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科目: 来源: 题型:


專通读T面的短文,掌握其太意,然后从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最隹答案。

                 易读度★ ★ ☆

    Many years ago,when I was working as a volunteer at a hospital,I got to know a little girl named Lisa. The poor little girl had a very 36 illness and was dying. The doctors all did their best,but no 37 really worked. The only possible way to 38 her was to transfuse(输) her five-year-old brother's blood into her. The little boy had the same illness before and 39 had the antibodies(抗体) to fight the illness in his body.

    The doctor talked to the little boy 40 what they planned to do,and asked him if he would like to 41 his blood to his sister. He thought for a minute and then he took a breath and said, “Yes,I’11 do it 42 it can save Lisa."

    As the transfusion was going on,the little boy lay 43 in bed next to his sister. He looked at her and smiled all the time. When everything was done,his smile disappeared(消失) and he looked a little 44 . He looked up at the doctor and asked ,“Am I starting to die?”

    The little boy was too young to 45 the doctor. He thought he would have to give all his blood to his sister and die,but he agreed.

() 36. A. small   B. simple    C. serious   D. similar

() 37. A. bandage. B. medicine    C. knife   D. activity

() 38. A. win   B. touch    C. hit   D. save

() 39. A. again   B. almost    C. already   D. never

() 40. A. about   B. from    C. through   D. without

() 41. A. sell   B. carry    C. show   D. give

() 42. A. if   B. unless   C. after   D. although

() 43. A. probably   B. easily   C. quietly   D. clearly

() 44. A. bored   B. afraid   C. shy   D. friendly

() 45. A. notice   B. miss    C. control   D.understand 


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 35. —Frank, ?

一I cut my finger when cutting up the onion.

   A. how about you    B.how come   C. what happened   D. what can I do for you 


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 34. 一Maria,did you go to Taiyuan last September?

— Yes,I went there part in the second Shanxi Cultural Industries Fair (文博会) .

   A. taking   B. to take   C. to taking   D. take


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 33. Their help made possible for many poor students to go to college.

   A. that   B. it    C. this   D. one


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 32. —What do you usually have for breakfast,Dan?

—I used to hamburgers but now I’m used to pancakes and porridge.

   A. eat; have   B. eating; have  C. eat; having   D. eating; having


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 31. The accident left John's unde . He lost his right arm.

   A. lonely   B. angry  C. sick. D. disabled


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 30. —Alice,do your homework right away.Don’t any longer.


   A. put off it   B. put it offC. set it up   D. set up it


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 29. Mr. Miller is enough to carry such a heavy box on his back.

   A. available   B. successful   C. traditional   D. strong


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 28. —Soccer is popular with students.

—Yeah,over fifty boys came to the soccer team.

   A. run out of   B. try ?ut for

C. call up   D. cheer up 


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 27. To save the man's life,the doctor had no choice but to his left leg.

   A. hand out   B. look after   C. cut off   D. make up 

