 0  11898  11906  11912  11916  11922  11924  11928  11934  11936  11942  11948  11952  11954  11958  11964  11966  11972  11976  11978  11982  11984  11988  11990  11992  11993  11994  11996  11997  11998  12000  12002  12006  12008  12012  12014  12018  12024  12026  12032  12036  12038  12042  12048  12054  12056  12062  12066  12068  12074  12078  12084  12092  151629 

科目: 来源:吉林省期末题 题型:填空题

1. Don't feel _______ (羞耻) that you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking.
2. These rules and regulations have been _______ (采用) by many major cities.
3. The _______ (实际) cost was much higher than we had expected.
4. Prices have risen _______ (平稳) during the past decade.
5. The government is considering a total _______ (禁令) on the sale of handguns.
6. The president finally handled the issue by _______ (加强) the relationships between the two countries.
7. The greenhouse effect gives the earth's surface the _______ (平均) temperature of 15℃.
8. Huge _______ (数量) of oil were spilling into the Gulf of Mexico last year.
9. Don't call me unless it's ______ (绝对) necessary.
10. Who can ________ (预测) what painting styles there will be in the future?


科目: 来源:吉林省期末题 题型:填空题

1. Anyone who is in_________ (possess) of weapons without permission is considered law - breaking.
2. She was accustomed to_________ (exchange) ideas with her husband.
3. The man dialed the telephone number again and again, _______ (attempt) to get through to Mr.
    White before 10 o'clock.
4. I feel like ________ (state) the truth of the accident.
5. A strong wind is blowing and the fallen leaves are being _________ (sweep) up into the air.
6. Our school has been given some new _______ (equip).
7. Our flight _________ (eventual) left five hours late.
8.You should read the ________ (instruct) carefully before using the washing machine.
9. Peace talk between the two countries have broken down with no agreement __________ (reach).
10. Your pet dog would like you more, if you________ (treat) him better.


科目: 来源:贵州省月考题 题型:填空题

根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 在答题卡相应的位置上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式.
1. It's always difficult to be in a foreign country, _______ (尤其是) when you know little about the language.
2. In her dream,she came to a _______(荒芜的) place.
3. When they heard that the president was murdered, they were all in deep _______ (悲伤).
4. The boy always _____ (发音) the word in a strange way.
5. The ________(大多数 ) of middle-school students in China are studying English as a foreign language.
6. Some students will clean the streets and look after the old and the ________ (残疾人) .
7. It is reported that the fire_____ (毁坏)most of the building.
8. My grandma feeds a lot of ducks in_____ (秋天) in the pond in front of our house.
9. What are you two girls_____ (耳语) about?
10. Mr. Smith is a professor who is _____ (值得) of great respect.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

J= Jacky C=Carol
J: Hello, Carol. What seems to be the trouble?
C: So k  1    of you to come to see me. I don't know what's wrong. Three days ago, while p   2   roses
     in the garden, it rained and I got c   3   wet, and I've had a cough s   4  that night. Now I ache all over.
J: Well, let me take a look at you. Are you still coughing very much?
C: Yes, and something is w  5   with my stomach as well. B  6  , I always feel sick.
J:Hmm. You're running a high fever, I'm afraid.
C: Oh, no wonder I've got a hot f   7   .
J: Well, Carol, I think you've got the flu. T   8   days there has been a lot of flu going around. I want you
   to stay in bed for at  l  9   two days, drink plenty of water, and t   10   the medicine three times a day. 
   I'll look in on you tomorrow morning.
C: Very good. Thank you very much.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

     Jane was walking round the department store. She remembered how difficult   1   was to choose a suitable
Christmas present for her father. She wished that he was as easy   2   ( please) as her mother, who was always delighted with perfume.
     Besides, shopping at this time of the year was not   3   pleasant experience: people stepped on your feet or 
  4   ( push) you with their elbows (肘部), hurrying ahead to get to a bargain.
     Jane paused in front of a counter   5   some attractive ties were on display."They are real silk," the assistant
tried to attract her."Worth double the price." But Jane knew from past experience that her  6  ( choose) of ties
hardly ever pleased her father.
     Jane stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered. She found some good quality pipes   7   sale. She
did not hesitate for long: although her father smoked a pipe only once in a while, she knew that this was a
present which was bound to please   8  .
     When Jane got home, with her small but well-chosen present in her bag, her parents were already   9   table
having supper. Her mother was excited."Your father has at last decided to stop smoking," Jane  10   (inform).


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题


     Mr Smith offers us some advice on how to write a good
composition, which i  1   the following steps. 
Firstly, we should read the topic c   2   and organize our ideas. 
Then we start to shape our thoughts  3   our own words and finish
our writing in the g  4   time. After that, we have to check our 
compositions, paying attention to the  5   (语法)and spelling, It is very
important to read them aloud to  6   (自己)or someone else from 
   7  to end. Lastly, we had better ask our teachers or classmates for
advice on how to improve our writing. If   8  (可能),we may leave
them alone for some time before reading again,  9    will help a 
great deal. I hope you will b  10  a lot from the advice above.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填一个单词。
     Many people need guidance in choosing a career(职业). Fortunately, there is much information on the Web
about job opportunities(机会).With all the information available, it's not surprising that people can feel
confused. So if you're ready to start your first job or change careers, where do you begin?
      The Occupation Handbook is a good resource. Regularly updated, the Handbook is available as a book and
on-line. Not only is information provided about the United States as a whole, but readers can easily search for
information about their particular state. You can read about the fastest-growing occupations in the area where
you live and find out what they are like. You can also learn how to apply for jobs.
     Take, for example, Nadia's situation. Nadia was a doctor's assistant in Iran, and her goal in the United States
is to become a nurse. However she needs to work while she is studying nursing. She is interested in becoming
a medical assistant to help work her way through college. When going on-line to the Handbook and searching
under" medical assistant", Nadia is happy to read that this is expected to be one of the fastest-growing careers
through 2010. Besides, job- opportunities are even better for people with experience. She discovers that medical assistants not only have to do some office work, but have medical responsibilities as well. Nadia decides this
job will be interesting and will also provide excellent experience for her nursing career.
     The Occupation Handbook is just an example of websites that can help you plan a new career. When you
have found information about some different careers, you will be ready to talk to career advisers. Choosing
your future career is an extremely important decision. It's worth taking the time and finding as much
information as you can.


科目: 来源:浙江省月考题 题型:填空题

1. It was in 1912 that the ship Titanic s_______ in the Atlantic Ocean.
2. In my o______, his suggestions are not practical.
3. Mandela took an a______ part in the struggle for independence.
4. Chinese athletes won 51 gold m_____ in the 29th Olympic Games.
5. People thought h_____ of him for his good deed.
6. Half of the students in the school were a_____ to university last year.
7. I bought it at the sales; it was really a b______.
8. Many bombs(炸弹) e______ in the capital city on a single day.
9. Of the two colours, I prefer the f______ to the latter.
10. A r____ will be paid to whoever brings back the wallet he lost.


科目: 来源:陕西省高考真题 题型:填空题

1. He was _____ (好奇) to know what was happening in the office.
2. There is much work to do, so we'll have to  _____ (分) it between us.
3. His nose ran, he coughed, and his  _____ (体温) was a little up.
4. The  _____ (第十二) man in a football team will play if one of the other players is ill.
5. It's no use  _____ (后悔) what you have done.
6. The acceptance of new members is  _____  (严格) controlled.
7. When building _____ (材料) cost more. the price of houses increases.
8. Leave your key with a  _____ (邻居) in case you lock yourself out one day.
9. The idea started in and has  _____  (传开) throughout the country.
10. It's cold today, Please put another _____ (毯子) on the bed.


科目: 来源:0113 期末题 题型:单选题

_____ we move the picture over there? Do you think it'll look better?

[     ]

A. Until
B. What about
C. As long as
D. What if

