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科目: 来源:同步题 题型:情景交际

根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,使对话内容完整、通顺 。
Li Jun: Good morning,Doctor.
Doctor: Good morning.   1.____
Li Jun:   2.____ I've got a pain here.
Doctor: 3.____
Li Jun:Since yesterday evening. I couldn't sleep well last night.
Doctor:Let me see. Do you feel the pain here?
Li Jun:Yes. Is it very serious,Doctor?
Doctor:   4.____    But you'd better stay in bed for two days. And I'd  like you to take these pills
              three times a day.   5.____
Li Jun:Thanks a lot,Doctor.
Doctor:You're welcome.
A. I don't think it's anything serious.
B. There's something wrong with my back.
C. How long have you had it?
D. You'll be all right in two or three days.
E. What's wrong with you?


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:情景交际

     根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,使对话内容完整、通顺(其中有两项为多余选项) 。 
A: What can I do for you,sir?
B: I'd like to have some beef today.
A:   1._____
B: Then bring me some chicken.
A:   2._____
B: OK,I'll have some vegetables for a change.
A:  3._____
B: Well, what do you sell today?
A:   4._____
B: Fish? I've had fish for three days,I want something different.
A:   5.______
A. Sorry,we are out of beef today.
B. I'm very sorry, sir. We didn't get any vegetables this
C. Yes,here you are.
D. We have very good fish.
E. Anything else?
F. But there is only fish in the market these days.
G. Well.all the chicken is gone.


科目: 来源:江西省高考真题 题型:情景交际

Travel Agent--T;  Paul--P
T: Good afternoon, how can I help you?
P: Hi, I want to b   1   a room and some tickets for the summer holiday.
T: Where are you going?
P: Sydney.
T: And how many people will be going?
P: Four. Two a   2   and two children.
T: W  3   would you like to go?
P: Anytime after 12th July, but  b  4   20th  July. Can you tell me the  p  5   of the cheapest flight?
T: Sure, can I ask if your children are over two years old?
P: Yes, they are.
T: In that  c  6   , for the flight they will be charged at children's rates and for the hotel there won't be
    any charge. It l   7   on 15th July and returns on 29th July on Virgin Atlantic. This is the cheapest flight
    a   8   .
P: Fine. Do you have a  c   9   of the journey plan that I can take away with me?
T: ure. I hope to hear from you soon.
P: Thanks. I'll think about it tonight and ring you in the m  10   tomorrow.
T: Thanks. I'm looking forward to your reply.


科目: 来源:0128 模拟题 题型:情景交际

A: Good morning, Betty. You look so weak.   1  
B: It's hard for me to breathe.    2   
A: How long have you been like this? B: Since about two weeks ago.
A:    3  
B: There's a chemical plant near our town, which produces such harmful gases that the air has been
seriously polluted.
A:   4   Pollution has caused too many environmental problems recently. We'd better do something to
prevent it from going like this.
B:   5    Shall we write a letter to the local government about the problem?
A: Good idea. Let's put it into practice at once. But…now I suggest you go to see a doctor first.
B: Thank you. And maybe I'll have to think about leaving this town and moving to a better place.
A. Why not see a doctor?
B. What's the matter?
C. I have a different opinion.
D. My chest hurts
E. I can't agree more.
F. It sounds terrible.
G. What happened?


科目: 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:情景交际

— What do you think I ought to see first in London? I'm told one ought to the British Museum. Do you
     think I shall have time for that? 
— 1_____ But if I were you, I should leave that for some other day. You could spend a whole day there.
     It's much too big to be seen in an hour or so.
— I suppose it is 2_____
— That's not a bad idea. You could spend a couple of hours there comfortably, or even a whole afternoon,
     watching the wild animals and al those birds. You could have tea there too. 
— I'll do that. Then, How do I get there? 
— 3_____ Where are we now? Oh, there's they big building. I think your best way from here is to take Baker
— 4_____ 
— Oh, no, a quarter of an hour or so, but, if you're in a hurry, why not take a taxi? 
— I think I will. 5_____ Taxi!
A. Let me see you might.
B. Will you might.
C. What time is it now?
D. Is it much of a walk?
E. Ah, here's one coming.
F. What about going to the Zoo?
G. Must I stay in London for long?


科目: 来源:高考真题 题型:情景交际

— Debbie! I can't believe it! I haven't seen you for ages. 
— Dorothy! It's really a nice surprise! 1_____
— Pretty good.
— 2_____
— I wish I could, but I'm on my way out. I have to be in the city in an hour.
— 3_____
— There's a lot of traffic and I really have to get going. You know where I live-why don't you drop
      in one evening?
— I'll do that. 4_____ Let's keep in touch.
— I'd really like to. I'll talk to you soon, Debbie. I'm glad I ran into you.
— 5_____
A. Take care.
B. How are you?
C. Where have you been?
D. Can you join me?
E. Come on, just for a minute.
F. And you should feel free to call or visit me.
G. It's been a whole year since we saw each other last time.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:情景交际

从下面方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,使对话内容完整通顺 。
A: Pardon me, officer. I want to go to Bums Park.    1._____
B: Yes, Miss. Burns Park is about half a mile from here.  2._____
    The bus stop is on the other side of the street.
A: Well, I'd like to walk .there because it is within walking
B: All right. We're now on Main Street.  3._____
A: I see.
B: Go straight along Main Street as far as First Street.    4 ._____ Then
    you'll come to Lincoln Street.
A: Lincoln Street?
B: 5._____   Walk for a few minutes. Burns Park begins at the corner of Lincoln and Fifth.
A: Thank you, officer.
B: You're welcome. Good-bye.
A. Go this way along until you come to First Street.
B. Turn left onto First Street and walk about two blocks.
C. Do you want to take a bus or walk?
D. Yes, then turn right.
E. Would you please tell me how to get there?


科目: 来源:山东省模拟题 题型:情景交际

A. You are lucky to be in such a big city where everything is wonderful.
B: I don't think so.   1   
A: Why? City life seems to be very interesting and comfortable.
B:    2    You see citizens are obliged to accept an unnatural way of life. They can hardly enjoy sunshine
because of tall buildings around their houses.
A: That's terrible.   3  
B: Yes, perhaps. But the cost of living is much higher.  4   
A: I didn't think of that. Now I'd rather live in my village all my life. Would you like to go to the country
for a change?
B: Great!   5  
A. But working in a big city means much more money without hard work like farming.
B. Actually I don't have interest in city life.
C. I think country life is as interesting as city life.
D. Not really.
E. Sometimes people can't make ends meet these years.
F. So it is.
G. I'd love to if I'm free.


科目: 来源:四川省期中题 题型:情景交际

补全对话  。
— Good evening. Grandma's Restaurant. May I help you?
— Good evening.   1  
— Thank you. May I have your name, Miss?
— Mary Brown.
—   2  
— I'd like to order the "Free Matching Dinner for 2".
— Yes, you may choose two soups, two drinks and four main courses from the menu.
—   3  
— Are you ready? What kind of soup do you want?
— Chicken soup and tomato soup.
—   4  
— I'd like a plate of noodles ,two chicken wings,some beef and a bowl of rice.
—    5  
— Just a coke and some green tea, please.
— May I have your address, please?
— Sure, 6A Kingston Court, Belair Cardens, Shatin.
— Okay, your food will be delivered in half an hour. Thanks for calling.
A. May I book a table in your restaurant for tonight?
B. I would like to order some food for dinner.
C. Miss Brown, please tell me your order.
D. How about your main courses?
E. Would you like some drinks?
F. Okay. Let me see.
G. And your drinks?


科目: 来源:四川省模拟题 题型:情景交际

Policeman: Now, Jimmy, did you get a good view of the accident?
Jimmy: Oh, yes. I was standing outside the bank building and I saw it quite clearly.
Policeman: Do you know what time it was?
Jimmy: Yes.   1  . It was 2:45 exactly.
Policeman: Good.   2  .
Jimmy: Well, quite slowly - about 10 miles an hour. It was coming up York Road.   3 
            But they were still red when he went over them.
Policeman: I see.   4  was it also driving slowly?
Jimmy: It was coming along Union Street about 30 miles per hour. It was a blue Toyota.   5 .
Policeman: Did you see what colour his traffic light was?
Jimmy: Yes, it changed to yellow just before he crossed it.
A. What about the car?
B. I checked my watch.
C. Didn't you see the car?
D. Now, how fast was the truck moving?
E. Was the car going beyond the speed limit?
F. I suppose the truck driver knew the lights were going to change.
G. The driver stopped his car when he saw the truck crossing the street.

