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科目: 来源:北京模拟题 题型:听力题

1. Which copy of the New Yorker does the man buy?
A. The latter one.
B. The last one.
C. The latest one.
2. How much does the man pay in all?
A. $1.
B. $3.50.
C. $2.50.


科目: 来源:北京模拟题 题型:听力题

1. How did the woman feel about the result of the game?
A. Cheerful.
B. Excited.
C. Disappointed.
2. How did the man play in the game?
A. He tried his best but he failed.
B. He didn't try his best so he failed.
C. He gave up trying so he failed.


科目: 来源:北京模拟题 题型:听力题

1. Where does this conversation most likely take place?
A. In the street.
B. At home.
C. At the airport.
2. If you travel by CAAC, how much do you need to pay for one way? 
A. 2,000 pounds.
B. 1,000 pounds.
C. 1,200 pounds.
3. How long does the flight take by British Airways?
A. 30 hours.
B. 13 hours.
C. 40 hours.


科目: 来源:北京模拟题 题型:听力题

1. How does the woman feel about the interview with MIT?
A. Puzzled.
B. Nervous.
C. Satisfied.
2. What course is Michigan famous for?
A. Law.
B. History.
C. Medicine. 
3. What does the man want to be?
A. A journalist.
B. A historian.
C. A doctor.


科目: 来源:北京模拟题 题型:听力题

1. What is the speaker talking about?
A. Her unique experience.
B. Her future.
C. Her favorite job.
2. What does the speaker want most?
A. Independence.
B. Good luck.
C. A good relationship.
3. What will the speaker most probably do in the future?
A. Remain single.
B. Live an empty life.
C. Earn a lot of money.


科目: 来源:河南省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. How long has the man been waiting?
A. For 20 minutes.
B. For 60 minutes.
C. For 70 minutes.
2. What does the conversation tell us?
A. The woman attended the lecture on Friday morning.
B. The woman got mixed up with the dates.
C. The mail doesn't need to remind her of the lecture.
3. What will the woman probably do tonight?
A. See a film.
B. Attend a meeting.
C. Stay at home.
4. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
A. New dictionaries.
B. Forms of languages.
C. Development of languages.
5. When does the store close in the evening?
A. At 11:00.
B. At 11:30.
C. At 12:00.


科目: 来源:河南省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. How did the man feel?
A. Nervous.
B. Upset.
C. Sick.
2. What was the matter with the man?
A. He had a car accident.
B. He was knocked down by a car.
C. He drove into a car.
3. How did the accident happen?
A. There were many cars on the road.
B. The other driver was driving very fast.
C. Something was wrong with the driving mirror.


科目: 来源:河南省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. What do you know about the film?
A. It won the top award in the world.
B. It brought in two million dollars.
C. It is a British film.
2. How fast was Princess Anne driving when she was clocked?
A. 30 miles an hour.
B. 93 miles an hour.
C. 123 miles an hour.
3. What was Princess Anne thinking when she saw the police car?
A. The police car was passing her.
B. The police car would stop her.
C. The police car was sent to protect her.


科目: 来源:河南省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. When are they going to have the new house completed?
A. Within 10 days.
B. Before the rainy season comes.
C. Next year.
2. How many bricks do they decide to buy?
A. 1,600.
B. 15,000.
C. 16,000.
3. Which of the following do the speakers not mention?
A. Cement.
B. Wood.
C. Stone.


科目: 来源:河南省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. In a shop.
B. In a bank.
C. In a factory.
2. How much will the woman pay?
A. $59.
B. $62.
C. $65.
3. When will the woman probably come again?
A. Next Tuesday.
B. Next Thursday.
C. Next Saturday.

