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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.I grew up in London,a place where there are so many people of different nationalities and races.So when I left London to start university,it came as a surprise that the student community was so divided.Chinese students,especially,stood apart.They cooked Chinese food every day and only socialized with their Chinese friends.
At first I wondered"Why are Chinese students so eager to come to the UK,yet not willing to make friends with the local students and learn about their culture?"
But then I studied in China for a year,and I realized that all the foreign students there behaved in exactly the same way.They ate in foreign restaurants and only socialized with students from their own countries.It was a shock.Why were so many foreigners going to China if they didn't want to meet local people and learn about their culture?
Our natural instinct (本能) when we move abroad into an unfamiliar environment is to seek out the things we know and distance ourselves from those we don't.So we look for friends of the same nationality or race,and eat the food from our home country.
I was not different from other foreign students in the beginning,but I tried to change.So every day I played basketball with my Chinese peers after class,I had meals with them in the campus canteen and I joined a band with other Asian students.
Those are probably the three best ways to make friends when there is a risk of language or cultural barriers getting in the way:play together,embrace (欣然接受) each other's food and share your passions.

24.When the author started university,he was surprised thatD.
A.there were so many Chinese students studying in the UK
B.it was difficult to find a suitable student community
C.London was crowded with people of different nationalities and races
D.students mostly stayed with others of the same nationality or race
25.The reason why foreign students don't like to make friends with local people is thatB.
A.they want to stick to what they know
B.they look for the things they know and keep themselves away from those they don't
C.they don't want to be involved into the local community
D.the local people are not friendly
26.What is the best way to join the local community in the author's opinion?A
A.Sharing hobbies with local people.
B.Teaching local people how to play music.
C.Learning to cook local food.
D.Visiting local families frequently.
27.What is the best title for this article?
A.Ways to make friends
B.Respect cultural differences
C.Let's embrace the unknown
D.Difficulties in studying abroad.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

2.She would move quietly up to the sparrow on a small tree just to get a better look,her face __________ with childlike expressions at one of God's simple wonders.(  )
A.shoneB.shiningC.having shoneD.being shone


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Faced with economic slowdown,some companies are planning to use robots to ______human workers to reduce their labor costs.(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

20.The flowers ________ sweet in the botanical garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.(  )
A.smellB.smellingC.smeltD.to be smelt


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Thrift stores are a refuge (避难所) for countless items from landing in garbage piles.
Value Vitlage,for example,saves more than 650 million pounds of clothing from landfills(垃圾填埋场) each year!making it one of the largest recyclers of used garments in the world.
Their stores give a second life to 1.8 million pounds of clothes every day,which is equal to 600 mid sized cars.Almost 100 percent of clothing and textiles are recyclable,yet 85 percent of it ends up in landfills.It's estimated that the average person throws away 70 pounds of clothing a year.
Lindsay Coulter is the so called"queen of Green"with the David Suzuki Foundation,
educating people on how to live a greener life by making changes around the house.She says that donating and shopping at thrift stores is an excellent way to exercise all three of the three R's reduce,reuse and recycle.She says,"whether it's a purse or a pair of shoes,it's really worth considering going to thrift stores as another point of contact to help reduce your consumption."
Coulter points out that since landfills are air-tight,textiles take longer to break down.
"I'd imagine things like an old towel,a rag or an old-shirt will last a really long time,"
she says.The beauty of thrift shopping is that the supply is never-ending,so if you don't find what you're looking for one day,it's likely to show up in no time.
One person who knows this quite well is Jodi Jacyk,costume specialist in the theatre
and film department at the University of British Columbia.She says the majority of items for the university's productions are purchased second-hand.Because of her shrinking budget,items like clothing and shoes are thrifted from Value Village."We are constantly thrifting and we re-use costumes for many years.Thrift shopping is a much easier,cheaper way to do things."she says.
The next time you need to lighten your closet,take the opportunity to go thrift shopping to lighten both your carbon footprint and your financial burden at the same time.
32.What is a"thrift store"according to the text?B
A.It deals with daily garbage.
B.It sells second-hand items.
C.It exchanges new clothes.
D.It donates used items.
33.Why did Lindsay Coulter advise shopping at thrift stores?A
A.To be friendly to environment.
B.To make a change of lifestyle.
C.To reduce the cost of the family.
D.To collect money for the Foundation.
34.What do we know about Jodi Jacyk?C
A.She doesn't budget carefully.
B.She complains a lot about her job.
C.She is a fan of thrift shopping.
D.She is known as"Queen of Green'.
35.What is the author's attitude toward thrift shopping?D


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.People need to seek out new foods because the world has so many mouths to feed.As of
2015,there are more than seven billion people on Earth,according to the United Nations.
And by 2100 that number may double.Feeding all of these people means not only improving the way food is grown,but also finding new sources of nutrition.
And that quest is becoming ever more urgent.1f nothing changes,within 35 years,the
world's appetite will be greater than the amount of food produced.That's according to a report released last year.It was prepared by the Global Harvest Initiative,a private agriculture group based in Washington,D.C.
Global warming,too,is changing food production.Scientists predict that rising
temperatures will reduce the growth of important crops like wheat,corn and soybeans.Low-income developing countries will be hit the hardest.When harvests fall,crops become more expensive.And since those foods are also used to feed animals like cows and pigs,meat prices too,will rise.
All over the world,researchers are racing against the clock to figure out how best to feed more people in a fast-changing world.And some surprising ideas have begun to come up.WO years ago,scientists introduced the first burger made from meat grown in a lab.
the project cost more than $ 300,000,but it's a start.Other researchers are developing seeds that can survive high temperatures and drought.Still others are finding ways to improve the genes of meat animals so they produce more meat and can stand the heat.
gloomy (悲观的) forecast for the planet isn't the only reason to study foods for the
future.It P s a creative quest that will inspire people who can think in new ways about existing plants and animals even insects.These researchers have used their talents in ways that even they never would have predicted.
28.What do the underlined words"that quest"in paragraph 2 refer to?A
A.The research on food.
B.The increase of population.
C.The variety of nutrition.
D.The change of appetite.
29.How does global warming affect low-income developing countries?D
a.Increase meat prices.b.Raise the temperature.
c.Reduce the growth of crops.d.Lead to the high cost of life.
e.Cause a higher price for crops.
A.d→a→c→d→e           B.c→a→b→d→e
C.d→e→c→a→b           D.b→c→e→a→d
30.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 4?C
A.New ways of farming.
B.Some great researchers.
C.Progress in food research.
D.Achievements in lab experiments.
31.What will be discussed in the following paragraph?A
A.Examples of successful food researchers.
B.Different opinions about the future food.
C.Methods of dealing with global warming.
D.Possibilities of feeding the present population.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Social media is one of the fastest-growing industries in today's world.A study conducted by the US pew Research Center showed that 92 percent of teenagers go online daily.The wide spread of social media has changed nearly all parts of teenagers'lives.
*Changing relationships
High school student Elly Cooper from Illinois said social media often reduces face-to-face communication."It makes in person relationships harder because of people's attention given to their phones instead of their boyfriends or girlfriends,"Cooper said.
Yet,some people believe social media has made it easier to start relationships with
anyone from anywhere.Beth Kaplan from Illinois met her long distance friend through social media.He currently lives in Scotland,but they're still able to frequently communicate with each other."I can feel close to someone that I'm talking to via Face Time,"Kaplan said.
*Wanting to be° liked"
The rise of social media has changed the way teenagers see themselves.The 19-year-old Essena O'Neill announced on the social networking service lnstagram that she was quitting social media because it made her unable to stop thinking about appearing perfect online.
Negative comments also can do great damage to a teenager's self-esteem.Teenagers who get negative comments can't help but feel hurt.
*Opening new doors
However,Armin Korsos,a student from Illinois,takes advantage of the comments he receives over social media to improve his videos on the social networking site Youtube.
"Social media can help people show themselves and their talents to the world in a way that has never been possible before,"Korsos said.
21.Who met the long-distance friend through social media?B
A.Elly Cooper.B.Beth Kaplan.C.Essena O'Neill.D.Armin Korsos.
22.What does Essena O'Neill think of social media?C
A.It hurts her seriously.
B.It promotes friendship.
C.It upsets her sometimes.
D.It develops confidence.
23.What is the topic of the text?B
A.Teenagers J attitude toward social media.
B.Social media's influence on teenagers.
C.A recent study conducted in the USA.
D.New ways of self-improvement.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

16.The loss has not yet been ________accurately(精确地),but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred million dollars.(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

15.The teacher rather than the students _____ referring to Reading Skills that _____newly published in America.(  )
A.is; wasB.is; wereC.are; wasD.are; were


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Editors/Designers Wanted
China Daily,a national English newspaper,is looking for English-language senior editors/designers.
Senior Business Editor
You must:
assist the Business editor in setting goals and working on achieving them;
be an excellent team person who can come up with ideas and think creatively,be able to rewrite totally if needed and advise junior workers;
be working or have worked in a leading position and understand what leadership means;
have had at least five years'business editing experience and be familiar with industry software.
Business Copy-editor
You must:
work on shifts(轮班)in the Business Desk and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;
edit or rewrite copy and give brief headlines and captions(说明文字);
have had at least two years'editing experience and be familiar with industry software.
You must:
be good at editing or rewriting copy and writing brief headlines and captions;
be able to work on shifts for different pages,and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;
have two years of editing experience and be familiar with industry software.
Senior Graphic Designer
You must:
have excellent skills in information graphics;
be good with illustrations(插图)and freehand drawings;
be experienced in newspaper or magazine designs;
have a good sense of typography(排版);
have good news judgment.
Once hired,you will be offered a competitive salary package,free housing with furniture paid for,90percent medical reimbursement(补偿),seven days of paid leave,11public holidays and a return ticket to your native land.

68.If you are employed by the China Daily newspaper group,you canD.
A.have eleven days of paid leave
B.enjoy free medical service in China
C.stay in any hotel without paying for it
D.get a return ticket to your home country
69.To be aByou have to have at least five years'editing experience.
A.Business Copy-editor               B.Senior business Editor
C.Copy-editor                        D.Senior Graphic Designer
70.To be familiar with industry software is required inCof the jobs provided.
A.one              B.two                C.three                 D.four
71.According to the advertisement,Ais a must for all the four jobs.
A.a good knowledge of English       B.two  years'editing experience
C.a good sense of typography        D.working on shifts.

