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科目: 来源: 题型:


增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。 .

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ ) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

         My younger sister asked me that I could lend her 20 dollar yesterday afternoon. I refused because I was saving money for the beautiful dress. Yesterday evening,I found the $20 bill I have put on my desk gone. I immediate thought my sister had taken it. So I ran to her room and asked her to return back my money in anger. But she said she hadnt taken them. Just then,my mother came in. When she knew what had happened,she said, Your sister didn't take it. I took it because I need some money this afternoon. I apologized my sister and decided to stay calmly from then on.


科目: 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3. 个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

            One day when I was twelve years old,I visited the library in my city. At the library,a librarian asked me, “What are you going to do 21 you grow up?” I said, “I'm going to be a writer. I'm going to write books." The librarian smiled and said, “Well,when you do write a book,bring it to our library and we’ 11 put it 22 display. ” I was greatly inspired after 23 (hear) the librarian's words.

           After I left college,I believed I had something to say and started a book. One year later,I finally finished it. I sent it off to several publishers. However, 24 of them wanted to have it 25 (publish) . I put it away 26 (sad) . I thought that perhaps I didnt have a gift for writing. I wanted to give up. However,I thought of 27 the librarian once told me. So I decided to try again. Later,I got an agent and wrote another book in two years. I pulled the other out of hiding and soon both 28 (sell) by my agent.

          The day when a box arrived on my doorstep with some free author's 29 (copy) , I wept. The following day,I went to the library with each copy of my books. I hugged the librarian,thanking her for her 30 (inspire) words.


科目: 来源: 题型:



       This is the salamander (蝾螈) capital of the world; the Great Smoky Mountains National Park harbors 30 species,giving it the planet's most diverse population. “Catching” salamanders in the park is illegal.So the only sgfe way for kids to hunt for,capture,examine,and then return salamanders to their habitat unharmed is through the Slimy Salamanders program — one of the many junior rawgers (园林管理员) and Smoky Mountain Field School opportunities available to kids in the park.

        “Studying salamanders helps us understand more about the health of the whole park ,” says ranger Emily Guss,who designed the park* s Slimy Salamanders program. “And from there we can start a discussion with kids about climate change." Kids participating in the program collect important data — identifying species and size 一 that help monitor salamanders’ behavior.

        For the program,kids gather at the Sugarlands Visitor Center,just inside the park's  main Tennessee entrance near Gatlinburg. “Why are you guys here today?” Guss asks.

         Kids scream as one: aSalamanders!

         Guss says, "Yes,but you* re also going to be scientists. So let me see your best scientists’ manners." She presses her lips together and puts her forefinger to them,tips her head slightly,gets a quizzical look on her face,and says, “Hmm." The kids imitate her every action.

         She takes kids to a special secret salamander spot. “Salamanders are amphibians,” Guss explains. “You must handle them gently because their tails can break off. It takes two years to regrow. Sometimes it's a completely different color."

         “A salamander stores fat in his tail,which is his source of energy,” continues Guss. “If a salamander loses his tail,he will lose his energy. That will make it easier for a raccoon 一 a small North American anirhal — to catch and eat him."

          Kids spread out to seaYch for salamanders. They are serious scientists and understand their roles as protectors,stepping carefully,looking down,and helping each other guide swimming salamanders through the water into the bags.

          “Animals always leave clues,but kids rarely look for jthem ,” says ranger Nola Isobe. “If you are observant and know what to look for,you’ 11 see all kinds of amazing things here."

5. What is the purpose of the Slimy Salamanders program?

   A. To raise money for salamanders.

   B. Tp stop illegal salamander hunting.

   C. To lead children study salamanders.

   D. To find more salamanders for the park.

6. Before going to the salamander spot,Guss .

   A. tells kids about scientific tools

   B. stresses the importance of imitation

   C. teaches kids to behave like scientists

   D. introduces some salamander scientists

7. What can we learn about a salamander's tail?

   A. It regrows fast.

   B. It is vital for its life.

   C. It is usually very tough.

   D. It can scare raccoons away.

8. Nola Isobe seems to encourage children to .

   A. help each other   B. be careful searchers

   C. look for new species   D. be friendly to animals


科目: 来源: 题型:



         Reading is important for children to grow up. If you want touching or funny or unusual or classic picture books,there are some books to excite your interest.

The Day the Crayons Came Home 

by Drew Daywalt,illustrated by Oliver Jeffers 

        Duncan has some interesting crayons. Mine just sit there until I use them to color things. Duncan's crayons,however,get fed up and leave home or take adventures. They* re anything but dull. If your child loved The Day the Crayons Quit,this newest colorful adventure should be at the top of your reading list.

Little Red Gliding Hood 

by Tara Lazar,illustrated by Troy Cummings 

        The newest take on Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale full of fun. Little Red needs a new pair of ice skates,but the only way to get them is to win a competition. With most of the fictional characters having partners,she may need to team up with someone unexpected.

Finding Winnie 

by Lindsay Mattick,illustrated by Sophie Blackall 

         Most of us are familiar with Christopher Robin and Pooh Bear,but few people realize that Pooh grew out of the imagination of A. A. Milne who was a playwright and was inspired to write stories for his son Christopher Robin. In 1914,a vet named Harry Coleboum rescued a baby bear,took it to war with him,and later brought him back to England and then to the London Zoo where the bear met the real Christopher Robin. The rest,as they say,is history.

Swan: The Life and Dance of Anna Pavlova 

by Laurel Snyder,illustrated by Julie Morstaa 

Aspiring dancers will be fascinated by both the story and artwork of Swan. The story captures a small girl's enchantment(着迷) with ballet and her rise to become one of the world's most respected woman dancer in ballet.

13.Which of the following books is illustrated by Troy Cummings?

   A. Swan: The Life and Dance of Anna Pavlova.

   B. The Day the Crayons Came Home.

   C. Little Red Gliding Hood.

   D. Finding Winnie.

14. The book Finding Winnie tells the story of.

   A. a little girl   B. a baby bear

   C. some swans      D. A.A. Milne 

15. Who wrote the book about a ballet dancer?

   A. Lindsay Mattick.  B. Drew Daywalt.

   C. Laurel Snyder.    D. Tara Lazar.

16. The main purpose of the text is to .

   A. introduce four picture books

   B. inspire us to write a picture book

   C. encourage children to buy the picture books

   D. tell us the importance of reading picture books


科目: 来源: 题型:



         School-age children who do charity work are likely to display better moral judgments than those who play sport,according to a large-scale national survey conducted by Birmingham University.

         The survey of 10 ,000 pupils aged 14 and 15 in secondary schools across the UK found that more than half failed to identify what researchers described as good judgments when responding to a series of moral dilemmas,leading researchers to call for schools to have a more active role in teaching character and morality.

        “A good grasp of moral virtues,such as kindness,honesty and courage,can help children to succeed as human beings,and can also l^ad to improvements in the classroom. And that level of understanding needs to be educated and encouraged/' said Prof James Arthur from Birmingham University.

         Overall onlv 42% of students’ responses matched those selected by a group of experts. Students wno saia they did charity work outside of school scored 50% . Those doing music (48%) or drama (48%) were also better able to make good moral judgments. Contrary to popular opinion,students who said they participated in port did not show better moral juagmenib. me researchers also found that girls displayed greater moral : awareness than boys in all areas,with 47% of girls making the right choices compared with just 37% of boys.

        The Department for Education (DfE) has recently encouraged the teaching of moral values,but a majority of teachers surveyed as part of the research said the focus on academic attainment prevented the development of students’ character. A Dffi spokesperson said, “Character education is a central part of our plan for education. That”s  why we are investing £10 million to help ensure pupils develop the virtues they need to succeed in both their academic studies and in later life. 

        But the researchers found that a school s GCSE(普

通中等教育证书) results did not seem to influence the moral dilemma results among students. UA school with below-average GCSE results could still rank highly when itcomestomoraldilemmas” the researchers noted.

9. Which is a finding of the research? 

   A. Students playing sport showed better moral judgments.

   B. Less than half the students surveyed made right moral choices.

   C. Girls knew more about making choices than boys.

   D. Those involved in the arts had the highest scores.

10. What held back students’ moral progress according to most teachers?

   A. Their focus on academic performance.

   B. The difficulties in preserving moral values.

   C. The shortage of qualified teachers in the UK.

   D. The financial problems of secondary schools:

11. According to the text,more attention should be given to .

   A. music or drama      B. judging abilities   

   C. responding skills   D. character education

12. What do we learn about the moral dilemma results?

   A. They are linked to physical performance.

   B. They have little to do with GCSE results.

   C. They have a big influence on school education.

   D. They play an important part in people's later life.


科目: 来源: 题型:


        The daily hard work in the office can be extremely exhausting. Staring at a computer screen for eight hours a day seems like modem business practice. It's also a common belief that you 5 re more likely to complete your "tasks if you keep your bottom planted in your chair all day. But that opinion is erroneous. In fact,taking breaks regularly throughout your workday can increase your productivity and creativity as it helps to keep the mental iuices flowing. ,

         A new study in the journal Cognition overturns an old theory about the nature of attention and shows that brief breaks from a task can greatly improve one's  ability to focus on that task for a longer period of time. The study gets to the most important part of what so many of us experience when doing the same task for a long period of time; after a while you begin to lose your focus and your ability to perform the task well. "Basically,if you don 51 take small breaks during the day,you re likely to suffer from exhaustion and won 51 complete your task to the highest level of your ability,” says Alejandro Lleras,the leader of the study.

         In addition,new research shows that your brain can be trained and developed iike a muscle. Mental concentration is part of that training. Just as your muscles  become tired after a workout,so does your brain. It needs a rest to recover and move on.

         So,what can you do if you feel guilty about taking a break during the workday? Remember that taking breaks is a good,necessary thing. We* re trying to prove ourselves and our worth to the company,which makes us think that taking breaks prevents us from achieving our goals,but in fact it's  not. It's  necessary to do your best work. 

5. What does the underlined word a “erroneous” in Paragraph 1 mean?

   A. Incorrect.    B. Interesting.

   C. Important.    D. Strange.

6. The study by Alejandro Lleras shows that people.

   A. always lose their focus during the workday

   B. find it hard to reach the highest level of their ability

   C. often feel competitive when performing a task well

   D. become less productive after working non-stop for long periods

7. The third paragraph is mainly developed .

   A. by order in space    B. by cause and effect

   C. by time and events   D. by making a comparison

8. In the author's opinion,people should .

   A. take breaks at work

   B. try to achieve their goals

   C. train their brains frequently

   D. prove themselves to the company


科目: 来源: 题型:


            Aaron Ralston,a 27-year-old sports fan from America,found himself in a very difficult situation alone in a canyon in the desert when a huge rock came crashing down the canyon ,smashed(重击) his right hand and trapped it against the canyon wall. What's worse,Ralston had failed to tell anyone where he was going. At the last minute the plans for a trip with his climbing partners had come to nothing,and he had decided to head out on his own to walk down the canyon.

           After three days of not seeing or hearing any sign of life,Ralston realised he would die there if he didn't do something special. The course of action was terrifying,but there was no other way. He would have to cut off his right hand. Fortunately,he had a small knife and some.straps(带子) with him that he could use to stop himself bleeding to death.

          He found the courage to use the knife to cut through the skin,but soon he realised that it was going to be impossible to use his small knife to cut through the bones.: After another 24 hours of pain and despair the idea and;the strength came to him in a flash on the sixth day. With a final burst of energy he broke his arm and freed himself.

          Ralston believes that his story was not simply about : an isolated individual who rose to a tough challenge For;him there was another aspect of the experience. He said,The source of the power I felt to survive was my family.Iappreciate all that they do.”

1. Why did Ralston deal with the difficult situation alone?

   A. His partners got lost in the desert.

   B. He didn't like traveling with others.

   C. His partners gave up traveling with him.

   D. His friends were frightened away by his accident.

2. How did Ralston free his arm from the rock on the last day?

   A. By breaking bones in his arm.

   B. By gradually pushing the rock.

   C. By pulling the rock with straps.

   D. By receiving help from a stranger.

3. The text  mainly tells us about .

   A. how Ralston walked down the canyon

   B. the reason why Ralston went to the trip

   C. how Ralston survived from a tough situation

   D. different ways to deal with Ralston's problems

4. Where does this text probably come from?

   A. A travel guide. B. A book review.

   C. A news report.  D. A science textbook.


科目: 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(八、 B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

           How much physical activity do you do in a week? Are you getting enough 21 ? People who do regular activities have a lower risk of many diseases. Physical 'activity also 22 your mood and sleep quality. Today,we are much less 23 than in the past and,our office jobs are far less 24 than the heavy physical work our grandfathers used to do. In fact,many adults spend seven 25 or more on a chair each day.

           This 26 of regular physical activity means that people bum fewer   路里) than in the past,so we need to do something extra to 27 all our energy. Some people think exercise can be 28 ,but it doesn't  have to be. Team sports such as football can be cheap because all the players 29 the cost of the pitch. Joining a sports club is also a 30 way of getting exercise and can be very sociable,too.

           Alternatively,if you dont want to 31 any money at all,go for a run. The only 32 needed for this is a pair of sports shoes. 33,getting off the bus one stop early

and walking the 34 distance helps. When you stay at home,doing housework or gardening is a great way to get fit and you can enjoy the benefit of a 35 house and a nice garden,too!

           36 adults should do two and a half hours’ exercise a week,you dont have to do it all at one time. Split the 37 into ten-minute sessions! 38,if you do exercise for ten minutes before work,ten minutes during your lunch break and ten minutes after work,five days a week,you could achieve the target 39 !There are many ways of getting fit and we should all recognize the 40 of doing this — we will live longer and be more healthy.

21. A. sleep   B. exercise   C. food   D. progress

22. A. improves   B. reflects  C. determines   D. evaluates

23. A. healthy   B. happy   C. active   D. attractive

24. A. practical   B. physical  C. busy   D. competitive

25. A. seconds   B. minutes   C. quarters   D. hours

26. A. fear   B. experience  C. lack   D. encouragement

27. A. store   B. supply   C. need   D. consume

28. A. expensive   B. tiring  C. necessary   D. boring

29. A. check   B. share   C. calculate   D. increase

30. A. clever   B. common   C. correct   D. cheap

31. A. raise   B. borrow G. spend   D. earn

32. A. equipment   B. method   C. partner   D. training

33. A. Strangely   B. Familiarly  C. Similarly   D. Frequently

34. A. extra   B. special   C. safe   D. equal

35. A. warm   B. big   C. tidy   D. quiet

36. A. When   B. Although   C. Unless   D. Because

37. A. effort   B. energy   C. money   D. time

38. A. Thus   B. However  C. In short   D. For example

39. A. easily   B. suddenly  C. carefully   D. hardly

40. A. cost   B. expectation  C. value   D. background


科目: 来源: 题型:



            There were rumors (传闻) on the Internet on Thursday that Teen Voguey started in 2003,would be stopped. Vogue, however, announced on Thursday afternoon in a statement that it would absorb Teen Vogue only from the business side,with the editorial side of Teen Vogue remaining complete as of now.

            The younger magazine has become the most read magazine for both teenage and adult fashion lovers alike over its 13-year run. It has recently received high praise for featuring three models of color on its August 2015 cover.

            Teen Vogue will continue to roll out on digital platforms,in its monthly print form and on social media,according to a spokesperson for the magazine. A statement released by Vogue announces Jason Wagenheim,a publisher of the magazine,is leaving,and the teams at Vogue and Teen Vogue will be marketed together. Teen Vogue will continue to operate independently,and have its unique voice.

            The news came in a hopeless year for fashion magazines at parent company Conde Nast. The publisher announced back,in August,2015 that Lucky Magazine would be removed before finally closing the brand completely in Noyember,2015. Last week Conde-owned GQ (a monthly fashion magazine for men) reportedly suffered a round of lay-offs(裁员) in an effort to focus,more on digital,with another rumor that Glamour (a weekly fashion magazine for women) may soon face staff or budget cuts as well.

            Teen Vogue has long been considered a survivor in the teen magazine landscape. As The New York Times noted in 2013,the year the magazine celebrated its 10th anniversary, “It has outlasted(比…持续时间长) YM, Elle Girl,Teen People,Cosmo Girl!and Teen.”

           However,like many other print magazines,The New York Times also reported that the magazine had seen a drop in sale of “half of what they were when,the magazine began”. Only time can tell what will come next for the magazine,but for now,it lives to see another day.

13. What did the rumors mainly say about Teen Vogue?

   A. Its editorial side would be changed.

   B. It would be stopped from coming out.

   C. It attracted more adults than teenagers.

   D. Vogue would absorb it from the business side.

14. What has been changed about Teen Vogue according to Paragraph 3 ?

   A. Its marketing. B. Its unique voice.

   C. Its digital platforms. D. Its monthly print form.

15. Paragraph 4  mainly shows that fashion magazines.

   A. received high praise

   B. had quite a terrible year

   C. were popular on the Internet

   D. competed against each other

16. According to The New York Times,Teen Vogue .

   A. faced staff or budget cuts

   B. didn’t  sell as well as it began

   C. had a shorter histwy than Teen

   D. celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2003

