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科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Thank you so much!But for your text message,I _____ home without my ID card this morning.(  )
A.would have leftB.would leaveC.had leftD.left


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

1.A new hospital will be located in ________ used to be a wasteland and a new shopping mall will be constructed ________ there used to be a factory many years ago.(  )
A.where; whereB.what; in whichC.where; in whichD.what; where


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Appearing at such a formal party for the first time,I felt      and wanted to flee.(  )
A.out of controlB.out of shaperC.out of placeD.out of use


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Sam,an unemployed piano tuner,said it was only the second thing he had ever won in his life.The first thing was an Afghan blanket at a church raffle(抽奖) when he was 25 years old.But this was much bigger:it was﹩120,000!He had won the Big Cube,a state lottery(彩票) game.To win,a contestant must first guess which number a spinning cube will stop on.The cube has six numbers on it:1X,10X,50X,100X,500X,and 1000X.If he is correct,the contestant must then guess which of two selected variables(变量) is going to be greater.So,just guessing which number appears on the cube does not guarantee that you will win any money.
Sam correctly guessed 1000X,but he still had to choose between two variables.One variable was the number of cars that would run the stop sign at Hill Street and Lake Avenue in six hours.The other variable was the number of times that a teenage boy would change TV channels in a three-hour period.This was a tough decision.
Finally,Sam flipped a coin.It came up heads,so Sam picked the teenager.He picked right.The stop sign was run only 76 times,but the teen clicked 120 times.Sixty-year-old Sam jumped for joy,for he had just won 1000 times 120,or﹩120,000.Sam dreamily left the lottery studio.Talking excitedly on his cell phone while crossing the street,he got hit by a little sports car.
Sam is slowly getting better.He was in the hospital for a month.His hospital bill was﹩110,000.And the insurance company for the little sports car's owner sued(起诉)Sam for﹩9,000 worth of repairs.Also,Sam still has to pay federal taxes on his winnings.Sam doesn't play the state lottery any more.He says it's better to be unlucky.

56.What can be inferred about Sam from the passage?A
A.He always has bad luck.
B.He seldom goes to a raffle.
C.He is a very careful person in life.
D.He used to be crazy about lottery tickets.
57.Which of the following played a vital role in Sam's winning the big prize?B
A.The cube. B.The coin. C.The blanket. D.The stop sign.
58.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?D
A.The lottery game was a complete lie.
B.Sam was quite familiar with the boy.
C.The owner of the car is now in hospital.
D.Sam will have none of the prize money left.
59.What could be the best title for the passage?C
A.Curiosity killed the cat     B.Joy puts heart into a man
C.Extreme joy ends in sorrow   D.A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

18.After the quarrel,I tried all my best to fix the misunderstanding between us,but all my efforts seemed _____.(  )
A.in troubleB.in caseC.in effectD.in vain


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

17.The influence the parents _________ on their children _________ great(  )
A.take; areB.take; isC.have; areD.have; is


科目: 来源: 题型:书面表达

注意:1.词数100左右;必须包含以上所有要点.2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数. 参考词汇:代表团 delegation.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.I've been told that in China,having a pet,particularly a dog,is often considered to be a status(地位)symbol because it shows the family can afford to have an animal.It's very different here.
In Canada it's common to have pets.Many people have dogs;many others have cats,fish,birds or rabbits.Some keep what we call exotic(奇异的)pets,although keeping exotic animals is difficult,and because it can also be hard on the animals,the keeping of some exotic animals is not allowed by law.Some people do it anyway.
I like animals.As far back as I can remember my family has always had cats.Our cats.of course,wanted to go outside and it seemed reasonable to let them wander the neighborhood finding birds to run after,trees to climb and sunny places to sleep.As we always lived in a city,however,there was a problem.I remember more than once losing a cat that was killed by a car and it was heartbreaking.
Now,my wife and I lived in a small town.We no longer have a house-we live in an apartment(公寓).We have a cat named Callie and she never goes out except onto the halcony(阳台)so cars are no longer a problem.She's about sixteen years old and will probably live to be twenty or more.The trouble will come when she dies.We've had a pet for so long that it seems like a natural part of our lives and without a cat around the  room it will seem somehow empty.On the other hand,we're getting older and,given that a cat can live about twenty years we wonder if we'll ever have another after Callie goes.
Having a pet is very good for a number of reasons.It helps to teach children how to look after a living creature,makes them realize that animals have feelings just like we do and that,in many ways,we depend on each other.For older people like me an animal is a companion(伙伴)and a comfort to have around.A pet,properly treated,returns the favor by giving back unconditional love.Wouldn't this world be a great place if people could learn how to do that!

64.The writer keeps a cat as a pet now becauseB.
A.she feels lonely living in the countryside
B.it acts as her companion
C.her family is used to keeping a cat
D.it can helps her teach her children.
65.What will happen after the writer's pet,Callie dies?C
A.She will surely buy another one.     
B.She won't keep pets any longer.
C.She will remember it for a long time. 
D.Her room will be empty.
66.What should people do in keeping a pet according to the text?A
A.Not allow it to go out of the room.   
B.Catch birds for him to play with.
C.Let it wander outside as it likes.     
D.Not live in the city.
67.What can be the best title for the passage?D
A.How to keep a pet.                B.My pet,Callie.
C.Keeping Pets in Canada.           D.It's the Animal in Me.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

14.How you feel about life and anything     depends on where you focus your attention.(  )
A.in advanceB.in shortC.in turnD.in particular


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

13.This is not an economical way to get more water; ________,it is very expensive.(  )
A.in returnB.on the other hand
C.in a wordD.on the contrary

