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科目: 来源: 题型:


    When Mike Scott,a singer,read the page about himself on Wikipedia.com,he found several facts were wrong. So he started correcting (改正) them online. (61) He couldn’t believe his eyes.He wrote about it in his blog(博客) .A few minutes later,he got a message from a stranger. The person explained that he liked Mike Scott and his songs very much. (62)

    Today,anyone can write a blog or an article online. Wikipedia is also a popular way to do studies. (63) In recent years,many people found that there was something wrong with their online information. Terry Millstone,a reporter,said, “Wikipedia seems like a great id?a,but in fact it's a dangerous website." (64) Pete Morley,another reporter,said, “People (批判) Wikipedia because they’ re afraid of it."

    So,how do we know what to believe?(65) But with the rise of the Internet,that trust is at greater risk than ever.


   A. But not everyone agrees witjb this idea.

   B. When he finished,he looked back and found the information at the top of the page was changing back again.

   C. But is it a good pl?ce to get information?

   D. Words usually have a strong (影响) on people and we are more likely to trust printed words.

   E. They said they always found information on it.

   F. He looked at the page every day and if any facts were changed,he changed them back at once.


科目: 来源: 题型:


    On Christmas Eve,Mrs. Clare was doing some shopping in the supermarket when she passed a stall (摊位) .The stall was selling tickets(彩票) . She decided to buy one for her son. As soon as she bought the ticket,she went home to Wrap (包装) her gifts and put them under the Christmas tree. While she was wrapping her son’s gift,she put the lottery ticket into the bag. And then she forgot all about it. On Christmas Day,her son and daughter came to her house. They all sat around the tree and opened their gifts. Mrs. Clare totally forgot about the lottery ticket. After her son opened his gift and thanked his mom,he threw the bag in the (垃圾箱) .

    A few days later,Mrs. Clare and her son Jack,were having coffee together in town. A piece of news came from the radio. It said the winning lottery ticket for the Christmas was sold in that supermarket. “Listen,” said Jack, “that is the stall where you usually buy your tickets. And the winning number is the same as my birthday!” Suddenly Mrs. Clare remembered her son's Christmas gift. “Oh no!” she cried and jumped out of her seat.

    She explained what had happened to her son on their way home. When they got home,Mrs. Clare and Jack ran to the bin an? started emptying it. Finally,they found it 一 the winning ticket!

() 56 Mrs. Clare bought the lottery ticket for her

   A. father   B. mother

    C. son   D. daughter

() 57. Wh?t does the underlined word “totally” in Paragraph 1 mean?

   A. Suddenly. B. Completely,

   C. Luckily   D. Hardly.

() 58. What was Mrs. ClareVdping when she knew she won the lottery ticket for the Christmas?

   A. Shopping. B. Driving,

   C. Drinking coffee. D. Wrapping gifts.

() 59. How may Mrs. Clare feel at the end of the story?

   A. Excited. B. Worried,

   C. Bored. D. Shocked.

() 60. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Mrs. Clare put the lottery ticket under the bed.

   B. The winning lottery number was Jack's birthday.

   C. Mrs. Clare didn't like shopping in the supermarket.

   D. It was the first time for Mrs. Clare to buy a lottery ticket.


科目: 来源: 题型:


A 易读度★★☆

Surin lies in the southeast of Thailand. It is famous for its beautiful scenery (风景) and friendly people. For those who want to experience a much simpler way of life,Surin is the best choice (选择) .

Our volunteer teaching experience will give you a chance (机会) to help children through teaching. We’11 give you necessary training. Your workplace will be in a primary school in Surin. The school day starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. It means that you’11 have lots of free time in the evening to relax or enjoy the beautiful scenery there.

. Day 1 A?ive in Bangkok

A car will drive you to your hotel when you arrive at the airport(机场) .Have a rest and enjoy some of the city’ s most famous places.

. Day 2 Go to Surin Take a train to Surin,live in your volunteer home and then get all tfae information about the school and students.

. Day 3 Meet the students You will get the chance to meet your students and have a talk with them.

. Day 4—8 Teaching time: 8:30 a.m. 一 3:30 p.m.

Teach English in a Thai primary school and play games with students. You will learn about Thai life and children just as much as what you’ 11 teach. A truly interesting experience!

. Day 9 Free time in Sunn Relax during your free time by walking around Surin or visiting Cambodia near it.


() 51. What do we know about Surin from Paragraph 1 ?

   A. It is a place with few people.

   B. It is in the north of Thailand.

   C. The scenery there is beautiful.

   D. People there live a very busy life.

() 52. How will volunteers go to Surin from Bangkok?

   A. By plane. B. By train,

C. By car. D. By bus.

() 53. What will volunteers teach in the Thai .primary school?

   A. English. B. Math,

C. Geography. D. History.

() 54. Volunteers can visit Cambodia on Day.

A.3   B. 5   C. 7   D. 9

() 55. What is the material mainly about?

   A. A volunteering plan in Surin.

   B. Studying in Sunn.

   C. A traveling plan to Surin.

   D. Living in Surin.


科目: 来源: 题型:


A: Hi,Ken,you don't look very good. What's wrong? 

B: I have a cold,Linda.

A: (46)

B: No,I have a terrible headache now.

A: (47)

B: Because I have too much work to do. But I really don’t feel well.

A: Talk to our (老板) Mary. (48)

B: OK,I will.

(in Mary office)

B: Hi,Mary!I feel uncomfortable. (49)

C: Yes. You look terrible.

B: Thanks,Mary,I’m sorry I just can't work today.

C:(50) Go home and get better!

   A. Why don’t you go home?

   B. She will understand.

   C. Put a bandage on it.

   D. Don’t worry about work.

   E. When did you have the flu?

   F. Are you OK?

   G. Can I go home a little earlier?


科目: 来源: 题型:


    This summer,I bought a ticket for Bestival before I moved to France. It's a famous British festival on the Isle of Wight. When I 36 some of my friends also bought tickets for it,I was very excited. I expected to camp 37 them. The day before we set out (出发) , we bought 38 food at the supermarket because we thought it would be too expensive to buy any food during the festival. Two friends and I 39  a big shopping (手推车) with food. I thought we bought too much at first. However,when we got to the Isle of Wight,we found everybody else had the same 40 as us.

    We 41 our tent and put all the food in it,and then we began to talk and play. The weather was surprisingly warm for September,and everybody sat outside their tents 42 .

    The main reason for everyone being here was the 43 . There were different kinds of music playing around US,44  there was something for everyone. I really enjoyed 45 . I am looking forward to going back again next year.

() 36. A. forgot , B reported

C. knew   D. replied

() 37. A. with   B. from c. of   D. at

() 38. A. traditional   B. icy  

C. special   D. enough

() 39. A. fixed   B. filled

C. controlled   D. offered

() 40. A. deal   B. relation

C. idea   D. skill

() 41. A. set up   B. gave away

C. cut out   D. tried out

() 42. A. nervously   B. seriously

C. shyly   D. happily

() 43. A. weather   B. drinks C. music   D. games

() 44. A. so   B. but   C. or   D. unless

() 45. A. himself   B. myself

C. herself   D. yourself 


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 35. —Cindy went to New Xork yesterday.

. I saw her ten Minutes ago.

   A. You’ re kidding   B. You’ re right    C. Sounds great   D. Best wishes 


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 34. David used to hamburgers in the USA. but he soon got used to pancakes in China.

   A. eat; eat   B. eating; eat

   C. eating; eating   D. eat; eating


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 33. —I have trouble sleeping recently.

—You listen to light music to relax before going to bed.

   A. must   B. could

   C. mustn’t   D. couldn’t


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 32. You can write to this address out more about university courses.

   A. to find   B. find

   C. to finding   D. found


科目: 来源: 题型:

() 31. In order to save the man’s life,the doctor had to his left leg.

   A. turn down   B. get into

   C. give away   D. cut off 

