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科目: 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

1. Why does the man want to go in May?  
A. It's cheaper to go by plane than by train.  
B. It's easier to get a ticket.  
C. It's the most beautiful season.
2. Where does the man want to go?   
A.To Guangzhou.    
B.To Shanghai.    
C.To Beijing.
3. What can the woman do in Guangzhou?    
A.Visit the zoo.    
B.Visit her old friend.      
C.Visit her aunt.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

1. What is the woman planning to do this evening?    
A. To see some Americans off.    
B.To visit Bob.    
C. To have dinner with some American friends.
2. What's wrong with the man?
A. He's taken a couple of aspirins.    
B. He's forgotten the date.    
C.He's got a headache.
3. Whom is the man going to write to?    
A.His American friends.    
B.His parents.    
C.His girlfriend.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

1. What probably happened the other day?    
A. The two speakers lost contact with each other.    
B. They ran into their enemy.    
C. They had a bad quarrel.
2. Who was wrong after they quarreled?    
A.The man was wrong.    
B.The woman was wrong.    
C. Both of them were wrong.
3. What do you know from their conversation? 
A.They become reconciled(和解).  
B. They are going to phone each other very soon.  
C. They will never speak to each other.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

1. What color does the girl like best?    
A. Yellow.    
B. Red.    
C. Orange.
2. Why doesn't the woman drive a little faster?  
A. Because she is not skillful.    
B. Because she is afraid that the police may see her.    
C. Because there's a speed limit.
3. Why do they go on the overpass?    
A. Because it is safe.    
B. Because a policeman is standing there.    
C. Because they are too young.
4. What will the girl do this Saturday?  
A. Go to the flower show.  
B. Take part in an exam.  
C. Have computer lessons.
5. Where are they?  
A. In a department store.  
B. In an electronic shop.  
C. In a repair shop.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

1. What kind of conversation is this?  
A. It's a conversation between the man and his friend.    
B. It's a conversation between the guest and the servant.
C. It's a conversation on the phone.
2. What time will the taxi arrive at the airport? 
A. 3:30.    
B. 2:00.    
C. 1:30.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

听下面一段材料, 回答第 1-3题。
8. Where does this dialogue take place?     
A. At the man's home.      
B. In a restaurant.      
C. In a company.
2. Why does the woman come to the man's home?      
A. She wants to have dinner with him.      
B. She comes to return some books.      
C. She wants to learn how to cook.  
3. Who is doing the cooking now?          
A. The man.          
B. The woman.          
C. The man's wife.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

听下面一段材料, 回答第 1-3 题。  
1. What's one of the boy's hobbies?      
A. Sports.        
B. Going to the stamp club.        
C. Collecting coins.  
2. Where is the boy from?         
A. America.      
B. Korea.      
C. China. 
3. What does the girl want to have?        
A. A collection of stamps.        
B. Her friend coming soon.        
C. Some coins from China.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

听下面一段材料, 回答第 1-3 题。  
1. What's wrong with the woman?        
A. She is very well.        
B. She's caught a cold.        
C. She has injured her muscles.  
2. What has she done to her illness?         
A. She has taken some medicine.        
B. She has been drinking a lot of orange juice.        
C. She has seen the doctor. 
3. What's the man's suggestion?        
A. Co to see the doctor.          
B. Take some medicine.        
C. Drink more orange juice.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

听下面一段材料, 回答第1-4 题。  
1. For how many years have hot air balloons been used for sports?      
A. About 2 years.        
B. About several hundred years.        
C. About 200 years.
2. Why do most balloonists like to use hot air balloons?           
A. They are safer.        
B. They are larger.    
C. They are easier to store.
3. What is the best time for most balloon flights?   
A. Only in the, morning.    
B. During the early afternoon.    
C. In the early morning or the late afternoon.
4. Finally who succeeded in crossing the Atlantic in a balloon?      
A. An American,      
B. Several Frenchmen.      
C. Three Americans.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

1. How far is the shopping center from here?    
A. So far away that he must take a bus.    
B. So far away that he must take a taxi.    
C. Within walking distance.
2. Where does this dialogue take place?    
A. In a hotel.    
B. At a concert hall.    
C.In a meeting room.
3. Where does this dialogue take place?    
A. In a restaurant.    
B. At the woman's home.    
C. At the man's home.
4. What probably happens to the man?  
A. He goes to work as usual.  
B. He is ill in bed.  
C. He fails the exam and doesn't feel well.
5. What's the result of the dialogue?    
A. The two speakers will go to watch the match together.    
B. The woman speaker will go to watch the match.    
C. The man speaker will go to watch the match.

