 0  132319  132327  132333  132337  132343  132345  132349  132355  132357  132363  132369  132373  132375  132379  132385  132387  132393  132397  132399  132403  132405  132409  132411  132413  132414  132415  132417  132418  132419  132421  132423  132427  132429  132433  132435  132439  132445  132447  132453  132457  132459  132463  132469  132475  132477  132483  132487  132489  132495  132499  132505  132513  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

4. Alex did the project on community service better than his classmates.

   A. so   B. very   C. too   D. much

(2015 上释)


科目: 来源: 题型:

3. —Do you know that China is one of countries in the world?

—Yes,I do. It's much than the us.

   A. oldest; older   B. the oldest; older

C. the oldest; elder   D. the older; elder



科目: 来源: 题型:

2. —What do you think of receiving and giving gifts?

一I think the art of receiving a gift is than the art of giving.

   A. much more difficult   B. very more difficult 

C. much difficult   D. as difficult as (2014四川内江)


科目: 来源: 题型:



1. 一The picture is,I have to say,not a bit beautiful.

—Why? It's than the pictures I have ever seen.

   A. far more beautiful   B. much less beautiful 

C. no more beautiful   D. any less beautiful



科目: 来源: 题型:

    Wearing funny clothes,Jennifer and her friends went trick or treating (不给糖就捣乱) for candy around the neighborhood.

    There was ? very old house in her street.(1) People never saw anyone enter or leave it. They said ghosts (鬼) often visited there.

    Jennifer’s friends dared (激) her to go and knock on the door of the old house. Jennifer really didn’t want to,but she knew she couldn’t tell her friends she was afraid.

    (2) That made it even scarier!Her friends watched from a safe (距离)out in the street as Jennifer walked.

    Using her flashlight to guide her in the dark,Jennifer slowly made her way to the old house.(3) . She almost turned and ran all the way back,but she knew that would make her friends laugh at her.

    With only the moonlight to light her way,she took a deep breath and slowly walked to the door.

    Her hands were shaking as she knocked. She was very afraid and hoped no one would open the door.

    (4) Jennifer saw a little old woman standing in front of her.

    The old woman smiled warmly at Jennifer. She explained that this was the first time someone had come trick or treating. (5) .

    The old woman was so happy that she gave Jennifer a big bag of candy and told her to come and visit her again.


   A. When she was about half way there,her flashlight went out(熄灭) !

   B. Every year she bought candy for children but no one ever came.

   C. No one was sure if anybody lived in the house.

   D. Jennifer and the old woman became the best of friends. 

   E. Jennifer had a look at her watch,and it was almost 12 0,clock.

   F. Just as she was going to turn and leave,the old door slowly opened.


科目: 来源: 题型:



提示词语:naughty(顽皮的) monkey,apple,pear,tree,home,nothing,upset



科目: 来源: 题型:


lesson,quiet,improve,school,communicate,so, with,eat,unless,special,compare,something 

    Hello,everyone,I’m Fiona. Now let me show you around the (76) . First of all,this is the classroom. You will have your (77) here.The moxzmww (最大的) number of students is twelve in a class and now there aren’t many students from Thailand in the school, (78) you’ 11 have to speak English most of the time!

    Sometimes it's quite difficult for people to study at home,so here we have a library and you can work there (79) If you want to go for a coffee or have something to (80) ,there is a small dining hall next to it.

    This is the Self Access Center. We have lots of CDs and tapes and videos to help you (81) your English. Also,if you want (82) to do on weekends,there is a s?cial(社交的) program organized by Anne. Anne is also the person who you should see if you have any problems (83) your accommodation (住宿) .

    If you want to improve your spoken English,we have some (84) afternoon lessons.They will help you improve your pronunciation

音) and (85) .

    That's all!Do you have any questions?


科目: 来源: 题型:

70. What's the difference between Chinese food and (west) food?


科目: 来源: 题型:

69. I’m not strong enough to move these (stone) .


科目: 来源: 题型:

68. It’s a warm morning and the sun is (shine) .

