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科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

call...up, now and then, set about, dive into, set out,
hang on,out of order, get through, ring back, ring off
1. However I tried to dial your number, I couldn't _____.
2. To make sure that he was at home, I ____ him ____ in advance.
3. Just___  with it, and you will succeed.
4. The whole things were ____   , and mother was angry.
5.  ____   solving the problem now.
6. She____the water and came up coughing.
7. The shepherd____to look for the sheep that had wandered away.
8. He was very angry and____before I finished my sentence.
9. He was very busy then and promised to ____      later.
10.____  ,he would visit me in the countryside.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

play an important role;   be based on;   believe it or not;   even if;   come up to
1. ____ we could afford (买得起; 付得起) it, we couldn't go abroad for our holidays.
2. Hard work ____ in his success.
3. The film ____ a novel by D. H. Lawrence.
4. Your recent work hasn't ____ your usual high standards
5. ____, Bill cheated in the college entrance exam.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. We gained a lot of p_____ from your advice.
2. Your technical _____ (援助) in the project is greatly appreciated.
3. We went to the party with our parents' a_____.
4. I want to _____ (祝贺) you with all my heart.
5. Martin decided that he had no _____ (足够的) proof.
6. Are you alone or with a c_____?
7. Only a few people have a_____ to the full facts of the case.
8. He hopes to get a good job after _____ (毕业).


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. Buying a train ticket doesn't g_____ you a seat.
2. Our team has had two defeats and has gained eight v_____.
3. After his r_____ , the headmaster went to live in the country.
4. People kept on p_____ against the war in Iraq outside the conference hall.
5. Living in a big town has many a_____, such as good schools, libraries and theatres.
6. He was disappointed because he had not _____(表现)well in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
7. People regard Elephant Trunk Hill as _____(象征) of China.
8. His actions _____(宣布) him (to be) an honest man.
9. The money is to be used for one _____(特定的)purpose: the building of the new theatre.
10. She made many _____(购买) at the department store.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. I caught ____( 看见)of my former teacher just now, but very soon he turned a corner.
2. Something is disturbing him, so he can' t _____ ( 安下心来)down to his work.
3. She was t ____ at the thought that Ronnie would kidnap Sam.
4. It' s hard to m _____ his ability when we haven' t seen his work.
5. It is said that Tangseng and his four apprentices ( 徒弟) traveled w ____   in order to obtain
    the sacred Buddhistscripture.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. As a result of the earthquake, e____ was cut off in a number of areas.
2. The soldiers and rescue workers built s____ for the homeless people.
3. We were ____ (震惊) when we heard of the news that they would get married soon.
4. Thanks to the joint efforts of many people, the trapped girl was r____.
5. The mother was very upset. I noticed her hand ____ (发抖).
6. There were dozens of people i____ in the terrible fire.
7. A ____ (运河) is a very long waterway for boats.
8. We should h____ the people who died in the natural disaster.
9. Unfortunately only a few people ____ (幸存) in that terrible accident.
10. That night the high fence gave us some ____ (隐蔽) from the sandstorm, or we
      wouldn't have been back here.


科目: 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1. I'm sorry I've spoken for too long, but I hope ________(我没有使你们厌烦).
2. Many people in the west like to ________(刺激) themselves with adventures.
3. You're ________(完全正确).
4. There exists a ________(潜在危险的)situation in that area.
5. You'll have to behave better if you really want to ________(给人留下好的印象).
6. It was a ________(缓解) to be able to talk to someone about my grievance(委屈).
7. He ________(非常忧虑) what job he can find after graduation.
8. "What should I do next?" asked the poor man ________(焦急地看着我).
9. It's ________(这个小男孩很有勇气) to make a speech in public.
10. There are ________(各种不同的图案) for you to choose from.


科目: 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

experience, be involved in, name after, face to face, have fun, 
come to life, base...on, along with, meet one's need, charge for

1. They will do everything to ________ of the customers.
2. Come on! You're sure to ________ at the party.
3. Do they ________ the use of the telephone?
4. One should always ________ his opinions ________ facts.
5. Although he is young, he also ________ working out the plan.
6. To our surprise, the match finally ________ in the second half.
7. He is proud of his invention ________ his name.
8. It is the first time in my life that I have ________ the true hunger.
9. After I talked with the head teacher ________, I was deeply encouraged.
10. ________ a thankyou letter, he also sent me a pile of money.


科目: 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1. She suggested several ways to ________(使伤心的女孩高兴).
2. ________(由于种种原因), this kind of animal died out.
3. The driver ________(收了我5元的出租车钱).
4. Several boys of the group ________(被起诉) fighting in the street.
5. I think ________(讲座的门票) too expensive for a common student.
6. Your silence is ________(承认) of your guilt.
7. He ________(获利) of 5,000 dollars on the deal.
8. I think many local people will ________(从中受益) the development of the area.
9. The police will look into the case ________(涉及几个孩子的).
10. The equipment is still at the ________(实验) stage.
11. ________(科学技术的发展) has made it possbile to perform the operation.
12. You are ________(自愿的) to attend the party.


科目: 来源:北京期中题 题型:填空题

1. By_____________(将古典音乐与……相结合)Chinese folk music, Kong Xiangdong has
    successfully_______________(将其带向世界)and he himself has become________(音乐
2. During the 3-hour concert, many people, who were obviously long-time fans, ______(跟着一起
   唱)nearly every song. _________(在整个音乐会期间),the atmosphere inside the concert hall was
   extremely exciting. Every one______(对……印象深刻)Morissette's brilliant music and singing.
3. A tiny insect, which has some red on its back, is near the cabbage. Its black eyes _________(注
    视,凝视)the cabbage, which ___________(表达了它对……的兴趣)the vegetable. This 
    painting ________(让观众猜想)and makes them use their imagination.
4. According to the old stories, Eric the Red was forced to leave Iceland because he had _____(犯谋
    杀罪),for which he _______(陷入麻烦中). Later he discovered Green land was a place where
     people could live and ______(说服一些人)go there.
5. Chen Zijiang, _________(剪纸专家),started to do paper-cutting _________(从小时候起).
    According to him, paper cuts nowadays can be used for decoration, ___________(宗教目的)
    and for design patterns.

