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科目: 来源:0103 期中题 题型:填空题

1. He comes from France, but he can speak Chinese _______ (流利).
2. The English party is a success because it was well _______ (组织).
3. Fire _______ (毁掉) several stores along the street.
4. The people _______ (在场) at her party are all her friends.
5. _______ (实际上), he dislikes playing football.
6. At _______ (午夜), the sky became clearer.
7. I felt sorry that my father _______ (忽视) my request.
8. Children are crazy about playing _______ (户外).
9. Tom won't change his _______ (态度) towards playing computers.
10. They _______ (毕业) from the same university ten years ago.


科目: 来源:0103 期中题 题型:填空题

1. He was terribly (不安的) ______ over her illness
2. The children's mother was very (担心的) ______ for their safety when they didn't come back from 
    school at the usual time.
3. She looks young, but she's (实际上) ______ 50.
4. Usage (决定) _______ what is good English.
5. Judging by her (口音) _______, she must be a Southerner.
6. Professor King often contributes (投稿) to the medical (杂志, 日记) ______.
7. What's your (态度) _______ to this idea?
8. The salesman (劝说) _______ us into buying his product yesterday.
9. The Beijing-Hangzhou (运河) _______ is the oldest one in the world.
10. A (爆发)______ of hand-clapping (掌声) followed the ending of the song.


科目: 来源:0103 期中题 题型:填空题

     There was a time 1_____ a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers can never have
2_____ me 3_____. That's 4_____ since I was here.
     It was 5_____ more on German than the English we speak 6_____. Then 7_____ between about AD800
and1150, English became less like German. 
     8_____ she didn't know the best way of getting to places, she 9_____ that she 10_____ the trip properly.
Now I know that the 11_____ way is 12_____ her way. I kept 13_____ her, "When are we leaving and when
are we coming back?"


科目: 来源:0103 期中题 题型:填空题

A. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in 1_____.
B. Although she didn't know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she 2_____ the trip properly.
C. Geography also 3_____ a part in 4_____ dialects.
D. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlights and
     flowers 5_____ never 6_____ 7_____ me spellbound.
E. He was 8_____ with his time, for which I was grateful.
F. He was the first man 9_____ land on the moon in July 1969.
G. A great person is someone who 10_____ his life to helping others.


科目: 来源:0103 期中题 题型:填空题

1. It took a long time for him to______ (恢复) from a bad cold.
2. Don't always stay indoors. You'd better go ______ (户外) for fun time. 
3. At the beginning, I _______ (不同意) with his advice, but later I changed my mind. 
4. ______ (实际上) he is a shy boy who talks little.
5. Black people couldn't ______ (投票) in the past.
6. All countries, big and small, should be ______ (平等的). 
7. A great person is someone who _______ (献身) his life to helping others. 
8. What kind of transport do you _______ (更喜欢) to use: bus or train?
9. James was _______ (心烦的) because he had lost his ticket.
10. It was hard to _______ (使平静) down the football fans.
11. Everyone can greatly improve the _______ (质量)of life if a right attitude is taken. 
12. Half of them died or were_______ (受伤) during the earthquake.
13. Though many Americans move a lot, they still _______ (辨认出) and understand each other's dialects.
14. She saw him coming but she tried to_______ (不理睬) him.


科目: 来源:0103 月考题 题型:抄写题

     If you want to improve your English, you cannot just study the textbook. To be a good learner, you
must make full use of library books, newspapers and magazines. 
     When you learn a new English word, you need to see how it is used in the text. Try to pronounce it
according to its spelling. Guess its meaning by looking at the words before and after it in the sentence.
Then check the pronunciation and meaning in the dictionary. From the text and the dictionary you will
learn how to say and use the word properly.


科目: 来源:0103 月考题 题型:填空题

1. Whatever you do, don't m_____ this exhibition. (错过)
2. They're going to a_____ on CCTV next month. (出现)
3. I told her to come home by 10 o' clock, but she i_____ me. (忽略)
4. Many top leaders are c_____ about the shortage of water. (关心, 担心)
5. The children have been indoors all day. Let them play o_____ for a while. (户外地)
6. The man saved the girl from the river and her mother was very g_____. 感激的)
7. She found it difficult to s_____ in the hiding place. (定居)
8. Although many Americans move a lot, they still r_____ each other's dialects (方言). (辨认)
9. It is well known that news must be b_____ on facts. (以….. 为根据)
10. Both English and French are o_____ languages in Canada. (官方的)
11. I am very good at _____ (交流) with people.
12. My teacher _____ (建议) us to read English every morning.
13. My n_____ language is Chinese.
14. Every person is e_____ according to the law.
15. Don't waste time. We should make good u_____ of our time.


科目: 来源:0103 月考题 题型:填空题

1. I didn't _______(认出) my friend Li Hua until he said my name.
2. I want to pay the train fare, but my friend insisted. _______(最后) I gave in.
3. I said hello to her, but she _______(不理睬) me completely.
4. You can depend on her, she is a _______(可信赖) friend.
5. The students are told to sit_______(直) when they are having lessons.
6. Remember to take a _______(包) of clothes with you.
7. Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike. Then she _______ (说服) me to buy one.
8. Tell your friend that you are _______(关心) about him.
9. I am very good at _______(交流) with people. 
10. It is so cold that we had to draw all the______(窗帘).


科目: 来源:0103 月考题 题型:填空题

单词拼写:根据汉语提示, 写出正确的单词。
1. He went to that restaurant _____ (频繁).
2. They _____ (说服) her into giving up that unreasonable plan.
3. In a certain areas, _____ (闪电) can be very dangerous.
4. Go _____ (一直地) down the road and then turn left.
5. On my way home, I went to the post office to pick up many _____ (包裹)
6. The general _____ (命令) the soldiers that they not march towards the valley.
7. Judging by his _____, he must be a southerner. (口音)
8. Although he was far away from home, he was still _____ (挂念) about her safety.
9. There are a great many _____ (德国人) in the square.
10. As a top student, he is always asking a _____ (一系列) of questions.


科目: 来源:河北省月考题 题型:填空题

1. Anne made her _______ (日记) her best friend.
2. I _______ (不理睬) his advice beacause I was angry last night.
3. Don't stay indoors reading all day, you should go _______ (室外).
4. My teacher is talking some _______ (德国人).
5. She felt very _______ (孤独的) because she couldn't meet her friends.
6. What's your _______ (最喜欢的) song?
7. I would be _______ (感激的) if you could give me some advice.
8. The picture is _______ (不同) from that one.
9. English is a kind of _______ (官方的) language.
10. I am sorry I didn't _______ (认出) you just now.
11. _______ (事实上), I don't know what to do next.
12. I saw two car _______ (事故) last month.
13. Last week, Tom _______ (定居) in China.
14. Chinese is our _______ (本国的) language.
15. Our classroom is very beautiful with these _______ (窗帘).

