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科目: 来源: 题型:


连通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。


    My parents know little about high-tech (南科技产品) . Computers ,mobile phones(手机) ,iPads,iWatches …They can't 36 any of them!

    Every time I’m home for a holiday,my parents ask me how to take a photo on their mobile phones again and again. They 37  forgetting or getting it wrong!These days my mom is busy with her Facebook. In my opinion,parents should not have Facebook 38 they can't use it,and should never be “friends” with 39 children!My mom only has 11 “friends” 一 two of them are my sister and me!And she likes to comment (评论) on everything we do!This makes me 40 !I can't stand it!

    When I arrived home for Christmas last year,my mom gave me a piece of paper. 41 it'she wrote the things she wanted to learn before I 42 . No.l  was “How do I create (文件夹) on my computer?” 一 something I learned at primary school!

    43 I get angry when my mom asks me (for the hundredth time) 44 to do something on her computer. But I try to stay parient(耐心的) and help her. Now she has started to ask my sister for 45 too,so she isn’t always asking me!

() 36. A. buy   B. borrow C. make   D. use  

() 37. A. enjoy   B. keep C. finish   D. practice

() 38. A. if   B. after C. unless   D. although

() 39. A. her   B. our C. your   D. their

() 40. A. lonely   B. friendly

C. crazy   D. happy

() 41. A. In   B. On C. With   D. Through

() 42. A. called   B. won C. left   D. asked

() 43. A. Sometimes   B. Never

C. Firstly   D. Luckily

() 44. A. what   B. how C. which   D. where

() 45. A. trouble   B. money C. control   D. help 


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 35. —Bill,thanks for sending me to the hospital.


   A. It doesn’t matter   B. Best wishes 

C. No problem   D. I’d  love to 


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 34. Mr. Brown is used to the e-mails as soon as he gets to his office.

   A. looking after   B. looking forward to    C. looking through   D. looking for


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 33. — enjoy the opening ceremony(开幕式) of the National,Youth Games?

—That sounds great.

   A. How about   B. How to    C. Why   D. Why not


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 32. I don't want to put on you to make a decision,but we don’t have much time left.

   A. pressure   B. preparation   C. experience   D. risk


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 31. We came home and found Lisa on the sofa.

   A. sleep   B. to sleep    C. sleeping   D. slept 


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 30. —Do your parents mind you out?

—No. But I have to return home before 9 0’ clock.

   A. to go   B. to going   C. going   D. go 


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 29. When Peter learned I was int?rested in skating,he offered me.

   A. to teaching   B. teaching    C. teach   D. to teach


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 28. Mrs. Green has to her little daughter or she won’t work hard at all.

   A. hate   B. hurt   C. invite   D. push 


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 27. The children from Beijing will with the children from Shanghai in tomorrow's soccer match.

   A. disagree   B. compete    C. discuss   D. hit

