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科目: 来源:陕西省高考真题 题型:填空题

根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在指定区域的横线上写出对应单 词的正确、完整形式,每空只写一词.
1. This T-shirt is made of high quality                 (纯的)cotton.
2. More and more Chinese people are able to                (付得起)to travel abroad.
3. The first official results are not expected until                 (星期二)at the earliest.
4. He was wearing a very              (严肃的)expression and I knew something was wrong.
5. Regular tests help the teacher to learn about the                进步)of each student.
6. The open exhibition will allow local                (艺术家)to show their talents.
7. He             (承诺)that he would come,but he hasn11 turned up yet.
8. The staff soon found the new manager easy to           (接近).
9. There is nothing there - you are just              (想象)things!
10. The little girl walked              (自信地)onto the stage, ready for her first speech.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1) 那两个建议截然不同.
Those two suggestions ___quite distinct______each other.
2) 你应该把字写清楚.
You should make your writing____.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. not consider something or take no notice of _____
2. to experience something difficult or unpleasant or examine something very carefully _____
3. not in a building or in the open air _____
4. the loud noise that you sometimes hear in the sky during a storm _____
5. someone that you do a certain activity with _____
6. to become fit and healthy again after an illness or get back something you lost or someone
    stole from you _____
7. a young person between the ages of 13 and 19 ______
8. to do an activity with people who are already doing it ______
9. the time before it gets dark when the sky is becoming less bright _____
10. to put things into cases, boxes etc. so that you can take or send them somewhere _____


科目: 来源:0103 期中题 题型:填空题

1. As is known to us, Bank of China has many ______(分支机构)all over the country.
2. Newspapers can keep us well ______(知晓的,了解的)about what is happening all over the world.
3. It is very difficult to ________(联系)the result with the unknown cause.
4. They are________(讨论) about the problem with education.
5. Her work has ________(有助于)greatly to our understanding of this difficult subject.
6. The ______(屋顶)of the buildings were broken in the hurricane. 
7.  We must arrange a ______(方便的) time and place for the meeting.
8. She was strongly ________(推荐)for the post.
9. She doesn't have enough _____(力气)to carry it upstairs.
10. I only caught a ______(一瞥)of the parcel, so I can't guess what was inside it.


科目: 来源:浙江省期中题 题型:填空题

1. The sky is no longer clear in this area, because it has been badly a__________ by pollution.
2. For him, performing on the stage was no more than a means of e__________ his living.
3. You can't take photos here unless you get p__________ from the administrator.
4. Handsome, young, energetic and talented, the manager is a__________ by us all in the company.
5. Jayson is wandering between ideals and r__________ and cannot set a goal for his future.
6. We'll get d__________ up as movie characters for the party. What a wonderful idea!
7. That sports star a__________ much importance to his image, which has nice effect on the public.
8. The building is regularly i__________ by the police to make sure there is nothing wrong.
9. China World Hotel p__________ a lot of service for its residents.
10. Since he has been working so hard, it is o__________ that he will succeed.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. A general (将军) is a man who ________ (命令, 指挥) a large number of soldiers.
2. This sentence doesn't make any _________ (意义)
3. Will you go to the party _________ (代替) me?
4. Did you see the government leaders ________ (出席)?
5. The workers ________ (要求) a rise in the salary.
6. It's not a word in common ________ (使用).


科目: 来源:浙江省高考真题 题型:填空题

1. People with a poor memory often f________ things.
2. Spring is a s_________ when trees turn green and flowers open.
3. Don't always d_________ on others. You should learn to rely on yourself.
4. George was born on June 1, so Children's Day is also his b_________.
5. With no adults around, it's d_________ for children to swim in the river.
6. He caught a high f________. His body temperature was as high as 40℃.
7. There are only five minutes left. We'll have to walk q________ to get there on time.
8. He is always happy and never w________ about anything.
9. They offered me a ticket for the concert, and I a________ it with delight.
10. The photo will r_______ me of the days when we were together.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

____can such a small boy work out so difficult a math problem .(绝不,完全不可能)


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

  1) 他被选为教育委员会主席.
    He____(the) chairman of the education commit-
tee .
  2) 她决定当律师.
  She elected________a lawyer.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

用keep up with, catch up with 填空。
    1) She likes to____the latest fashions.
    2) Go on in front. I'll __you soon.

