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科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

Forests are being cut and burned at________a speed________they will disappear from the
earth in the near future.
[     ]


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

Boys wear fashionable clothes.______, some birds have bright feathers.
[      ]
A. Naturally  
B. Unexpectedly
C. Similarly  
D. Surprisingly


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

—What a pity! I've not got a ticket for the football match.
—Don't worry. It'll be broadcast _____.
[     ]
A. live  
B. lively
C. alive  
D. living


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

I'm not surewhether I will have anything else to do this evening.____,I will try every posslble
means to come to your birthday party.    
[     ]

A. Even though
B. If so    
C. Anyhow
D. Instead


科目: 来源:0123 期中题 题型:改错题

     It was snowing heavy on Monday morning. Li Hua was
at the bus stop, waiting for Bus No. 601 to go to school. After the 
while, a bus came and she got on it. Here were many passengers 
in the bus. Some were talking and some were looking out for the 
windows. All of sudden the bus stopped. The driver turned
around and said,"Sorry. The bus had broken down. Please
get off and help push the bus." When she heard it, Li Hua 
and the others passengers got off the bus. They worked hard 
together, pushed the bus slowly forward. Soon the bus was running
again. All the passengers were smiling and so the sun was shining.
1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
4. _____
5. _____
6. _____
7. _____                                    
8. _____
9. _____
10. _____


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

Most parents are not _____ the danger of their babies' eating jelly, which causes most unfortunate incidents
to happen.
[     ]
A. well aware to
B. very aware of
C. aware that
D. well aware of


科目: 来源:湖北省高考真题 题型:单选题

He began to take political science _____ only when he left school .
[     ]
A. strictly
B. truly
C. carefully
D. seriously


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

The questionnaire takes___ ten to  fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the 
assessment interview.  
[     ]
A. mainly          
B. punctually    
C. approximately
D. precisely


科目: 来源:专项题 题型:单选题

After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _______ cars in 2010 as the year before.
[     ]
A. as twice many
B. as many twice
C. twice as many
D. twice as


科目: 来源:0103 期中题 题型:单选题

No hurry at all. The train will come in an hour; _____, we can have lunch.
[     ]
A. though
B. meanwhile
C. however
D. while

