 0  137057  137065  137071  137075  137081  137083  137087  137093  137095  137101  137107  137111  137113  137117  137123  137125  137131  137135  137137  137141  137143  137147  137149  137151  137152  137153  137155  137156  137157  137159  137161  137165  137167  137171  137173  137177  137183  137185  137191  137195  137197  137201  137207  137213  137215  137221  137225  137227  137233  137237  137243  137251  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

3.Don't respond to any e-mails ______ personal information,no matter how official they look.(  )
A.requestedB.requestC.requestingD.to be requested


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

2.A prisoner picked up 1,000 yuan in the course of building the road outside the prison.He handed it(21)Awithout hesitation.However,someone in(22)Dof the prison said to him in contempt,"Stop cheating!With your own money,play such a (23)Cto bribe (贿赂)me; what you want to gain back is the reduced (24)A; people of your (25)Bare not honest."
In total (26)D,the prisoner believed that no one in the world would trust him any more.So he escaped from (27)Bthat night.
On his way to (28)C,he plundered money and values without restraint.After plundering enough pelf(钱财),he took a train (29)A for the border.The carriages were so(30)B that he had to stand close to a water closet.At this moment,a quite beautiful girl walked into the closet,and found that the latch(门闩)was broken when she closed the door.She stepped out and (31)C to him,"Sir,could you (32)D the door for me?"
In a daze for a second,he,looking into the pure eyes of the girl,(33)B his head.The girl went into the closet with a blush; and he guarded the door tightly like a (34)Aguard.
At that very moment,he changed his mind (35)A.At the next (36)D he got off the train,and went to give himself (37)Bto the police at the train station.
(38)Cis the most precious thing in this world.It cannot be bought,or gained by temptation or force.It (39)Adeep from one's soul,and lives in the clear spring of the soul.It can redeem (赎回)the soul and make the soul and the heart(40)Dof purity and confidence.



科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

1.My name is Nick Vujicic.I was born without any limbs(四肢).But one of my most  (16)C  videos on YouTube shows footage(视频)of me skateboarding surfing,playing music,and best of all,(17)A  hugs from all sorts of great people.
All in all,those are pretty ordinary (18)B that just about anyone can do,right?So (19)D  do you think that video has been viewed millions of times?My theory is that people are  (20)A  to watch it because in spite of my physical limitations,I'm living (21)C  I have no limits.
People often expect someone (22)D   a severe disability to be inactive,maybe even angry.I like to (23)C  them by showing that I lead a very adventurous and fruitful life.
Among the hundreds of (24)A  on that video,here's one typical remark:"Seeing a guy like this being happy makes me wonder why I feel (25)B  for myself sometimes-or feel not funny enough,or whatever".How can I (26)D  think thoughts like that when this guy is living without limbs and still being happy?"
I found happiness when I realized that imperfect  (27)B  I may be,I am the perfect Nick Vujicic.I'm designed (28)A  God's plan.That's not to say that there isn't  (29)D   for improvement.I'm always trying to be better so I can better (30)C  the world!
I do believe my life has no(31)B.I want you to feel the same way about your life,no matter what your challenges may be.As we(32)C  our journey together,please take a moment to (33)B any limitations you've placed on your life.Now think about what (34)C would be like to be (35)A those limitations.
What would your life be if anything were possible?

21.A.even thoughB.in caseC.as thoughD.so that
28.A.according toB.in response toC.owing toD.in addition to
33.A.worry aboutB.think aboutC.care aboutD.talk about
35.A.free ofB.devoted toC.aware ofD.worried about


科目: 来源: 题型:书面表达

In recent years,Wechat is becoming increasingly popular.Many people express themselves,exchange ideas and deliver information by Wechat.
There are a number of for Wechat to be known.To begin with,Wechat is a relative cheap way of communication,which cuts down a great deal of the cost of making a phone call.(高分句型一)Next,Wechat is to the taste of the majority of people.Its attractive interface and various functions are loved wildly.Furthermore,convenience also accounts for its popularity.It is available everywhere and at any time.(描述优点)
However,problems exist meanwhile.Firstly,our identity can be revealed when we use Wechat.As a result,we can be in trouble.Moreover,it may make communicating with others face to face less.To make the matter worse,relationship could break down.Last but not the least,our attention might be drawn too much to focus on study.(描述缺点)
That's all.There is no doubt that Wechat will improve as time goes by.(高分句型二).


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

19.My husband has always had a huge affection for older people and has helped out several elderly friends in the past.Mr.Dave (16)C the same lake as my husband John for over 15 years.A friendship(17)B but when Mrs.Dave died five years ago,it left Mr.Dave(18)D.So John took Mr.Dave fishing with him every time he went.Mr.Dave was very(19)B for 80 years old and never tired of being with John.
A few years later Mr.Dave had a stroke(中风)that paralyzed(麻痹)his right side.He lost his speech and was(20)Aa nursing home.Restricted to his bed and unable to(21)B,Mr.Dave began to suffer from(22)CThis almost broke John's heart.He finally got(23)D from the nursing home to take Mr.Dave out for a ride.They were both(24)B to be together again but it was very painful for Mr.Dave to be(25)A into John's truck.Because he was paralyzed on one side.The(26)Dof that side pulled heavily on his good side.
John had gotten his truck a year earlier,a real cowboy Cadillac,(27)B  was the truck of his dreams.But one day he(28)D it so he could buy a van(厢式货车)that was(29)B. for a wheelchair.The van isn't sporty or fast but it surely(30)C Mr.Dave's pain on their outings.
John has made a(31)Dfishing rod that Mr.Dave can use,(32)C they still go fishing together.Even though Mr.Dave can't(33)B,he has led the nursing home staff to believe John is his son.I don't know anyone who would(34)A their prized possession to help a friend.I hope he can be an example for others to take similar steps to(35)A  those who are in need.

20.A.put intoB.kept awayC.locked inD.picked up
34.A.give upB.put awayC.hand inD.keep off


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Zero gravity looks cool.But what about the thing no one likes to talk about?Yes,that is right:going to bathroom.Zero gravity makes this everyday task quite a challenge.Astronauts have to be toilet-trained all over again.
The Apollo astronauts raised themselves off the seat of their chairs and stuck a clear plastic bag to their back sides with sticky strips.A second astronaut watched closely to be sure no waste matter escaped the seal.(You would not want that stuff floating around the cabin!) When the deed was done,the astronaut cleaned up with a piece of plastic attached to the inside of the bag,removed the bag,dropped a disinfectant pill in with the waste matter,and put the whole thing,sealed,into a special container.
Donald W.Rethke,an engineer for Hamilton Standard Space Systems,developed a more private way to answer nature's call:the space toilet.It is somewhat like the kind of toilet one would find on commercial airplanes---with unique adaptations for zero gravity,of course.For instance,it has thigh bars that keep the astronaut from floating off the seat.
The astronaut (male or female) defecates (排便) in a bag and urinates (排尿) in a hose.Solid and liquid wastes are kept separated because at least 85% of the urine is recycled and,yes,after careful filtration,used for drinking and other purposes.(Water is always in demand in space.) A vacuum sucks the waste materials into the toilet,where the waste is compacted into hamburger-like patties for easy storage.Although not exactly like an earthbound visit to the toilet,it is at the very least much more private than in the early days of space travel.

28.According to the first paragraph,the lack of the gravity can turn something as simple asDinto a major challenge.
A.eating        B.taking baths       C.sleeping        D.answering nature's call
29.How did astronauts use toilet systems in the Apollo days?
   A.None of the waste was separated as it is now.
   B.Solid waste was compressed and stored on board.
   C.The toilet units used water to remove the waste through the system.
   D.The astronauts each used their own private restroom.
30.To ensure the user remains seated,the toilet comes equipped withD
   A.a plastic bag      B.a sticky strip   C.a wide hose       D.a thigh bar
31.What can be inferred from the fact that most of the astronauts'urine is recycled?B
   A.The recycled water tastes better.
   B.Water is limited on the space shuttle.
   C.It is very convenient to get their urine recycled.
   D.Space science includes recycling urine.


科目: 来源: 题型:书面表达

As is shown in a survey of social practice in summer vacation,mobile phone bring us much convenience in our daily life.However,an increasing number of people use mobile phones in improper situations,such as driving cars,crossing the roads or attending conferences.Such inappropriate behavior is likely to bring bad consequences.On one hand,using mobile phones this way may cause terrible accidents,which is really dangerous.On the other hand,talking loudly on the phone in public places is far from being polite.
Personally,I think we shouldn't use mobile phones where attention or silence is needed,for instance,in libraries,hospitals,or in a plane.Besides,relevant laws are supposed to be passed in order to guide people's use of cellphones so that they will acquire good habits in public.Only when everybody has the awareness of the negative impacts of improper use of phones can we create a more civilized society..


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

16.A.Make a well-balanced daily plan
B.Predict how long tasks will take
C.Keep records of where your time is going
D.Handle things in order of importance
E.Leam to reject others'demands
F.analyze the distribution of your time

How to Manage Your Time Effectively
It has been said that"Time is Money"-but I disagree.Isn't Time really LIFE?At the end of your  life,can you even mangine saying to yourself,"I wish I'd made more money."It's more likely you'd be thinking"I wish I'd had more TIME-time to enjoy my life more."Here are my favorite strategies for managing that most precious of all resources-TIME.
You can't find something you've lost when you don't know where you might have lost it in the first place.So keep track of the exact time you begin and end an activity,and write down a few words to describe the activity.This requires you to be really honest with yourself and track your time-so if you spent 23 minutes chatting with coworkers over coffee-write it down EXACTLY!
Review your time logs(记录)and start to classify the tasks into categories(范畴).You will create these categories yourself,and you and as brief as possible.Some examples might be:Administration,Business Development,Sales & Marketing,Com[uter,etc.You will then sum up how much time you spent doing tasks or activities for each category,in the exact number of minutes.You might also do a little math,to figure the percentage of time each category takes out of each day.
If you were honest and diligent,chances are that you had suddenly awakened after you reviewed your daily time logs.You no doubt can see where the time is wasted-and now you're ready to make a better schedule.Make the best of your time by considering when you're at your best for certain tasks,by grouping similar tasks together for greater efficiency,and by setting aside certain time for doing uninterrupted work.Think where different tasks can best fit into your day.Then actually write this routine down and post it where you're see it every day.
You can create your own easy tools to do this.On oen sheet of paper,create 5 sections:High Priorities(优先),Secondary Priorities,People to Contact,Telephone calls,and Schedule.You can fill this out cach day,first thing in the morning.Each day,ask yourself:"If nothing else gets done today,what are the one or two items that absolutely.MIST be done?"You should also regularly go back to the time logging exercise,so you can determine if you are slipping back into those old had habits and take immediate steps to get back on track.
More often than not,we take on more than we should because we don't want to hurt someone else's feelings.When we burden ourselves too much,we are not only creating unnecessary stress in our lives,but we are also creating potential situations where we cannot deliever what we've promised.We also don't realize that when we can't deliever what we're promised,we can unintentionally cause more pain than if we'd had turned that down in the first place,Remember,you're not doing any favors for yourself or anyone else by taking on more than you can reasonably deliver.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.What is stroke?Stroke is a typical disease which occurs when a blood clot(凝块)blocks an artery(动脉) or a blood vessel(血管) breaks,interrupting blood flow to an area of the brain.When either of these things happens,brain cells begin to die and brain damage occurs.Abilities controlled by that area of the brain are lost such as speech,movement and memory.Some people recover completely from strokes,but more than 2/3 of survivors will have some type of disability.Anyone can have a stroke regardless of men and women.it is really imperative for us to know something about Stroke Risk Factors.Risk factors are some beyond our control such as over age 55,being male,being Chinese,or having a family history of stroke.Others are controllable.Stroke prevention guidelines were brought forth by Journal of the American Medical Association 1n 1999.These includes:

46.Paragraph 1 is meant to sayA.
A.people can reduce the happening chances of storke
B.a stroke victim is bound to die or become disabled
C.middle-aged Chinese meales are sure to have storke
D.stroke is not as dangerous as most people may think
47.The underlined word"imperative"here meansB.
48.From Item 5 we can infer thatC.
A.both LDL and HDL are bad cholesterols in human body
B.human body does not need such a thing as cholesterol
C.high cholesterol can be controlled with diet and exercise
D.people without LDL will be healthier than those who have
49.What will contribute to the danger of a stroke?D
A.Drinking some wine daily        
B.Walking 30 minutes a day
C.Cutting down on salt and fat    
D.Losing temper constantly
50.The best title for this passage isD
A.What is Stroke?
B.Ten Causes of Stroke
C.Stroke and Health                                 
D.How to Prevent Stroke.


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

14.Have you ever not wanted to do something so badly that you would rather die than go?Well that's how I(21)feltabout joining Madcaps,a mothers and daughters club assisting philanthropies(慈善事业).But now I believe that you(22)shouldopen up your mind to things because eventually you might(23)justend up enjoying it.
"It's a waste of time",I said when my mom told I had to join Madcaps,and then when she said I had to(24)volunteerat a homeless shelter I thought this just could not be(25)worse.We got there late,of course,and the security guard led us to the kitchen(26)wherewe ran into 48 other fellow Madcaps members.Since I'm(27)normallyso socially awkward I had met only one person at a pool party,earlier this year.I looked around for her but she was not there.Damn,I was(28)alone!When the man in charge came out and asked for 3 mothers to work outside the(29)kitchento clean up the plates,my mom just happened to volunteer leaving me to(30)servefood with others.
Soon the(31)homelessfamilies started to walk in and a little girl walked up and pointed to the food I was(32)holding outI gave her the cold sandwich,she nodded in a form of saying(33)thanks,and then walked to join her family at the large table.
As she walked away I thought of how much I(34)had I get to go the top schools.I have a great house  and I have a warm meal every night.It(35)tookthat little girl to make me realize how lucky I am.After that moment I had a change of(36)heart.Now,I love Madcaps and don't miss one meeting,I have(37)got over being socially awkward and now have many friends.And this year I am sure I will do(38)more thanthe required 20 hours of philanthropies.
I believe that if you have an(39)openmind about things you can accomplish more and become a better rounded person.I believe sometimes you can make a difference just(40)bydoing one thing you don't want to do.

32.A.playing withB.putting awayC.looking forD.holding out
37.A.believed inB.learnt fromC.got overD.thought about
38.A.more thanB.nothing butC.anything butD.less than

