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科目: 来源:高考真题 题型:听力题

1. Who is the woman most probably speaking to?
A. A passenger.
B. A railway man.
C. A conductor. 
2. What do we know about the train?
A. It takes half an hour to Sevenoaks.
B. It is for long journey travelers.
C. It is a slow train.
3. What is the woman going to do then?
A. To change to another train.
B. To give up the journey.
C. To buy a ticket for this train.


科目: 来源:高考真题 题型:听力题

1. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A. Husband and wife.
B. Son and Mother.
C. Father and daughter.
2. What does the woman tell the man about?
A. The big storm.
B. The power line.
C. The sharp cry in the dark.
3. What is the first thing the man is going to do?
A. To buy some candles.
B. To make a phone call.
C. To go back home.
4. Which of the following can best describe the woman's feeling?
A. Fearless.
B. Helpless.
C. Hopeless.


科目: 来源:高考真题 题型:听力题

1. According to the speaker, how will students feel about the university life at its beginning?
A. Excited and fearful.
B. Excited and tired.
C. Excited and anxious.
2. What will help the students to become clear about their own goals?
A. Walking around the university.
B. Understanding the university requirements.
C. Getting used to university life.
3. Why does the speaker advise the students not to give up learning?
A. Because learning can help them understand their own value.
B. Because learning can help them improve their life.
C. Because learning can help them get university degrees.
4. According to the speaker, what is the most important for the new students?
A. Fields of learning .
B. Results of learning.
C. Ways of learning.


科目: 来源:江苏高考真题 题型:听力题

1. What do we learn about the man?
A. He slept well on the plane.
B. He had a long trip.
C. He had a meeting.
2. Why will the woman stay home in the evening?
A. To wait for a call.
B. To watch a ball game on TV.
C. To have dinner with a friend.
3. What gift will the woman probably get for Mary?
A. A school bag.
B. A record.
C. A theatre ticket.
4. What does the man mainly do in his spare time?
A. Learn a language.
B. Do some sports.
C. Play the piano.
5. What did the woman like doing when she was young?
A. Riding a bicycle with friends.
B. Traveling the country.
C. Reading alone.


科目: 来源:江苏高考真题 题型:听力题

1. Where does the conversation take place?
A. In a hotel.
B. At a booking office.
C. At a friend's house.
2. What will the man probably do in a few days?
A. Fly to another country.
B. Come to the same hotel.
C. Drive here to visit friends.


科目: 来源:江苏高考真题 题型:听力题

1. Where are the speakers?
A. In a classroom.
B. In a theatre.
C. In an office.
2. Why does the man plan to leave early?
A. He is going on vacation.
B. He is going to a performance.
C. He is going to the post office.
3. What does the woman offer to do? 
A. Clean the office.
B. Pick up the man's son.
C. Finish the man's work.


科目: 来源:江苏高考真题 题型:听力题

1. How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation?
A. Angry.
B. Surprised.
C. Sad. 
2. What size bag does the woman want?
A. A 24-inch bag.
B. A 29-inch bag.
C. A 32-inch bag.
3. When will the woman leave for Mexico?
A. On Thursday.
B. On Friday.
C. On Saturday.
4. Where does the man work?
A. At a mail order company.
B. At an international travel service.
C. At the airport information desk.


科目: 来源:江苏高考真题 题型:听力题

1. Why did the woman not go to college?
A. She didn't pass the exam.
B. She wasn't interested in college.
C. She couldn't afford college education.
2. What job does the woman say she did?
A. She was a bus conductor.
B. She was a shop assistant.
C. She was a housekeeper.
3. What did the woman think of her friend's college life?
A. It was busy.
B. It was wonderful.
C. It was dull.


科目: 来源:高考真题 题型:听力题

1.Why does the man say they should leave at 7:00?
A. They want to have tea at the airport.
B. There will be an earlier flight.
C. There will be little traffic.
2. How are they going to get to the airport?
A. By bus.
B. By train.
C. By car.


科目: 来源:高考真题 题型:听力题

1. Who is Billy?
A. The woman's brother.
B. The woman's boyfriend.
C. The woman's classmate.
2. When will Billy be back?
A. On Wednesday.
B. On Thursday.
C. On Friday.
3. What will the woman do on the weekend?
A. Go to a party.
B. Stay with the family.
C. Meet Billy in the army.

