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科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The well-known professor had to retire last month _________ his poor health.(  )
A.as a resultB.based onC.because ofD.in order to


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

11.John is a very successful man in many fields,but _______he will be remembered as a loving husband and family man.(  )
A.after allB.to be honestC.in additionD.above all


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

10.People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars,and this ______ creates further problem.(  )
A.in shortB.in caseC.in doubtD.in turn


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

9.The inventor was determined to go on with the experiment       countless failures.(  )
A.instead ofB.because ofC.in favor ofD.regardless of


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

8.      being fun and good exercise,swimming is a very useful skill.(  )
A.Except forB.Apart fromC.Or ratherD.In spite of


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Tom admitted that he had broken the dish ________because he wanted to show his anger and attract his mother's attention.(  )
A.as usualB.on purposeC.at presentD.by accident


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Around the Word by Wheelchair
Rick Hansen was always an active kid and loved to fish.When returning in a pickup truck one day from a fishing trip,the truck hit a tree and he was thrown from the back of it.Hansen received a spinal(脊柱的) injury and lost the use of his legs.However,he didn't give up.Many months later he began to compete in wheelchair sports.Hansen won national championships on wheelchair volleyball and wheelchair basketball teams.
At the age of 27,Hansen started his Man in Motion World Tur to raise awareness and money for spinal research.Though public attention was low at the beginning of the tour,he soon attracted international media attention.His tour took him through 34 countries between1985 and 1987.He wheeled 24,900.miles,which is equal to the distance around the earth.Bad weather and difficult rocky roads often provided Challenges,but he continued to push himself to complete the trip.Even mountains did not stop Hansen.He wheeled himself up the Rocky Mountains and several other major mountains in the world.He even wheeled himself along the Great wall of China!Hansen completed his world tour raising 26 million dollars.
"Never give up on your dreams"is his motto and he hasn't given up yet.Hansen is most famous for his Man in Motion World Tour and was officially introduced into the Canada's Sports Hall of fame in 2006.He was one of the final torchbearers(火炬手) in the 2010 Winter Olympics.In addition,with Hansen as CEO,the Ricky Hansen Foundation has run programs supporting treatment and quality of life programs for people with spinal injuries as well as related disabilities.During 2011 and 2012,the Foundation was also part of a cross-Canada tour called the Rick Hansen 25th  Anniversary Relay that followed the same way as Hansen's original Man in Motion Tour about 25 years after it began.

54.What happened to Rick Hansen after the accident?C
A.He lost the ability of living.
B.He couldn't do sports anymore.
C.He couldn't walk anymore.
D.He had to spend his life in hospital.
55.Why did Rick Hansen take his tour around the world in his wheelchair?C
A.To travel to different countries for fun.
B.To take photos of beautiful mountains.
C.To make contributions to spinal research.
D.To learn about the people of other countries.
56.From the passage we can see Rick Hansen is aD person.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Lindsay Binegar of Greenfield,Ohio,made her first﹩100at the age of four,when she won a prize for showing a pig from her family's farm to the local 4H Club.Most kids would be thrilled to spend that money on toys,but not Lindsay."I didn't get the money; it went to the bank,"she told the Columbus Dispatch.
Over the years,Lindsay kept on raising and showing pigs,and kept on winning prizes.Some were﹩100 for small wins,but she won thousands of dollars for championship prizes at county fairs.Before long,she earned an impressive amount of cash-but,aside from a purse when she was 14,Lindsay had never spent a dollar of her savings.By the time she was 18,she had got more than﹩40,000,which she planned to put towards her college education at nearby Ohio University.
But her parents said that if she continued living at home while attending school,they wouldn't have to pay for her dorm housing,and would be willing to cover the entire cost of her education.It sounded like a good deal to Lindsay.But what should she do with her savings?
Her father had an idea:buy a house,just as he'd done when he was young.He used the house's sale to help him buy the family farm where Lindsay had grown up and raised all those lucrative(赚大钱的) pigs.Lindsay was able to buy a house in Greenfield,paying for the entire purchase in cash.She did a bit of painting and then rented it out for﹩450a month.
After finishing college,Lindsay plans to marry Heath McNeal,and use the income from her house to buy a block of land and build a new house.But she'll never move too far from home."I would like to stay in Greenfield,"she said."I just love everybody here."
At her current rate,she'll probably be the town's biggest real estate tycoon(房地产大亨) by the age of 25.

21.What did Lindsay do with her first prize?D.
A.She kept it as pocket money.
B.It was spent on toys.
C.She used it to buy more pigs.
D.It was put in the bank.
22.By the time she was 18,Lindsay had got more than 40,000byA.
A.winning prizes for raising and showing pigs
B.selling pigs
C.getting the interest from the bank
D.trading houses
23.Lindsay's father advised herC.
A.to pay for her college education with the money
B.to pay the money for her dorm housing
C.to buy a house with the money
D.to save the money for her future life
24.What can we learn about Lindsay's parents from the passage?B.
A.They are very rich.
B.They are considerate.
C.They don't know how to manage money.
D.They don't care for money.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

4.Foreigners coming to China may have some surprises or embarrassment _____cultural differences.(  )
A.along withB.except forC.due toD.in spite of


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

3.As to what makes a good student,everyone may have an opinion; _____,a good student should first be honest and hard-working.(  )
A.as for meB.in the long term
C.on the contraryD.no doubt

