 0  136570  136578  136584  136588  136594  136596  136600  136606  136608  136614  136620  136624  136626  136630  136636  136638  136644  136648  136650  136654  136656  136660  136662  136664  136665  136666  136668  136669  136670  136672  136674  136678  136680  136684  136686  136690  136696  136698  136704  136708  136710  136714  136720  136726  136728  136734  136738  136740  136746  136750  136756  136764  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of the site Facebook,______ you can have a
look at each other's pictures.(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

7.-Can I pay by credit card?
-Yes,_________.(  )
A.with pleasureB.take care
C.no problemD.don't mention it


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

6.It is very different from the.situation in the wild,the vast majority of camels will die or be killed before they grow up.(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

5.一Who is making such a noise outside?
一  the children.           ,(  )
A.It isB.They areC.That isD.There are


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

4.-I'm really angry at my naughty son.He never listens to me and often is against me.
-     ,Ellen.Things will go out.(  )
A.It doesn't matterB.Take your time
C.Don't mention itD.Take it easy


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

3.With so many things         ,we haven't decided on the final plan yet.(  )
A.consideredB.to consider
C.having consideredD.considering


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Northern Ireland
Visitor Guide
Passport/Visa Requirements
Passport Advice Line (UK)
T:0300 222 0000
UK nationals can travel without a passport but will need photographic identification.Passports are not required for travel between Northern Ireland and the Republic.For further information,contact the British Embassy in your country of origin.
Sterling currency.Most large stores accept Euro.Main credit cards are in general use but bring cash too.In main towns,bank hours are 09:30-16:30.Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) dispense cash at hundreds of locations,banks,garages and shopping centres.Bureau de Change are in larger bank branches,travel agents,the Belfast Welcome Centre,some other tourist information centres,big hotels and at a few visitor attractions.
To call Northern Ireland from abroad,dial 0044+area code (without 0)+local number.From the Republic of Ireland,dial 048+area code (without 0)+local number.From elsewhere in UK or to make an internal call,dial area code (with 0)+local number.To call the Republic from Northern Ireland,dial 00353+the area code (without 0)+local number.
Check your bill to see if a service charge has been made.If not and you're satisfied with the service,add 10-15%.
Left Luggage
T:+44 (0)28 9024 6609
Belfast Welcome Centre is the only place that provides this service.£3 per item for up to 4hrs.£4.50 4hrs+.Last pick up is 15 minutes before closing.
Victoria Square,Castle Court and many Belfast City centre stores have extended opening hours from 09:00 until 19:00 each weekday evening.Thursday is late night shopping until 21:00.On Sundays shops are open from 12:00/13:00 and stay open until 17:00/18:00.
Medical Insurance
T:0845 606 0707
(UK),+44 (0)191 212 7500
You need to obtain a European Health Insurance card (EHIC) which will allow you to access state-provided healthcare in all European Economic Area (EEA) countries at a reduced cost or sometimes free of charge.You can apply online at their website or by telephone.Visitors are strongly advised to take out private travel insurance.
Public Holidays
Banks are closed and transport services are reduced on public holidays.See
for up-to-date details.
New Year's Day         January
St.Patrick's Day         March
Good Friday            start April
Easter Monday          start April
May Bank Holiday       start May
May Bank Holiday       end May
July Holiday            mid July
August Bank Holiday     end August
Christmas Day          December
Boxing Day             December
Emergency Services
Dial 999 for emergency services.
If your passport is lost or stolen,contact the local police station,embassy or consulate.
All Ireland Information
For details on the rest of Ireland visit:
69.If Jack wants to call his friend in Northern Ireland from London,he should dialC.
A.0044+area code (without 0)+local number
B.048+area code (without 0)+local number
C.area code (with 0)+local number
D.00353+the area code (without 0)+local number
70.While travelling in Northern Ireland,youA.
A.can shop until 21:00on Thursdays
B.needn't leave a tip after receiving service
C.can use American dollars to buy what you want
D.can draw money from banks from 9:00to 16:30every day
71.Which of the following is TRUE according to the above Visitor Guide?B
A.A German needn't a passport to travel in Northern Ireland.
B.A visitor can dial 999in emergency situations while in Northern Ireland.
C.Any European can get healthcare in Northern Ireland at a reduced cost or free of charge.
D.A visitor will be charged£3for leaving luggage in Belfast Welcome Centre for 6hours.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Without any hesitation,he said,"I'd be better off dead."Hearing those words come out of my best friend's mouth tore my heart apart.He has repeated that phrase more than once,and my mind continually plays it over like a voice recording.
    I met him about three years ago.After knowing me for six months,he told me about his struggles with depression.Sadness was not the only emotion that came over me;I was shocked.He seemed so outgoing and happy all the time.I soon learned that he was physically and emotionally abused as a young child,causing him to have suicidal(自杀的)thoughts.
    He refuses to talk to others about his depression because he now distrusts adults,especially those in his family.Nevertheless,he feels as if I understand him and that I know the right words to speak.Therefore,when it comes to helping him,convenience is not in my vocabulary.It does not matter where I am or what I am doing,for he always comes first.
    Many students at his school laugh at him when they notice scars on his arms from cutting.As he sees it,other kids have every right to make fun of him.But no one holds such a right,so I encourage him to ignore the heartless kids who treat him badly.When he feels the weight of judging eyes or hateful voices,I always remind him that I care about him unconditionally.Just hearing me say I will always be his best friend seems to give him the security he needs to keep on going.
    My best friend once told me that if he had not had me,he would not be alive.He said that my encouraging words convinced him not to take his life.Our friendship has taught me that a single kind word can influence someone's life.With the fragility(脆弱)of life as it is,I believe in the necessity of encouragement.

56.According to the first paragraph,what the author's friend said made the author feelB.
A.puzzled      B.heart broken.C.frightened   D.hopeless
57.By saying"convenience is not in my vocabulary",the author meansA.
  A.he is always ready to help his friend
  B.he hardly spares time to help his friend
  C.he has no good excuse for refusing his friend
  D.he is not good at communicating with his friend
58.From the passage we learn that the author's friendC.
  A.had a happy childhood but everything changed later
  B.wanted to share his story but no one listened
  C.took it for granted that he was made fun of
  D.was always of sad appearance
59.What does the author learn from his experiences?B
  A.How to make a big difference to others.    B.The importance of encouragement.
  C.How to get rid of depression.              D.The necessity of security.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.About 10 years ago,I started a job as a trainer for a telemarketing agency.In one of my first classes,the head trainer told a very inspiring story.
He began by drawing a stickman standing in the middle of a circle.To make it more interesting,he drew things like a house,a car,and a few friends inside the circle.
He asked the question,"Can anyone tell me what this is?"In a long silence,one guy decided to throw out"the world?"The trainer said,"That's close and this is your Comfort Zone.Inside your circle you have all the things that are important to you."
"Your home,your family,your friends,and your job.People feel that inside this circle they are safe from any danger or conflict."
"Can anyone tell me what happens when you step out of this circle?"A strong silence came over the room.The same eager guy abruptly announced,"You are afraid."
Another guy said,"You make mistakes."The silence continued and the trainer smiled and said,"When you make mistakes,what can the result be?"
    The first guy shouted,"You learn something."
"Exactly,you are learning."The trainer turned to the board and drew an arrow pointing from the stickman directly to the outside of the circle.He continued to say,"When you leave your Comfort Zone you put yourself out there,in front of the world to be in situations that you are not comfortable with."
"The end result is that you have learned something that you did not know and you expand your knowledge to become a better person."He turned again to the board and drew a bigger circle around the original circle,and added a few new things like more friends,a bigger house,etc.
"The moral of the story is that if you stay inside your Comfort Zone,you will never be able to expand your horizons and learn.When you step out of your Comfort Zone you will eventually make your circle bigger and your mind grow stronger,and all in all a better person."

60.According to the passage,the Comfort Zone isC.
    A.a place where we can enjoy a lot of amusement
    B.a person who can offer us some comfort and protect us
    C.a state in which we feel all safe and right with the world
    D.a circle which we don't dare to get out of
61.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A
    A.If we move beyond the Comfort Zone,our anxiety level will go up.
    B.When we step out of the Comfort Zone,we must feel excited.
    C.We don't need to leave our Comfort Zone if we really want to grow.
    D.We are all still in our Comfort Zone when making new friends.
62.Why does the author tell us the story?D
    A.To build up our interpersonal skills.
    B.To make us work better as a team.
    C.To provide us some working activities.
    D.To motivate us to step out for a better world.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Prayer for My Mother
Dear God,
Now that I am no longer young,I have friends whose mothers have passed away.I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers until it was too late to tell them.
I am blessed with the dear mother who is still alive.I appreciate her more each day. My mother does not change,but I do.As I grow older and wiser,I realize what an extraordinary person she is.How sad that I am unable to speak these words in her presence,but they flow easily from my pen.
How does a daughter begin to thank her mother for life itself?For the love,patience and just plain hard work that go into raising a child?For running after a toddler (学步儿童),for understanding a moody teenager,for tolerating a college student who knows everything?For waiting for the day when a daughter realizes what her mother really is?
How does a grown woman thank for a mother for continuing to be a mother?For being ready with advice when asked or remaining silent when it is most appreciated?For not saying:"!told you so",when she could have voiced these words dozens of times?For being essentially herself-loving,thoughtful,patient,and forgiving?
I don't know how,dear God,except to bless her as richly as she deserves(应得) and to help me live up to the example she has set.I pray that I will look as good in the eyes of my children as my mother looks in mine
A daughter

56.We can infer from the passage that the author isB.
    A.talkative and realistic              B.reserved and appreciative
    C.open-minded and responsible          D.sensitive and independent
57.Compared with her friends,the author feels lucky becauseD.
    A.she has her own lovely sons and daughters
    B.she is excellent in bringing up her own children
    C.it was too late to say thanks to her mother in her presence
    D.she still has the chance to express her appreciation to her mother
58.What information can you get from Paragraph 4?A
    A.Mothers should offer advice rather than blame.
    B.The sentence"I told you so"can be repeated if necessary.
    C.The author is very thankful to her mother for her education.
    D.Mothers can instruct their children whenever they want to.
59.The author's mother has all the following fine qualities exceptD.
    A.devotion                        B.forgiveness

