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           Explore the artists at the famous Art Camp. Our instructors for the 2016 Summer Art Camp will be Terri Brush,Colleen Moody,and Ilona Steelhammer,with special guest Diana Frey.

           The Art Camp is something everyone should get to experience,at least once,in their lifetime. It's an amazing weekend with wonderful people from all across the United States. There's even an opportunity for you to treat yourself to a lovely massage (按摩) .The Art Camp is an event where you can forget about life' s  problems,and just enjoy yourself. It's a weekend you will remember forever.

           The Art Camp is hosted on the beautiftil Oregon coast in Lincoln City. You will get to enjoy 3 days of instruction,and 4  nights of accommodations,with an :opening night kick-off party all-in one of several beautiful and amazing homes on the coastline. Each day,you will enjoy fresh,home-made meals cooked especially for our event attendees. 

            We will begin our weekend on Thursday evening with a social kick-off party. Classes begin each morning at 9:30 am. Each attendee attends classes on Friday,Saturday and Sunday. You are welcome to check out on Sunday afternoon,or by noon on Monday morning.

            There are two payment options for the Art Camp. You can pay for the entire weekend in full,or you can make a payment plan. To participate in the payment plan,a down payment of either $495 (half deposit) or $250 (quarter deposit) is required to secure your seat. Remaining payments can be made in $250 increments (增额)and your full fee must be paid no later than May 15 ,2016.

             Fees are non-refundable (不能退款的) but are transferable (可转让的) to anojher name within 30 days of the Art Camp opening date. After that date you are not allowed to transfer the name or space .

13. Paragraph 2 is mainly meant to .

   A. inform    B. educate

   C. compare   D. encourage

14. If you take part in the Art Camp,you can .

   A. attend classes for four days

   B. enjoy some home-made food

   C. go to a party on the last night

   D. enjoy three nights of accommodations

15. What should you do to secure your seat?

   A. Pay $495 after May 15 ,2016.

   B. Pay at least $250 for the first time.

   C. Attend the party on Thursday evening.

   D. Transfer your name on Monday morning.

16. What's the purpose of the text?

   A. To advertise the Art Camp.

   B. To encourage people to love art.

   C. To spread the benefits of the Art Camp.

   D. To explain why the Art Camp is popular.


科目: 来源: 题型:


         Hip-hop music doesn’t typically remind us of the description “kid-friendly”. But Syracuse musicians Samar Moseley and Tyrone Jackson have found inspiration in their work as bus drivers for the Syracuse City School District. While other performers may rap about street violence or ill-gotten riches,this pair — known as 1306 — apply catchy beats to cautionary raps on bus safety and working toward graduation.

         Last year,1306 put out a three-song record,Mr. Bus Driver,with positive raps on school-related issues. They also performed at city schools. In an interview,Moseley said that he thought 1306 could find a sizable market for its positive messages. Moseley is the songwriter while Jackson handles the beats and engineering. The pair,who started driving buses in 2011,are enthusiastic about what the foture holds.

         They met during their bus driver training. The name 1306 came from Moseley's Bus Route 13 and Jackson's Bus Route 06. The concept behind that is going down a new journey and taking a new route to success. The first songs they did were club songs. One day,they both had a bad day on the bus,so they started talking about what happened and came up with the Mr. Bus Driver song.

        “Driving a school bus isn’t  an easy job. You have to let kids on the bus know that there are rules they should follow. The best way to teach something is to make it constructive and fun. Kids can learn the rules and have fun singing songs and dancing. It's a good feeling,” Jackson said. .

        Their CDs have now become popular in other states. In Minneapolis,people play them in day care centers. After more than a year,1306 is still the only thing the kids in the centers want to listen to.

9. What makes 1306 different from other rappers?

   A. Their club songs.

   B. Their sunny smiles.

   C. Their special experiences.

   D. The themes of their songs.

10. Why did Moseley and Jackson choose the name 1306?

   A. It was their new bus route number.

   B. It combined their bus route numbers.

   C. It reminded them of their bad days.

   D. It is the combination of their birthday dates.

11. What's the purpose of 1306’s songs according to Jackson?

   A. To comfort bored drivers.

   B. To make kids learn music.

   C. To teach people how to drive.

   D. To help,kids behave themselves.

12. How is the last paragraph developed?

   A. By time.       B. By contrast.

   C. By example.    D. By space.


科目: 来源: 题型:



            Morse in Franklin The Franklin Museum of Telegraphy (电报通讯术) in Philadelphia will present an exhibition on the life and invention of Samuel Finley Breese Morse,the co-inventor of Morse code (摩尔斯电码) . In those days,sending information with short signals was impossible. MorseJ's invention brought about the improvement of telegraphs.

           Models of the first telegraph and the telegraph of the early days will be displayed in the exhibition. Portraits and paintings of Morse will be on display as well. We will be giving out small booklets on Morse code to children to help them understand it in a funny way.

           There will also be some short films and talks that will give visitors a deeper understanding of Morse ’s  life. They will be offered to visitors at the end of the tour so that everyone can fully grasp the meaning of the exhibition. 

           The exhibition will start from May 1 through July 30  at the Franklin Museum of Telegraphy. Tickets are available at $20 for adults, $10 for children below the age of 12 ,and a group rate of $100 for ten or more people. Children below the age of 5 can get in for free. Please contact us at morse@franklin.org for further information.

To: morse@franklin.org 

From: ben@yahoo.com 

Subject: the exhibition 

Dear the Franklin Museum of Telegraphy,

           A group of twelve people,including my colleagues and friends,is looking forward to visiting the exhibition. However,I am wondering if the exhibition is*disabled--friendly and provides easy access to wheelchair-bound people like my friend. We 'also have a friend from China who will visit us and come along to the exhibition. He is not very familiar with the English language and American culture. May I ask if there are brochures or explanation materials in languages other than English? Are translations provided during the videos and talks as well? 

          Thank you.

                                                    Ben Hawkins

5. In the exhibition,you can learn about .

   A. booklets designed by children

   B. the early history of telegraphy

   C. famous artworks by a lot of American artists

   D. the recent development of information technology

6. When can visitors watch videos?

   A. Anytime during the daytime.

   B. At the beginning of the tour.

   C. After they receive booklets.

   D. Before they finish their visit.

7. Why did Ben Hawkins write to the museum?

   A. To reserve tickets in advance.

   B. To volunteer to be a translator. .

   C. To get some brochures for his friends.

   D. To ask for information about its services.

8. How much will Ben Hawkins most likely need to pa> for the visit?

   A. $240. 00.   B. $180. 00. 

   C. $120. 00.   D. $100. 00. 


科目: 来源: 题型:


             Lots of students do experiments on plants for their science projects. Scientists do this as well. Have you ever heard of a lie detector? It is something that police can use to figure out if you are lying or not. The machine can feel the energy in your body. If your energy moves fast,it shows you are nervous and may be lying. If it is slow and steady,it shows you are relaxed and probably honest.

             Scientists attached these same machines to plants,not to see if they are lying of course,but to see what makes them nervous,what makes them calm,and what makes them excited. They found many interesting things. First,they discovered when live fish were being cut up or live lobsters(龙虾) were being boiled,the plants got very upset. They seemed to respond to the fear of the living seacreatures.

            Besides,scientists found the plants actually got excited when their owners were coming home. What was even more interesting was that the plants got very excited 'when the owners stepped into the room. It seemed that the plants were so connected with their owners that they could pick up their owners’ intention to come home.

Plants also seemed not to like to be cut. When the owners pulled out a pair of scissors to cut them,they got upset. Scientists tried to frighten the plants and pretended they were going to cut them,but the plants did not get nervous in that case at all. It was as if they could read the owners’ mind. So,when taking care of your plants,remember that they are sensitive and smart.

1. The first paragraph mainly talks about.

   A. why a lie detector is popular

   B. when a lie detector ean be used

   C. how a lie detector works on plants

   D. what a lie detector is and how it works

2. What was the scientists’ purpose of attaching lie detectors to plants?

   A. To help plants grow faster.

   B. To see if plants are good liars.

   C. To see what causes plants* emotional changes.

   D. To help plant owners communicate with plants.

3. The result of the experiment is that.

   A. plants were happy to work with lie detectors

   B. plants got more relaxed when they were alone

   C. plants could"protect themselves when threatened

   D. plants might understand their owners in some way

4. What did the scientists use the scissors for?

   A. Cutting the plants. 

   B. Tricking the plants. 

   C. Replacing the lie detector.

   D. Frightening the sea creatures.


科目: 来源: 题型:


文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除 或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ ) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

           Mr and Mrs Smith are my neighbors. They lived in the neighborhood for over twenty years. Therefore,yesterday they told me they were moving. I was really surprised and immediate asked them why we wanted to move. Mr Smith said, uGina and I all have hobbies we want to work on them. But we were so busy at our work that we didnt have time for them. We used to living our life doing what we have to do/ But now we have decided to work on 'what we want to do.’ ” After hear what he said,I thought they have made the right decision.


科目: 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单 词的正确形式。

           My name is Mae Jemison. When I was a little girl,I was very 21 (interest) in space and science. I dreamed of 22 (travel) to outer space one day. However,it wasn’t a dream that could 23 (easy) come true back then. So when I told others about my dream,I was laughed 24 by them. But I believed that my dream 25 (come) true one day.

           Though many people questioned my interest in science,I followed my passion. I went on to attend Stanford University to study engineering. But it was really hard for a woman to become 26 astronaut after I graduated from university. I became a doctor and then joined the Peace Corps to help provide health services for people in Africa.

           In Africa I never forgot my childhood dream. While I was working there,I contacted NASA and applied for their astronaut program. Luckily,I 27 (accept) into the space program. In 1992, I traveled into outer space on the Space Shuttle Endeavor. My dream finally came true.

          Now I focus on inspiring children 28 (explore) , ask questions,try new ways of doing things,take chances,follow 29 (they) dreams and study science.

           Do you have a dream? 30 you do,don't give it up!


科目: 来源: 题型:



             Ever think of moving abroad? Whether it's  for a job,a better quality of life,or for love,there are ple^y of reasons why people make a big move. Expatriates(移居国外者) around the world have rated the following destinations as the top places to live abroad in 2015.

1. Ecuador 

   Ecuador emerges as the clear winner when it comes to expatriate destinations. It has been ranked as the top country in the world among both men and women.

2. Mexico 

   Safety concerns aside,over four out of five expatriates say that getting used to the local culture in Mexico is usually easy,and over 90 percent appreciate the friendliness of the Mexicans.

3. Malta 

   According to the expatriates,Malta is the best. destination for people who want to work abroad. Overall job satisfaction is high,and two-thirds of expatriates or more are generally happy with their career prospects,work-life balance,and working hours.

4. Singapore 

   Singapore is an attractive destination for those looking for high-income jobs. The excellent living standards,the quality of health care,as well as the lack of a language barrier,are what attract expatriates most there.

5. Luxembourg 

   Two-thirds of expatriates are generally happy with their job security in Luxembourg,but the career prospects and their work-life balance are also considered a plus by hard-working expatriates.

6. New Zealand 

   Most expatriates find the leisure options available in :New Zealand outstanding. The pleasant environment and relaxed local culture make expatriates feel very much at home.

7. Thailand 

    Despite costly schooling for expatriate children,the generally low cost of living,friendly locals and great weather are a few of the many reasons why 87 percent of expatriates are overall satisfied with life in Thailand.

13. According to the text,over 90  percent of expatriates in Mexico.

   A. think it's safe to live there

   B. consider the locals friendly

   C. fail to adapt to the local culture

   D. are satisfied with the weather there

14. Which of the following countries is best for working abroad according to the expatriates?

   A. Ecuador. B. Malta.

   C. Luxembourg. D. New Zealand.

15. Singapore would most probably attract those who want to .

   A. pay lower school fees

   B. learn a foreign language

   C. enjoy a high quality of life

   D. experience the relaxed local culture

16. The text is mainly meant to.

   A. encourage readers to go abroad

   B. explain why some countries are popular

   C. introduce the best countries to live abroad

   D. recommend some popular travel destinations


科目: 来源: 题型:



            Big waves are very bad news indeed. History is full of examples of devastation(破坏)The biggest wave ever recorded was the one that hit Alaska in 1958,after a huge landslide (山崩) created a tsunami that peaked at 500 meters above sea level. That's not a misprint: It was more than twice as high as the :tallest building in Britain today — Canary Wharf Tower. Scientists know how high it was because the giant wave removed trees and soil from nearby mountains up to that :altitude.

           The Alaskan wave is believed to have been a tsunami caused by a landslide. Italy has been hit by as many as 67 tsunamis in the past 2 ,000 years,though none :of them was as devastating as the one that killed 230,000;people around the Indian Ocean in 2004.

           It's  useful to tell the differences between tsunamis, which are caused by geological events,and enormous waves generated by weather. But it is probable that both types will become a lot more common as a result of worldwide global warming. The oceans absorb more than 80 percent of the heat added to the climate system. As the waters heat up,wind speeds increase,storms become more violent,polar ice melts,and sea level rises.

           “Now is the time to prepare for great floods,” Lloyd, an editorial in New Scientist,advised. ”In the future,the UK's  coastal cities will be jn jeopardy due to rising sea levels,” reported Lloyd. Similarly,nine out of the world's ten largest cities are located on low-lying coastal land.

            But giant waves are not new. For centuries,sailors told of the existence of enormous waves up to 100 feet high that could appear without warning in mid-ocean and often in perfectly clear and calm weather. Researchers : had reservations until the' existence of extremely huge waves was confirmed in 1995 in Norway,where an : 84-foot wave occurred in the sea where the average of the : tallest 33 percent of waves was 39 feet.

9. How did scientists determine the height of the Alaskan wave?

   A. By comparing it with Canary Wharf Tower.

   B. By observing the damaged mountains.

   C. By watching it from a tall building.

   D. By studying the huge landslide.

10. According to the text,more giant waves will be caused by .

Ai tsunamis   B. landslides

   C. climate change   D. rising sea levels

11. The underlined words “in jeopardy” in Paragraph 4 probably mean .

   A. in place   B. in peace

   C. in danger   D. in control

12. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

   A. Giant waves are less common recently.

   B. The biggest wave ever recorded was in Norway.

   C. Enormous waves appear with warning in the ocean.

   D. Researchers had doubts about huge waves before 1995.


科目: 来源: 题型:



            In 2014 and 2015,a Gallup World Poll surveyed people m 119 countries. A group of scientists analyzed how people answered two of the questions: How much do you know about global warming,and how serious was it to you and your family? And they were surprised.

            Most scientists think the world's  climate changing fast,yet many people do not share the scientists,view.What's  more,how people responded depended on various reasons. These included where people livd,how;many years they'd  gone to school,how much money they earned,their gender — even things such as how polluted the air was in the place where they lived. It's the first time those have been studied for their possible link to people' s thoughts on climate change.

            Many people were not even aware of global warming. Most people in Africa and the Middle East had!never heard of the concept. In contrast,people in the wealthier and more highly educated nations were quite familiar with global warming. Among people who were : aware of global warming,those in the poorer nations i tended to judge it as a far bigger threat. And in Latin Amenca and Europe people were more likely to see global warming as a bigger menace (威胁) when they understood the role that humans have played in that : warming. In Africa people were more likely to see :

climate change as a risk if it was tied to local temperatures or air pollution.

          “To our knowledge,this is the first and only truly global study,”according to the study's  lead author Lee.; Lee says the new analysis indicates that there's  still much work to do to get the word out about global warming. Indeed,helping people in different parts of the globe  understand it may require explaining the data and risks in;very different ways. Those explanations might have to differ from one neighboring country to another.

5. What surprises scientists according to the text?

   A. People's different opinions on climate change.

   B. Different causes of global warming.

   C. The seriousness of global warming.

   D. The fast pace of climate change. t

6. What can we infer from Paragraph 3 ?

   A. Africa has suffered severe air pollution.

   B. In Europe most people have studied climate change.

   C. Most people knew about the reasons for global;warming.

   D. Highly educated people were more aware of global wanning.

7. What does Lee learn from the research findings?

   A. It takes more effort to popularize global warming.

   B. Global warming will need more data to prove.

   C. Global warming puts people at great risk.

   D. It's difficult to stop global warming.

8. Where does this text probably come from?

   A. A lesson plan.        B. A news report.

   C. A fashion magazine.   D. A tourist guidebook.


科目: 来源: 题型:


              A teenager and his family have been praised as : heroes after rescuing five children from a fire. Matthew Robinson,18, his mother and his father rushed to help :when a neighbour's home went up in flames. Jackie Robinson,40, climbed a ladder to pull 12-year-old Tamara Barlow and her 16-month-old brother from their first-floor bedroom. Matthew went up the ladder and into the smoke-filled room to save two more children after their 16-year-old sister Charlotte climbed down.

              Last night,fire fighters said one or more of the children would almost certainly have died had it not been for the Robinsons. However,Matthew denied they were heroes. He said, ^Anyone would have done the same thing. I was in the right place at the right time."

              The fire at the home in Dorset,began around 9. 30 p.m. on Sunday night. The Robinsons heard the children s mother screaming “Qet them out”. Matthew rushed through the front door,but was beaten back by flames. After his parents helped three of the children down the ladder,he climbed into the bedroom to get the others.

              “Being in the room fUll of smoke,it was impossible to see anything. I had to feel my way round the room,trying to find the two kids and get them to make some noise,so I could find out where they were,”he said. rtThe boys were in a pretty bad. state,and almost passed out.They were unable to say anything.”

              Steve Isaacs,station manager at Weymouth Community Fire Station,said, “There was some very, very quick thinking on the part of Matthew and his father Jackie. They showed great bravery and helped save some lives. Normally we would never encourage people to go into a burning building but,on this occasion,it all worked out well."

1. How many children did Matthew's  father save?

   A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

2. Which of the following words can best describe Matthew?

   A. Honest and calm. B. Brave and modest.

   C. Generous and polite. D. Determined and smart.

3. What made the Robinsons aware of the fire?

   A. The flames of the fire.

   B. The smell of the smoke.

   C. The sound of the fire alarm.

   D. The shouts of the children's  mom.

4. What's Steve Isaacs,attitude towards the family,s


   A. Admiring.   B. Doubtful.

   C. Interested. D. Disapproving.

