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科目: 来源:2016-2017年安徽师大附中高二上第二次月考10月英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The famous singer made a promise to the public that he would ________ half of the year’s income to help the disabled.

A. give outB. give awayC. give inD. give up


科目: 来源:2016-2017年安徽师大附中高二上第二次月考10月英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Ray Kurzweil is a computer scientist and an employee of Google, ________ specializes in Internet-related services.

A. thatB. whenC. whereD. which


科目: 来源:2016-2017年安徽师大附中高二上第二次月考10月英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When I was a child, I had to go to church and obey many other rules, though these rules at times caused resentment (怨恨). Perhaps the most extreme parenting decision my parents made for my four brothers and sisters and me was to create a home environment without a television.

We hated this decision at that time, because there was seemingly no way to keep this embarrassing fact a secret at school. Naturally, simple pleasures like cartoons, football games, and movies became huge novelties (新奇事物). I would go over to friends’ or relatives’ houses for that access alone.

When I reached high school, my parents bought a television, though it had no cable. However, I did spend most of my childhood in a home without a television. In fact not having a television did contribute a great deal to my skills, and it also forced me to develop other valuable interests. We grew up in a small town, so my brothers and sisters and I spent time exploring streets, fields and woods. And of course I read and wrote and studied, which pushed me toward a career path.

So would I give a similar situation to my own children if I had them? I doubt it, at least not in the most extreme sense. I’m too much of a football fan, not to mention the TV serials (连续剧) like The Wire. But television or almost anything for that matter is unhealthy for kids. It can prevent them from living a full life. So maybe a reasonable answer is no cable or no video-game systems or simply setting the time limit, but I haven’t exactly worked out how to confine it yet. Although some people are against my idea, we do need limits after all.

1.From the text we can learn that ________.

A. the author didn’t like watching TV as a child

B. the author’s family seldom went to church

C. not having a TV set brought the author many benefits

D. few homes had a TV set when the author was a child

2.From the last paragraph we can learn the author thinks that ________.

A. children shouldn’t watch TV too much

B. children should be forbidden to watch TV

C. children should only watch serials and sports on TV

D. watching TV is unhealthy for both adults and children

3.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “confine” in the last paragraph?

A. Limit.B. Punish.C. Reject.D. Support.


科目: 来源:2016-2017年安徽师大附中高二上第二次月考10月英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In the spring of my career, I found myself questioning the choice of my life’s work. The students did not appear to be motivated; the paperwork was overwhelming (巨大的) and the constant changes of educational direction were discouraging. But I just could not bring myself to do anything else. “Next year,” I would say, “next year I will switch jobs, make more money and have far less stress.” Next year just never came. I am now in my forties. And while I am no longer in the classroom or at the schoolhouse, I remain an educator. It finally dawns on me that there is no other profession that will let me change children’s minds and have an impact on their future. For every student that finally “got it”, for every new teacher that said, “You inspired me to stay,” I get the raise that has never quite made it to my paycheck.

I was on a plane recently and the flight attendant asked my name. When I told him, he said, “I knew that was you! You taught at my elementary school. You made me take my cap off in the building and told me I was handsome.” He then paused and said, “I think I kept my hat on until you saw me, just so I could get that compliment (赞美). Thank you for making me feel special.”

We have now entered an age where nothing is private and secrets are hard to keep. Your “friends” are counted by simply clicking a button. Face-to-face interactions are seen by many as unnecessary and time-consuming. Of course, we can do anything online, including teaching and learning. But I guess I am just old school. I want to look into your eyes when the answer finally dawns on you.

1.From the first paragraph, we can learn that the author ________.

A. never wanted to change the job

B. wasn’t a success as a teacher

C. doesn’t regret being an educator

D. was not happy with her paycheck

2.The author told us the experience in Paragraph 2 mainly to show ________.

A. feedback on teachers’ classes from students

B. the friendship between teachers and students

C. an important role praise plays in people’s life

D. the great influence teachers have on students

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. The author is out of fashion in today’s world.

B. The author still prefers face-to-face communication.

C. The author thinks online communication is boring.

D. The author suggests that people stay away from the Internet.

4.What could be the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To make a summary of her teaching career.

B. To express her views on the Internet.

C. To show the influence of a teacher.

D. To share her belief as a teacher.


科目: 来源:2016-2017年安徽师大附中高二上第二次月考10月英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Imagination Stage is a children’s theater in the state of Maryland. A special performance is put on for children with autism (自闭症) each day. People with autism have difficulty communcating and socializing with other people. Children in the theater are allowed to move around during the performance. It’s OK if they shout out or hold their ears when the music is too loud. These special performances are sometimes the only thing that a family can go to the theater together to see if a child has autism.

That is the same idea with Autism on the Seas. This company organizes vacations for families of children with autism, especially vacations on cruise ships. Jamie Grover is director of group development in Autism on the Seas. He said, “With our staff on board, parents know that they are going to be able to relax, enjoy their vacation, and participate in ship activities. They know that their children are well taken care of.”

The benefit of such vacations organized by Autism on the Seas is not waiting in huge lines on departure day. The company has staff to help in the ports. Waiting in long lines or being in the middle of big crowds can cause problem behavior in children with autism. Autism on the Seas helps families avoid situations like that.

Autism on the Seas works with the help of cruise companies like Royal Caribbean. Special times or places are arranged for families to play video games, go skating or rock climbing, or eat dinner. Autism on the Seas also directs families to organizations that can help them pay for these vacations.

Bambi Van Woert from the state of Michigan went on a cruise with her 7-year-old Ben, who has autism. She said, “I would never do something like this myself. I cannot take Ben shopping by myself at this point, so for me to try to do a cruise without help would be absurd.”

1.What makes the children’s theatre Imagination Stage special?

A. That it only allows children with autism to enter.

B. That it puts on plays performed by people with autism.

C. That it mainly puts on plays about people with autism.

D. That it puts on special performances for kids with autism.

2.What do we know about the company Autism on the Seas?

A. It helps families of children with autism pay for vacations.

B. It was started with the help of the cruise company Royal Caribbean.

C. It organizes vacations for families of children with autism.

D. It takes care of kids with autism while their parents are away.

3.The third paragraph mainly tells us ________.

A. some occasions that kids with autism should avoid

B. some behavioural problems of children with autism

C. some activities children with autism can take part in

D. the benefit of vacations organized by Autism on the Seas

4.Bambi Van Woert is mentioned in the last paragraph to show that ________.

A. parents of a child with autism don’t want such trips

B. parents of a child with autism live a very difficult life

C. children with autism don’t like doing anything with their parents

D. such cruise trips can really help families of children with autism


科目: 来源:2016-2017年安徽师大附中高二上第二次月考10月英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Cliffside Manor Apartments are conveniently located (位于) just 15 minutes from Downtown Pittsburgh, Cranberry Township, Greater Pittsburgh International Airport and Robinson Township shopping district. This community (社区) has 1 and 2 bedroom apartments for rent. Pet-free community.

Individually controlled heat & air conditioning


Individual extra storage

Off-street parking

Laundry facilities (设施) in each building

Equipped kitchens with dishwashers

Furnished apartments available

Castle Ridge Luxury Apartment Homes are located in the suburban south hills of Pittsburgh, convenient to I-279 interstate highway, Pittsburgh International Airport, and the public transit (运输) system. 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartment homes for rent. Pets are accepted with pet fee.

Convenient scenic south hills location

Walking distance to the public transportation

Shape up 24/7 in your fitness center

Heated swimming pool & tropical tanning bed

Clubhouse & Business center

Full sized washer/Dryer in your unit

Fireplaces in every unit

Alvern Garden Apartments are pleasantly situated in a quiet residential (住宅的) neighborhood in the suburban south hills of Pittsburgh. Close to Keystone Oaks School District and nearby restaurants and minutes to South Hills Village shopping mall. 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments for rent. Cats only with a $250.00 security deposit.

24 hour emergency maintenance (应急抢修)

Free gas cooking

Swimming pool

One block from subway

Laundry facilities

Covered parking available

The Pointe at Adams Ridge is located north of Pittsburgh with convenience to I-79 interstate highway, shopping, restaurants & entertainment. 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments for rent. Pets are welcome.

Island kitchens/Built-in microwave racks

Conference and business center

Sandy beach pool

Private movie theater

Indoor basketball court

English pub gathering room

1.In which communities are you allowed to keep a pet dog?

A. Cliffside Manor Apartments & Castle Ridge Luxury Apartment Homes.

B. Alvern Garden Apartments & The Pointe at Adams Ridge.

C. Cliffside Manor Apartments & Alvern Garden Apartments.

D. Castle Ridge Luxury Apartment Homes & The Pointe at Adams Ridge.

2.Mr. Parker often travels on business by air and loves body building. Which community can interest him most?

A. Cliffside Manor Apartments.

B. Castle Ridge Luxury Apartment Homes.

C. Alvern Garden Apartments.

D. The Pointe at Adams Ridge.

3.The Smiths prefer to rent in Alvern Garden Apartments rather than the other three probably because ________.

A. they have a school-age child

B. they like swimming

C. they want to cook themselves

D. they care much about shopping convenience

4.We can learn from the text that ________.

A. Cliffside Manor Apartments don’t have a parking place

B. Castle Ridge Luxury Apartment Homes offer free laundry services

C. Alvern Garden Apartments aren’t suitable for those who like quietness

D. The Pointe at Adams Ridge provides places for business meetings


科目: 来源:2016-2017年安徽师大附中高二上第二次月考10月英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


When it comes to benefits of volunteering, a lot of people think it’s all about the warm feelings after helping someone. 1. For example, volunteering...

1. Teaches you new skills

From helping make websites to teaching kids languages, to arranging events for charity, volunteering can really be almost anything. 2. And through overcoming these you learn and start to master completely new skills.

2. Can be relevant work experience

Something that seems to stop many is that experience often seems to be a prerequisite (必备条件) for some jobs. 3. There’s many a journalist that gets his or her start through volunteering for a college or university paper, and that’s not at all the only profession this applies to.

3. Can be therapeutic (治疗的)

One of my close friends has completely transformed since she started working for disabled kids. 4. It allows you to see the world and other people from a whole different point of view, which in turn can make you grateful for what you already have and see your own personal value.

4. Helps you expand your network

One of the great things for volunteering is that you meet a wide variety of people. 5. Sometimes it’s very convenient to have a broad network.

A. Volunteering helps you grow as a person.

B. As it turns out, that’s far from the only benefit.

C. Volunteering can actually help you get the experience you need.

D. Volunteering helps you look outside yourself and your problems.

E. It’s a way to prove that you’ve not just been sitting and doing nothing.

F. That means when you get involved in voluntary work, you will face many challenges.

G. You’re getting to know people involved in many different walks in life that you wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet otherwise.


科目: 来源:2016-2017年安徽师大附中高二上第二次月考10月英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Here’s a surprising fact: Of the 1.1 million firefighters in the United States, about 780,000 are volunteers. Roughly a third of the population is ________ by mostly- or all-volunteer fire departments.

Also ________, perhaps. Sometimes they have to pay for their own gear.

I ________ this because I volunteer as a firefighter in Durango, Colorado. I responded to more than 50 calls in 2014, everything from ________ to car accidents. In that period, I spent close to $1,000 on optional gear not supplied by my ________, things like higher-quality flashlights, knives, and better gloves, which make my ________ easier.

Yesterday, a ________ was introduced in Congress that would give a significant tax break to those who volunteer their time as ________ responders. I hope it passes, not because it will put some money in my pocket ________, hey, (that’ll be nice) but because it will ease the financial burden on volunteers and acknowledge their time commitment. I believe it will ________ more people to help.

And we ________ that.

In ________ areas where population density is low and calls for fire and EMS services are relatively rare, it just doesn’t ________ to have career firefighters on the staff 24/7 (全天候). ________, volunteers are used to fill in the ________. We are ready to put our regular lives aside to help someone on what is the ________ day of their life. We have likely never met before, and might never again, but it doesn’t ________ in a crisis. Without volunteers, the whole system would collapse.

There’s a T-shirt that’s popular among us, reading “For Pride, Not ________.” We volunteer because we know our ________ need us. We don’t need a small tax break. Without one, we’ll still put on our gear when the alarm goes off without any ________. But we’d appreciate one, and if it encourages more people to join us, it’s worth it.

1.A. taughtB. inspiredC. supportedD. protected

2.A. surprisingB. amusingC. pleasingD. worrying

3.A. appreciateB. knowC. proveD. analyze

4.A. wildfiresB. wars

C. lightningD. embarrassments

5.A. companyB. departmentC. teamD. family

6.A. mannerB. lifeC. projectD. job

7.A. guestB. politicianC. billD. word

8.A. wiseB. proudC. sameD. first

9.A. soB. whenC. thoughD. because

10.A. encourageB. persuadeC. inviteD. allow

11.A. neglectB. needC. predictD. admit

12.A. darkB. ruralC. dirtyD. cold

13.A. end upB. stand outC. work outD. make sense

14.A. RecentlyB. QuicklyC. InsteadD. Besides

15.A. timeB. holeC. formD. gap

16.A. busiestB. hottestC. worstD. shortest

17.A. matterB. passC. existD. happen

18.A. SatisfactionB. PayC. StrengthD. Education

19.A. communitiesB. neighborsC. childrenD. patients

20.A. disappointmentB. troubleC. hesitationD. anxiety


科目: 来源:2016-2017年安徽师大附中高二上第二次月考10月英语卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


You are twenty-one years old and live a happy and peaceful life. 1. one day, your doctor tells you that you have a serious disease and will die soon. What would you do? 2. (probable) most of us might feel very sad and give up our dreams and hopes for the future. Here is 3. the great scientist, Stephen Hawking, did.

Hawking wasn’t 4. (discourage) because of his physical condition. 5. , he went on with his study of the universe. In 2002, Hawking was invited to China. He told Chinese students about his theories and thoughts 6. some of the greatest questions: what is time, how the universe began, and what are black holes. He impressed the audience with his humor, confidence and of course his 7. (wise).

Hawking became famous in the early 1970s. In 1988, he wrote A Brief History of Time, in 8. he explained difficult theories in a simple way. The book 9. (sell) well since it came out.

Stephen Hawking is a man with a strong will and he is regarded as the 10. (great) mind in physics since Albert Einstein.


科目: 来源:2016-2017年安徽师大附中高二上第二次月考10月英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Jack,

Next Saturday will my birthday. I’m going to hold a birthday party at home on the evening. It will start at 7:30. Some classmates as good as some foreign friends have been invited. The activities include singing, dancing and sharing interesting experiences. Surely, we’ll have a good time. I would feel honoring if you could come. I live at 656 Minzu Street. You can take Bus No. 11 or No. 15 and got off at the stop of Guang Ming High School. Justly on the opposite side is my house, what is red with a white door. I’m sure of you can’t miss it. I do hope they will come.

Best wish.



