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科目: 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

1.What's your______(态度)to solving the problem?
2. Your early reply will be highly ________(感激).
3. She was late and I  __________ (同样地) was delayed.
4. They heard the sound of a car ________(接近).
5. He lay on the ground,________(疲惫不堪).


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:填空题

1. Jane is ____(沮丧的)because she has lost her newly- bought MP4 player.
2. The old lady was ___ (惊吓) by the loud noises that came from the flood.  
3. Maria likes ____(聊天)online at her leisure time.
4.Elaine is suffering from ___(精神上的) exhaustion on account of high stress.  
5. Luckily for the people trapped in the fire, many firefighters came to their ___(营救)in time.
6. We were  ______(分开)when we joined the crowd.
7.Let's go to the museum first and dine outside____(然后)    
8. Please remember to finish your composition and hand them in before the ___ (最后期限).
9. There is no need for __(礼节)between friends.
10. The body quickly ____(调节)itself to changes in temperature.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

1. That _____ since I was here.
2. It was based _____ the English we speak at present.
3. Of course she hadn't; my sister doesn't _____ details.
4. At 3:42 am everything began to shake. It _____ the world was at an end.
5. The places outside the towns _____ to live were decided by white people.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. You won't know how important it is to keep healthy____ (直到你失去健康).
2. ______(习惯了攀登陡峭的山), he had no difficulty reaching the top.
3. He______(因偷车陷入麻烦).
4. I'm sorry for______(遗漏了一个重点)in your speech.
5. His grandfather has_____(习惯了山区生活) from his childhood.
6. I______(受益很多)my teacher's advice.
7. How do you______(成功搬运那么重的一个 箱子)?
8. I have______(决定为弟弟的生日买一辆自行 车).
9. You______(会面临危险)if you go on board in such bad weather.
10. His success is______(完全是因为他的努力 工作).


科目: 来源:浙江省期中题 题型:填空题

1. He never eats shrimps, because he is a_____________ to seafood.
2. Last night we went to a wedding party. The b_____________ is the son of our headmaster.
3. Her mother has had 30 years of teaching. She is a p_____________ school teacher.
4. He applied pressure to the wounds before the a_____________ arrived.
5. It was a long journey, but we e_____________ arrived.
6. He received a worldwide r_____________ for his achievements in physics and astronomy.
7.The accused man d_____________ that he had ever met the woman, but we found some
   evidence to prove he was lying.
8. Students in Western countries usually find t_____________ jobs during summer holidays.
9.The Smiths are so kind that they have a_____________ three homeless children.
10.Could you give me a more s_____________ address so that we can find you without too
     much trouble.


科目: 来源:内蒙古自治区月考题 题型:填空题

1. If we solve the problem in this way, it may do more h_________ than good.
2. This is the home I have always d_________ of! When can we move in?
3. It is hard to imagine the pain and s_________ they went through.
4. The strom d__________ hundreds of houses.
5. Although he has some ___________ (缺点), I get along well with him.
6. Your health is ___________ (决定) in part by what you eat.
7. He offered __________ (指导) to poor black people on their legal problems.
8. In fifteen terrible seonds a large city lay in __________ (废墟).
9. Some of the rescue workers and doctors were ___________ (使陷入困境).
10. People began to wonder how long the __________ (灾难) would last.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. Do you know about Newton's law of _____ (引力)?
2. Never _____ (强迫) anyone to do anything he doesn't want to.
3. A bomb _____ (爆炸) near the doorway of the restaurant from across the street.
4. When you are on the moon your _____ (体重) will be less than on the earth.
5. Clouds were _____ (飘浮) across the blue sky.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

reliable, transport, attitude, organize, make up one's mind, as usual, ever since, care about, change
one's mind, give in
1. ____, the young man walked into the bar at midnight and ordered a beer.
2. I tried to get Jane to join us tonight, but she won't ____. She prefers to stay at home in the evening.
3. I heard the news report, but I'm not sure if the information was ____ or not.
4. I have been working with her ____ I graduated from university.
5. Sandy told me that she really didn't ____ sports at all. She was just interested in one player.
6. The little boy had such a bad ____ when the guests arrived that his mother told him to go to his room
    until he could be friendlier.
7. It took three days to ____ the food, clothes and medicine to the disaster-hit (受灾) area.
8. It took me three hours to persuade him, and he finally ____ and agreed to help us.
9. I think they've finally ____ to spend next summer in Europe, rather than going to the USA.
10. When writing, it is very important to ____ and present your ideas clearly.


科目: 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:填空题

单词拼写 。
1. Of all the fruits, the apple is my _____ (最喜爱的).
2. Can you make yourself _____ (听见)in such a low voice?
3. I must (道歉)_____ for calling you so late.
4. He is so_____ (精力充沛)that he never feels tired.
5. Some people are lazy and prefer to live in _____ (穷困).
6. This teacher is very _____ (受欢迎)with his students.
7. He made up a wonderful story to explain his _____ (缺席).
8. Her pale face _____ (表明)that she was not healthy.
9. _____ (八月)comes after July.
10. _____ (就我个人而言),something must be done to prevent air pollution.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. Only a m _____ of students receives the scholarship while most of the students get nothing.
2. Many people would agree that it is one of the most technologically a ____ theme parks in the
     world after visiting Futuroscope in France.
3. To my a _____,  the boy acted an old woman to sing a popular song.
4. Which ____  ( 牌子)of sports shoes do you prefer?
5. Stop living in a ____  ( 幻想) world. You should be realistic.

