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科目: 来源:安徽省月考题 题型:听力题

1. What's the main topic of this conversation?
A. Anxiety.
B. Truth.
C. Time.
2. Why is Mark worried?
A. He failed in his last text.
B. His exams will start soon.
C. He missed his medical checkup.
3. Why does Mark turn to Ann for help?
A. Ann is Mark's elder sister.
B. She had a similar experience.
C. She works on health services.


科目: 来源:安徽省月考题 题型:听力题

1. How was the man's last job interview?
A. Desirable.
B. Unsuccessful.
C. Ridiculous.
2. What kind of person is the company going to hire?
A. An energetic university graduate.
B. A manager full of experience.
C. A salesman who can drive a car.
3. How does the man feel about the job after studying the ad.?
A. Doubtful.
B. Confident.
C. Interested.


科目: 来源:安徽省月考题 题型:听力题

1. What is the woman afraid of when she takes her trips?
A. Taking a voyage.
B. Taking a train.
C. Taking a flight.
2. How can you infer the man prefers to travel?
A. By train.
B. By plane.
C. By ship.
3. What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A. Husband and wife.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Friends.


科目: 来源:安徽省月考题 题型:听力题

1. When was Mike absent from the camp?
A. At the beginning of the third week.
B. On the second day of the third week.
C. One day in the fourth week.
2. Why was Mike absent from the camp?
A. He was ill.
B. He felt lonely.
C. He missed his parents.
3. How did other children treat Mike when he came back?
A. They welcomed him.
B. They were all silent.
C. They sang loudly.


科目: 来源:浙江省期末题 题型:听力题

听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What is the man probably going to do?
A. To ask the way.    
B. To take a walk.  
C. To look up a word.
2. How is Susan feeling?
A. Frightened.  
B. Excited.  
C. Unhappy.
3. What are the two speakers talking about?
A. A house to buy.    
B. A holiday plan.  
C. A well-paid job.
4. How does the woman usually go home after work?
A. By car.  
B. By bus.    
C. By underground.
5. What is the woman's problem?  
A. She has lost her street map.
B. She has trouble finding her way.  
C. She has difficulty reading a map.


科目: 来源:浙江省期末题 题型:听力题

1. Where are the two speakers?
A. In a classroom.  
B. In an office.  
C. At home.
2. What does the woman tell the man about?  
A. His scores in recent tests.  
B. The difficulties he has with his studies.  
C. His poor academic performance.
3. What will happen to the man if he does not improve?  
A. He can only keep a B for his grade.  
B. He will get a poorer grade than a B.  
C. He will fail the course completely.


科目: 来源:福建省月考题 题型:听力题

1. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
A. How to use a vacuum cleaner.
B. Where to buy a vacuum cleaner.
C. Which vacuum cleaner to purchase.
2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Workmates.
B. Husband and wife.
C. Customer and saleswoman.
3. What do we know about the Aerosaurus?
A. It's fifty years old.
B. It's cheaper than Gilo.
C. The delivery costs less.


科目: 来源:江西省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. What does the woman show the man?
A. Some clothes.
B. A magazine.
C.A new store.
2. What is the problem at the store?
A. The clothes are too expensive.
B. The clothes are not the right size.
C. The clothes are not available.
3. What will happen next Tuesday?
A. There will be a party.
B. The man can get what he wants.
C. The clothes will be delivered to the man.


科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:听力题

1. What is Mr. White?
A. A salesman.
B. A professor.
C. A repairman.
2. Where does the woman work?
A. At a restaurant.
B. At a hotel.
C. At a department store.
3. What time does the man think they will leave?
A. 7:15.
B. 7:33.
C. 7:35.
4. What does the man mean?
A. She has dialed the wrong number.
B. John Smith is not in.
C. Nobody is called John Smith.
5. Who got 98 in the maths exam?
A. Linda.
B. The woman.
C. The man.


科目: 来源:江西省月考题 题型:听力题

1. What do we know about Beaufort from the conversation?
A. He was a sport player.        
B. He was a nobleman.
C. He was very smart.
2. What did Beaufort do ?
A. He invented Badminton.        
B. He traveled the whole Europe.
C. He made a kind of sport popular.
3. Where did the name “Badminton” come from?
A. An estate(庄园)       
B. A Duke(公爵)      
C. A town

