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科目: 来源:0123 月考题 题型:填空题

1. In the United Kingdom, smoking causes 121,000 _____死亡.
2. The plan_____ 相关to the project is under discussion.
3. 症状_____are signs that some one has an illness.
4. The_____ 观众was enjoying every minute of the performance.
5. Ye Xiaogang has received many_____ 奖 in China and in other countries.
6. He plays c_____ music, as well as pop and jazz.
7. Users become a_____ to crack cocaine much more easily if they smoke it.
8. In America, doctors work for themselves and hospitals are p_____ owned.
9. Many countries are thinking about b_____ smoking on public transport.
10. I tried to p _____what it would be like to live alone on an island.


科目: 来源:0123 月考题 题型:填空题

1. This is because _____ _____ has not _____ enough money  _____ the health service.
2. Health care is _____ _____ everyone _____ in Britain
3. _____ _____ _____of friends who smoke and places where you smoke.
4. Choose _____ _____ _____you will be relaxed but also too busy to think about smoking.
5. Mozart was very a big star and _____ _____ _____ _____.
6. He is _____ _____ _____ the world has known.


科目: 来源:江苏月考题 题型:填空题

1. Since 2000,our school has ______(建造) many buildings for teaching and living.
2. It's________ (不舒服的) to go trekking on camels through Gobi Desert.
3. With a spirit of _______(冒险), nowadays many young people to travel to places which
4. Unlike his brother,he has a good sense of ______(幽默).
5. According to the ________时间表),the first lecture begins at 9a.m.
6. Jack was d_______ by his boss because of his big mistake.
7. Man can't e_________ without air or water.
8. I d_______ with his proposal,but later I changed my mind.
9. You need a l_______ guide when you travel in the Brazilian rainforest.
10. When the robbers in the bank pointed guns at the customers, some people were almost s______ to death.


科目: 来源:江苏月考题 题型:填空题

I was chosen to _________ _________ the experiment.
The teacher asked the children to some pomes about the Mid-Autumn Festival.
If I don't see an alien my own eyes,I won't believe their existence.
He is so football that he trains almost every day.
5. 这对老夫妻生活得很和谐,他们从来不争吵.
The old couple live in each other and they never quarrel about anything.


科目: 来源:福建省月考题 题型:填空题

1. Judging from his accent, he is a _______ (本地人)of Beijing.
2. I've got a new job.________,( 实际上)they've made me sales manager
3. They've made an urgent _______(请求) for international aid
4. I am rather c________ about my mother' health.
5. We are planning a ________(系列) of concerts to raise money for our project.
6. He can't go outing with us________ _______ (因为)his limited time.
7. His story is _______ ________ his own experience when he was studying in Harvard University.
8. If you take this medicine, it will help you to ______ _______ (镇定下来)at once.
9. He explained that he did not do it ______ ________.(故意)
10. I have no enough material in hand ________ _______.(现在)


科目: 来源:0119 月考题 题型:填空题

     Born in 1929,Anne Frank was   1   German-Jewish teenager who was forced   2   (go) into hiding to avoid
being arrested by the Nazis. She and   3   family, along with four others,   4   (spend) 25 months in a few small
rooms above her father's office   5   Amsterdam. The family was finally found by the Nazis, and forced to go
to the concentration camps (集中营). In March 1945,nine   6   (month)after she was arrested (逮捕) and
shortly before the camp was liberated, Anne died, at the age of 15. Her   7   (die) is one of history's greatest
tragedies (悲剧). But her sprite lives on to this day through the diary, later published as" The Diary of Anne
Frank" in   8   she recorded her experiences of a young Jewish girl's   9   (hide) in Nazi-controlled Amsterdam
Her diary, first published in 1947, has become one of the world's most  10  (wide) read books. It has been
translated into 67 languages and has moved millions of people.


科目: 来源:0103 期中题 题型:填空题

单词拼写 。
1. How much do you ________(收费) for a bed a night?
2. The news was heard ________(广播)first by the Beijing Radio.
3. I'm sorry, but I didn't do it on _______(目的).
4. Finally, the little girl _______(吞咽)the medicine with the help of some juice.
5.We need food and water for ________(生存).
6. He was waiting for his brother's return with _______(焦虑).
7. How many ______(德国人) are going to visit their town next mouth?
8.The doctors were busy _______(检查) for the coming examination.
9. Is it as cold in ________(一月) in Australia as it is here in China?
10. The court ________(判处) the murderer to death by law.


科目: 来源:0103 期中题 题型:填空题

1. chapt___(er,or,ur)
2. b___cott(oe,oi,oy)
3. prejud____(ese,ice,ise)
4. re___lution(va,ve,vo)
5. relig___(ian,ion,ien)
6. law____(yer,ier,ior)
7. chor____(as,us,is)
8. ridicul_____(ers,ors,ous)
9. guarant______(ea,ee,en)
10. gath____(er,or,on)


科目: 来源:0113 期中题 题型:填空题


     Millions of words have been said about young people in the United States. There are reasons (1) ____ this
great interest in their ideas, (2)_____ (feel) and actions. Today there are about eight million Americans in the
colleges and universities. The young people under twenty-five (3) _____ up nearly half of the American
population, many of (4) __ will be in power in the near future. (5) ____ (nature), their ideas are important to
everyone in the country, and (6)_____ is necessary for the older people to understand (7)_____ they think and
feel. College students today have strong opinions about right and(8) . They are deeply interested in making a
(9) ___ (good) life for all the people, (10) e____for those who have never been given a fair chance before.


科目: 来源:0103 期中题 题型:填空题

1. Science, according to Hawing, is often _______(误解).
2.  I have a lot of _______ (困难)finding your house.
3.  There are three pieces of _______ (家具)in the room.
4. A plan began to _________ (形成)in his mind.
5. I am sure they won't feel ________ (失望的).

