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科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

I don’t like playing _____ football, I like playing _____ piano.  
[     ]
A. the; the      
B. /; /          
C. /; the          
D. the; /


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

While showing round the park,Gerhard took__________ delight in pointing out the wonders of________nature to the guests. 
[     ]
A. /; the        
B. the; a    
C. a; a        
D. /; /


科目: 来源:江苏专项题 题型:单选题

It was raining heavily and the road was very slippery. A fully-loaded bus went out of ____ control some
distance _______ west of the city.  
[     ]
A. /; /
B. /; the
C. the; /
D. the; the


科目: 来源:江苏专项题 题型:单选题

Young as he is, David has gained _____ rich experience in ______ society.
[     ]
A. the; the
B. a; /
C. /; /
D. /; the


科目: 来源:江苏专项题 题型:单选题

It was ______ exciting news that more than ten students in a single school were admitted to Tsinghua
University in the same year.
[     ]
A. one
B. an
C. /
D. a


科目: 来源:江苏专项题 题型:单选题

In the USA, ______ Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival. Traditionally, it is _____ time to give thanks
for the harvest and express gratitude in general.
[     ]
A. the; a
B. /; the
C. /; a
D. the; the


科目: 来源:专项题 题型:单选题

— Hi, Wang Xin! What attracts you so much in today's Jinling Evening News?
— I'm quite impressed by ____ latest news that ____ senior citizens can enjoy free fares.

[     ]

A. a; the
B. 不填; the
C. the;不填
D. the; the


科目: 来源:重庆市期末题 题型:单选题

It is often said that _______teachers have ______ very easy life.
[     ]
A. /; /      
B. the; /
C. /; a        
D. the; a


科目: 来源:江苏期中题 题型:单选题

Bruce, ______ headmaster of our school, was elected by voting and other leaders were chosen in
______ same way.
[     ]
A. /; the
B. the; the
C. /; a
D. a; the


科目: 来源:陕西省同步题 题型:单选题

The singer and________dancer plays________important part in the concert.
[     ]

