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科目: 来源: 题型:

67. We sat around the fire to keep (we) warm.


科目: 来源: 题型:

66 David is nice. He (lend) his car to US last weekend.


科目: 来源: 题型:

A: Maty,you’re a famous Olympic skater. You w (61) a gold  medal(金牌) at the Olympics several years ago!

B: Yes. I feel very (自豪的) .

A: You s (62) feel proud!Not all people can win a medal at the Olympics.

B: Well,all of them work really hard.

A: I’m sure they do. H (63) hours a day did you practice?

B: I practiced five to seven hours a day.

A: Getting ready for the Olympics is a full-time job.

B: It really is. I trained six days a week for many  years!

A: When did you s (64) skating?

B: I began when I was 5 years old.

A: Do you like being a skater?

B: Yes,I love it!I (65) I didn’t love it,I couldn, I work so hard.


科目: 来源: 题型:


    Alex is a writer and Safah is a teacher. They had good jobs and an apartment in Iowa City. However,one day they decided to build a new home for themselves. Most people would probably look locally(在本地)——perhaps in the neighborhood. But they planned to find a dream place to create their home.

    For Alex,it was quite easy to choose an island (岛) with everything he wanted. As an excellent traveler,Alex first visited the Palau group of islands years ago. He continued to go back there from time to time. The islands are about 7,500 kilometers west of Hawaii so they are difficult to reach. However,they have beautiful green forests with interesting plants and animals. In the end,Alex and Sarah chose one island — Angaur.

    Angaur is only thirteen kilometers around. About 150 people live on it. After knowing about their plan,the head of the island,an 83-year-old woman,was very happy. She said, “Angaur welcomes you."

    Then the real work began. Alex and Sarah ? didn’t want to pay for a construction company(建筑公司) so they taught themselves a lot about building. They also had a lot of friends in Iowa. They came out to help and in return(作为回报) got a free holiday by the beach of Angaur. The local people of Anguar also worked for Alex and Sarah and after many months of hard work,their dream house was ready.


56. Where does the writer think most people would build a new home?  

57. Are the Palau group of islands difficult to reach?

58. How many people live on Angaur?

59. Who is the head of Angaur?

60. What did Alex’s and Sarah’s friends get in return for helping? 


科目: 来源: 题型:


Fiona Walker is a naturalist(博物学家) .She works in a nature program called Nature Web. We spoke with her about Nature Web and her work as a naturalist.

(Q=Question; A=Answer)

Q: What is Nature Web?

A: Nature Web is an after-school program of the McFarlane Nature Center. It is to help students learn about the plant and animal life around them.

Q: How can kids join Nature Web?

A: We have Nature Web groups at 12 primary schools.

At those schools,any fourth or fifth grade student can join it.

Q: What will the kids do after they join Nature Web?

A: Each Nature Web group meets once a month with two naturalists from the center and then goes outdoors(户外) to identify(识别) animals and plants together.

Q: Do you think the program is successful?

A: Of course. One of my favorites is Biodiversity Day. We want our students to find out how many different kinds of living things make their home in one small area. One Saturday,we asked them each to spend two hours studying nature in their own neighborhoods. One girl found 53 species!

Q: Why did you decide to become a naturalist?

A: Im crazy about everything I see and hear in nature. Really,anyone can be a naturalist if he loves nature,I’m just lucky to have a job that lets me do what I love.


() 51. Which of the following is TR?E about Nature Web?

   A. Only fifth graders can join it.

   B. It is an after-school program.

   C. It has 12 groups all together.

   D. It is to help students do their homework.

() 52. How often does each Nature Web group go outdoors?

   A. Once a week. B. Twice a week,

   C. Once a month. D. Twice a month.

() 53. What does the underlined word “species” mean in Chinese?

   A. 图标   B. 特征   C.景观   D. 物种

() 54. What does Fiona think of her job?

   A. Difficult. B.Tiring,

   C. Wonderful. D. Common.

() 55. What is the talk mainly about?

   A. A nature center.

   B. A nature program,

   C. A naturalist’s hobby.

   D. A naturalist's everyday work.


科目: 来源: 题型:



    I work as a dentist’s assistant(助理) and people often have “good” reasons why they can't come to see the dentist. When I hear them,I can't help laughing.

    Roland liad an 11 0’ clock appointment(预约) .He phoned at 12 0’ clock and said, “I'm sorry that I missed my appointment. My dock broke."

    And then there was Sally who said,“I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday for my appointment but my pet mouse died.”

    Colin,who always finds a good excuse (理由) notf to come for his appointment,rang and told me, “My sister called the police and said I had hit her. They asked me questions for three hours before they decided it was a joke!”

    One of the best excuses came from 12-year-old Tim who came about two hours late for his appointment. He said that an elephant had sat on a car in front of his bus!And this caused such a traffic yam (交通堵塞) that no cars could move for an hour.

    13-year-old Rachel Stuart rang yesterday. This is how that talk went:

    “Hello,Doctor Bowden's office. How can I help you?”

    “This is Mrs. Stuart. I'm afraid my daughter Rachel cannot come for her appointment this morning. She has to stay at home because she lost her voice (失声)

    “I see. And who am I speaking to,again?”

    “My mother."


() 46. What was Roland's excuse for missing his appointment?

    A He got up very late.

   B. His pet mouse got badly 

   C. He had a big fight with his sister.

   D. There was something wrong with his clock.

() 47. The underlined word “They” in Paragraph 4 refers to “”.

   A. Colin's parents,   

   B. The police 

   C. Colin's sisters   

   D. The doctors

() 48. From the passage,we can know that Tim.

   A. lost his voice in an accident

   B. went to see his dentist by bus

   C. saw an elephant in front of a car'

   D. was one hour late for his appointment

() 49. Who called to say that Rachel couldn,t come for her appointment?

   A. Rachel herself. 

    B. Rachel’s mother,

   C. Rachel's friend.

   D. Rachel's grandmother.

() 50. In the writer,s opinion,the excuses are all.

A. popular   B. funny 

C. creative   D. strange


科目: 来源: 题型:

易读度★ ★ ☆

Dear Nancy,

    Thanks for your letter. It was great to read all your news. I was sorry to hear about Matthew's 36 . You said he had a broken leg in it,didn’t you? Is he out of hospital now? Send him our best wishes 37 a quick (康复) .

    Well,we have news for you,too — some good,38 not so good. Jim's grandmother left us last Sunday. We got a phone call at lunchtime,to say that she fell in the kitchen. 39,we didn't arrive in time to see her. I hope you 40 that she was ill for some time. We loved her. We will quite miss her.

    One piece of good news,41 ,is that Jim got a new job. Perhaps you remember him losing his job when the car factory closed? He went for a lot of interviews (面试) , 42 they all said he was too old.I mean,he’s only 45!Thankfully,a school phoned him yesterday to 43 him a job,training mechanics (机修工) .So he's really excited Another piece of good news is that Irene finally found an apartment to buy. I’m so happy for her!It's so 44 these days for young people to do that. Wish her good luck!

    That's all 45 news for today. It's time for me to cook dinner. Write soon!


() 36. A. stress   B. silence

   C. medicine   D. accident

() 37. A. for   B. behind

C. through   D. without

() 38. A. each   B. other  C. some   D. none

() 39. A. Easily   B. Differently

C. Unluckily   D. Unfairly

() 40. A. refuse   B. answer

C.expect   D. remember

() 41. A. still   B. again

C. almost   D. however

() 42. A. or   B. but C. so   D. until

() 43. A. lend   B. show C. offer   D. advise

() 44. A. hard   B. strange

C. traditional   D. dangerous

() 45. A. her   B. our C. his   D. your


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 35. —We should do some volunteer work when we are free.

— Helping others can bring joy to our life.

   A. That's all   B. You’ re right

C. Best wishes   D. You’ re kidding 


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 34. Mario, the tent quickly. It's late and we have to leave here.

   A. put up   B. care for

C. take down   D. hand out 


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 33. —Does your daughter have a round face just like you?  

—No. She doesn’t me at all.

   A. take after   B. depend on

C. dress up   D. hear from 

