 0  137111  137119  137125  137129  137135  137137  137141  137147  137149  137155  137161  137165  137167  137171  137177  137179  137185  137189  137191  137195  137197  137201  137203  137205  137206  137207  137209  137210  137211  137213  137215  137219  137221  137225  137227  137231  137237  137239  137245  137249  137251  137255  137261  137267  137269  137275  137279  137281  137287  137291  137297  137305  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Slow parenting means parenting children in the contact of nature without any interference (干预) of materialistic influence.We can also term it as"self-raising".In slow parenting children are allowed to do what they think proper and parents just keep a watch over the child.Curiosity of the child leads to exploring and discovering things.Parents provide little help only when it's too necessary,otherwise keep themselves away from the child and just have a look on him/her:This brings about a feeling of self-dependency and they are encouraged to solve their problems.
This is a natural way of learning.When a child is left to learn in a natural environment,the child's natural development takes place.Influence of any materialistic way doesn't let the mind develop naturally.Watching TV,playing video games or joining classes of dance,swimming or any other sports will not let the mind develop naturally.
Here creativity of their mind is developed.They explore ideas.The logic behind this is that the kids of animals learn by nature,so can our kids.So let our children play in the garden,to watch flowers,plants,birds,butterflies and other gifts of nature.In the classes of dance,swimming etc.their creativity is influenced and their natural creativity is suppressed (压制).In these classes they are overburdened and can't train their creativity.So let them play in the open air or garden without any burden instead of joining classes.
Generally parents give toys to their children and explain how to operate them.But those parents who believe in slow parenting give toys and observe how the children are managing them.Their skill to learn and understand comes out.Maybe the process is slow,but it will be their exploration,which will make them self-dependent,and self-capable to learn.

45.In slow parenting,parentsD.
A.set limits to what their children do
B.keep a close watch over their children
C.give the whole directions to what their children do
D.give their children freedom to do what they think proper
46.What is the main advantage of slow parenting according to the passage?B
A.Arousing children's curiosity.
B.Helping children to be independent.
C.Making children interested in exploring nature.
D.Keeping children away from materialistic influence.
47.We can infer from the third paragraph thatC.
A.children should join some classes
B.slow parenting should be done in a logical way
C.exploring nature is a good way of slow parenting
D.children can't learn by nature like the kids of animals
48.What is the passage mainly about?A
A.Slow parenting and its advantages.  B.Different parenting styles.
C.The requirements of slow parenting. D.The author's opinion on slow parenting.


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

13.My husband and I sat outside.A small child about three came up the street,accompanied by her mother.As she saw another girl a few feet away,she gave her admiring comment,"Mommy,I like her dress."Her mom (21)A,"Well,why don't you go and tell her?"
The little girl walked (22)Btoward the girl wearing the pretty dress.The other one,
(23)C the same age,was standing with her (24)Aturned,alongside her parents.They had not heard the compliment (赞美).Receiving no answer,this little one (25)D.My husband said to the other girl,"(26)B wants to tell you something."As she turned around,(27)C was made.Once again,the little one (28)D"I like your dress,"and upon hearing those words,the other one gave her a big smile and excitedly (29)B"Look,it's a spinning (旋转) dress!",at which moment she began to spin.Both of them smiled widely.
Now,the one stopped spinning and said,"It's my favorite dress and I have (a) (30)Athat match!"She(31)Arunning toward a stroller (婴儿车) parked nearby.
The mom and daughter started to (32)Cdown the street,(33)Dthe encounter (邂逅) had ended.Moments later,the"spinning dress girl"reappeared,shoes in hand,(34)B her new friend who had seemingly disappeared.Now,an elderly couple,seated on a bench,had obviously been(35)Aof all this.The man (36)Cthe child,saying,"There's someone coming behind you."Then we saw one showed and the other(37)B the beautiful shoes.
If you can make a (38)A better,do it.I have no idea how many others that evening might have (39)D this act,hoping to help good things to happen.But such brief moments,(40)C together,make up what might very well be the important times in our lives.

26.A.AnyoneB.SomeoneC.EveryoneD.No one
31.A.took offB.turned downC.put onD.made up
34.A.coming acrossB.looking forC.shouting atD.calling on


科目: 来源: 题型:书面表达

12.假如你是李华,请就本校食堂服务(canteen service)的状况给校长写一封信.内容包括:
Dear Mr Principal,
I am a senior student of our school.I'd like to say something about the canteen service in our school.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sincerely yours,
Li Hua.


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

11.It was one of the hottest days of the dry season.We had  not seen  (16)B   in almost a month Every day,my husband and his brothers would  (17)C the process of trying to get water to the fields (18)D  we saw some rain soon,we would lose everything.(19)B   and witnessed the only   (20)A   I had seen with my own eyes.I was in the kitchen making lunch for my husband and his brothers when l saw my six-year-old son,Billy,(21)C  toward the woods.I could only see his back.He was obvfously walking with a great (22)A   trying to be as still as possible.Minutes after he  (23)D into the woods,he came running out again,toward the house.I went back to make sandwiches,(24)A   that whatever task he had been doing was completed.Moments later,(25)C.he was once again walking slowly toward the woods.This activity went on for an hour.(26)B   I couldn't take it any longer,followed him on his journey and saw the most amazing (27)D.
Several large deer stood in front of him Billy walked right up to them.I almost (28)A for  him to get away.A huge deer with big antlers was (29)C close,but the deer didn't even (30)Das Billy knelt down.And I saw a tiny deer lying on the ground,obviousfy suffering from(31)A  lift its head with great efforts to lap up the water cupped in my beautiful boy's hands.When the water was  (32)C   Billy jumped up to run back to the house to get more.it then became (33)B  to me.
I stood on the edge of the woods watching the (34)A  boy working so hard to save another life.As the tears that rolled  dovn my face began to hit the ground,they were suddenly joined by other drops.It was as if the God,himself was(35)A  with pride.The rain that came that day saved our farm just like the actions of one little boy who saved  another.

17.A go alongB.go onC.go aboutD.go after
21.A runningB.jumpingC.walkingD.dashing
23.A lostB.slippedC.wanderedD.disappeared
24.A  thinkingB.wonderingC.worryingD.doubting
25.A thoughB.besidesC.howeverD.therefore
30.A pauseB.panicC fightD.move
31.A thirstB.illnessC.woundD.pain
35.A weepingB.appearingC.comingD.raining


科目: 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Mr Zhang,
    I am Li Hua,a student from Class l,Senior 3.I am longing to join in this activity because
    Looking forward to your early replay.
    Yours sincerely
    Li Hua.


科目: 来源: 题型:解答题

9.Thomas Adams first tried to change chicle(树胶)into rubber products,before making a chewing gum(口香糖).Thomas Adams attempted to make toys,masks,rain boots,and bicycle tires out of the chicle from Mexican trees,but every experiment failed.Consequently Mr Thomas Adams intended to throw the remaining into the East River.
     It happened that before this was done,Thomas Adams went into a drugstore where he saw a little girl come in to ask for a chewing gum for one penny.So an idea struck him that perhaps they could use the chicle he wanted to throw away as chewing gums.After the child had left the store,Mr.Thomas Adams asked the druggist what kind of chewing gum the little girl had bought.He was told that it was made of paraffin wax(固体石蜡).When he asked the man if he would be willing to try an entirely different kind of gum,the druggist agreed.
    When Mr.Thomas Adams arrived home,he spoke to his son,Tom Junior,about his idea.Tom Junior was very much impressed,and suggested that they make up a few boxes of chicle chewing g-am and give it a name and a label.Shortly after,he opened the world,s first chewing gum factory.It was made of pure chicle without any flavor.It was wrapped in various colored tissue papers.The price of the box was one dollar.On the coyer of the box was a picture of City Hall,New York,in color.Thomas Adams sold Tutti-Fruttiwith the slogan"Adams'New York Gum No.1".The firm was the nation's most prosperous chewing gum company by the end of the century:it built a monopoly(专卖)in l899 by combining with the six largest and best-known chewing gum manufacturers in the United States and Canada,and achieved great success as the  maker of Chiclets,the brand of chewing gum.
   In l888,a Thomas Adams'chewing gum became the first to be sold in a vending machine.The machines were located in a New York City subway station.

56.The underlined word"Tutti-Frutti"in Paragraph 4 refers tochewing gum (no more than 3 words)
57.Why did Thomas Adams intend to throw the remaining chicle into the East River?(no more than 10 words)He failed to change chicle into other rubber products
58.How did Thomas Adams get the idea of using chicle as chewing gums?(no more than l2 words)Seeing a girl buy a chewing gum he got an inspiration
59.What was Tom Junior L reaction when he heard what his father said?(no more than 10 Words)He was excited and gave his father some advive.
60.What do you think of Thomas Adams?Please give your reasons.(no more than 20 words)good at trying a new way.he succeeded in making a chewing gun and develping his company.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Rooftops covered with plants-called"green roofs"-could help fight global warming,scientists now suggest.
Green roofs are growing more popular in cities,with the number of green roofs increasing in the United States.In Germany,widely considered the leader in green roofing,some 12 percent of all flat roofs are green,with the German green roof industry growing 10 to 15 percent annually.
These roofs can reduce heating and air conditioning costs,with a roughly 10 percent reduction in natural gas usage and a 2 percent drop in electricity use for a typical building.Moreover,green roofs last two to three times longer than standard roofs.They also store storm water,which could otherwise exacerbate (加剧)flooding."They can also bring in birds and butterflies,help improve biodiversity(多样性),"Rowe said.In addition to taking in pollution and noise,the plants in green roofs naturally absorb carbon dioxide,the leading greenhouse gas behind global warming.However,nobody had measured the potential effect of green roofs on carbon dioxide levels until now.
Scientists at Michigan State University found that replacing traditional roofing materials with green roofs in an urban area the size of Detroit,with a population of about one million,would take in more than 55,000 tons of carbon.That is roughly similar to getting rid of a year's worth of carbon dioxide sent out by 10,000 mid-sized SUVs and trucks.
The challenges green roofs now face in the United States are something about policy and costs."The government should not necessarily mandate(强制执行) them,but it can provide support for them,just as they do in Germany and elsewhere,"Rowe told LiveScience."And green roofs are more expensive,but only initially.Over time,they're cheaper once you consider their benefits energy-wise.It takes about 11 to 14 years to break even(不赢不亏)."
53.Which of the following is NOT true?B
A.Green roofs can take in the leading greenhouse gas behind global warming.
B.It is easier for green roofs to break than standard roofs.
C.A building with a green roof takes less energy to be heated.
D.Green roofs are of higher building cost.
54.We can learn from the passage thatD.
A.Rowe is not optimistic about the future of green roofs
B.Germany has made it a rule to build green roofs
C.The United States is widely considered the leader in green roofing
D.Green roofs can provide habitats for birds and butterflies
55.The underlined word in the last paragraph is closest in meaning toB.
A.at times     B.at first    C.at present        D.at last
56.Which of the following can be the best title?C
A.Standard Roofs and Green Roofs
B.Green Roofs Are Growing More Popular
C.Green Roofs Help Control Global Warming,
D.Advantages of Green Roofs.


科目: 来源: 题型:书面表达

7.目前有部分髙中生与父母、老师缺乏必要的沟通,不能相互理解.请你针对这一现象,以"Mutual(相互的)Understanding"为题,写一篇100-120个词的英语短文.短文应包含 以下内容:
Mutual Understanding


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Ride sharing startup Zimride is launching a new experimental mobile app called Lyft that will enable drivers and riders to connect in real time,and even watch the drivers drive to the agreed upon pick-up spot via a map on the smartphone.
    Booking a lift via Zimride can be a good choice for a long trip that you schedule in advance.But what about if you want to catch a ride right now?Just turn to the mobile app Lyft!
    The app,only available via invite now,lets potential riders look for available drivers close by and request rides.The riders and drivers can look at each other's profiles and the app is using Facebook Connect for log-in and social security.Once booked,riders can watch their drivers drive to them on a mobile map in real time.Riders pay the driver based on a suggested donation mobile via the app itself (no cash exchange) and Zimride says the rides will be about 30 percent cheaper than a cab.
    The biggest problem with these types of apps will likely be safety issues-riders getting picked up by drivers they don't feel comfortable with.To address some of these concerns,the company says drivers will be investigated via car inspections,background check,personal interviews and DMV record checks.Zimride says its fellow 500 Startups-backed company Task Rabbit advised it on some of these security moves.
    For now the service will only be available during the evening rush hours.Over time,the service will be available 24 hours,says Zimride.San Francisco is rapidly becoming a test bed for these types of next-generation,more efficient,transportation apps,like Scoot Networks and Ridepal.
56.For what purpose did Zimride create the new experimental mobile app?
A.To help to arrange a long trip ahead of time.B.To encourage drivers to make a larger profit.
C.To share information with fellow companies.D.To enable riders to catch a ride in real time.
57.What does the underlined word"profiles"probably mean?A
A.Personal information
B.Self evaluation
C.Specific address
D.Brief comments.
58.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us about the mobile app Lyft?B
A.Its working system
B.Its safety measures.
C.Its installation
D.Its fellow companies.
59.What do we know about the Lyft service?C
A.It charges riders more money
B.It is not well received at present.
C.It provides efficient transportation
D.It runs twenty hours every day.
60.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?C
A.The author is not confident of the future of the service.
B.Zimride will open a company to test transportation apps.
C.Apps like Lyft may be widely used in the next generation.
D.The mobile app Lyft has been put into use nationwide.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.From a small warehouse in North Salt Lake City,Utah,a little-known company called Go Natural CNG is about to release a new home refueling system after more than two years of research.
The system,backed by technology giant Parker Hannifin Corp,will fill up quicker than some models-about one gallon an hour-and last up to 20 years,according to Go Natural CNG Chief Executive Lucas Kjar.The unit,expected by the end of the year,will use hydraulic technology to compress (压缩) the gas for vehicle use,he said.He did not say how much the unit would cost.
But Go Natural may have a lot of competition.General Electric,Whirlpool and Eaton are all working on home refueling technologies expected to be launched in the next couple of years.
General Electric,which received 1.8 million from the government to develop its system,aims to release a unit that will cool natural gas to minus 50 degrees Celsius to extract(提取)water an dother contaminates before refueling.GE aims to sell the unit at 500,about a tenth of the cost of current models.
General Electric said it was in the development phase and declined to comment on the program's progress.
Honda,which makes the natural gas-fired Honda Civic GX,has contacted GE and Whirlpool to discuss their plans,according to Elmer Hardy,Honda's senior manager of alternative fuel vehicles.
Eaton,which received 3.4millionfromthegovernmenttodevelopthetechnology,isworkingonaunitatitslabsinSouthfield,Michigan,thatwoulduseliquidstocompressthegasinsteadofthetraditionalmetalpistons(活塞).Itaimstomakeaunitavailablefor500 by 2015.
"We are seeing if we can do it in a way that reduces the price point,"said Clark Fortune,who leads the program at Eaton."The adoption will improve if the costs come down."
46.What might be the author's purpose in writing the text?C
A.To encourage car owners to use natural gas.
B.To advertise some technology companies.
C.To introduce a new home refueling system.
D.To present some ways of saving energy.
47.Which company may be the first to release the new refueling system?D
A.Eaton            B.General Electric         C.Whirlpool            D.Go Natural
48.Which of the following is true of the system to be launched by Go Natural?A.It can be bought at $5oo now.
B.It has got into market this year.
C.It can be used for twenty years.
D.It is financed by Honda.
49.What is the government's attitude to the new home refueling system?D
A.Doubtful     B.Cautious          C.Negative         D.Supportive
50.What may prevent the system from being widely accepted according to Clark Fortune?B
A.Its refueling speed
B.Its present price.
C.Its compressing technique
D.Its appearance.

