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科目: 来源: 题型:

   How does it feel when some good deed you do goes unnoticed? So 1 that you decide not to do that task again. But you would be surprised to knew that there are many heroes whose 2 deeds are constantly unnoticed. They work for others,and 3 people who are in need. They put their life in danger to 4 or protect other people in danger.

   Our society 5 such heroes,especially heroes that rise from everyday life. We take inspiration from such people 6 we believe that if they can do something 7 , then so can we.

   People such as Eddie Slinin are 8 heroes. Eddie Slinin grew a successful business out of 9 when he was barely past boyhood,having only one vehicle and a handflil of clients(客户) . Now,his company serves a wide range of clients that 10 politicians and athletic teams. However,he is not the only one who can 11 us. There are many from whom we can learn lessons which are not 12 by us.

   There are a lot of 13 to consider,and one of them involves a hardworking school student who wants to pass a difficult math test. He 14  playing video games or watching television,just because of his 15 . Then,there's a man who works hard to make a big presentation at work and really 16 his boss. He too is a hero. Many times,it is very 17 to achieve daily targets,but still they work hard and accomplish them.

   Learn from 18 who surround us every day. By learning about their success we can inspire ourselves to stay 19 with our small achievements. So if you are someone who 20 daily to achieve your goal,consider yourself a HERO!

1. A. surprised   B. negative   C. worried   D. lonely

2. A. great   B. secret   C. dark   D. public

3. A. teach   B. guide   C. encourage   D. help

4. A. examine   B. treat   C. praise   D. save

5. A. protects   B. creates   C. admires   D. provides

6. A. because   B. if   C. but   D. when

7. A. different   B. amazing   C. strange   D. shocking

8. A. popular   B. rich   C. everyday   D. boyhood

9. A. everything   B. something   C. nothing   D. anything

10. A. invites   B. includes   C. pays   D. benefits

11. A. inspire   B. inform   C. relieve   D. convince

12. A. noted   B. noticed   C. decided   D. recognized

13. A. actions   B. plans   C. examples   D. questions

14. A. begins   B. enjoys   C. forgets   D. avoids

15. A. goal   B. ability   C. problem   D. choice

16. A. supports   B. serves   C. trusts   D. impresses

17. A. meaningful   B. important   C. difficult   D. boring

18. A. students   B. heroes   C. workers   D. bosses

19. A. satisfied   B. honest   C. careful   D. familiar

20. A. develops   B. competes   C. leams   D. fights


科目: 来源: 题型:

   When nine-year-old Buddy awakened on that Saturday before dawn,there was almost two feet of snow on the ground. However,he wasn't about to let a little 1  weather keep him from a most important job. Buddy had just become an altar boy(祭坛侍者) , and had been 2 to get to the church before 6 a.m.

   When Buddy came downstairs,his mother had just 3  . “The roads haven’t been 4,honey ,” she said,looking out at the 5 deserted street. “I can't drive you to church — we’d get 6 . Maybe you’d better stay home."

   “No,Mom." Buddy was 7 . After all,a promise was a promise. “I can 8 , honest. It’ 11 be fun."

   Buddy's mother looked 9 . It was almost two miles to church. But,their little town was 10 and safe. What harm could possibly come to her 11 ? And she was proud that he took his 12 so seriously. “Well...” she smiled. “Be sure to put on 13 clothes."

    At first,since his route was downhill,breaking a path through the new snow was 14 . It seemed like a winter wonderland (仙境)all quiet and clean. But as Buddy 15 walking,the drifts (雪堆) seemed higher and higher. His legs began to 16 . He hoped to reach the church so someone there would help him 17 ,and sit him near a heater to warm his quickly-freezing fingers and toes.

   18,Buddy came to the front of the church. He found that the snow on the church stairs was 19 undisturbed. He was the first one there. Although he was extremely 20 and his legs shook from pushing through the drifts,he felt proud of himself.

1. A. changeable   B. bad   C. uncertain   D. wet

2. A. asked   B. encouraged   C. advised   D. taught

3. A. called back   B. settled down   C. given in   D. got up

4. A. built   B. repaired   C. widened   D. cleared

5. A. dirty   B. crowded   C. dark   D. strange

6. A. stuck   B. cold   C. weak   D. lost

7. A. excited   B. firm   C. nervous   D. surprised

8. A. drive   B. stay   C. walk   D. wait

9. A. frightened   B. curious   C. doubtful   D. painful

10. A. beautiful   B. peaceful   C. clean   D. quiet

11. A. son   B. family   C. daughter   D. friend

12. A. honor   B. responsibilities   C. interest   D. chances

13. A. pretty   B. comfortable   C. warm   D. special'

14. A. difficult   B. easy   C. boring   D. fun

15. A. kept   B. stopped   C. enjoyed   D. hated

16. A. move   B. bend   C. work   D. ache

17. A. around   B. away   C. in   D. on

18. A. Immediately   B. Gradually   C. Finally   D. Suddenly

19. A. roughly   B. completely   C. usually   D. naturally

20. A. tired   B. afraid   C. patient   D. careful


科目: 来源: 题型:

   It was about ten o’ clock on a Saturday morning and I took my baby daughter Holly,aged eight months to the shops. We lived in a small 1 at the time,and although it only took me ten minutes to 2 to the local shops,I had to go through several narrow lanes(乡间小路) .I had lived in the village all my life,so I knew the road 3 .

   The lanes,in the village were never 4 for heavy goods vehicles,yet truck drivers still 5 using them as a short cut to get to the main road. Over the years,people had tried hard to stop 6 from using them,but I never played a(n) 7 role in it. I just signed many petitions (请愿书) that had been drawn up by other villagers,and the government still 8 trucks to use the narrow roads. So I was always 9 when driving along the lanes,in particular one very tight bend that was almost an  shape and just a little 10 than one car. If another vehicle were coming the other way,one of them would have to drive 11 for a few yards to allow 12 to pass.

   As we approached the S-bend,I put my 13 gently on the brake just in case a car was coming the other way. 14 I drove round the bend,heading straight toward us was a huge red truck. The driver drove so 15 that there was no way he would ever be able to hit his brakes in time to 16 .

   I was so 17 that I yelled,and suddenly I woke up. It turned out to be a(n) 18,but it was so real that it seemed to 19 me that if I don't stop trucks from using the lanes,the dream may come true one day. I think it's time for me to stand up and fight for the 20 of my fellows.

1. A. village   B. town   C. city   D. country

2. A. drive   B. walk   C. run   D. bike

3. A. later   B. well   C. instantly   D. correctly

4. A. used   B. repaired   C. changed   D. designed

5. A. complained of   B. objected to   C. insisted on   D. ended up

6. A. shoppers   B. riders   C. cars   D. trucks

7. A. active   B. parental   C. positive   D. social

8. A. ordered   B. allowed   C. advised   D. forced

9. A. considerate   B. curious   C. cheerful   D. careful

10. A. longer   B. heavier   C. wider   D. higher

11. A. backwards   B. forwards   C. away   D. around

12. A. each one   B. the other   C. another one   D. the next

13. A. leg p. arm   C. foot   D. hand

14. A. After   B. As   C. If   D. Until

15. A. easily   B. anxiously   C. smoothly   D. quickly

16. A. rest   B. continue   C. stop   D. stay

17. A. surprised   B. worried   C. ashamed   D. frightened

18. A. plan   B. dream   C. imagination   D. story

19. A. promise   B. teach   C. remind   D. persuade

20. A. happiness   B. health   C. power   D. safety


科目: 来源: 题型:

   Earlier this month,Debbie and Shaun Riddle went to the West Side Cafe for lunch. The couple are regulars at the restaurant and their 1 , 21-year-old Kayla Lane,remembered them from a 2 visit. A few weeks before,the couple had come to the cafe with their newborn baby,Glory. 3 ,the child had died in her sleep of an unknown cause soon after that 4 .

   After learning the sad 5 , Lane didn't know what to 6 . She just said, “Oh my gosh,I am so sorry." There's nothing anyone can say to make that better,7 she just served them with the best service she could.

   The waitress also decided to do something 8 for the couple: she picked up their tab(付款). 

   9 a Facebook post penned by Debbie Riddle,she and her husband received a 10 instead of a bill at the end of their 11 . “Your bill has been 12 . We are terribly sorry for your 13 . God Bless,” it read.

   The note was signed “The West Side."

   The Facebook post soon caught mass attention. A manager at the restaurant said that it had 14 been Lane herself who had paid for the meal out of her own pocket,and not the cafe's management as the note 15 .

   It turns out,the waitress has a(n) 16 of picking up her customers’ tabs. “Like with firefighters ,” she said. “I feel 17 that I'm able to do it."

   And she always does so anonymously(匿名地) .“I didn't want any 18 for my good deed ,” she wrote on Facebook. “I just simply wanted the satisfaction of being a 19 hand in a time of deep sorrow for this family. I get too much from this 20 . Thank the Riddles so much for being the wonderful people and blessing me with their friendship."

1. A. waitress   B. daughter   C. manager   D. friend

2. A. daily   B. frequent   C. private   D. previous

3. A. Suddenly   B. Quickly   C. Quietly   D. Sadly

4. A. visit   B. conversation   C. plan   D. holiday

5. A. reality   B. memory   C. news   D. mistake

6. A. offer   B. say   C. write   D. order

7. A. but   B. if   C. as   D. so

8. A. hard   B. extra   C. natural   D. smart

9. A. According to   B. Regardless of   C. Instead of   D. Thanks to

10. A. diary   B. note   C. report   D. notice

11. A. trip   B. stay   C. meal   D. rest

12. A. thrown away   B. taken back   C. looked over   D. paid for

13. A. pressure   B. trouble   C. loss   D. failure

14. A. actually   B. eventually   C. usually   D. absolutely

15. A. suggested   B. proved   C. promised   D. repeated

16. A. method   B. style   C. habit   D. opportunity

17. A. inspired   B. honored   C. surprised   D. interested

18. A. reward   B. recognition   C. respect   D. reputation

19. A. helping   B. firm   C. guiding   D. skilful

20. A. accident   B. practice   C. experience   D. example


科目: 来源: 题型:

   When I was a boy we had a small 13 inch color television set in our living room. It had a button to 1the channels on it. However,we 2 changed channels. We lived in the country and our antenna (天线) could only 3 one channel clearly. When I went to school my friend who lived in town would 4 all of the shows he watched on the channels I couldn’ t get and I would share the shows he didn’ t see. It was a 5 way to pass an afternoon and I always looked forward to it.

   These days I have access to over one hundred 6 . However,I often find myself 7 some rerun from my childhood on an old station. On my 8 there are shows,videos,and stories from all over the world. 9 , time and time again I find myself getting 10 . Then I will turn my computer 11 and pick up an old book to read 12 . My daughter has a smartphone that she can use with a skill that makes my head spin(眩晕) . 13 can get any information from the Internet in mere 14 . Still,it seems a bit too fast for me at times. I don't 15 slowly consulting the dictionary or an encyclopedia(百科全书) instead.

   Sometimes I think I was bom a little too early for this world,16 one thing that I do 17 is that in this crazy,mixed-up,super-information society you still need to find the 18 direction. You still need to turn your antenna to love. You still need to 19 daily life with kindness. Without these things life has no 20 ; you gain no wisdom and have no joy.

1. A. change   B. add   C. remember   D. use

2. A. always   B. rarely   C. sometimes   D. often

3. A. pick up   B. give up   C. open up   D. put up

4. A. play   B. write   C. describe   D. organize

5. A. strange   B. fun   C. special   D. fast

6. A. channels   B. videos   C. stories   D. shows

7. A. making   B. watching   C. missing   D. reading

8. A. television set   B. mobile phone   C. computer   D. book

9. A. Therefore   B. Moreover   C. However   D. Otherwise

10. A. sleepy   B. tired   C. lazy   D. bored

11. A. on   B. off   C. up   D. down

12. A. instead   B. too   C. later   D. soon

13. A. I   B. She   C. We   D. They

14. A. hours   B. days   C. seconds   D. months

15. A. mind   B. like   C. avoid   D. consider

16. A. so   B. but   C. if   D. when

17. A. forget   B. admit   C. face   D. know

18. A. same   B. right   C. prepared   D. unexpected

19. A. cover   B. provide   C. compare   D. connect

20. A. purpose   B. reason   C. usage   D. meaning


科目: 来源: 题型:

   Every December 24,we used to hdad to my parents’ house and spend the night,along with my brother's family,and my sister's family. We’d eat lots of foods such as candies and my mom,s 1 chocolate cookies.

   We'd play a card game for hours until one team proved 2 over all other sides. 3 , my sister Martie and I won,and when we had beaten every other 4 ,we'd sing and even dance. Yes,we were 5 . The kids always put out cookies and milk for Santa,and my dad would sit down and color a picture with his grandchildren to 6 it for Santa Claus. And then we'd 7 every person in the family to open just one 8 . After everything settled down,my father would read the story of Christmas, 9 us all of the true meaning of Christmas. Our Christmas Eves are a little 10 now as my parents have moved to heaven and my girls are in college,but December 24 is still 11 . Candies and my mom's favorite chocolate cookies are 12 our favorite foods. Martie and I still control card games,13 my daughter Ally and her boyfriend,Wesley,actually 14 us easily. We still open one gift that night. And,Martie's husband,Jan,has 15 the duty to read the Christmas story.

   I can hardly wait for the 16 to come!It's my favorite time of a year because we’ re all 17. I’ 11 bet your family has wonderfiil holiday 18 ,too. Whatever your traditions are,I hope one of them is reading the story of Christmas. Why not teach your children the 19 meaning of Christmas this year? Because that's the 20 gift you could ever give them!

1. A. special   B. homemade   C. favorite   D. fresh

2. A. helpful   B. creative   C. strong   D. victorious

3. A. Usually   B. Recently   C. Immediately   D. Hurriedly

4. A. sister   B. brother   C. team   D. family

5. A. ftrnny   B. happy   C. free   D. normal

6. A. open   B. provide   C. leave   D. save

7. A. allow   B. order   C. beg   D. force

8. A. box   B. window   C. case   D. gift

9. A. convincing   B. informing   C. reminding   D. warning

10. A. simple   B. different   C. meaningless   D. strange

11. A. wonderful   B. reasonable   C. comfortable   D. powerful

12. A. even   B. rather   C. already   D. still

13. A. and   B. or   C. but   D. as

14. A. find   B. reach   C. cheat   D. beat

15. A. taken over   B. thought about   C. dealt with   D. applied for

16. A. game   B. night   C. dinner   D. day

17. A. alive   B. healthy   C. around   D. together

18. A. traditions   B. songs   C. foods   D. plans

19. A. clear   B. only   C. true   D. hidden

20. A. best   B. biggest   C. most beautiful   D. most expensive


科目: 来源: 题型:

                        How to overcome shyness 

   Does the thought of talking in front of people make you embarrassed? 1 Many people in the world suffer from mild to extreme shyness and are struggling to overcome it. Remember that breaking out from that shell doesn’t magically happen overnight. It takes time,effort,and of course,the desire to change. You' re on the right track by just reading this article 一 now let's keep going.

   Figure out your triggers (诱因) . Do you become shy in front of new audiences? Or when surrounded by people you know and admire? Try to find out the thoughts that go through your head right before the shyness hits. 2 You’ re okay being around your family,right? Are they different from the strangers around you? Of course not 一 you just know them better and what's more,they know you.

   Place your attention on others. For 99% of us,we become shy when we think if we speak up or stand out,we’ 11 embarrass ourselves. 3 When we stop focusing on ourselves,we stop worrying about our performance.

   4 You have gotten used to hearing your own voice!Record yourself pretending to have conversations. Sounds ridiculous,sure,but you’ 11 notice patterns,when and why you drop off,etc. At the beginning you’ 11 feel like an actor,but it will become an old habit. Practice makes habits,you know!

   Don’t compare yourself to others. The more you compare yourself to others,the more you will feel that you are not able to measure up. There is no use comparing yourself to anybody else. 5 Everyone else has his own confidence problems,too!

   A. If so,you are far from alone.

   B. Even if you do,do it realistically.

   C. Practice speaking clearly to yourself.

   D. Chances are not all situations make you shy.

   E. That's why it's important to focus on others.

   F. Practice placing yourself in not-so-comfortable situations. 

   G. After all,you may never see them again,so who cares what they think about you? 


科目: 来源: 题型:

                          How to set goals 

   Whether you have small dreams or great expectations,setting goals allows you to plan how you want to move through life. Some achievements can take a lifetime to attain. 1 No matter what goals you are setting,getting started can be difficult,but we'11 show you how to build up to even the biggest dream.

. Determine your life goals. 2 What do you want to achieve: today,in a year,in your lifetime? The answers to this question can be as general as “I want to be happy,” or “I want to help people." A career life goal might be to open your own business. A fitness goal might be to become fit. These goals can be amazingly broad.

. Set priorities(事先的事物) . At any giyen moment,you probably have a number of goals all in different states of completion. 3 If you find yourself with too many goals,you’ re going to feel lost and are less likely to accomplish them.

. Keep track of your progress. Writing in a journal is a great way to keep track of both personal and professional progress. Acknowledging the progress made towards a certain goal is key to staying motivated. 4 Asking a friend to keep you on track can also help you stay focused.

. 5 Once you have achieved goals — even major life goals 一 you will want to continue to grow and set new goals for yourself. Once you run your marathon,you should assess what you'd like to do next. Do you want to run another marathon,but improve your time? Or do you want to run longer distances?

   A. Keep setting goals.

   B. So be realistic about your goals.

   C. It may even encourage you to work harder.

   D. Others,however,can be completed in the course of a day.

   E. Break the big picture down into smaller and more specific goals.

    F. So deciding which goals are more important than others is important.

   G. Ask yourself some important questions about what you want for your life.


科目: 来源: 题型:

  If you are a do-it-yourself type of person,then learning how to build a greenhouse will provide you with a lot of satisfaction. You might want to build a greenhouse in order to protect your plants during the time the weather is extremely cold,or you may simply want to get an early start for the spring. 1 

   The first thing you need to do is check your local laws. Do you need to get a building permit? Do you have to have your greenhouse plans first approved before you start building? 2 

   Once you decide to build your greenhouse,you will need to determine what materials to purchase. Usually the greenhouse covering is constructed from polycarbonate(聚碳酸酯) ,glass,plastic,or fiberglass. 3 The frame will usually be made from wood or plastic piping.

   Usually a larger greenhouse is called a hothouse or glasshouse. A smaller unit is referred to as a cold frame. 4 At the same time,you have to consider the budget you have available for materials,tools,and so forth.

   Whatever you do,it is wise to have some kind :of understanding of how to build a greenhouse before you begin. 5 You can also check out a how-to book from your local library or bookstore. However,if you are not certain about how to do it,then you might want to buy a greenhouse kit(成套工具) .Inside the kit you will find all of the parts you need and the directions on how to fix them together.

   A. Use recycled materials.

   B. Greenhouse plans can be found online easily.

   C. A greenhouse project is very different from normal gardening.

   D. These materials allow the sunlight to shine through.your greenhouse.

   E. Be aware of all of these requirements,or you may experience a sad ending.

   F. You should build your greenhouse based on the amount of space you have available.

   G. Whatever reasons you have,knowing the basic steps of building a greenhouse counts.


科目: 来源: 题型:

   When I first met Bud,I knew we were going to be friends,even though he was white and I was black. We first met at the All-City Chorus. 1 We stood side by side in the chorus,and he always made me look good,even if I missed a note.

   Bud went to an all-white high school in a beautiful,all-white neighborhood. There were very few big buildings in his coiiimunity. As a matter of fact,you would have to walk four or five blocks to get to the nearest shopping center. 2 In his basement,he had a complete mini-gym. In his bedroom,he had a nice desk,complete with reference books and his own little TV on which he could play his video games.

   3 My family lived in a nice apartment in an all-black housing project. Our project housed many families,so we were used to living in small crowded houses. 4 There were all kinds of stores nearby. For beauty,we had basketball courts and the rose garden in front of the project building.

   We were never jealous or looked down on one another,either. We both felt we had lost something because we lived in worlds set apart from others. Bud's only contact(接触) with blacks of his age was in the All-City Chorus. 5 And it was not as interesting as it would have been if he had grown up with people of different groups and races living together. I felt the same way. Both races could learn a great deal from one another,and I knew this because Bud and I surely did learn from each other.

   A. Bud's house was another point of interest.

   B. Because of this,he felt his life was sheltered.

   C. We never had to walk far to the nearest store.

   D. My home and neighborhood were totally different.

   E. People said we both had the same kind of personality.

   F. I could sing a little,but Bud really had a very good voice.

   G. After practice,the two of us would always go to McDonald's.

