 0  137117  137125  137131  137135  137141  137143  137147  137153  137155  137161  137167  137171  137173  137177  137183  137185  137191  137195  137197  137201  137203  137207  137209  137211  137212  137213  137215  137216  137217  137219  137221  137225  137227  137231  137233  137237  137243  137245  137251  137255  137257  137261  137267  137273  137275  137281  137285  137287  137293  137297  137303  137311  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.If I asked you to sit down and remember a list of phone numbers or a series of facts,how would you go about it?There's a fair chance that you'd be doing it wrong.
One of the interesting things about the mind is that even though we all have one,we don't have perfect insight (洞察力) into how to get the best from it.This is partly because of flaws (缺陷) in our ability to think about our own thinking.Studying this self-reflective thought process exposes human beings'mental blind spots.
One area where these blind spots are particularly large is learning.We're actually surprisingly bad at having insight into how we learn best.
Researchers Jeffrey Karpicke and Henry Roediger III made an experiment,where they asked college students to learn pairs of Swahili and English words.So,for example,they had to learn that if they were given the Swahili word"mashua"the correct response was"boat".They could have used the sort of facts you might get on a high-school quiz,but the use of Swahili meant that there was little chance their participants could use any background knowledge to help them learn.After the pairs had all been learnt,there would be a final test a week later.
Now if many of us were revising this list we might study the list,test ourselves and then repeat this cycle,dropping items we got right.This makes studying and testing quicker and allows us to focus our effort on the things we haven't yet learnt.It's a plan that seems to make perfect sense,but it's a plan that is disastrous if we really want to learn properly.
Karpicke and Roediger asked students to prepare for a test in various ways,and compared their success-for example,one group kept testing themselves on all items without dropping what they were getting right,while another group stopped testing themselves on their correct answers.On the final exam differences between the groups were dramatic.While dropping items from study didn't have much of an effect,the people who dropped items from testing performed relatively poorly.
It seems the effective way to learn is to practice getting items back from memory,not trying to consolidate (巩固) them in there by further study.Moreover,dropping items entirely from your revision,which is the advice given by many study guides,is wrong.You can stop studying them if you've learnt them,but you should keep testing what you've learnt if you want to remember them at the time of the final exam.
So the evidence has a moral for teachers:there's more to testing than finding out what students know-tests can also help us remember.
63.According to the passage,we often fail to remember facts becauseD.
A.we ignore our weakness in memorizing things
B.we don't understand well what we are learning
C.we don't know where our metal blind spots are
D.we take improper ways to memorize for good ones
64.The researchers'experiment was intended toB.
A.confirm we don't know how to learn effectively
B.find out how we can consolidate our knowledge better
C.distinguish effects of memory in learning different languages
D.prove the importance of background knowledge in memorizing
65.What does the author believe leads to a good memory?A
A.Constant measure of your knowledge.
B.Frequent revision of what you learn.
C.Firm abandonment of what you're poor at.
D.Strong desire for grasping new knowledge.
66.The proper title for the passage isC.
A.An experiment on memory
B.A concept of human memory
C.A way to improve your memory
D.A discovery of a mental blind spot.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.One's beliefs are revealed not so much in words as in the assumptions on which one habitually acts and in the basic values by which all choices are tested.
The foundation of my own value system was laid in childhood with parents who believed that personal honesty came first.They never asked,"What will people think?"The question was,"What will you think of yourself,if you do this or fail to do that?"Thus,living up to one's own concept of oneself became a basic value,
A second basic value,in some ways an extension of the first,I owe to an old college professor,who had suffered more than his share of sadness and trouble.Over and over he said to us,"The one thing that really matters is to be bigger than the things that can happen to you.Nothing that can happen to you is more important that the was you end it"
Gradually I realized that here was the basis of the only real security and peace of mind that a human being can have.Nobody can be sure when disaster,disappointment,or injustice may come to him through no fault of his own.Nor can one be guaranteed against one's own mistakes and failures.But the way we meet life is ours to choose.The acceptance of these two basic values led to a third.If what one is and how one meets life are of first importance,one is not impressed by another's money,status,or power,nor does one judge people by their race,color,or social position.This opens up a whole new world of relationships,for when friendships are based on qualities of mind and character,one can have friends among old and young,rich and poor,famous and unknown,educated and unlettered,and among people of all races and all nations.
Given these three basic values,a fourth became necessary.It is one's responsibility to help create a social order.Human beings must have an opportunity for the fullest development of which they are capable.One is thus led to work for a world of freedom and justice through those social agencies and institutions which make it possible for people everywhere to realize their highest potentialities.
Perhaps all these add up to a belief in what has been called the human use of human beings.When we pray,or feel pity,when we think and reason,pursue ideas,seek truth,or read a book,when we protect the weak and helpless,when we honor the noble and cherish the good,when we cooperate with our fellow men to build a better world,our behavior is worthy of our status as human beings.

72.What is the most important value according to the author?B
A.Face grief and trouble positively.
B.Live up to one's own conception of oneself
C.Begin a wide relationship with people around.
D.Help create a social order.
73.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4probably meansA.
A.we can choose how to face our life
B.our mind can be peaceful after some failures
C.we can choose our own life
D.each of us can make mistakes sometimes
74.What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?D
A.We might as well help social agencies function well
B.We should think and reason while reading a book
C.We can cooperate to build social institutions
D.When we help those in need and admire the noble,we achieve the human use of human beings.
75.Where does this text probably come from?C
A.Science fiction.
B.Children's literature.
C.A magazine  
D.A news report.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.When my now 19-year-old daughter Shanna was in Grade 3,all of Mrs Mathews'students were given a small pot with a bean seed to plant.Green string beans are pretty strong and the perfect seed to use when promoting green thumbs (园艺技能)in young children.
Once the bean plants had flowered,their teacher allowed the kids to carefully transport it from school to home.Once home,Shanna looked around for the perfect location and settled on a sunny south window sill (窗台)and then proudly declared,"Soon I can feed the whole family!"
Shanna's sisters were jealous and even our cat looked interested,which should have a warning to me because when I woke up the next morning,I saw that the bean plant had been unkindly knocked off the window sill.The plant,it seemed,was a goner.
As I gently began to explain that the bean plant had to be put in the compost,her reaction was not what I expected.She said,"Everything will be OK,Mom;the plant will get better."She secured the first aid kit (急救箱)from the bathroom,and a deep belief that the sad looking near-dead bean plant would live and even produce food!
Days later,to my surprise,the bean plant was standing tall and looking lively.It was also amazing to see that the one and only bean,had become fleshy almost completely masking the claw marks that had scarred it.This time we built a castle of heavy books to keep it safe until our day of reward.
I set the table beautifully for Thanksgiving dinner.The beans were carefully divided by 5,which awarded each person 2small pieces,claw marks and all.They turned out to be the best green beans I had ever eaten!
In my work as a youth motivator I am brought together with kids and teens that all desperately need people to believe in them.Now,more than ever,no matter what I have been told about a child or a teen and their behavior,I see everyone,no exceptions,with the same eyes and heart that my daughter used on her broken,beaten up bean plant

56.We can infer Mrs Mathew made her studentsB
A.eat more beans as healthy food     
B.develop their ability of growing plants
C.learn the hard work of farmers     
D.make a research in the bean structure
57.According to the writer,she should have thought thatC
A.the plant might fall off the window sill
B.other children might be jealous of Shanna
C.the cat might make trouble to the bean plant
D.the bean plant might die for lack of sunlight
58.Knowing the plant was broken,ShannaD.
A.had to throw it to the compost
B.decided to find out who was to blame
C.gave up the idea of feeding the whole family
D.gave the plant a first aid immediately
59.What lesson did the writer learn from her daughter?B
A.Children need to be well taken care of.
B.A child with bad behaviors can become good.
C.Every child is growing like a bean plant.
D.A child is very easy to believe in others.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

11.A new _______ to teaching language is being used here,and it has turned out to be very helpful to the students.(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:书面表达


Dear Tom,
Looking forward to your early reply.
Li hua.


科目: 来源: 题型:书面表达

9.近期,某中学生英文报就"My dream classroom"向中学生征稿.请你根据征稿启事写篇英语短文投稿.

注意:1.词数100 左右;
My Dream Classroom.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Look!How much________ Alice looks wearing her new show dress!(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Bali Beach Resort has plenty of attractions.It is a holiday paradise.The self-styled‘Ultimate Island'certainly has plenty for everyone.
Where in the world?
Bali is located just off the eastern edge of the main Indonesian island of Java.To the east is the neighboring island of Lombok.To the south of Bali lies the expanse of the Indian Ocean,while to the north is the bali Sea.The most popular resort with hokidaymakeers is Ubud north of Sanur.
When to go?
Bali has a tropical climate year round with an average daily temperature of
3℃(8℉).The wet season is between October and April.The dry season is between May and September,and is the busiest time to visit the island as travellers take advantage of the long hot days and little rain.
Bali has a string of beaches,mainly in the south of the island.Head away from Bali's beaches and a totally different world awaits you.Ubud is an easily accessible jungle resort town with a good range of hotels,shops and restaurants.The active volcano of Mount Batur is a highlight and so are the mountain lakes.
Family fun
All of the resorts have plenty of facilities for families.In Ubud there is a monkey park,where young ones can see monkeys that are not kept in tiny cages and an elephant park where holidaymakers can ride an elephant.
Eating out
All of bali's holiday resorts offer international cooking to suit every tourist's taste,with most of the better hotels having excellent restaurants.Indonesian bintang beer is very popular.
Getting around
There are a limited number of local buses.The other public transport is to take the local"bemo"minibuses.These colourful little minibuses speed around the winding roads with fares negotiated on board,so it helps to speak a little of the local language.There are also taxis and both electric bikes and cars can be hired.

45.From the passage we learn that Bali isB.
A.on the east of Java Island
B.to the west of the Lombok Island
C.off the north of Bali Sea
D.surrounded by the Indian Ocean
46.The least busy time to visit Bali is probably inA.
A.January and February    B.Arril and May
C.June and July           D.September and October
47.You can enjoy the following activities in Bali exceptD.
A.watching monkeys running about
B.riding an elephant
C.drinking Bintang beer
D.swimming in the mountain lakes
48.DTo get around Bali Beach Resort.
A.It is very convenient for visitors to take a local bus
B.You don't need to pay money to take a"bemo"minibus
C.You have to learn speak the local language
D.You may take an electric bike.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.The Hearst Castle
         Hearst Castle is a palatial park on the central California coast and a National Historic Landmark.It was designed by architect Julia Morgan for William Randolph Hearst from 1919 until 1947.In 1957,the Hearst Coiporation donated the fortune to the state of California.Since that time it has been maintained as a state historic park where the estate and its considerable collection of art and antiques are open for public tours.Despite its location far from any urban center,the site attracts roughly one million visitors per year.
Guided Tours
         There are several tours which highlight various parts of the castle and gardens.
●Tour One is recommended for first time visitor.It now includes the movie,Hearst Castle Building the Dream.
●Tour Two gives visitors a closer look at the main house's upper floors,Mr.Hearst's private suite,the libraries,and the kitchen.
●Tour Three looks at the Castle's North Wing,guest rooms and guest house Casa Del Monte.
●Tour Four features the impressive gardens and grounds,the largest guesthouse,the wine basement,and the Hidden Terrace.
●The evening tour is a special tour that allows visitors to experience the Castle at night as one of the Hearst's own visitors might have.
Ticket Prices
         Hearst Castle accepts VISA,MasterCard,American Express and Discover.Free day use parking is available for automobiles,motorcycles,tour buses and recreational vehicles.
Experience Tour 24 12
Tours 2,3 or 4  24  12
Evening tour 30 15
*Children under 6 are free when accompanied by a paying adult.
Reservation Information
         While tickets may be purchased at the Visitor Center upon arrival,tour reservations are strongly recommended and may be reserved online now or by calling 1-800-444-4445,see below for times.
Reservation Call Center Hours
March-September8AM to 6PM8AM to 6PM
October-February9AM to 5PM9AM to 3PM
Visit www.hearstcastle.org for more information.
56.Who does the Hearst Castle belong to at present?C
A.William Randolph Hearst.                        
B.Julia Morgan.
C.The state of California.                             
D.The Hearst Corporation.
57.If you are quite interested in wine,which tour will you choose?D
A.Tour One.                                              
B.Tour Two.                                     
C.Tour Three.                                         
D.Tour Four.
58.If a young couple take Tour One with their 5-year-old son,how much will they pay for the tickets?C
A.36.  B.60.  C.48. D.75.
59.Which of the following is the available time to book tickets by phone?BA.At 8 AM on Monday in February.            
B.At 9 AM on Sunday in March.
C.At 7 PM on Friday in September.            
D.At 6 PM on Saturday in October.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Volunteers,as an essential part of a successful world exposition,are a major channel for the public to participate in,serve and share the world exposition and a means to showcase the image of the host country and city.The following information is about the volunteer for the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China.
I.Basic Requirements for Volunteers                         
●Be willing to participate in voluntary services of Expo 2010;      
●Age limit:Expo Site volunteers must be born before April 30,
1992 and Expo City Voluntary Service Station volunteers before
April 30,1994;
●Obey the laws and regulations of the PRC;
●Be able to participate in training and relevant activities before the opening of Expo 2010;
●Possess necessary knowledge and skills needed by the position;
●Be in good health to meet the requirements of corresponding voluntary positions.
II.Further Information for Volunteers
    Residents of Chinese mainland,Hong Kong,Macau and Taiwan,as well as overseas Chinese,and foreigners can all apply to be the volunteers.
●Signup methods
Applicants may log in onto the official websites for online signup.They may also consult or connect with the Expo Volunteer Stations.
May 1-December 31,2009
Ⅲ.Volunteer Training
    Volunteer training includes general training,special training and position training.General training is carried out through internet,while special training and position training are provided through classroom lectures and field practice.
IV.Volunteer Types
●Expo Site volunteers refer to those offering voluntary services to visitors and the Organizer in the Expo Site,mainly including information,visitor flow management,reception,translation and interpretation,assistance for the disabled,and assistance in media service,event and conference organization and.volunteer management.
●Information booth volunteers are stationed in the Expo's information booths at key transportation centers,commercial outlets,tourist attractions,restaurants,hotels and cultural event places outside the Expo Site.They offer services including information,translation,interpretation and even first aid.
60.If you were born in April 1993,where can you be a volunteer?A
A.In the Expo City.          
B.In the host country.
C.In the Expo Site.          
D.In Chinese mainland
61.Which of the training will be done on the Internet?B
A.Position training.             
B.General training.
C.Classroom training.            
D.Special training.
62.Which of the following service is offered by information booth volunteers?D
A.Visitor flow management.       
B.Helping the disabled
C.Assistance in media service.   
D.Emergency First aid.

