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科目: 来源:2016-2017学年河南郸城县一中高二上开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Brown Bear

My wife Laura and I were on the beach, with three of our children, taking pictures of shore birds near our home in Alaska when we spotted a bear. The bear was thin and small, moving aimlessly.

Just a few minutes later, I heard my daughter shouting, “Dad! The bear is right behind us!” An aggressive bear will usually rush forward to frighten away its enemy but would suddenly stop at the last minute. This one was silent and its ears pinned back—the sign of an animal that is going in for the kill. And it was a cold April day. The bear behaved abnormally, probably because of hunger.

I held my camera tripod (三脚架) in both hands to form a barrier as the bear rushed into me. Its huge head was level with my chest and shoulders, and the tripod stuck across its mouth. It bit down and I found myself supporting its weight. I knew I would not be able to hold it for long.

Even so, this was a fight I had to win: I was all that stood between the bear and my family, who would stand little chance of running faster than a brown bear.

The bear hit at the camera, cutting it off the tripod. I raised my left arm to protect my face; the beast held tightly on the tripod and pressed it into my side. My arm could not move, and I sensed that my bones were going to break.

Drawing back my free hand, I struck the bear as hard as I could for five to six times. The bear opened its mouth and I grasped its fur, trying to push it away. I was actually wrestling (扭打) with the bear at this point. Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the fight ended. The bear moved back toward the forest, before returning for another attack—The first time I felt panic.

Apparently satisfied that we caused no further threat, the bear moved off, destroying a fence as it went. My arm was injured, but the outcome for us could hardly have been better. I’m proud that my family reminded clear-headed when panic could have led to a very different outcome.

1.The brown bear approached the family in order to _______.

A. catch shore birdsB. start an attack

C. protect the childrenD. set up a barrier for itself

2.The bear finally went away after it _______.

A. felt safeB. got injured

C. found some foodD. took away the camera

3.The writer and his family survived mainly due to their ______.

A. prideB. patience

C. calmnessD. cautiousness


科目: 来源:2016-2017学年河南郸城县一中高二上开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


The jobs of the future have not yet been invented. 1. . By helping them develop classic skills that will serve them well no matter what the future holds.

1. Curiosity

Your children need to be deeply curious. 2. . Ask kids, “What ingredients (配料) can we add to make these pancakes even better next time ?” and then try them out. Ingredients make the pancakes better? What could we try next time?

2. Creativity

True creativity is the ability to take something existing and create something new from it. 3. . There are a dozen different things you can do with them. Experimenting with materials to create something new can go a long way in helping them develop their creativity.

3. Personal skills

Understanding how others feel can be a challenge for kids. We know what’s going on inside our own head, but what about others? Being able to read people helps kid from misreading a situation and jumping to false conclusions. 4. . “Why do you think she’s crying?” “Can you tell how that man is feeling by looking at his face?” “If someone were to do that to you, how would you feel?”

4. Self expression

5. there are many ways to express thoughts and ideas—music, acting, drawing, building, photography. You may find that your child is attracted by one more than another.

A. Encourage kids to cook with you.

B. And we can’t forget science education.

C. We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways.

D. So how can we help our kids prepare for jobs that don’t yet exist?

E. Gardening is another great activity for helping kids develop this skill.

F. We can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories.

G. Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a valuable skill.


科目: 来源:2016-2017学年河南郸城县一中高二上开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A B C D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

A Leap(跳跃)to Honor

Leaping on a narrow balance beam(平衡木) is not easy. But Lola Walter, a 13-year-old gymnast, is an expert at it. To perfect her skills, Lola ________ for four hours a day, five days a week. At the state championships in March, she finished seventh out of 16 girls.

That’s especially impressive. ________ she is legally blind, born with a rare condition that causes her eyes to shift constantly. She often sees double and can’t ________ how far away things are.

When she was little, her mom ________ that even though she couldn’t see ________, she was fearless. So her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three. She loved the ________ right away and gymnastics became her favorite.

Though learning gymnastics has been more ________ for her than for some of her tournaments, she has never quit. She doesn’t let her ________ stop her from doing anything that she wants to.

She likes the determination it takes to do the sport. Her biggest ________ is the balance beam. Because she has double vision, she often sees two beams. She must use her sense of touch to help her during her routine. Sometimes she even closes her eyes. ‘You have to ________ your mind that it’ll take you where you want to go.’ says Lola.

To be a top-level gymnast, one must be brave. The beam is probably the most ________ for anyone because it’s four inches wide. At the state competition, Lola didn’t fall ________ the beam. In fact, she got an 8.1 out of 10 — her highest score yet.

Lola doesn’t want to be ________ differently from the other girls on her team. At the competitions, the judges don’t know about her vision ________. She doesn’t tell them, because she doesn’t think they need to know. Her mom is amazed by her ________ attitude.

Lola never thinks about ________. She is presently at level 7 while the highest is level 10 in gymnastics. Her ________ is to reach level 9. She says she wants to be a gymnastics coach to pass down what she’s learned to other kids ________ she grew up.

Lola is ________ of all her hard work and success. She says it’s helped her overcome problems in her life outside gymnastics, too. Her ________ for others is ‘just believe yourself’.

1.A. runsB. teachesC. trainsD. dances

2.A. sinceB. unlessC. afterD. though

3.A. tellB. guessC. assumeD. predict

4.A. suspectedB. rememberedC. imaginedD. noticed

5.A. deeplyB. wellC. aheadD. closely

6.A. taskB. sportC. eventD. show

7.A. boringB. enjoyableC. difficultD. unsatisfactory

8.A. talentB. qualityC. natureD. condition

9.A. doubtB. advantageC. challengeD. program

10.A. examineB. expressC. openD. trust

11.A. fearfulB. harmfulC. unfairD. inconvenient

12.A. toB. onC. offD. against

13.A. greetedB. treatedC. servedD. paid

14.A. painsB. stressesC. injuriesD. problems

15.A. positiveB. friendlyC. flexibleD. cautious

16.A. defendingB. quittingC. winningD. bargaining

17.A. standardB. rangeC. viewD. goal

18.A. untilB. asC. whenD. before

19.A. proudB. tiredC. ashamedD. confident

20.A. planB. adviceC. rewardD. responsibility


科目: 来源:2016-2017学年河南郸城县一中高二上开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Are you facing a situation that looks impossible to fix?

In 1969, the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River Cleveland, Ohio. It 1. (be) unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up. The river was so polluted that it 2. (actual) caught fire and burned. Now, years later, this river is one of 3. most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.

But the river wasn’t changed in a few days 4. even a few months. It took years of work 5. (reduce) the industrial pollution and clean the water. Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is 6. (clean) than ever.

Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you leave a habit 7. is driving your family crazy. Possibly you drink too much or don’t know how to control your credit card use. When you face such an impossible situation, don’t you want a quick fix and something to change immediately?

While there are 8. (amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us the 9. (change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be 10. (patience)


科目: 来源:2016-2017学年河南郸城县一中高二上开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







I have just got some good news to tell to you. I win a national prize for painting last week. My father was so pleasing that he suggested I go to England for a holiday. I’d like to staying there for half a month, visiting place of interest or practicing my English as well. We’ve been writing to each for nearly a year now. I have often dreamed of talk face by face with you. I imagine you’ll be on vacation yourself by that time. Perhaps I could go out to do some sightseeing together.




科目: 来源:2016-2017学年河南郸城县一中高二上开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


1. 询问上课的时间、学习费用和人数

2. 租一个30平米带家具的房子,租期为一月。

注意:1. 100词左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 开头已经给出。

Dear Jack,

How are you doing? _____________________________________________________________










Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年河北石家庄一中高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

As a boy, Sanders was much influenced by books about the sea, but by the age of fifteen he had decided to become a doctor rather than a sailor. His father was a doctor. So he was often with the doctors and got along very well with them. When he was fourteen, he was already hanging around the hospital where he was supposed to be helping to clean the medicine bottles, but was actually trying to listen to the doctors’ conversations with patients in the next room.

During the war Sanders served in the army as a surgeon(外科医生). “That was the happiest time of my life. I was dealing with real sufferers and on the whole making a success of my job.” In Rhodes he taught the country people simple facts about medicine. He saw himself as a life-saver. He had proved his skill to himself and had a firm belief that he could serve those who lived simply, and were dependent upon him. Thus, while in a position to tell them what to do he could feel he was serving them.

After the war, he married and set up a practice deep in the countryside, working under an old doctor who hated the sight of blood. This gave the younger man plenty of opportunities to go on working as a life-saver.

1.When he was a small boy, Sander was influenced by books about ________.

A. the hospitalB. the warC. the seaD. the countryside

2.At the age of 14, Sanders ________.

A. worked as a doctor in the hospital

B. got along well with the patients

C. was interested in talking with doctors and patients

D. helped to clean the medicine bottles in the hospital

3.When the war was over, he ________.

A. had the happiest time of his life

B. started to hate the sight of blood while working

C. served the countrymen under an old doctor

D. had few chances to be a “life-saver” because he was younger


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年河北石家庄一中高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The London Underground (The Tube)

The main source of public transport in London revolves around the Underground (or the Tube as it is known to Londoners). This network of 12 lines can get you to most places in the center of the city quickly.

It’s most necessary to get an Oyster Card or a Travelcard. Single tickets are priced starting at the intentionally absurd (荒谬的) price of £ 4.80 (Zone 1-3), if you pay cash. Using an Oyster card, a single fare is £ 2.30 if you are traveling within the central Zone 1.

On hot days it is also advisable to take a bottle of water with you as Underground trains are not air-conditioned.

Last trains leave central London at around 00:30 weekdays, 23:30 Sundays. First trains leave the suburbs at around 5:00.

The Bus System

Outside the center of London, Tube stations are farther apart, so buses help fill the gaps. Also, the bus offers a cheaper alternative, even if it is a slower journey.

Cash fares for London buses have been abolished — you cannot pay cash. A bus fare costs £ 1.50 if using only buses, the fare is capped at £ 4.40 per day for Oyster or contactless users.

River Services

There are a number of different routes along the River Thames. The faster commuter services operate all day from Greenwich Pier to Embankment and from Putney and Chelsea harbour to Blackfriars during Peak Hours only. These routes will pass a number of places of interest including the Houses of Parliament and London Bridge. A return fare from Putney to Blackfriars will cost about 12 pounds.

National Rail

Once you leave Central London or if you are traveling South of the River Thames, the best public transport option will often be National Rail. There are numerous connections to the Rail System from the Tube. Travelcards can be used for travel on the National Rail (but not the Heathrow Express). Oyster cards can be used up to Zone 6 except certain services including Heathrow Express, Heathrow Connect and HSI.

1.When taking the London Underground, ________.

A. you should buy tickets with cash

B. you can save more money with a single ticket

C. you can go to any place in London quickly

D. you are advised to take a bottle of water along on hot days

2.If you use river services along the River Thames, you will pass ________.

A. London BridgeB. Stratford

C. Canary WharfD. Tower Hill

3.To travel South of the River Thames, it is recommended that you use ________.

A. The London UndergroundB. The Bus System

C. The DLR and the TramD. National Rail


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年河北石家庄一中高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A man steps on what seems like solid ground but discovers with horror that the ground is giving way beneath his feet. The man struggles desperately, but he is trapped. He cannot escape. Slowly he sinks deeper and deeper until at last he is gone, buried in the treacherous earth. The solid ground was solid only in appearance. It was actually quicksand, which is a deep mass of fine sand mixed with water.

How is quicksand formed? Water pushes up from below the surface and is held by the sand. The grains of sand are forced apart by the water. They cannot hold any weight. The subsurface water may have come from a spring, a river or a stream. Sometimes pools of water near beaches become filled with sand. When the soil under these pools does not allow for good drainage(排水), the sand can become stretches of quicksand.

Is it true that a man who steps into quicksand is doomed to(注定) die? No, for men have fought their way from quicksand to firm land again. It is panic(恐慌) that creates the condition that can result in death, for the more a person struggles, the worse matters become. Quick movements will make the sand give way temporarily(临时地), but then it rushes and settles solidly around the body. A man trapped in quicksand should either lie back, or not move at all, except to stretch out his arms. When the weight of the sand his body has displaced equals his weight, he will stop sinking. With feet held still, and with slow movements of the arms, as in the backstroke in swimming men can manage to roll to safety and reach firm ground.

1.What is quicksand?

A. A piece of solid ground mixed with water.

B. A pool near the beach filled with water.

C. A deep mass of fine sand mixed with water.

D. A piece of sinking land in the water.

2.The underlined part “giving way” in the first paragraph probably means ________.

A. shaking and moving

B. allowing others to be first

C. rising to the top

D. breaking or breaking into pieces

3.A person stops sinking when the weight of his body is ________ that of the sand his body has displaced.

A. greater thanB. the same as

C. half ofD. close to

4.Men can manage to reach firm ground by ________.

A. holding feet still and moving arms slowly

B. lying back calmly and moving arms frequently

C. stretching out arms and swimming quickly

D. swimming quickly and moving arms slowly


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年河北石家庄一中高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Have you ever seen an animal being mistreated (虐待)? Seeing a pet or wild animal get hurt might make you sad, angry, or afraid. 1. In fact, the good news is that everyone — including you — can be a helping hand for animals.

Keep your eyes and ears open.

2. Watch for changes in the way they look or act. Look out for animals who:

﹡ have cuts or other bruises(伤痕)

﹡ avoid or attack people when people come close

﹡ are too thin

﹡ are missing fur

﹡ are almost always left outside

These signs don’t necessarily mean a pet has been hurt on purpose, but they shouldn’t be ignored. If you see any of these signs, set them down. 3. What did you see or hear? Where? When? Were other people around?


Never move an injured animal! Ask a parent, teacher, or other adult you trust for help. Find out whether the injured animal in your town can be saved by animal shelters or police. Keep their phone numbers at hand. If the person mistreating animals is a friend or family member, tell an adult you trust.

Speak up.

Let other kids know what to do if they see an animal being hurt. Using the information above, make posters to hang or flyers (传单) to hand out at school. Include the phone numbers of the police department or animal shelters who can save the injured animals.5. They need us to speak up for them!

A. Report it.

B. Send it to animal shelters.

C. Animals are friends of human beings.

D. Get to know pets in your neighborhood.

E. You might think there’s nothing you can do.

F. Remember, animals can’t speak for themselves.

G. Or if you see someone hurting an animal, write down the details.

