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科目: 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

1.The Eiffel Tower is the famous s_____( 标志)of Pairs.
2.The a_____(协议) was signed on 24 March.
3.I_____(在……方面. ) population, China is the largest country in the world.
4.The Uk is in the thirteen p_____,(位置), while China is in the middle of the list.
5.Tornadoes can p_____ (卷起.)cars, trains and even houses.
6.He does nothing but c_____(抱怨).
7.It's a_____(完全地, 绝对地)hopeless.
8.Trees t_____(吸收.)carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.
9.Men and women have e_____(平等的) rights in China.
10.He s_____(强调) the importance of kindness, duty and order in society.


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:填空题


1. He was________ (好奇)to know what was happening in the office.
2. In _______( 二月), the second month of the year , it is always very cold in my hometown.
3. I suggest that we have_______ (定期)a meeting.
4. Rose rushed _________ (向楼下)to answer the door.
5. He got ___________ (结婚) to her one hour ago.
6. It is said that her spoken English_________(仍然)poor. 
7.The _________(车祸)were due to the careless driving. 
8. Reform means_________(解放)the productive forces. 
9. In China the second____(大) river is the Yellow River.
10. ______(教师)offices are not far away from the teaching building.


科目: 来源:月考题 题型:填空题


1. It's always difficult to be in a foreign country, _______ (尤其是) when you know little about the
2. In her dream ,she came to a _______(荒芜的) place .
3.  When they heard that the president was murdered, they were all in deep _______ (悲伤).
4. The boy always _____ (发音) the word in a strange way .
5. The ________(大多数 ) of middle-school students in China are studying English as a foreign
     language .
6. Some students will clean the streets and look after the old and the ________ (残疾人)  .
7. It is reported that the fire        (毁坏)most of the building.
8. My grandma feeds a lot of ducks in          (秋天) in the pond in front of our house.
9. What are your two girls         (耳语) about?
10. Mr. Smith is a professor who is         (值得) of great respect.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

1. He was _________ (徘徊) around the pyramid, wondering how on earth this wonder was built.
2. He gave his son some money for the             (购买)of his school books.
3. They'll be here soon.            (在此期间), let's have coffee.
4. The government has threatened to get        (强硬的)with people who try to avoid paying taxes.
5. The young actress is very            (谦虚的)about her success; she says it's as much the result of good
luck as of her own talent.
6. The passage is about Jobs' love letter to his wife written on their 20th wedding a         .
7. We received warm reception by our h           host family in Korea.
8. We cannot g     the punctual arrival of trains to the passengers in foggy weather.
9. I'd like to take this o           to thank my colleagues for their support.
10. Many companies are s________ from a lack of skilled staff.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

1. He got a job in a foreign company after g _____________(毕业) from university.
2. It is very difficult to p ______________(说服) my father to give up smoking.
3. All these goods will be t_________________(运输) abroad by ship.
4. She looks down upon those people b_______________ (在…下面)her.
5. According to the weather f____________(预报)it will rain tomorrow.
6. Sometimes whether you are a success is determined by the different a______________(态度)
7. The plane is now flying at an  a_______________(海拔)of 30 000 feet.
8.He seems to be doing nothing , but _____________ ( 实际上 ) he is just waiting for his chance.
9. He was c____________________ (骑自行车)along the street when he was knocked off his bike.
10. We all know that he is too ___________________(顽固) to apologize.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

单词拼写:   请根据汉语提示,结合句子意思填写单词,注意单词的形式变化.
1. Don't be      (泄气)! If you put your heart into your study, you'll make great progress.
2. What's your      (态度) towards playing computer games?
3. When I said I was faster, she      (挑战) me to a race.
4. I think      (质量) is more important than quantity for the job.
5. He agreed to      (陪伴) me to the park this afternoon.
6. Liu Mei studied hard and won a      (奖学金) to Oxford.
7. A lot of buildings were      (摧毁) in the powerful earthquake that happened in March.
8. To be an      (优秀的) student, you must study hard and use proper methods.
9. It's      (难以置信的) that a 14-year-old girl could break the high jump record.
10. There are      (优势) for students to surf the Internet.


科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:填空题

1. There is nothing in the world more ___________ (令人满意的) than doing the work you love.
2. ____________ (希望),the cave will be protected and will not be damaged by visitors.
3. This kind of flower is regarded of ____________(药用的) value.
4. Do you know what colors look good __________(衬托) your skin? ks5u
5. A storm __________(席卷) the whole country, causing great damage.
6. You are wrong so you should make _____________ (道歉). ks5u
7. In the ________(缺席) of the teacher, Li Ping will be in charge.
8. She went to the bookstore and bought two ________(二十) of this kind of books.
9.When they were about to start the last activity, they found that time was too___________(有限).
10. His first speech as president made a strong___________(印象)on his audience.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

1. She changed a lot and I had great difficulty in r__________ her at first.
2. He g__________ from Beijing University two years ago.
3. The children’s mother was very c__________ about their safety when they didn’t come
      back from school at the usual time.
4. With the help of his English teacher, his interest in English g__________ grows.
5. He has lost his i__________ card and is being questioned by the police.      
6. John looked calm, but a__________, he was very nervous.
7. To write a good essay, you must first o__________ your ideas properly.
8. He is so s__________ and doesn’t like listening to others’ advice.
9. It was his encouragement that d__________ us to carry on with the study.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

1. A__________(学术的)studies have proved that one's hard work is the key to success.
2. Hearing the noise, they i__________(立即)stopped talking.
3. Life was tough for millions of u__________(失业的)workers in cities and peasants in remote areas
during the economic depression.
4. High-quality radio c__________(录音带)recorders made in China are water-proof, shock-resistant
and antimagnetic.
5. After heated discussion, we took a group photo as a s__________(纪念品)and then the meeting
6. She received an e__________(热烈的)welcome from the audience.
7. A s__________(调查)of 100 winter-swimmers in different age groups indicates that 80 percent
originally suffered from diseases of some kind.
8. Every bit of Huangshan Mountain s__________(景色)is worth painting.
9. I was in the e__________(尴尬的)position of having completely forgotten her name.
10. With the changes in the world's climate, dinosaurs died but many smaller animals lived on. It was
s_________(生存,幸存)of the fittest.
11. In s__________(总结), the two universities have some things in common.
12. This palace is an example of early ancient Chinese a__________(建筑)
13. I am wrong. S_________(同样地), you are to blame.
14. You misunderstood the i__________(要求、说明).
15. Students will have to learn English from the 1st grade, while some from the very beginning in the
16. Some young children achieve great f__________(流利)in their reading.
17. Many women are too e__________(疲惫不堪的)by their double career (home and office) to enjoy
either one.
18. The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he
described it as "the most f__________(迷人的)city in the world where one feels that one is in paradise".
19. She delivered her speech with a vote of thanks to the c__________(委员会).
20. We listened to Philip's d__________(描述)of the wedding.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

1. I have been trying to ____________ (联络) my uncle but I can't get through.
2. Being unable to move freely, he has learnt to keep his heart open and ____________ (交流) thoughts with his readers.
3. The lecturer will talk about the similarities and differences in the Chinese and American school
____________ (体制).
4. He appeared ____________ (放松) and confident before the match.
5. The young champion made a moving short speech at the awards ____________ (仪式).
6. After the written test and interview, Jackson came to the c____________ that Mr. Li was not fit for the position.
7. The lectures c____________ many subjects --- arts, education, philosophy, etc.
8. My mum stood there, watching until the train disappeared in the d____________.
9. My parents looked a____________ at the news that I had won the competition.
10. His teaching is so well o___________ and clear that we all learn actively.

