 0  137247  137255  137261  137265  137271  137273  137277  137283  137285  137291  137297  137301  137303  137307  137313  137315  137321  137325  137327  137331  137333  137337  137339  137341  137342  137343  137345  137346  137347  137349  137351  137355  137357  137361  137363  137367  137373  137375  137381  137385  137387  137391  137397  137403  137405  137411  137415  137417  137423  137427  137433  137441  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

17.Once upon a time,a boy was walking through a large woods (32)whenhe found a big blackboard hanging on an old tree trunk.It came complete with a box of chalk pieces,and bright sparks were flying from the tips of every piece of chalk.The boy took a piece of chalk and started to draw on the blackboard:first a tree,then a rabbit,and then a flower …
Magically,whenever he finished a figure,it came to life and jumped out of the blackboard.Before long,the place became a wonderfully green and fertile forest,full of animals playing happily.
(33)Excited(excite),the boy also drew his parents and brothers and sisters enjoying a picnic,with their sandwiches and cold meats.He also drew the paper plates and the empty tins of sardines(沙丁鱼) left on the ground,(34)whichalways happened on their picnics.But when these bits of litter came to life,(35)somethingawful happened:around every paper plate and every empty tin,the forest turned grey,and this greyness started spreading quickly everywhere:to the grass,to the flowers,to the animals …The boy realized the litter was (36)to blame(blame) for all the greyness,so he ran through the forest with the blackboard rubber in his hand to rub it out wherever it (37)had landed(land).
He was quick and lucky,and didn't leave a single piece of litter.The forest and its animals managed to recover,and they played together for the rest of the day.
    The boy never again saw that blackboard,but now,every time he goes to the countryside with his family,he (38)willremember that adventure and is the first (39)to pick(pick) up any litter.And he is sure to remind the others that anything (40)left(leave) in the woods can do more damage to the environment than they ever would have expected.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

16.Sara needed to see the doctor.She had an upset stomach.She felt bloated,and needed topass gas every minute or so.This was terrible.She 34couldhardly go anywhere in public.
Her friends told her it was 35becauseshe had moved to America.The air,water,and food in America weren't agreeing with her.They said she would have to return to her home country.
"No way,"Sara said.She didn't want to go home.She liked America.This was a minor problem,she was sure.Any good doctor would solve it in no time.Two days later,she saw her doctor.He asked her if she drank milk.She said yes,three glasses a day.
"Don't drink any 36more (much) regular milk.Start drinking lactose-free milk,because lactosecan upset your stomach."
Then he asked her 37ifthere were any big problems in her life.She said that her boyfriendwas a big problem.He wanted to get married,38but she didn't.The doctor said that sheshould break up with her boyfriend and find 39another.
"Why?"Sara asked.
"Because your boyfriend 40is giving(give) you too much stress.He is probably the main cause ofyour upset stomach."
"I don't think my boyfriend is going to like that."
"Just tell him if he really loves you,he should leave you."


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Gordon was hungry.He opened the refrigerator,(25)wherethere used to be much food before his wife left him.There must be(26)somethingin here to eat,he thought.Now,however,there was a single hot dog.
After (27)taking(take) it out of its package,he put a small frying pan onto the stove's gas burner.He turned on the heat.Then he poured a little bit of vegetable oil into the pan.He sliced the hot dog in half lengthwise.(28)When/Afterthe oil got hot,he put the two halves in the pan.About(29)a/oneminute later,he flipped each half over.After another minute,he took the hot dog out of the pan.
Gordon put two slices of bread into the toaster.This was tasty and healthy bread.The first ingredient (30)listed(list) was organic sprouted wheat.The first ingredient in ordinary bread is usually unbleached flour.
When the toast popped up,he put mustard,mayonnaise,and ketchup on one slice.Then he added two slices of onion.(31)Ontop of the onions,he placed the hot dog.On top of the hot dog,he put a couple of slices of apple.Then he added some bits of hot green chile,and then put the top piece of toast onto the chile bits.P.F.Productions
Ahh,(32)whata sandwich,he thought,as he sat down (33)to eat(eat).


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.College provides an important platform for the future professional life.The grades speak well about the kind of student you are and will also determine the chances of further studies.You cannot do all things at one time.At time you need to decide what to do according to their importance.This is one good skill that you will be requiring even after graduation.
    There are few tips to help you at college:
    Just find the place where you will not be disturbed.Grab your reading material,note pad,pen and other necessities.Distraction is a biggest hurdle in focusing.You need to ask yourself what distracts you the most.Is it music from the neighbors,presence of someone at home,internet or anything else?Try to be aware of your weakest points and then stay away from them  as much possible during your study time.The distraction may also include your friends and  some other things.It is only you who can decide that what is best for you.
    When you are ready for studying,then arrange the reading material and decide what things you need to study first.Put maximum time on your weak and major subjects.Set aside your minor ones for few hours as you know that these are comparatively less important than the  majors.   
    Make a realistic study plan which you can follow and stick to it.There is no point of making all 8hr study schedule daily as you know that it's not possible for you.Start the preparation at least 4 weeks before the exams.
    While making a study plan,don't forget the breaks after every 90minutes of study.It will  help your eyes to relax and focus in an effective manner.Make a checklist of small milestones and put this on your table so you can see them frequently.When you are done with one or more  cross them from the list and focus on the new ones.   

51.What is the most important thing in college according to the text?D
A.Doing all things at one time.
B.Getting high scores in all fields.
C.Attaining good skill in the exams.
D.Deciding what to do based on their importance.
52.When choosing a place to study,youB.
A.need take a music instrument along      
B.should consider a quiet surrounding
C.can depend on your teachers or friends  
D.must consider whether it is comfortable
53.By"Put maximum time on your weak and major subjcots.",the author suggestsB.
A.you should devote more energy on what you like
B.you should focus on weak and important points
C.you should select the subjects you're interested in
D.you should give up something beyond your abilities
54.What does the author intend to tell us in the last paragraph?A
A.Accomplish the plan step by step.
B.Victory belongs to the most persevering.   
C.Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life.
D.Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.
55.Why does the author write this text?C
A.To teach reader show to make a study plan.
B.To explain chances for future professional life.
C.To tell readers how to study smart at college.
D.To introduce good techniques in preparing for exams.


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

13.Seven million people died as a result of air pollution in 2012,the World Health Organization estimates.
    Its findings suggest a(11)Bbetween air pollution and heart disease,respiratory(呼吸)problems and cancer.   
    One(12)Aeight global deaths were linked with air pollution,(13)Cit"the world's largest single environmental health risk",the WHO said.   
  (14)Dsix million of the deaths had been in South East Asia and the WHO's Western Pacific region,it found.
    The WHO said about 3.3 million people had (15)Bas a result of indoor air pollution and     2.6 million deaths were related to outdoor air pollution,(16)Cin low-and middle-income     countries in those regions.
    WHO director Dr Maria Neira said:"The risks from air pollution are now far(17)Athan previously thought or understood,particularly for heart disease and strokes."
  (18)Drisks have a greater impact on global health today than air pollution.The evidence   signals the need for concerted action to(19)Athe air we all breathe.
"(20)C air pollution could save millions of lives,"said the WHO.

19.A.clean upB.break upC.cut upD.keep up


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

12.A.including   B.creation     C.extended    D.prohibited   E.suggestions   F.special
G.linking     H.investment  I.agreements    J.coating     K.legal
Last week,Verizon and Google proposed a plan they say could keep the Internet open while supporting(41)investment in high-speed Internet service.Verizon has the nation's biggest wireless network while Google is the biggest Internet search engine.The proposal was a surprise because the two companies have been on opposite sides of the debate over net neutrality.That is the idea that all content on the Web should be treated equally.Internet service providers want to be able to charge more for heavy Internet traffic or users who want (42)special services.The Federal Communications Commission regulates telephone,cable and satellite communications.But its power to regulate Internet service has been questioned in the courts.The new proposal calls for rules barring service providers from preventing users from sending and receiving (43)legal information of any kind.Users also could not be prevented from (44)linking any application,service or device they choose to the Web.And broadband Internet providers would be (45)prohibited from discriminating against content and would have to be open about their policies.Supporters of net neutrality criticized the proposal for not (46)includingwireless providers.Wireless broadband is among the fastest growing parts of the Internet.Others oppose the (47)creation of a"two-tiered"system on the Internet in which some content gets a fast lane and other content goes slowly.But Daniel Brenner says such a system already exists.DANIEL BRENNER:"In some ways there are two tiers today.In other words,there's the public Internet which we all use for Web surfing,e-mail and sometimes for voice.And then there are managed networks."Daniel Brenner is a partner at the law firm Hogan Lovells in Washington.He says service providers want to be able to charge more because they build networks out to their customers across the country.Such companies are the so-called"last mile"providers.But,the Internet is really a network of networks which exchange traffic all the time and compete with each other.And not all networks reach the last mile to a customer's door.Paul Kouroupas of Global Crossing says his company wants to make sure (48)agreements between service providers are honored on all networks.That way,a service promised by Global Crossing on its fiber optic network will be (49)extended all the way to a customer's door-even if another company carries the service that last mile.The Verizon-Google proposal offers (50)suggestions for a debate that is not likely to end soon.Daniel Brenner says the FCC needs clearer guidelines from Congress.


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

11.An old woman had lost her eyesight completely,so she went to a (41)B to help her see again and
made a bargain with him:if he could cure her,he would be paid well.But if he couldn't,she would not pay him anything.
The doctor had a(an) (42)A ointment(药膏).When it was put on the eyes for a period of time,it restored the eyesight of anyone who was sightless.
The doctor began to (43)A his patient daily.But knowing that she couldn't see,he started (44)C the valuables in her house.When there was nothing left,he decided to cure her and (45)D his payment.
When the woman recovered her eyesight,she saw that her valuables had gone and (46)C the doctor was the thief.So,saying that she was (47)C  cured,she refused to pay him.The doctor was (48)B and he insisted on his fees.But the old woman refused and the two went to the (49)D.
The judge asked the old woman (50)A she refused to pay the doctor.She said,"I did (51)B to give him the money if I recovered my eyesight.However,if I remained blind,I was to give him (52)C.Now he (53)D that he has cured me,but I am (54)D blind."
Everyone there looked at her (55)A."How can you say that?Everyone can see that your eyesight has been restored,"said the judge (56)B.
The old woman replied,"I (57)C can't see.Before I (58)A my eyesight,I had seen many valuable things in my house.But now,I am not able to see a thing of (59)D in it."
The judge (60)B that she was indeed blind and let her go.

45.A.depended onB.cared aboutC.gave upD.asked for
55.A.in surpriseB.in peaceC.as usualD.on purpose


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

10.It is becoming a threat to the Chinese language and culture _____ some people can't write Chinese characters properly.(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

9.A phone call reached me one cold winter day.I was(36)Cthat my father was seriously ill.I had not seen my father since his divorce from my mom,and he had lived alone in a small trailer (拖车式活动房)in California,500miles away from me.The real(37)D   between us seemed much greater.I was in no hurry to change that,but (38)A   I promised to be there the next day.
The whole drive down,(39)Bflashed through my mind.I remembered my father,the proud Marine (海军陆战队队员).He snatched off the Christmas tree all the decorations the rest of us had put up and rehung them so there was (40)Athe same spacing between them.But we needn't (41)Dthose military orders.I remembered clearly the battles he had with my mother.I remembered(42)Bto hear my father say just once,"I love you,Patty",only to have him (43)Dat me,"You can't do anything right!"
Standing outside his trailer,I tried to(44)Cmy courage to face him one more time.Slowly,I took a few steps inside,my hand and my whole body shaking,too(45)A   to believe my eyes.Sitting on the sofa,my father looked confused and frustrated.This wasn't the angry and(46)C man I had known growing up.This man was(47)A   and seemed broken.Part of me felt sorry for him,but another part of me was thinking this was exactly the fate he(48)B.
"God,what am I supposed to do now?"I wondered.But as soon as the words (49)C   me,a sense of sorrow(50)Dme,and I knew that I had to take him to my home.
It was the(51)Bpart I struggled with.The days of looking after my father turned into weeks,then months.All the pain,the conflicted feelings I'd been(52)Cover the years came rushing out.One night,I sat there,talking to God,begging him to help me let go of the ugly feelings I had toward my father.When I was finished,I felt an incredible peace,as if every (53)D had been lifted from me.(54)A had cleaned all that from me and I felt free to start living the joyful life God wanted me to live.
It has been eight years since father died.Now when I think of him,those are the moments I remember,which are,as I put on Dad's headstone,God's amazing (55)B.

52.A.keeping upB.looking backC.holding backD.picking up


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

8.It is natural _____ children are curious about the world around them.(  )

