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科目: 来源:湖北省期末题 题型:填空题

1. Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing r_____ .
2. I want to pay the train fare, but my friend insisted. F_____ I gave in.
3. "How can Linda r_____ from her illness in this room when it's so dirty and dusty? It will only make her worse," said the doctor.
4. One evening, Anne stayed awake on p_____ until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the
moon by herself.
5. When you hear two n_____ speakers of English, they may still not speak the same kind of English.
6. Is it _____ (适当的)for us to take off our hats in church?
7.Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike. Then she _____ (说服) me to buy one.
8. Tell your friend that you are _____ (关心) about him.
9. I am very good at _____ ( 交流 ) with people.
10 .The United Nation is an _____ ( 国际的 ) organization.


科目: 来源:江苏期末题 题型:填空题

1. Most children in America begin k________ when they are about five years old.
2. One of the most famous pieces of music in the world is Beethoven's Ninth S________.
3. Terry suffered job d________ when she went to the city because of her country accent.
4. Simon felt the t________ in the room as soon as he entered and saw his angry parents.
5. The museum caught fire yesterday and many a________ were destroyed.
6. In the centre of Tian'anmen Square, there is the ________ (纪念碑) to the People's Heroes.
7. The young man was fined for ________ (吐痰) in the street, which made him very embarrassed.
8. Some people in modern society are still ________ (有偏见) against women.
9. From the early 1930s to the early 1950s, traditional jazz went into a gradual ________ (衰落).
10. After finishing the letter, the girl carefully folded it and put it into the ________ (信封).


科目: 来源:安徽省月考题 题型:填空题

1. Foods, such as rice, sugar, butter, oils and so on can give us e___________.
2. Children's _________ (好奇心) with everything plays an important part in their study.
3. It may take a few weeks for you to build up your _________(体力) again.
4. The ______________(起源) of some words are unknown.
5. Millions of people in Africa are still _____________(挨饿) to death at present.
6. I don't mind a_________ to others if I make a mistake.
7. D_________ is the sweet food served after the main course of a meal.
8. I had thought it was a terrible film. On the _________ (正相反), it was exciting.
9. Her excuse for being late was totally _________ (难以置信的).
10. The explorer told the boys about his _________ (冒险)in the Arctic


科目: 来源:吉林省月考题 题型:填空题

1. The hotel c______ comfort and convenience.
2. She didn't c______ a doctor, but ate fruit and vegetables only.
3. It is o______ that festivals are times of happiness and fun.
4. Gandhi helped g______ India's independence from Britain.
5. You must a______ to your sister for being rude.
6. We have ______ (获益) a lot since we formed the good habit of learning.
7. Christmas is a holiday about a b______(信仰).
8. In the morning I like to eat noodles with ______ (油煎) eggs.
9. Dark clouds were ______ (聚集) in the sky. Heavy rain would come soon.
10. Mr. Smith and I are good friends, but I don't share his ______ (宗教的) beliefs.


科目: 来源:浙江省月考题 题型:填空题

1. I'm sure you'll s____________ if you work hard.
2. The growing crops are a____________ by freezing weather and rainy days on end.
3. You can't take photographs here without p____________.
4. The football match was b____________ live across the world.
5. She looks f____________ to me, but I don't remember her name.
6. She p____________ not to be at home when we rang the bell.
7. He likes playing j__________ on others, but dislikes being made fun of.
8. Our schoolmaster's speech is always ____________(简短)and to the point.
9. The photo ____________(使想起) me of my happy childhood in the country.
10. ____________(显然), he is interested in music as well as painting.


科目: 来源:江苏同步题 题型:填空题


1.After graduating from Harvard Law School, he turned l____________.
2.All applications must be s____________ to the committee by Monday.
3.The increase in emissions from developing nations a____________ for 90% percent
between now and 2030.
4.Some students s____________ to the view while others strongly object to it.
5.I gave him a lot of help, but I got nothing in e____________.
6.Faced with the high unemployment, the government is making every effort to c____________
more job opportunities for young people.
7.The police asked p____________ if they had seen the accident happening on the street.
8.The International Romani Union, a n____________ organization, was recognized by the
United Nations in the 1970s.
9.After the failure of e____________ supplies, the whole city was in dark.
10.There is little chance that we will change her mind. N____________, it is important that we try.


科目: 来源:广东省月考题 题型:填空题

bring up    account for      cut down    in memory of     hold one's breath  
  set off      get away with    glare at     at a discount      win back  

1. His bad habit of drinking and smoking all day _______ his illness.
2. The party wanted to ________ the support it had lost.
3. You shouldn't ___________us like that. You deserved the scolding.
4. The father _______ his four children by working as an accountant in those hard years.
5. Politeness will never be___________, for people with good manners will leave a good
impression on others.
6. If people don't stop ______trees in the rainforest, many wild animals will have no place to live in.
7. The poet wrote a poem ______ the national hero, who lost his life for his country.
8. They_____________ on a journey round the Europe since last month.
9. The child should be punished. You shouldn't have him ________ telling lies.
10. The tourists _______ when they saw such a splendid building.


科目: 来源:安徽省同步题 题型:填空题

1.These children e       themselves with torches and rope,and then started off.
2.After a month's fight,the soldiers were all e       and they were eager to have a good sleep. 
3.The young man was born in a w       family,but he doesn't think money can buy happiness. 
4.The mother was a       about the children when they didn't come back home from school.
5.There were so many people that the company put on e          buses.
6.The          (作者) of the book had a lot of difficult experiences in his life.
7.Saunder's lawyer made a brief          (陈述) to the press outside the court.
8.The teacher told the students to get ready for a         (听写).
9.As a teacher,it is a must for you to have wide range of knowledge as well as         (耐心).
10.The weather in our country         (不同) from one place to another. 


科目: 来源:安徽省同步题 题型:填空题

1.He broke the law and was caught trying to f        the country.
2.Each year Americans c       a high percentage of the world's energy.
3.They put their arms around each other and h       .
4.When I got to the airport,he was already a       the plane. 
5.Do you know the p       for obtaining a new passport?Next year,I will go to Australia.
6.Rice is the          (主要的)crop of India.
7.A party of soldiers was landed secretly at night on the enemy coast;
their         (使命)was to blow up the radio station.
8.         (非官方的)estimates put the figure at over 2 million. 
9.The        (辨认)of the crash victims was a long and difficult task.
10.They came to a         (妥协)over the exact amount to be paid.


科目: 来源:安徽省同步题 题型:填空题

in vain      at random      slow down      talk about      worry about     find out      a generation of  
at all costs      suffer from      out of breath
1.We must           the customs of other countries,so that they will not think us ill mannered.
2.It took me only five minutes to get to school this morning.Of course I was made           .
3.The market researchers interviewed people           in the street.
4.Remember that you’ll have got to finish this job by tomorrow           !
5.Most of the important cities of the world           traffic jam.
6.The police got close to the two men,trying to know what they were           .
7.The girl decided to work in the west.Her parents tried           to persuade her to change her mind.
8.A driver should           when he comes to an area that is built up.
9.If it concerns anything outside your control,train yourself not           it.
10.It takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to bring up           good men.

