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科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

用specially / especially / particularly 完成句子。
1. I like meat in general, and mutton____.
2. The teacher showed____concern for the disabled child.
3. She's____what she wears.
4. I like my hometown, ____ in spring.
5. A committee has been____ appointed to look into the matter.
6. We did very well in this exam,____ our monitor.
7. Her____way of smiling left a good impression on me.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. I think that you are f  _____ to have such a good teacher.
2. I was no longer satisfied with the life that had once c_____ me.
3. The news that our team had won _____  ( 使惊讶) everyone.
4. If we work with a strong will,we can _____( 克服) any difficulty,no matter how great it is.
5. He is a ___( 失败者) as an artist,but a success as an art teacher.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. Learning a foreign language is _____ the study of the spoken language.
2. We should____with great care.
3. ____the palace were guarded by troops.
4. As you know, there are several ways of ___.
5. The shadows lengthened with ___.
6. _____ when we must think  about buying a new house.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. ____. any money against your consclence.
    你无论如何不能违背白 己的良心而得到钱财.
2. _____ left home than it began to rain.
3. _____ passed the exam.
4.  _____  can speak English.
5. She doesn't like dance,____.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. The ____ opinion is that the local government should take action to help the blind people.
2.When you ____ blind people, they cannot tell if they  know you until you begin to speak.
3. The ____( 主要的) subjects in senior high schools are Chinese, English and mathematics.
4. The boy looked at me____( 好奇地) , as if I were a complete stranger.
5. Try to avoid being _____( 主观的) and one-sided when looking at problems.


科目: 来源:河北省月考题 题型:填空题

1. ______ ______ I returned after an absence, I felt stupid because I was _______ the others.
2. I have a busy life with no time to ______ ______ feeling sorry for myself.
3. As a favour Tony promised to help Claire make herself smarter and her home more ______. So
   Claire borrowed a pile of books from the library for him to read, ______ ______,scan.
4. This really surprised Asimov and from that moment, he started to _______ himself seriously____
     a writer.
5. Without ______ we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and ______ ______
     into the bay.
6. The first thing I became aware of was all the ______ colours _______me.
7. I know you're _______ to hear all about my life here, so I've _______ some photos which
    will help you _______ the places I talk about.
8. This gift _______ the cost of exercise books and textbooks for community primary
    schools that _______ in poor or remote villages.


科目: 来源:0113 期末题 题型:填空题

I: (NCE 33) She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs.    1      2   at the
    shore, the girl   3   up the cliff towards the light she had seen.
II: (NCE 34) In the letter he was asked to call at the station. Dan   4       5   he was   6    by the police, but
     he went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried anymore.
III: (NCE35) The thieves' car was badly damaged and easy to  7  . Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the
      car and both men were   8   .
IV. In the future, terrorists may"   9  " the world's computers, cause chaos, and make planes and trains   10   .
     The mail service may also disappear with the   11     12   of e-mail.
V: Because of Kong's   13   and hard work, he became famous   14  . But after years of performing, he felt
    that in some ways he had lost his   15   .
VI:   16   this painting,   17   Racing Horse, we can see a horse running  18   high speed like a missile across
     the sky.
VII: In the painting, a young woman sits alone. Her hand   19   the fan is elegantly   20   above her knees.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. Some films are full of v____. Too much fighting is not good for young kids to watch.
2. It was so cold that she had to wrap herself in a____ (毯子) to keep warm.
3. It's very ____ (慷慨大方) of you to lend me the money.
4. When the actors played on the s____, the audience sat in their seats and watched quietly.
5.In China, each citizen over 18 has the ____ (选举权) to elect and to be elected.
6. It's a small step for a man, but a g____ leap for mankind.
7. The scientist is d____ to his caree r(事业). He works day and night.
8. The countryside is so ____ (平静的) that I don't want to go back to the noisy city.


科目: 来源:0107 期中题 题型:填空题

1. Obama's first speech as president made a strong i________ on his audience.
2. Jackson, whose life motto is Never say die,is always o________, even when things are at his worst.
3. Tom kept studying hard and finally a________ a good knowledge of English.
4. He has been c_______ on English study and never failed an English exam.
5. Mary's mother will not a_______ of her marriage to Peter, which makes Peter very upset.
6. I recognized my former colleague the i________ I saw her in the gym the other day.
7. To his d________, his new novel was accepted for publication.
8. Who was the p________ (先前的) owner of the car?
9. ________ (除了) from their house in the downtown, they also have a villa in the countryside.
10. The passenger ________ (怀疑) the stewardess to be the pickpocket, but it was proved that she was


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. I was______(受到你的决定的影响).
2. We have______(对这个项目失去信心了).
3. The government finally______(批准了该法 律).
4. We have the skills____(他们不具备的).
5. It was_____ of him_____(他才会这么冷酷无情).
6. I was not able to catch the train.______(结果 上班迟到了).
7. She sounded______(很有说服力)to me.
8. I've got all her records, but I've______(未见过 她本人).
9. He_____(大量吸烟).
10. She will _____(决心要打破世界纪录).

