.
81.he is more educated and fit for a high-level vacancy 解析:根据文章最后一段可知"Not only is the employee more educated,but now that employee can be promoted so the company doesn't have to fill a high-level vacancy from the outside.Open positions can be filled by people who already know the company well."经过教育的员工对本公司更为了解,公司也不用从外部招募人才,填补空缺.

点评 本文是人物故事类的阅读表达,要求学生在阅读理解的基础上,根据短文后的题目,在文中找到相关的内容,并用简洁、准确的句子,将理解的内容,书面表达出来.做题时,注意表达的内容不要超出规定的字数.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Large earthquakes __________ the ocean can create a series of huge,destructive waves called tsunamis that flood coasts for many miles.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.It's _____ sense that the _____ temperature of the human body is around 37℃.(  )
A.usual; ordinaryB.usual; normal
C.common; normalD.common; ordinary


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.The teacher stressed again that the students should not ____any important details while retelling the story.(  )
A.bring outB.let outC.leave outD.make out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

20.Proxemics (空间关系学) is the study of what governs how closely one person stands to another.People who feel close will be close,though the actual distances will vary between cultures.For Americans we can detect four main categories of distance:intimate (亲密的),personal,social and public.Intimate ranges from direct contact to about 45 centimeters.This is for the closest relationships such as those between husband and wife.Beyond this comes personal distance.This stands at between 45 and 80 centimeters.It is the most usual distance maintained for conversations between friends and relatives.Social distance covers people who work together or are meeting at social gatherings.Distances here tend to be kept between 1.30 to 2 meters.Beyond this comes public distance,such as that between a lecturer and his audience.
All cultures draw lines between what is an appropriate and what is an inappropriate social distance for different types of relationship.They differ,however,in where they draw these lines.Look at an international reception with representatives from the US and Arabic countries talking and you will see the Americans pirouetting (快速旋转) backwards around the hall pursued by their Arab partners.The Americans will be trying to keep the distance between themselves and their partners which they have grown used to regarding as"normal".They probably will not even notice themselves trying to adjust the distance between themselves and their partners,though they may have vague feeling that their Arab neighbors are being a bit"pushy".The Arab,on the other hand,coming from a culture where much closer distance is the pattern,may be feeling that the Americans are being"stand-offish".Finding themselves happier standing close to and even touching those they are in conversation with they will persistently pursue the Americans round the room trying to close the distance between them.
The appropriateness of physical contact varies between different cultures too.One study of the number of times people talking in coffee shops over a one-hour period showed the following interesting variations:London,0; Florida,2; Paris,10; and Puerto Rico 180.Not only does it vary between societies,however,it also varies between different subcultures within one society.Young people in Britain,for example,are more likely to touch and hug friends than are the older generation.This may be partly a matter of growing older,but it also reflects the fact that the older generation grew up at a time when touching was less common for all age groups.Forty years ago,for example,footballers would never hug and kiss one another on the field after a goal as they do today.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)
78.What govern the standing space between two persons in proxemics?Relationships
79.The underlined word"stand-offish"in Paragraph 2 most probably means"cold/distant/keeping others at arm's length/not easily getting along".
80.Why may Arabs pursue Americans in a conversation at an international reception?
Because they try to close the distance between them
81.What can be inferred from the last paragraph is that the appropriateness of physical contact also varies withtime.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.This coming year promises to be an exciting one for technology and science.There is already a line-up of great new gadget (小玩意).We have chosen four for you.
No.1  The Air Board 1.0is a fantastic new way to get around.If you are tired of walking,or just want to get somewhere at a relaxed pace,then the Air Board 1.0is for you.The board works when you step onto the pressure pads.These can read the weight and the movement of the rider.If you want to turn,all you have to do is move your weight to the left or right and the board will do the rest.It is very quick and easy.According to the official website,the power will last for about ten miles (16km).It can travel at the speed of 10miles an hour and it takes one hour to be fully charged.
No.2Do you enjoy using herbs and spices (香料) when cooking?Then this little gadget,inspired by NASA space technology,might be for you.It makes sure that you always have fresh and well-grown herbs or plants when and where you need them.The Click & Grow is designed to be small and efficient so it can fit on your countertop (厨房操作台).It is self-watering,it checks itself and it also has a LED grown light that makes sure the plants grow fast,strong,and healthy.For those interested,to use this gadget,all you need to do is place the plant box in,fill it up with water and plug it in.Simple,right?So instead of digging through the garden mud for your herbs,why don't you make them in the control of your own kitchen?
No.3  The Miito gadget is perfect for all homes,and especially those who like to care for the environment.Miito has been called"the kettle of the future"by the Gadget Flow platform for its futuristic ideas and design.The Miito kettle is designed to heat up the water in any container.For example,if you need a cup of water,you would fill the cup with the right amount of water and place it onto the kettle.After placing the rod into the water,the rod would heat up and so would the water.Though it can't heat anything made of iron,the Miito's design and unique method of heating don't only save water.They also save electricity.
No.4  Have you ever wished you could walk through the worlds of your games,seeing things as your characters would?Well now,you can.The Rift released by Oculus VR is the latest and greatest in gaming technology so far.Designed by American Palmer Luckey,23,this clever head set allows you to see the worlds of your games in 3-D.Although you might need to upgrade your computer to get the full gaming experience with the Rift,it's the next step in virtual reality and it's improving the way we can play games.Alongside the Oculus headset,the teams are working on creating a controller named Oculus.The Oculus Rift has been designed so that players can't only see,but also play in,3-D worlds.
46.It will take youD to get to your school (2.5miles away) on a fully-charged Air Board 1.0.
47.No.2can be sorted as aA gadget.
48.According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?D
A.All the four gadgets have to be operated by hand.
B.Miito,a kettle made of iron,can save electricity.
C.The clever head set,the Rift,has been named after its designer.
D.The Rift is one of the popular gaming products by Oculus VR.
49.Where is the text most probably from?C
A.An experiment report.
B.A travel journal.
C.A science report.
D.A scientific story.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.The new classroom will be constructed this year,and a firm from Korea has been chosen to ______ the work.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Dear Sharon Draper,
A lot of books have flashes of insight,but only few of them can open the readers'mind and make them realize something new.Your book,Out of My Mind,filled me with those sparks.I enjoyed getting to know Melody.Despite the fact that she had cerebral palsy(脑瘫),Melody had an amazing character that shone brightly.Out of My Mind helped me learn a life-long lesson.
Your book has changed my point of view.I never teased those who had special needs,but I never really felt comfortable around them either.When I started reading your novel,I saw how Melody was a smart and talented girl.At the beginning of the book,I asked myself,"Would I be Melody's friend?"The voice in my stomach told me the sad truth:no.I carried on with your book from start to finish,and when I closed it,I asked myself the same question,"Would I be Melody's friend?"I realized,with a smile,that the answer was right in front of me.Throughout Out of My Mind,I had become Melody's friend.
Last year,there was a boy in my class who had Asperger's syndrome(阿斯伯格综合症).I didn't really know him; he just seemed different to me.This was around the time that I read your novel.Melody showed me how she was just as good as anyone else in her classroom and how the same goes for anyone else with disabilities.The boy in my class amazed me by what he was capable of doing.As the days went by,I started helping him instead of avoiding him.
Melody opened my eyes and cleared the world around me.She showed me how a girl with cerebral palsy was the same as a girl like me.Now it is time for me to thank you for writing this amazing novel.I will never forget your fantastic book.
Margaret Lim

36.Before Margaret Lim read Out of My Mind,sheC.
A.often laughed at those who are disabled
B.liked to help those who had special needs
C.wouldn't make friends with the disabled
D.looked down upon those who are different
37.According to the passage,the author mainly thinks Out of My Mind isB.
A.beautiful in words                    
B.influential to readers
C.skilful at writing                      
D.successful in sales
38.What does the second paragraph mainly talk aboutB?
A.The characters of a disabled girl.
B.The change of Margaret's attitude toward the disabled.
C.The friendship between Margaret and Melody.
D.The main content of Out of My Mind.
39.What can we learn from the third paragraphC?
A.Melody became Margaret Lim's classmate and they became good friends.
B.The boy who had Asperger's syndrome was different from his classmates.
C.The disabled can deal with many things as well as the healthy people.
D.Margaret Lim often helped the disabled boy since they became classmates.
40.Sharon Draper is probably a(n)D.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Many media seem to _______ the wrong concept that being slim is being beautiful,so many teenagers are going on a diet blindly.(  )

