 0  132526  132534  132540  132544  132550  132552  132556  132562  132564  132570  132576  132580  132582  132586  132592  132594  132600  132604  132606  132610  132612  132616  132618  132620  132621  132622  132624  132625  132626  132628  132630  132634  132636  132640  132642  132646  132652  132654  132660  132664  132666  132670  132676  132682  132684  132690  132694  132696  132702  132706  132712  132720  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

  Once there was a billionaire,who got a severe eye irritation(发炎). He got a famous doctor to 41 his eye. The doctor advised him to 42 bright light for one month so he could heal naturally. Immediately the rich man 43 all his windows,and replaced all the bright and colorful curtains with dull cloth. He also 44 all the bright chandeliers(枝形吊灯) .In one word,he made all his house 45 .

   One month later,the doctor paid a visit to the billionaire to ask about the 46 of his eyes. To the doctor s 47 ,everything in the house had been made dark and dull. Then the doctor said ,“Your common sense should have told you that you cafi buy a pair of 48 to protect your eye from bright light 49 spending so much money on all these things to make your house darker."

   The same phenomenon 50 all of us. We often see many 51 in others. We are;very 52 to change the attitude and behavior of others which doesn,t 53 our own.

   We have many likes and dislikes. 54 other people also have. But we are often interested in imposing (把……强加于) our opinion and thinking on others 55 we never made any error. Accordingly we want to 56 this world with our own rules and theory.

   However,we 57 that other people who share this world equally with us also think in a similar way and 58 us to behave according to their wishes. Then who 59 your thinking? In order to bring about certain change in the people around us,first it is “we” that have to change.

   60,any needed change can occur only when it starts with us.

41. A. treat   B. open   C. shade   D. test

42. A. enjoy   B. produce   C. provide   D. avoid

43. A. dressed   B. closed   C. cleaned   D. broke

44. A. bought   B. advertised   C. removed   D. decorated

45. A. pretty   B. dark   C. noble   D. tidy

46. A. growth   B. function   C. recovery   D. shape

47. A. delight   B. horror   C. surprise   D. excitement

48. A. shoes   B. trousers   C. gloves   D. sunglasses

49. A. instead of   B. in case of   C. in spite of   D. in terms of

50. A. responds to   B. applies to   C. turns to   D. sticks to

51. A. advantages   B. mistakes   C. differences   D. adventures

52. A. sure   B. proud   C. able   D. eager

53. A. suit   B. keep   C. feel   D. make

54. A. Luckily   B. Gradually   C. Similarly   D. Finally

55. A. so that   B. even if   C. as if   D. now that

56. A. view   B. lead   C. travel   D. change

57. A. regret   B. think   C. doubt   D. forget

58. A. expect   B. force   C. allow   D. advise

59. A. cares about   B. searches for   C. worries about   D. prepares for

60. A. However   B. Therefore   C. Otherwise   D. Besides


科目: 来源: 题型:

   Oh,you’ve been there: Your parents are insisting you come home by 10 ,when everyone else can stay out until midnight. Your soccer coach keeps benching you. 36 We all have days when we think we might explode.

   That's because anger is 101 percent normal — in fact,it ,s rooted in the most primitive of survival mechanisms(机制) . 37 But humans,highly evolved (进化的) brains attach similar meaning to things that aren't life-threatening but produce an equally intense response.

   Of course,no one ever got into trouble for having angry thoughts. 38 Think about it: Scream at your parents? Grounded. Eye-roll at your teacher? Sent to detention(课后留校的惩罚) .So consider the following survival guide to making it through those moments when you're about to explode.

   First,recognize your anger response. When you’ re angry,your whole body reacts,and your angry feelings can go from zero to out-of-control before they even register in your brain!That's why it's important to pay attenjion to physical signals. 39 

   Second,pause the passion. It can be impossible to make right decisions when you re angry. So once you ve recognized that you re mad,stop whatever you’ re doing,which will stop your body's anger response and get your brain back on track. Try one of these simple,science-backed methods to freeze your feelings and calm your mind. For example,you can take deep breaths,or close your eyes and count (to 10,to 100 ... whatever it takes!) . 40  

   Once the heat of the moment is behind you,you may be able to move right on.

   A. You’ re angry,and who wouldn't be?

   B. People sometimes lose control and get violent.

   C. A simple “Hey man,not cool” would probably do the trick.

   D. Or shift your focus to something pleasant to lift your spirits.

   E. It is what you do about your anger that makes all the difference.

   F. When an animal is threatened,it feels anger as a signal to fight to stay alive.

   G. Learn to recognize them on the spot and you'11 be able to keep your anger in check.


科目: 来源: 题型:

                                 Aluminium folding bike 


Type: Private Advertisement 

Price: £125 


I bought this bike about a year ago for £200 and have never used it. It has 20-inch wheels-and 6 gears (齿轮) ,plus a carry bag and a stand. £125 or near offer. I have more photos or you are welcome to view.

                                  Hohner Rockwood electric guitar 


Type: Private Advertisement 

Price: £45 


I have a lovely Hohner Rockwood electric guitar complete with case. It's about 5 years old,and is in good condition with a few minor marks. I'm selling the guitar because V ve moved on to a Les Paul guitar,but this one is ideal for a beginner!So grab yourself a bargain for only £45 — it cost me £400 brand new!

Feel free to ask me any questions you have!

You can pay via cash or cheque.

                                       Lovely black and white male cat


Type: Private Advertisement 

Price: £30 


We are selling our much loved 2-year-old male cat.Due to our work commitments we cannot give him the love and time he needs. Would suit a family who can give him lots of affection. We will also give you his bed and feeding dishes.

Please no timewasters.

                                Sofa for sale 


Type: Private Advertisement

Price: £325 or near offer 


White luxury Italian leather 3-seater sofa. Modem design,only 3 years old,very good condition. H78cm x W240cm x D98cm 

We are selling it because it's too big for the sitting room for our new house!

33. What do we know about the bike?

   A. It's brand new.

   B. It cannot be folded.

   C. It was bought 3 years ago.

   D. It's being sold at half price.

34. The owner has decided to sell the guitar because.

   A. it's in poor condition

   B. he / she has got a new one

   C. it takes up too much space

   D. he / she doesn't like it any more 

35. Whose prices are negotiable?

   A. The cat's and the sofa's.

   B. The bike's and the sofa's.

   C. The guitar's and the cat's.

   D. The bike's and the guitar's.


科目: 来源: 题型:

   E-cigarettes began as a way to stop people from smoking tobacco. But a new study among teens suggests a scary. effect: E-cigarettes are now appealing to non-smokers,as well. In a survey of over 2 ,000 California high school juniors and seniors,researchers from the University of Southern California discovered that over 40 percent of teen e-cigarette smokers have never smoked traditional cigarettes.

   The National Youth Tobacco Survey reports a nearly 9 percent increase in the number of high school students using e-cigarettes from 2013 to 2014,more than enough to stifle (掩盖) the 3. 5 percent decrease in teen cigarette use,as recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While 9 percent may not sound like a ton,the amount of middle and high school students using e-cigarettes has actually tripled(增至三倍) .

   How,despite decades of anti-smoking advocacy efforts,have e-cigarettes gained such massive popularity in such a short time? Scientists say that the “renormalization” of teen smoking may not be entirely self-inflicted(自己造成的) .A study found that 34 percent of adolescent e-smokers are exposed to electronic cigarettes via a member of their family or friend groups.

   Advertising also makes e-cigarettes look cool. E-cigarettes,which are not very expensive,are marketed as a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes,and teens are buying the message. In a recent study in North Carolina,high schoolers easily made a list of the dangers of smoking tobacco,but when asked to do the same with regard to e-cigarettes,the teens were unsure whether the devices could be considered safe. Some weren't even aware that e-cigarettes contain nicotine. But e-cigarettes do contain nicotine. It is highly addictive,which is why some consider e-cigarettes a gateway drug.

   If stressing the dangers of tobacco helped make cigarettes uncool,we can do the same to destroy e-cigarettes.

29. According to Paragraph 1 ,what is frightening is that .

   A. few tobacco smokers quit smoking

   B. non-smokers are attracted to e-cigarettes

   C. more and more people are smoking tobacco

   D. smokers are replacing tobacco with e-cigarettes 

30. From 2013 to 2014,student e-cigarette smokers in high school increased by about .

   A. 3. 5%   B. 9% 

   C. 27%   D. 40%

31. About one third of teen e-smokers use e-cigarettes because of .

   A. e-cigarettes’ low prices

   B. cool designs of e-cigarettes

   C. the influence of people around them.

   D. their dislike of traditional cigarettes

32. What can we infer from Paragraph 4 ?

   A. E-cigarettes are different from drugs.

   B. Most teens know the dangers of e-cigarettes.

   C. E-cigarettes are safer than traditional cigarettes.

   D. Teens are misled by e-cigarette advertisements.


科目: 来源: 题型:

   Mary Streech and her friends stood by the water fountain,talking casually. It was like any other day in the seventh grade,Mary remembers,until someone pointed to a girl walking by and said,“She's so chunky( 矮胖的) .” 

   As the others joined in,it became clear: “Being chunky” was a crime. And this girl was guilty as charged.

   At first,Mary felt relieved that they weren’t ragging on her,but by that night,the day's events had given her a stomachache. “After that,I became extremely sensitive,” she says. “If anybody looked at me too long,I'd assume they were sizing up my body”

   By high school,she says, “it was like being in a shark tank." Mean comments about people's bodies were the norm,so Mary started to diet 一 she wrongly believed that watching her weight could protect her from their judgment. And sadly,one year later,that diet had developed into a serious eating disorder.

   Now recovered,Mary is fighting to end that culture of hurtful comments 一 what she calls “bodysnarking." And her timing couldn’t be,better: As we spend more and more time critiquing each other's selfies (自拍照) ,openly judging other people's looks is becoming a national pastime of sorts.

   In fact,many experts believe body-shaming others has become a way to deal with our own emotions. “Sometimes our natural response is to criticize an easy target when we feel hurt or insecure,” says psychologist Robyn Silverman.

   This tendency to attack appearances is especially dangerous for teens,whose bodies — and identities — are still developing. Even if someone else's insecurities are fueling the verbal fire,it's hard to see it that way if you’ re the one being criticized.

   The best news of all,says Aaron Blashill,a psychologist at Harvard Medical School,is that our most effective defense against the culture of criticism is to not be our own body bullies(恃强凌弱的人) .He has conducted studies showing that there's a strong link between how we feel about our appearance and our overall happiness,despite whatever shape or size we happen to be. “It's more important to change how you think about your body than to change what it looks like ,” he says.

25. The day described in Paragraph 1 became special to Mary.

   A. because a girl was bullied

   B. because of a serious crime

   C. because of the water fountain

   D. because her friends talked to her

26. What caused Mary to struggle with an eating disorder?

   A. Her friends dieting to keep healthy.

   B. Her being criticized for being chunky.

   C. Her friends looking at her for a long time.

   D. Her dieting to avoid body image problems.

27. What does Mary mean by “bodysnarking”?

   A. Strengthening the muscles of the body.

   B. Returning to the normal state of health.

   C. Controlling the movement of one's body.

   D. Criticizing somebody for their appearances.

28. We can infer from the last paragraph that to be happy,people should .

   A. be content with their bodies

   B. make friends with the tolerant

   C. try to make themselves look better

   D. avoid paying attention to their bodies


科目: 来源: 题型:

   I'm walking around a street on Detroit's west side,looking at the house where my mother lived in the 1930s. A neighbor,understandably curious,bounds over.

   “I'm the king of Glendale,M Keith Harris says. Harris loves Glendale Street — so much so that he’s purchased nine properties for $42,000. “I'm.not done yet,” he says. “I'm going to buy more and rent them." I'm glad to hear this. Glendale could use more investment. So could Tuxedo Street,a few blocks away,where my father grew up. So could Detroit.

   I've seen all the photos showing Detroit in ruins. Now I've come to see for myself what's happened to what was America's fifth largest city around 1950. Then there were more than 1. 8 million residents(居民) ;now there are fewer than 700,000.

   This is where my family settled after immigrating to the United States in the 1920s,moving into neighborhoods fiiled witi people just like them.

   The handwritten 1940 census(人口 普查) page for Tuxedo Street literally illustrates the story: It shows a long list of Jewish names and the places from which Jews fled. The neighborhood was so insular (与世隔绝的) that when my American-bom mother went to kindergarten,she couldn't speak English.

   Those families don't live here anymore. Some houses have become empty lots. But some are tidy symbols of survival and pride. Keith Harris owns one of those homes. We have clean-up-the-block day,” he tells me. aWe are trying to make it better.w

   “Visitors like me walk these streets all the time,” he says, “Some people came and cried like babies." Maybe they shouldn't have. Though much is gone,there are seeds of hope across the city. Harris has planted some of those seeds. “We invest in this block,” he says, “because we want to stay."

21. Why does Keith Harris say he's the king of Glendale?

   A. He invests heavily in Glendale.

   B. He's a popular resident in Glendale.

   C. He knows everything about Glendale.

   D. He has the most attractive house in Glendale.

22. According to the text,Detroit .

   A. has a splendid history

   B. is able to bounce back

   C. has few houses for rent

   D. is attracting lots of visitors

23. What do we know about the author's mother?

   A. She had no gift for language.

   B. She lived in Tuxedo Street in the 1930s.

   C. She immigrated into the US in the 1920s.

   D. She had little access to other cultures as a kid.

24. Clean-up-the-block day was held to.

   A. maintain its Jewish style

   B. promote the image of Glendale

   C. brighten up local residents’ life

   D. set an example for the whole city


科目: 来源: 题型:


假定你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华。学生会准备组织同学们本周日去残疾人活动中心义务 劳动。请你用英语写一份通知,要点如下:

1. 活动目的:关爱、尊重残疾人;

2. 注意事项:保持微笑、不问有关残疾的问题等;

3. 欢迎所有同学参加。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

    3. 开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。


Dear fellow students,


Student Union


科目: 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   The first day we go to high school,our head teacher told us the news which we needed to take the military training. We were all shocking at the news,because of it was so hot outside. How terribly it was!The next day,we met our training instructor,who were young and handsome. He was strict,but humorous,telling him jokes when we rested. At night,he asked us sing military songs. We even competed with other teams. The days of the military trainings were beautiful,and we found the training was not that hard. We became stronger and made friends to our military instructor.


科目: 来源: 题型:

   Sometimes it can be great having English as a first language. It's a language of business,culture and entertainment,and is 61. (official) the most popular language to learn. However,there are also disadvantages of 62. (raise) as a native English speaker.

   First of all,it can be incredibly difficult 63. (communicate) with native speakers of other languages when all they want to do is practise 64. English. Sometimes they're jpst doing it to be helpful. However,it doesn't exactly help the English speaker in 65. end. I am currently living with a native French speaker,who

66.(find) it far easier to speak English with me than French. While it's 67. (stressful) for me to speak English,it certainly isn't helping my French much.

   It might seem that English speakers are very confident and outgoing. However,when it comes to learning other 68. (language) , native English speakers are also very shy and unwilling to speak. As a result,they are too afraid to try and learn another language,for fear 69. looking stupid.

   On the whole,I'm glad 70. I can speak English. However,being a native English speaker can also have its drawbacks,as strange as it might sound.


科目: 来源: 题型:

   I was wandering around the Albuquerque airport. My flight had been 41 ,and I heard a(n) 42 : “If anyone pear Gate A-4 43 Arabic(阿拉伯语) ,

please come to the gate immediately." Gate A-4 was my own gate. I went there.

   An older woman was 44 ,sitting on the floor. In her 45 Arabic dress,she reminded me of my grandmother.

   “46 to her,” the flight agent urged. “We told her the flight was going to be late,and she did this."

   I spoke to the woman 47 in Arabic while putting my arm around her. She 48 crying. It turned out that she thought the 49 had been canceled. She planned to be in New York for some medical treatment the next day. I comforted her and suggested 50 her family.

   We telephoned her son. In English,I told him that I would 51 with his mother until we got on the plane. Then his son was 52 . Next we called my dad. They spoke for a while in Arabic and 53 that they had ten shared friends. After that,I called some Arabic friends I 54 and let them talk to her.

   She was in a 55 wood (情绪) by then and took some homemade 56  — little cakes stuffed with nuts and topped with sugar 一 from her bag and 57 them to the people near the gate. To my amazement,no one 58 . It was like a party. The traveler from Argentina,the mom from California,the lovely woman from Laredo — we were all smiling,enjoying the same 59

   I looked around and thought,this is the world I want to live in. One with no 60 . Everyone can be happy anywhere.

41. A. booked   B. confirmed   C. delayed   D. canceled

42. A. noise   B. argument   C. dialogue   D. announcement

43. A. likes   B. understands   C. accepts   D. studies

44. A. weeping   B. reading   C. thinking   D. begging

45. A. long   B. strange   C. expensive   D. traditional

46. A. Write   B. Sing   C. Explain   D. Apologize

47. A. quickly   B. softly   C. suddenly   D. loudly

48. A. stopped   B. started   C. kept   D. avoided

49. A. plan   B. performance   C. meeting   D. flight

50. A. calling   B. saving   C. showing   D. punishing

51. A. live   B. work   C. stay   D. play

52. A. in action   B. in relief   C. in charge   D. in trouble

53. A. found out   B. made sure   C.  agreed   D. promised

54. A. missed   B. helped   C. met   D. knew

55. A. changing   B. serious   C. cheerful   D. confident

56. A. chocolates   B. cookies   C. wine   D. bread

57. A. sold   B. lent   C. returned   D. offered

58. A. refused   B. wasted   C. ate   D. saw

59. A. custom   B. language   C. sugar   D. fruit

60. A. war   B. worry   C. illness   D. poverty

