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科目: 来源: 题型:



           We all know donating blood provides a vital lifeline to those in need,but a growing body of research suggests that it could have health benefits for the donor too.

           Findings have shown that donating blood reduces the risk of heart attacks and even cancer.

           It even bums quite a bit of energy — 650 calories(卡路里) for every pint (568 ml) given.

           The news could come as a promotion (宣传) of British blood banks which use an average of 7 ,000units of blood every day.

           It is thought that the benefits arise from- lowering high iron levels.

           Iron affects how thick and sticky the blood is. High iron levels cause the blood to be thicker.

           Raised iron levels also keep blood from flowing smoothly.

           Because donating blood removes some of its iron,it may therefore have a protective benefit if done on a consistent basis by helping thin the blood.

           According to a study from the Journal of the American Medical Association,researchers found that those aged 43 to 61 had fewer heart attacks when they donated blood every six months.

           A study of 2 ,682 men from Finland found they had an 88 percent reduced risk of heart attacks than those who didnt donate,reported Medical Daily.

           Likewise,a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute also links iron to an increased cancer risk.

           The four-and-a-half-year study involving 1,200 people found those who made blood donations twice a year had a lower risk of cancer and death than those who didn’t.

           However,these benefits depend on making donations on a regular basis,rather than once in a while.

           Another side effect of donating blood is that it can bum a large number of calories too .

           The University of California in San Diego says that for every one pint of blood donated,650 calories are burned as the body must fill itself up.

           Although this seems to be an attractive effort-free way to lose weight,the NHS Blood and Transplant centre still encourages people to donate for the benefit of others first,rather than for themselves.

6.  How can giving blood prevent heart disease?

   A. By keeping blood from flowing fast.

   B. By increasing blood's thickness.

   C. By reducing iron in the blood.

   D. By helping iron work better.

7. What is the healthiest way to donate blood?

   A. Give blood regularly.

   B. Give blood every six months.

   C. Make donations in middle age.

   D. Donate a small amount each time.

8. The author mentions the three studies to.

   A. prove the serious harm of cancer

   B. solve the problems of giving blood

   C. explain the reasons for heart disease

   D. show the benefits of blood donations

9. According to the NHS Blood and Transplant centre,donating blood .

   A. is an attractive way to lose weight

   B. should be based on selflessness

   C. involves some degree of risk

   D. may bum too many calories

10. Which of the following can be the best title?

   A. Blood donation is vital to the receiver

   B. Giving blood is good for your health

   C. Donating blood helps prevent heart attacks

   D. Giving blood has proven to be completely safe


科目: 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。



            Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) is often described as a perfectionist gemMS (天才) ,and is admired as one of cinemas greatest talents. As a director,he made only 13 feature films in a career of over 40 years,but many of them are regarded as masterpieces,and he earned nine Oscars.

            Kubrick once said that a film was more like music than fiction,although all his films were adapted from novels.

            He directed the Hollywood epic(史诗) Spartacus in 1960,the most expensive film of its day,and the only all-Hollywood movie he ever made. Soon after finishing this film,unhappy with the pressure of Hollywood,he moved from America to Britain.

            Kubrick spent five years developing his film 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). This is probably his most famous and influential film. It was a science fiction (轰动一时的电影) which was popular with both critics and the public. Often described as a masterpiece,its special effects techniques won an Academy award and were a big influence on George Lucas when he came to make the Star Wars films. His final film was Eyes Wide Shut (1999) , starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.

            The film A Clockwork Orange (1971) was withdrawn in the UK after Kubrick felt it had been misinterpreted,and it was only shown again in cinemas after his death.

            He valued his privacy,and worried about safety. He certainly disliked travel after he moved to England,and he also had a well-known fear of flying. He once told a friend that he traveled to London four or five times per year,only for appointments with his dentist.

            Kubrick was frequently unwilling to discuss personal matters publicly,and this gave rise to his reputation as a reclusive(隐居的) genius. This image of him was denied by his family after his death. It was often reported that Kubrick was rude and tactless to the people he worked with. For example,he had a good friendship with the actor Malcolm McDowell during the making of A Clockwork Orange. However,after the film was finished Kubrick never contacted him again.

             Kubrick had little contact with the media,so few people knew what he looked like. Kubrick once told a reporter who came to his door that Stanley Kubrick wasnt at home.

1. What does Paragraph 1 mainly talk about?

   A. Stanley Kubrick's achievements.

   B. Stanley Kubrick's contributions.

   C. What made Stanley Kubrick successful.

   D. How Stanley Kubrick gained his reputation.

2. Why did Stanley Kubrick move to Britain?

   A. He valued his privacy greatly.

   B. He felt stressed in Hollywood.

   C. He did not want to become famous.

   D. He wanted to return to his hometown.

3. Which film of Kubricks influenced George Lucas?

   A. Spartacus.

   B. Eyes Wide Shut.

   C. A Clockwork Orange.

   D. 2001: A Space Odyssey.

4. The underlined word “tactless” in Paragraph 7 can best be replaced by .

   A. polite   B. dishonest

   C. disrespectful   D. friendly

5. What do we know about Stanley Kubrick from the text?

   A. He did not like traveling by air.

   B. He always pretended to be someone else.

   C. He had a good relationship with the media.

   D. His films were adapted from science fiction stories.


科目: 来源: 题型:



注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数) ;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连貴。

Dear Jack,

         I'm glad that you are coming to visit China.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


                                                          Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

              On Monday,I was riding my bicycle to school. I was worried I'd be late for school because the heavy traffic. Suddenly,a car came towards me and passes very close to me at high speed. This caused me to lose my balance,that resulted in me fall off the bicycle. As a result,I injured in my ankle quite badly. I didn't know a speed at which the vehicle was traveling but obvious it appeared to me that it passed by me very quickly.

              As I was falling onto the grounds,I saw the car crash into a white car. Therefore,the driver didn't stop and check what he had done. He just drove away. I really hope the driver could realize her fault and shoulder his responsibilities.


科目: 来源: 题型:

第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内 容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

Gavin: What are the basic rules for 61. (apply) to a US graduate school?

Agent: The process is complicated,so make up your mind soon. In most cases,the 62. (early) , the better.

Gavin: What should be done first?

Agent: Reading information about interna?tional study 63. (consider) essential. You can discuss this with your family,teacher and friends. If possible,turn to those who have the experience of studying abroad,64. should help you learn some rules,including some basic 65. (require) .

Gavin: Should this work be done before 66.after the GRE and TOFEL exams?

Agent: Before the exams.

Gavin: How long does 67. take a student to make preparations for the two exams?

Agent: At least six months,but that also depends 68. his or her level of English.

Gavin: OK. What's the next step?

Agent: Write to the chosen schools 69. (ask) for admission and scholarship application forms.

Gavin: What are the necessary application materials?

Agent: They 70. (usual) include a personal statement,letters of recommendation,resume,study plan,scholarships and copies of your GRE and TOFEL scores.

Gavin: Got it. Thank you.


科目: 来源: 题型:

第一节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

                             ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

            Sometimes people around you can change your life. The change may not be sudden or 41 ,but little habits can produce big 42  that make you think about what is important in your life. The person who changed my life is Julia Masi. She has 43 me so many things that I will carry with me 44 my life.

            One thing I've learned from Julia is how to balance 45 . Julia has shown me how to 46 ahead so that I can finish all my school work,enjoy sports and 47 have time for my friends. She has taught me that you can do anything if you are 48 and if you never give up. I've also learned that you can find anything fun or 49 if you connect it with something that you enjoy.

            Last year I hated studying vocabulary,but I loved playing on my computer. Julia 50  the two and showed me a website called “freerice.com” where you can 51 a word game that gives you 5 grains of rice to donate to the poor with every correct word. She 52 me to learn a hundred new 53 by filling up the rice bowl. I liked playing the game so much that I 54 about 1,000 words in just one month.

            Julia has always 55 me to try new hobbies. She showed me that going to the theater could help me become a better writer. 56 ,she taught me that discussing a play can excite an interest in reading.

            57  it wasn’t for Julia I probably wouldn’t  have 58  how easy it is to help the poor. There are so many ways that one person can 59 . I’ve learned to be more appreciative of what I own. I am 60  for the opportunities that I have been given. I will continue to think of ways to help those less fortunate for the rest of my life.

41. A. simple   B. impressive   C. necessary   D. slight

42. A. results   B. problems   C. ideas   D. decisions

43. A. taught   B. served   C. offered   D. bought

44. A. for   B. of   C. throughout   D. into

45. A. work   B. money   C. career   D. time

46. A. plan   B. get   C. move   D. stay

47. A. never   B. seldom   C. yet   D. still

48. A. excited   B. determined   C. careful   D. patient

49. A. important   B. easy   C. possible   D. interesting

50. A. shared   B. remembered   C. combined   D. separated

51. A. watch   B. play   C. raise   D. improve

52. A. challenged   B. invited   C. permitted   D. reminded

53. A. lessons   B. skills   C. words   D. stories

54. A. learned   B. read   C. used   D. spelled

55. A. allowed   B. warned   C. forced   D. encouraged

56. A. Therefore   B. Besides   C. However   D. Otherwise

57. A. Unless   B. Since   C. Although   D. If

58. A. realized   B. noticed   C. imagined   D. dreamed

59. A. turn away  B. make a difference

    C. show off   D. make a mistake 

60. A. ready   B. sorry   C. thankful   D. anxious


科目: 来源: 题型:





           People learn and share information through communication.. All forms of communication have one thing in common: the sending and receiving of a message. Using different kinds of communication people,can pass along their ideas and feelings to just one person or to millions.

           36  Animals communicate through sounds,scents(气味), and acts. Computers communicate with other computers through electronic networks.

           People communicate through language,both spoken and written. 37 Written language includes books,newspapers,and e-mail.

           People also communicate without words. Body and face movements show feelings. Deaf people use hand movements called sign language. 

           The arts are also a form of communication.38.

           The first modem humans appeared about 200,000 years ago. They likely used sounds,movements,and then speech. About 30,000 years ago humans started making paintings and sculptures on the walls of caves.

           Humans invented writing more than 5,000 years ago. The ancient Sumerian people developed the first known scritp(文字) ,called cuneiform(楔形文字) .Then the ancient Egyptians developed a picture-based writing called hieroglyphics (象形文字). The invention of the printing press in the 1400s was a major advance in written communication.39 

           Telecommunication is communication over long distances. In ancient times pigeons carried written messages. Before trains and cars,messen?gers on foot or on horseback carried letters. 40  Since then,telecommunication has become faster thanks to television,telephones,and the Internet.

   A. It let printers quickly make copies of a text.

   B. Communication is not only a human activity.

   C. Public postal services started in the 1500s and 1600s.

   D. Spoken language includes conversations and speeches.

   E. Spoken communication is dependent on a number of factors:

   F. Photographs,paintings,music,and movies can communicate feelings as well as facts.

   G. Modem technologies for long-distance commu?nication usually involve electrical technologies.


科目: 来源: 题型:


       Single-sex schools are better than mixed schools                     Message 1 — posted by Jane,Amsterdam 

             I think mixed-sex schools are the only way for children to leam,because it's natural. In higher education and their working life,they will be mixed so it makes sense for them to be mixed at school. School should reflect the real world. 

             Message 2 — posted by Hans,Germany 

             My reaction to this is very clear. For me,single-sex schools are much better,and the statistics show that they get better exam results,particularly at secondary level. Anything which helps children pass exams must be a good thing. 

             Message 3 — posted by Bill, USA 

             Boys and girls learn in very different ways. I feel that they should be educated separately so teachers can focus on their different needs. The way I see it is that if you have a zoo,you dont put the lions in with the zebras!

             Message 4 — posted by Martin,London 

             My view on this is that it doesnt really matter. What is important is the curriculum (课程) , and keeping students interested. I was a teacher and we had a lot of truancy (逃学) to deal with,and problems with students missing lessons because they found them boring. Never have a timetable with Maths as the first class on Monday morning!

             Message 5 — posted by Emily,Sydney 

             I dont think there is any question that mixed schools are better. There is too much competition at single-sex schools,which often means that students don't make enough progress. I also think there is more bullying (欺凌) at single-sex schools, where children are picked on because of the increased competition. Single-sex schools lead to a “dog eat dog” situation.

32. What is Jane's attitude towards single-sex schools?

   A. Negative.  B. Favorable.

   C. Objective. D. Unconcerned.

33. Both Hans and Bill hold that.

   A. boys and girls should be taught separately

   B. teachers should meet students’ different needs

   C. schools should focus on students’ exam results

   D. mixed schools are better than single-sex schools 

34. Martin stresses the importance of .

   A. school management

   B. students’ time awareness

   C. training students to obey rules

   D. exciting students’ interest in courses 

35. Emily uses “dog eat dog” to show .

   A. her support for single-sex schools

   B. studentsdetermined effort to succeed

   C. the fierce competition in single-sex schools

   D. the better education results in single-sex schools


科目: 来源: 题型:


                Valcamonica has one of the largest collections of rock drawings in the world. There have been about 200,000 figures and symbols carved into the rocks over a time period of approximately 8,000 years. Valcamonicas pictures show various scenes and are connected through common themes like magic,war, navigation and agriculture.

                 The rock drawings discovered in Valcamonica were the first prehistoric symbols of their kind recognized anywhere in the world. UNESCO first recognized the drawings in 1979 when about 140,000 were discovered,however,since then many more have been uncovered.

                  These drawings are spread all across the valley. The carvings began to taper off during the Iron Age and fewer appeared after that. The last period has been attributed to(归功于…) the Camunni people. Still there are drawings that have been identified as being from the 19th century. Many of these were created using the technique of engraving (雕刻) .

                  Some of the figures discovered in Valcamonica have been superimposed (叠印) without any order,but in most cases they appear in logical orders and also explain the relationship between each picture or symbol to tell a story.

                  The first known modem report of the rock carvings was in 1909 when Walther Laeng happened upon two decorated rocks in Capo di Ponte. Scholars only took interest in the drawings in the 1920s. More rocks with engravings were soon found in the areas nearby and research into their history began. In the 1930s comprehensive study campaigns were undertaken.

                  It was after the Second World War that the cataloging and mapping of the engravings began. This task was taken up by various teams of experts from Italy and other countries that were led by Laeng. In 1955 preservation work on the rocks began. 

                  In 1968,a large series of conferences were held where scholars from all over the world met to discuss the rock drawings,which give us some idea of what various societies of the past might have been like.

28.What do we know about Valcamonica's pictures?

   A. They tell a long whole story.

   B. They are interrelated in some ways.

   C. They were carved 8,000 years ago.

   D. They were first discovered in 1979.

29. The underlined part “taper off’ in Paragraph 3 can best be replaced by “”.

   A. turn up   B. go up

   C. die out   D. stand out

30.What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?

   A. The history of the rock drawings.

   B. The features of the rock drawings.

   C. The discovery of the rock drawings.

   D. The formation of the rock drawings.

31.Studies of the rock drawings .

   A. show us the development of art

   B. started after the Second World War

   C. were conducted by scholars from UNESCO

   D. help us know something about societies of the past


科目: 来源: 题型:


           Meet Ben Saunders: adventurer,athlete,motivational speaker. Ben,at the age of 23 ,was the youngest man to ski solo (单人滑雪) to the North Pole. He dragged a 180-kilogramme sledge (雪橇) over 1,420 miles through the worst Arctic conditions. This year,as well as planning a return to the Arctic,Ben plans to ski solo from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole and back in the autumn,carrying all his supplies on his sledge.

           Ben Saunders was fired after persuading the firm to support his disorganized first adventure. “Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. We were attacked by a bear. We started running out of food. It was just desperate. And we didn’t get to the Pole; we didnt get there,so we had no media interest. No one heard about it: no book deal,and no speaking. I was so unhappy."

            People said it was impossible for me to get to the Pole. I said, “No,I can get there,” and I did. Self-belief,I see it as being a bit like a muscle — it's my belief that the more you stretch yourself the stronger it gets. If you never do anything that's uncomfortable or risky then your self-belief gets weaker. So that's one of the lessons Vve figured out along the way. The thing that T ve stretched and tested is my self-belief.

            “My Antarctic adventure is just practicable and that's what is exciting to me. If I knew it was possible,if I knew I could do it without too much bother,I wouldn’t be interested." Why? “Personally I'm attracted by the human performance element to it. Not that long ago,running a marathon was seen as the top point of human attempt,and now I wouldnt be that surprised if my mum said she was going to run one next year."

              Peoples horizons (见识) are changing.“I'm not particularly gifted,and Vm absolutely average. T ve just chosen this one goal to achieve and Vve been working hard to realize it. Thats it. And that's the thing that attracts me: with enough training and enough determination,enough focus and preparation,how far can we go? And I dont think I've found out yet,

24. What do we know about Ben Saunders’ first adventure?

   A. There was no press coverage.

   B. It was supported by his company.

   C. It was well planned and organized.

   D. He actually reached the North Pole.

25. According to Ben Saunders,if you want to stretch your self-belief,you should .

   A. often test your confidence

   B. try something adventurous

   C. aim to reach the North Pole

   D. always stretch your muscles

26. Ben Saunders was excited about his Antarctic adventure because  .

   A. he liked running a marathon

   B. he wanted to exercise his body

   C. he knew it might be achievable

   D. he was sure he could do it easily

27. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

   A. We have to change our views about adventure.

   B. We can never know our possibilities and energies.

   C. We should have a reason for going on an adventure.

   D. We have to be especially talented to have an adventure.

