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科目: 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁大连市高二6月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


When Jack was a small boy, he was once asked to give a speech about “A Big Challenge(挑战) in My Life”. To talk before the whole class, he was 1.__ (terrible) shy as soon as he thought of so many eyes _2.___(stare) at him. He had no other__3.___ (choose), though. First Jack was to draft(打草稿) the speech, which was just a piece of cake for him because he was a good writer, But the hard part __4.___ (lie) in his oral presentation(展示), for it was not allowed to read from the paper. He had to give the speech __5.__ his memory and in front of such a big audience(观众)!

A real trial(考验) began when Jack stood on the platform with his legs __6.___(tremble颤抖) and his mind blank(空白). How much time had passed by, he didn’t know. His listeners were still waiting patiently and without any signs of laughing. Gradually he found __7._ (him) back, giving out his speech without much difficulty. After what seemed to be a hundred years, he found the audience applauding. He made_8.__! From then on, his fear of talking before an audience disappeared. Actually with his confidence built up, Jack now turns out to be a great speaker. As we know, the greater difficulty we meet on our way to ___9.__(succeed), the ___10.____likely we will be to achieve(实现) our goals.


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁大连市高二6月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错



删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



This morning I went to a shoes shop to buy a pair of new shoes. When I got there, I noticed a foreign lady talk to a salesgirl. But the salesgirls didn’t understand that foreigner was saying. They both looked worrying. I went up to help them. The lady is Australian. She wanted to buy a pair of traveling shoes. So I told that to the salesgirl. The lady was very much glad when she took it. She sings high praise for my spoken English. All of them expressed their thanks to me. I felt happy that I expressed myself free in English.


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁大连市高二6月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


Read the instructions(指导、说明) carefully and then finish the writing. Think of two cities you know well, and you can’t help thinking of your hometown---Dalian and Xiamen in Fujian Province. Please write a short passage about some of the following features: (at least three features should be included), the beginning of the passage has been given. The total number of it should be within 110.

* population *climate *industry *location *tourism *transport


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年四川遂宁射洪县射洪中学高一6月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I was catching a later flight to St. Louis, then on to Minnesota. A couple of seats in front and the aisle over sat a very pretty lady. She smiled back at me, I smiled at her noticing her pretty dress.

The rest of the flight was uneventful, but as I was getting off the plane I noticed her again standing by the prompters(提示器)seeing what flight she was to take and what gate. I stood beside her looking for my gate, and flight number. I commented to her that I had seen her on the flight and she had on a pretty dress. She said "Thank you", I asked what flight she was taking? She said to "Phoenix". I looked and she had a two-hour layover, I also had a two and a half hours layover and asked her if she would like to go to the cafeteria for something to eat or drink. She said "Sure". We introduced ourselves on the way, and she told me that her name was "Phyllis". I laughed and said "my name is Phyllis also".

As we sat in the booth she began telling me that she had been told she was dying of cancer and had less than 6 months to live. She was on her way to visit her children and grandchildren before she began taking treatment. She then told me that she had never flown before and she had prayed a specific prayer. She was afraid she would get lost at the airport and not be able to find her way to the gate, and didn't know what she was going to do for the two hours she was there. She prayed, that someone would meet her at the gate and stay with her until she left the airport. She then asked me "Are you an Angel God has sent"? No, I assured her I was no angel, but did God use me to answer her prayer? Yes.

1.Where did the writer notice the lady at first?

A. On the flight to Minnesota.

B. On the flight to Phoenix.

C. On the flight to St. Louis.

D. At the St. Louis Airport.

2.Which of the following words can replace the underlined word in the second paragraph?

A. trip B. stop C. flight D. talk

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The writer and the lady met each other by accident.

B. The writer and the lady would fly to the same place.

C. The lady once visited her children by flight.

D. The writer was sent to the lady by God.

4.What’s the lady’s attitude to the writer?

A. Pitiful B. Negative

C. Doubtful D. Grateful


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年四川遂宁射洪县射洪中学高一6月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Some people collect postage stamps -- the small pieces of paper you place on letters or postcards before mailing them. Other people collect works of art or musical instruments. But a man in the American state of Maryland collects secrets.

For the past 10 years, people from throughout the world have been sending Frank Warren postcards and other objects with secrets written on them. He now has a million secrets. Mr. Warren lives in Germantown, Maryland, near Washington, D.C. Ten years ago, he created an art project he calls "PostSecret."

"I invited strangers from all around the world to write down their deepest confession(自白) on a postcard, something they'd never told anyone else before, but something that was true. And I asked them to mail it to my home anonymously(匿名地)."People send him postcards, other objects and emails telling their secrets. Every Sunday, he chooses 10 secrets and puts them on the PostSecret website.

Mr. Warren says he created PostSecret so people would have a safe place in which to share their secrets." I was struggling with secrets in my own life. And it was by creating this safe place where others could share their secrets with me without judgment -- anonymously -- I think that space was something I needed just as much as they did."

He has published six books full of the secrets people have shared with him. One secret in each book is his. The project itself was once one of Mr. Warren's secrets. His wife Jan did not know exactly what he was doing until the first book was published.

Some people tell Frank Warren of their secret desire to kill themselves. So he and the PostSecret community have raised more than $1 million to help prevent suicides(自杀).

1.How many secrets can Frank Warren get per year on average in the past 10 year?

A. About 100 thousand secrets.

B. About a million secrets.

C. About a billion secrets.

D. About 10 thousand secrets.

2.What can we do on the PostSecret website?

A. We can get some help when we are in trouble.

B. We can learn about some secrets of other people.

C. We can express our views freely.

D. We can put all our secrets on the website.

3.Why did Mr. Warren create PostSecret?

A. To keep his own secrets.

B. To find out more secrets of other people.

C. To offer a good place to share secrets.

D. To help other people get out of their trouble.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Mr. Warren probably once saved some people’s life.

B. Mr. Warren’s wife helped him to create PostSecret.

C. Mr. Warren makes many friends because of PostSecret.

D. Mr. Warren is an open, easy-going and generous man.


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年四川遂宁射洪县射洪中学高一6月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

My parents are amazing. I had the most wonderful childhood, and it’s not because I had everything I wanted or because I was a cool kid. I have learned a lot about parenting from what my parents did. Here are a few gems (珍宝) that I use now or plan to use in the future with my two boys.

Here’s how a conversation often went when I was a kid. Usually it was around 4:30 p.m. I said, “I’m hungry. Can I have a cookie?” My mom answered, “No. Have a banana.” “I don’t want a banana.” “Then you’re not hungry.” Sometimes I was angry about it, but I knew that was good for me. Thanks mom for not letting me eat junk food (垃圾食品). Now I agree with my mother and I have this same conversation with my three-year-old son. I hope it helps him form healthy diet habits.

I know many of us heard this as children. “If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you do it, too?” If our kids asked for something just because everyone else had it or was doing it, we often got this response. It was the perfect response, and we soon learned not to ask for things because everyone else had it, but because it was something we wanted.

I will always be thankful that my parents let us try the things that interested us, not the things they wanted to push us into. This helped me try swimming, dance, and the piano before second grade. I found a love — singing — and kept up with that through my college years. It drives me crazy, as a mom and teacher, when I see kids who are pushed into their parents’ favorite activities, even when they don’t have a passion for them.

1.What are the gems in the writer’s mind?

A. Her parents’ knowledge.

B. Her parents’ educational methods.

C. Her parents’ love.

D. Her parents’ personalities.

2. Why does the writer mention the conversation with her mother in Paragraph 2?

A. To show her mother was so strict with her.

B. To stress the importance of healthy diet habits.

C. To show her mother was not concerned about her.

D. To show how her mother helped her develop healthy diet habits.

3.The response from the writer’s parents in Paragraph 3 is mainly used to .

A. refuse their kid’s same request

B. meet their kid’s right request

C. tell their kid not to be in danger

D. tell the good from the bad

4.Which of the following may be supported by the writer?

A. The children must do what their parents want them to.

B. The children can do anything that they want to.

C. The children must do what is useful to society.

D. The children can try the things that interest them.


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年四川遂宁射洪县射洪中学高一6月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Picture this scene, a 6-year-old girl is alone on a raft, with no lifejacket, 200 yards from the shore with the winds whipping up the water. She is pointing at her cousins, and yelling out, “They are drowning!” Your eyes scan left only to see a three-year-old above the surface of the water and you realize two hands are holding her up, the hands of 14-year-old Mallory, who is struggling below the surface of the water.

Three seventeen-year-olds from Salt Lake City, Tiana Skeen, Caitlin Caldwell and Jessica Osterloh, were on the lake for fun in the sun at Bear Lake when they heard the cry for help and saw this terrifying scene. The teens witnessed the three young girls in this very dangerous situation. The teens reacted quickly and swam out to save the girls while crying out toward jet skiers and people on the beach for help. Fourteen-year-old Mallory was struggling to hold her little cousin Rylee above water. The teens rescued Rylee just in time but couldn’t find Mallory. Meanwhile, 6-year-old Sydney was floating away on the raft with no lifejacket. The girls flagged down a jet ski to get her and bring her back to the beach.

The three teen heroines (女英雄) saved the 3-year-old and the 6-year-old, but they feel Mallory is the real heroine, as she held her 3-year-old cousin above the water until the teens were able to rescue Rylee. Mallory was finally found, but she died on the way to the hospital.

Now, the teen heroines strongly remind everyone to wear a life jacket when on the water.

1.What was Mallory doing, when the accident happened?

A. She was crying out for help on a raft.

B. She was trying her best to catch a raft.

C. She was trying to help her cousin survive.

D. She was struggling above the surface of the water.

2.It is implied in the passage that .

A. life jackets are not provided for free at Bear Lake

B. Mallory couldn’t have been killed with a life jacket

C. Rylee was saved because she was a good swimmer

D. children are not allowed to play on the lake alone

3.What’s the best title for this passage?

A. A dangerous experience B. Bear Lake

C. A life jacket D. Three teen heroines


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年四川遂宁射洪县射洪中学高一6月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Cats are those cute creatures that we love having in our homes. 1. If you don’t know the advantages yet, I can enlighten(启发) you. All you got to do is to read below. Come on, it is worth your time.

1. They are great hang-out buddies(伙伴).

Are you too sad about sleeping alone every night? On a cold and cozy night, you can hug your kitty friend and keep yourself warm. Similarly if you just want to hang out doing nothing, your pet cat will be more than ready to give you company. 2.

2. They are clean and healthy.

Cats don’t litter anywhere unlike dogs. Once you train them, they will use a litter box effectively. 3. They are cleanliness creatures, so you don’t have to worry about them dirtying your house.

3. They can look after themselves

Cats are independent animals. They don’t require you to constantly run after them. They can easily take care of themselves and clean themselves up. You don’t even have to give them a bath everyday, they clean themselves really well.

4. 4.

Cats are perfect for you if you are a laid-back kind of a person. If you are a little lazy and don’t have the energy to run after your pet all the time, cats are perfect for you.

5. You can dress them up.

If you like dressing up, you can dress up your cat as well. You can wash their fur and dress them up. It will just add to their attractions.

5. You will love having this new family member in your house.


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年四川遂宁射洪县射洪中学高一6月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

People don’t know how you feel until you tell them. _________ years ago, my best friend Randy died of cancer at the age of 41. He was always _________and he lived life to the full. There was one thing _________ in his life. In 41 years, his father never said to him that he was _________ of him, loved him and believed in him. These words were the only thing Randy ever _________ from his father but in 41 years Randy never got any of them.

For three years while Randy was _________ the cancer, every time I saw him, I _________ him a bear hug and told him how much I _________ him. Randy has been gone for twenty years. I miss him and his father also misses him, _________ I don’t have to live with regret that I never told Randy what he_________ to me. His father does. I’m convinced(说服) that if his father had one _________ , he would choose to be given a chance to tell his son how much he loved him. _________ he’ll never get that chance. It is too_________ for him. He will live the rest of his life with that_________ .

It may still not be too late for you. Is there anyone in your _________ who would love to or needs to have some special words of love, encouragement or _________ from you? Is there anyone who deserves and wants to_________ the words and doesn’t want to “just intuitively (凭直觉地) know” how you feel? Life is too _________ , leaving many words not spoken and many deeds not done. _________ ,people don’t know how you feel until you tell them how you feel. I’m sure there must be someone you can call, visit or write to. Don’t wait until it is too late. _________ it now.

1.A. TenB. TwentyC. ThirtyD. Forty

2.A. sadB. silentC. kindD. positive

3.A. missingB. catchingC. breakingD. shaking

4.A. kindB. sureC. proudD. scared

5.A. wantedB. heardC. receivedD. suffered

6.A. curingB. seeingC. fightingD. checking

7.A. madeB. gaveC. createdD. took

8.A. respectedB. understoodC. thankedD. loved

9.A. orB. andC. butD. otherwise

10.A. meantB. showedC. provedD. brought

11.A. planB. wishC. ideaD. guide

12.A. BrieflyB. ProbablyC. SurprisinglyD.Unfortunately

13.A. lateB. eagerC. muchD. hard

14.A. goalB. regretC. dreamD. thought

15.A. classB. homeC. lifeD. school

16.A. suggestionB. anxietyC. angerD. support

17.A. explainB. tellC. hearD. say

18.A. colorfulB. shortC. differentD. valuable

19.A. AgainB. ThusC. HoweverD. Besides

20.A. FindB. GetC. MakeD. Do


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年四川遂宁射洪县射洪中学高一6月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Liu Sijiang (teacher): The Net improves the speed of communication, but there are many people who lie on it. Therefore, it is natural that some people are 1. (worry) about the girl in Nanjing, who made friends with an American teacher by email.

Xu Yong (student): These days, 2. (make) friends online is a part of many people's lives. I think we can make good and helpful friends online, just like the girl from Nanjing. So don't be afraid to do 3. you think is right.

Ding Yixiang (student): As the most 4. (importance) communication tool at present, the Internet helps us to know and understand world affairs. 5. is also easy to make friends with foreigners through your keyboard. 6. , a "friend" might lie to you. Only if young people can control themselves well and know what is good and what is bad, making friends on the Net should not be 7. problem at all.

Zhou Jian (student): It is hard to say 8. or not it is good to make friends on the Internet. In fact, some bad and harmful things have indeed happened. However, I like to make friends online. I often share my happiness and sadness 9. my friends there. They can offer me some advice 10. tell me how to solve problems when I am in trouble.

