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科目: 来源:月考题 题型:填空题

draw a conclusion  expose…to   lose sight of  run out of  be addicted to   on the whole  divide…
1. Don't _________ yourself________ strong sunlight; it will harm your skin.
2. Wang Ping ran very fast and soon I ________ him.
3. Mum _________ the apple _________ four parts, so everyone got his share.
4. He looks much shorter_____ than on television.
5. He is always ________________ money before payday.
6. I finished the work several days __________ the deadline.
7. Never try drugs, otherwise you will ____________ them.
8. I think, _____________, the article is well written except for a few unfit sentences.
9. He _____________ the list and chose one immediately.
10. __________ middle school students signed up for the English Summer Camp.


科目: 来源:陕西省期中题 题型:填空题

1. We all hope those who are___________( 遭受) from this disaster will be safe.
2.  I am glad to accept your kind __________ (邀请)。
3.  We should have a positive __________( 态度) towards life.
4.  We congratulated him __________( 真诚地) on his success.
5.  Price and _________( 质量) are the two chief considerations for most of consumers.
6.  The civilization of _________( 古老的) Greece is famous in the world.
7.  He is quite __________( 熟悉) with this country because he has been here for ten years.
8.  I burst into _________( 笑声) when my brother walked in wearing his funny clothes.
9.  The plane caused a __________( 革命) in our way of traveling.
10.  The only step between dream and __________( 现实) is action!


科目: 来源:月考题 题型:填空题

1.The teacher is glad that everyone in her class is _______(渴望的) to learn.
2.He was _______ (选举) to the leadership of the Labour Party.
3.Only if people of all countries are united can we _______ (解决) the existing problems in the world.
4.The film is _____ on (以……为基础) a novel by Dickens.
5.They have ______ (任命) him coach of the team.
6.He looked around to _____ (确认) that he was alone.
7.He was charged with murder but found ______ (无罪的).
8.Mary is always _______ (准时的) for appointments.
9.The nobleman s______( 抓住) the boy by the arm and took him away.
10.So ______ (残忍的) is the war that it always causes great damage and pain to the people.
11.On the wall ______(挂着) a large portrait.
12.You must ________ (道歉) to your sister for being so rude.
13.It’s very ________ (善解人意) of you not to talk aloud while our baby is sleeping.
14.The author gave _______ (variety) reasons for having written the book.
15.he made up his mind to a_________(完成) the task before the deadline.
16.He looked at the stranger in a_________ (吃惊).
17.What really ________ (concern) her was that her son lacked too many hours of sleep every day.
18.It’s well-known that Americans are ___________ (争强好胜的) and I did enjoy it whenever I won
    our races.
19.The police arrested Jim and took _______ of (占据,占有)the things found in his house.
20.It was Paul who ________(积累) a large fortune through wise management.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:听力题

1. Whet are the speakers talking about?
[     ]
A. A way to improve air quality.
B. A problem with traffic rules.
C. A suggestion for city planning.
2. What does the man suggest?
[     ]
A. Limiting the use of cars.
B. Encouraging people to walk.
C. Warning drivers of air pollution.
3. What does the woman think about the man's idea?
[     ]
A. It's interesting.
B. It's worth trying.
C. It's impractical.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:听力题

1. How long will the man probably stay in New Zealand?
[     ]
A. One week.
B. Two weeks.
C. Three weeks.
2. What advice does the woman give to the man?
[     ]
A. Go to New Zealand after Christmas.
B. Book his flight as soon as possible.
C. Save more money for his trip.
3. What can we learn about flights to New Zealand at Christmas time?
[     ]
A. They require early booking.
B. They can be twice as expensive.
C. They are on special offer.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:听力题

1. Why did Jane call Mike?
[     ]
A. To ask him to meet her.
B. To tell him about Tom.
C. To borrow his car.
2. Where will Jane be in about one hour?
[     ]
A. At Mike's place.
B. At the airport.
C. At a garage.
3. What can we infer from the conversation?
[     ]
A. Jane has just learned to drive.
B. Jane's car is in bad condition.
C. Mike will go to the airport.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:听力题

1. What did the speaker ask the students to do the week before?
[     ]
A. Write a short story.
B. Prepare for the lesson.
C. Learn more about the writer.
2. Why does the speaker ask the questions?
[     ]
A. To check the students' understanding of the story.
B. To draw the students' attention to reading skills.
C. To let the students discuss father-son relationships.
3. What will the students do in 10 minutes?
[     ]
A. Ask more questions.
B. Discuss in groups.
C. Give their answers.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:听力题

1. What time does the man usually have breakfast?
[     ]
A. At 8:00.
B. At 10:00.
C. At 7:00.
2. What will the woman do?
[     ]
A. Return the tape to the man at once.
B. Borrow the tape from the man next week.
C. Return the tape to the man next week.
3. What will the woman do?
[     ]
A. She will drive her car back home.
B. She will go back home in her car.
C. She will go back home without her car.
4. What will the woman do?
[     ]
A. Wait outside until the man is free.
B. Go away at once.
C. Go into the man's office.
5. Where does this dialogue take place?
[     ]
A. In a bookshop.
B. In a library.
C. In the reading room.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:听力题

1. What would the man like to do?
[     ]
A. He'd like to play basketball.
B. He'd like to play volleyball.
C. He'd like to play football.
2. What's the meaning of the last sentence?
[     ]
A. If one begins to play volleyball, one will like it at once.
B. If one begins to play basketball, one will like it at once.
C. If one begins to play football, one will like it at once.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:听力题

1. What does the man feel at the beginning of the dialogue?
[     ]
A. He feels sad.
B. He feels angry.
C. He feels happy.
2. What's the problem of the man?
[     ]
A. People don't know him, so they don't talk to him.
B. He is treated like a child.
C. He has a lot to do every day.
3. What does the man feel after the dialogue?
[     ]
A. He feels the same.
B. He feels better.
C. He feels worse.

