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科目: 来源:天津高考真题 题型:听力题

1. How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation?
A. Angry.
B. Surprised.
C. Sad.
2. What size bag does the woman want?
A. A 24-inch bag.
B. A 29-inch bag.
C. A 32-inch bag.
3. When will the woman leave for Mexico?
A. On Thursday.
B. On Friday.
C. On Saturday.
4. Where does the man work?
A. At a mail order company.
B. At an international travel service.
C. At the airport information desk.


科目: 来源:北京高考真题 题型:听力题

1. What's wrong with the man?
A. He has headaches.
B. He has a runny nose.
C. He has a temperature.
2. When did the problem begin?
A. Two weeks ago.
B. Two months ago.
C. Three months ago.


科目: 来源:0103 期中题 题型:听力题

1. How many children are there in the man's family?
[     ]
A. 2.
B. 3.
C. 4.
2. What was the man before going to New York?
[     ]
A. A teacher.
B. A doctor.
C. A student.
3. Where did the man live when he got to New York at first?
[     ]
A. On the streets.
B. In the house he rented.
C. In a food shop.


科目: 来源:四川省期中题 题型:听力题

     听下面5 段对话,每段对话后一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选
项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和
1.What time is it now?
A. 7:30.                      
B. 8:00.                  
C .7:00.
2.  What are the speakers talking about? 
A . Hobbies.                   
B. Rivers and mountains.    
C. Paintings.
3.  What does the man think of the talk?
A. Interesting.                  
B. Uninteresting.            
C. Very good.
4. Where is the man now?
A. In Washington.                
B. In New York.            
C. In Boston.
5.  How many chairs are needed in all?
A. 13.                      
B. 14.                    
C. 15.


科目: 来源:四川省期中题 题型:听力题

1.  Where are the speakers?
A. In the street.                  
B. In a store.            
C. In a restaurant.
2.  Which street is the nearest restaurant on?
A. Fourth Street.                
B. Fifth Street.            
C. Sixth Street.
3.  How many blocks should the woman walk ahead?
A. Two blocks.                  
B. Three blocks.          
C. Four blocks.


科目: 来源:四川省期中题 题型:听力题

1. Where does this conversation take place?
A. In a museum.
B. At a booking office.
C. In a record store.
2. On which day will the Japanese music concert be held?
A. On the 28th.                
B. On the 30th.              
C. On the 13th.


科目: 来源:四川省期中题 题型:听力题

1. Why does the man want to return the jacket?
A.The size is wrong.
B It is out of style.
C. He doesn’t like the color.
2. Who gave the man the jacket?
A. His mother.              
B. His aunt.                
C. His sister.
3.  What color does the man like best?  
A. Red.                    
B. Orange.                
C. Brown.


科目: 来源:四川省期中题 题型:听力题

1. How far is it from the girl’s house to the school?
A. About 6 to 7 kilometers.
B. About 5 to 6 kilometers.
C. About 4t to 5 kilometers.
2.   What time does the girl probably get home from school on Friday?
A. Between 1:00 and 2:00.
B. Between 2:00 and 3:00.
C. Between 3:00 and 4:00.
3.   What can we learn from the conversation?
A. The students eat lunch at home.
B. The students go home late on Thursday.
C. The school has a meeting every day.


科目: 来源:四川省期中题 题型:听力题

1.  What season was it?
A. Spring.                    
B. Autumn.                  
C. Winter.
2.   Why did Mrs. Miller go to buy things on Saturday?
A. Because her husband also wanted to do some shopping.
B. Because her husband was free then.
C. Because Saturday was a sunny day.
3.   How did Mr. Miller feel when they came out of the last shop?
A. Glad.                      
B. Angry.                    
C. Tired.
4.   What can we learn from the passage?
A. Mr. Miller bought the moon at last.
B. Mr. Miller didn’t like the moon at all.
C. Mrs. Miller thought the moon was very beautiful.


科目: 来源:浙江省期中题 题型:听力题

1. What is the weather probably like?
A. Hot.  
B. Cold.  
C. Rainy
2. What will the woman do this afternoon?
A. Go jogging with the man. 
B. Look after her cousin.  
C. Take care of her cousin’s son.
3. What does the woman say about Tom?
A. He thought the joke was about Tom.
B. He didn’t understand the joke at all.
C. He was impolite to Chris.
4. What advice does the woman give the man? 
A. Give up business.
B. Work hard on computer science.
C. Acquire knowledge of the computer first.
5. How much should the man pay?
A. $25    
B. $50  
C. $75

