 0  137492  137500  137506  137510  137516  137518  137522  137528  137530  137536  137542  137546  137548  137552  137558  137560  137566  137570  137572  137576  137578  137582  137584  137586  137587  137588  137590  137591  137592  137594  137596  137600  137602  137606  137608  137612  137618  137620  137626  137630  137632  137636  137642  137648  137650  137656  137660  137662  137668  137672  137678  137686  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.When students arrive on campus with their parents,both parties often assume that the college will function in loco parentis(处在父母位置),watching over its young charges,providing assistance when needed.Colleges and universities present themselves as supportive learning communities-as extended families,in a way.And indeed,for many students they become a home away from home.Ideally,the college nurtures(养育)its students,guiding them toward adulthood.
Lifelong friendships are formed,teachers become guides,and the academic experience is enriched by social interaction.For some students,however,the picture is less beautiful.For a significant number,the challenges can become overwhelming(压力过大).
In reality,administrators at American colleges and universities are often forced to focus as much on the new generation of students.Public institutions in particular are often faced with tough choices about which student support services to fund.Private colleges are feeling the pinch(棘手)as well.Although tuition and fees can increase as much as 6.6percent in a single year,as they did in 2007,the high cost of doing business at public and private institutions means that students are not necessarily receiving more support in return for increased tuition and fees.To compound the problem,students may be reluctant to seek help even when they desperately need it.
Just as colleges are sometimes ill equipped to respond to the challenges being posed by today's students,students themselves are sometimes ill equipped to respond to the challenges posed by college life.Although they arrive on campus with high expectations,some students struggle with shyness or perfectionism,learning disabilities or eating disorders•Still others experience failed relationships; some suffer from acute loneliness,or mental illness.
Unfortunately,higher education is sometimes more of an information delivery system than a
responsive,collaborative(合作的)process.We have created cities of youth in which students can pass through unnoticed,their voices rarely heard,and their faces rarely seen.As class size grows in response to budget cuts,it becomes even less likely that troubled students,or even severely disturbed,will be noticed.When they are not,the results can be tragic.
As a teacher of creative writing who has worked with many overwhelmed students,I have found that there are ways to communicate more effectively.Most students have stories they want to share,and students in trouble can be desperate to find someone who will listen to them.Parents,as their children's primary listeners,have a key role to play.Some young people are unable to find their own way out of the dark,and a meaningful dialogue can become a light for them to see by.That is not to say that writing can be used to identify mental illness; rather,I think some of the approaches writing teachers use to enter into a reflective dialogue with students can be adopted by parents and students who want to learn more about each other.Having witnessed what can happen when a student communicates with himself,I believe this kind of responsive,one-on-one communication is more important than ever.Students in creative writing classes may have no idea that they have revealed so much about themselves because,for them,writing is like speaking inside the pages of a journal.In fact,all of us who write reveal more than we imagine.This is one of the reasons why writing,even more than speaking,can provide us with important insights into ourselves and others.
Many of us don't know our students as well as we should,yet it can be easier than we imagine to begin these necessary dialogues.


科目: 来源: 题型:信息匹配

3.Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways.(16)GSecond,your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test.Third,note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.
You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report.(17)EWhenever or however you take notes,keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process.(18)F    
The following methods may work best for you.
●Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.
●Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.
●Write your notes in your own words.
●Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.
As you take notes,you may want to use your own shorthand(速记).When you do,be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time.(20)D   
A.Use words,not complete sentences.
B.There are three practical note-taking methods.
C.You must write your notes on separate paper.
D.Otherwise,you may not be able to read your notes later.
E.You will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.
F.That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.
G.First,the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.What would it be like to take a walk on the surface of Mars?If you could design the tallest building in the world,what would it look like?Do you dream of being the next J.K.Rowling?This summer,you can experience all of these things,and more.All you need is an Internet connection and your imagination.
   A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that kids spend an average of 1 hour and 29 minutes online each day.Many kids like to use that time to chat with friends,play games or check e-mail.But next time you get on the Web,try exploring the world instead."With the Internet,you can go back 11,000 years in time,or go 11,000 kilometers across the planet,"said Russell,Web search expert of Google."The whole scope of history and the world is open to you."
   There is a wealth of information to be found online.For example,if your family is going on vacation somewhere,do a quick online search on the area before you even get in the car."What's the background of the place; what's the history?"says Russell."I like to tell my kids,‘Whenever you have a question,whenever you have a doubt,search it out.'"
   Ready to launch a virtual(虚拟的) journey of your own?Here are a few starting points to get you thinking and to help you on your way.You can invite your parents along for the ride,too.Always ask for permission before downloading programs and software into your computer.And,check with a parent or adult before visiting any new Web site.
   Navigate the world in 3-D with Google Earth.Begin in outer space and zoom into the streets of any city,from Hong Kong to San Francisco.Or,visit ancient monuments and watch the changing rainforests over time.With the moon in Google Earth tool,you can walk in Neil Armstrong's famous footsteps.Take a guided tour of the moon's surface with Armstrong's fellow shuttle mate astronaut Buzz Aldrin.
56.According to Russell,the kidsC
A.spend too much time on the Internet           
B.should never chat and play games online
C.can solve their problems through the Internet    
D.should study hard instead of chatting online
57.From the passage we know thatA
A.we can find much information we need online   
B.Neil Armstrong traveled to the moon alone
C.the kids can download programs onto the computer freely
D.the kids can visit the new website freely without parents'guidance
58.According to the passage,if you want to go to Tropical Rainforests,you canD
A.take the time shuttle                                                 
B.go to the cinema to watch 3-D films
C.find a travel agency in Google                                 
D.use Google Earth
59.The passage is mainly intended forD
60.In which section of a website can we probably read this passage?C
C.Internet World


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Having a great collection of books at home doesn't really mean that you are a person who has a passion for literature and reading. It can be a family inheritance or it can be just to impress people around you by the fact that you are a person of culture. On the other hand,there are many persons who cannot afford to buy books,because some of them are quite expensive,but who usually go to libraries and spend hours reading something that interests them a lot,or just borrow books to home.
From my point of view,literature is very important in our life. For example,reading is a means of gaining culture and enriching our knowledge in different areas. It can help us have a great imagination and it makes things easier when it comes to make compositions on different themes. It gives you the possibility to speak about science,even if you don't work in this domain,or you can express your opinion about a political aspect,just because you have read something connected to that.
Secondly,literature offers us the possibility to enter the world of imagination,and to leave the real one for a couple of hours. We come to meet kings and queens many years ago,dream of being in the world of the rich or imagine how life will be in the future. Sometimes,we identify ourselves with the characters in the stories we read and they can give us some clues to solve our problems and how to react in certain circumstances.
In conclusion,I would like to say that literature is the perfect means to enrich our culture,to express ourselves correctly,to have a rich vocabulary,to be able to interfere in conversations in different fields of interest and to really be considered an erudite person.
71. People who are fond of literature are those thatA
A. have much interest in reading          
B. keep many books
C. go to libraries every day              
D. buy expensive books in the bookstore
72. According to the author we can broaden our knowledge byD.
A. composing           B. imagining      C. communicating      D. reading
73. We can know from the third paragraph thatC
A. we can bring kings and queens back to life
B. it is very good for us to stay alone for some hours
C. what we read can be useful in our daily life
D. we can make friends with people in the stories
74. The underline word"erudite"in Paragraph 4 probably means"A".
A. learned        B. enthusiastic      C. smart         D. creative
75. What is the author's purpose by writing the passage?C
A. To share his own reading experience.      
B. To distinguish the true readers.
C. To attract people to literature.          
D. To stress the importance of imagination.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.A patient on the brink of death has received the world's first self-contained artificial heart-a battery-powered device about the size of a softball that runs without the need for wires,tubes sticking out of the chest.It is powered by a small battery pack worn outside the body that transmits current through the skin.
Two surgeons from the University of Louisville implanted(植入)the titanium(钛)and plastic pump during a seven-hour operation at Jewish Hospital Monday.The hospital said the patient was"awake and responsive''Tuesday and resting comfortably.It refused to eve personal details.
The patient had been expected to die within a month without the operation,and doctors said they expected the artificial heart to extend the person's life by only a month.But the device is considered a major step toward improving the patient's quality of life.
The new pump,called AbioCor,is also a technological leap from the mechanical hearts used in the l980s,which were attached by wires and tubes to large machinery outside the body.The most famous of those,the Jarvic-7,used air as a pumping device and was attached to an apparatus(器械)about the size of a washing machine.
"I think it's potentially a major step forward in the artificial heart development,''said Dr.David Faxon,president of the American heart Association.However,he said the dream of an implantable,permanent artificial heart is not yet a reality:"This is obviously an experimental device whose long-term success has to be demonstrated."Only about half of the 4,200Americans on a waiting list for donor hearts received  themlast year,and most of the rest died.
Some doctors,including Robert Higgins,chairman of cardiology(心脏病学)at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond,said artificial hearts are unlikely to replace donor hearts."A donor heart in a good transplant can last l5to 30years.''he said."It's going be hard to replace that with a machine.''

56.The self-contained artificial heartC.
A.is made of titanium and pump
B.brought the patient to the brink of death
C.gets power from a battery pack without wires
D.was invented by two surgeons from University of Louisville
57.From the text we can knowB.
A.the patient recovered completely
B.the patient got better after the operation
C.the patient refused to obtain a donor heart
D.the patient died a month later after the heart implantation
58.What can we learn about the Jarvic-7?B
A.It is a technological leap today.
B.It could be used most widely in the l980s.
C.It is as advanced as AbioCor.
D.It must be attached to a washing machine.
59.Dr.David Faxon thinks the self-contained heartD.
A.has achieved a long-term success
B.will replace donor hearts
C.is an implantable and permanent artificial heart
D.is still in the experimental stage
60.What does the underlined word"them''in Paragraph 5refer to?A
A.donor hearts           B.artificial hearts
C.experimental devices   D.heart operations.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Observational Learning:To See Is to Know
A group of psychologists,led by Albert Bandura,developed social learning theory,which emphasizes the fact that much learning occurs in a social context.This kind of learning,which results simply from observing and imitating the behaviors of others,is called observational learning.Observational learning helps people acquire proper behaviors in their families and cultures:By watching others,we learn how to greet people,eat,laugh and tell jokes.Do you still remember your first few days in senior grade one?By watching others,you learned how people talked to each other,what clothes were"fashionable,"and how to interact with instructors.
The people from whom you learn new behaviors through observing function as models,presenting a behavior to be imitated.With modeling,you observe others'behaviors,and then none,some,or all of these behaviors may be learned and repeated,or modified.In one of Bandura's classic studies,children were divided into three groups:One group watched an adult beating up a Bobo doll,one group watched an adult ignoring the Bobo doll,and the third didn't see an adult at all.After being mildly frustrated by being placed in a room with toys,but not being allowed to play with some of them,all of the children were then placed in another room with a variety of toys,including a Bobo doll.Children in the first group tended to imitate what they had seen,mistreating the doll (and inventing new ways to abuse it) and being aggressive with the other toys in the room.
Researchers have discovered that several characteristics of models can make learning through observation more effective.Not surprisingly,the more you pay attention to the model,the more you learn.You are more likely to pay attention if the model is an expert,is good looking,has high status,or is socially powerful.Second,by watching others,we learn about what behaviors are appropriate for people like ourselves,so models who are seen as similar are more readily imitated.All students need to see successful,capable models who look and sound like them.
Then,as teachers,how can you apply observational learning?Here are a few guidelines.Above all,model the behaviors and attitudes you desire your students to learn.For example,show enthusiasm for the subject you teach.Be willing to demonstrate both the mental and the physical tasks you expect the students to perform.Second,use peers,especially class leaders,as models.For example,in group work,pair students who do well with those who are having difficulties.Third,you may seek the help of class leaders in modeling behaviors.Examples include letting high-status students lead an activity when you need class cooperation or when students are likely to be reluctant at first.
Observational Learning:To See Is to Know


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Grasshoppers are having to change their song-one of the iconic sounds of summer-to make themselves heard above the noise of road traffic,ecologists have discovered.The study,published in the British Ecological Society's journal Functional Ecology,is the first to show that human-made noise affects natural insect populations.Animals use sound to communicate for many reasons,including marking out territory,warning of predators and finding mates,and although previous research shows birds,whales and even frogs change their calls in noisy environments,the impact of human-made noise on insects has been neglected until now.Ulrike Lampe and colleagues from the University of Bielefeld in Germany caught 188 male bow-winged grasshoppers,half from quiet locations and half from beside busy roads.The grasshoppers use their song to attract mates.
     The team then studied the differences in the two groups'songs in the laboratory.To encourage them to sing they exposed the males to a female grasshopper,and then recorded their courtship songs.Analysis of almost 1,000 recordings revealed grasshoppers living beside noisy roads produced different songs to those living in quieter locations.
     According to Lampe:"Bow-winged grasshoppers produce songs that include low and high frequency components.We found that grasshoppers from noisy habitats increase the volume of the lower-frequency part of their song,which makes sense since road noise can mask signals in this part of the frequency spectrum(频谱)."
     The team's findings are important because traffic noise could be upsetting the grasshopper's mating system(交配系统)."Increased noise levels could affect grasshopper courtship in several ways.It could prevent females from hearing male courtship songs properly,prevent females from recognising males of their own species,or impair females'ability to estimate how attractive a male is from his song,"Lampe explains.
     Having discovered that human-made noise affects insect communication,the researchers now want to learn more about how the mechanism works,and whether the grasshoppers adapt to noise during their development as larvae(幼虫),or whether males from noisy habitats produce different songs due to genetic differences.
     The bow-winged grasshopper is a common species in Central Europe.Adults occur mainly between July and September,preferring dry grasslands.Around 1.5 cm long,they vary in colour from green and browns to red and purple.The male's song consists of 2 second-long phrases that increase in amplitude (振幅) towards the end.The beginning of a phrase is characterised by slower ticking sounds that increase in speed and amplitude,leading to a buzzing sound towards the end of the phrase.A courtship song usually includes 2 phrases.
63.The author wrote the article toC.
A.introduce how grasshoppers make noises to attract mates.
B.raise the awareness of protecting bow-winged grasshoppers.
C.inform us of a recent discovery of ecological research.
D.warn us that human-made noise has changed ecological system.
64.Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage?B
A.Bow-winged grasshoppers use their songs to communicate.
B.Grasshoppers change their songs to adapt to the noisy environment.
C.Grasshoppers'songs include both low and high frequency components.
D.Bow-winged grasshoppers are a common species in Central Europe.
65.What does the underlined word"impair"in the fourth paragraph mean?C
A.repair        B.develop        C.weaken         D.improve
66.Which of the following statements is true according the passage?A
A.Road noise can cover the lower-frequency part of their song.
B.Animals make sounds only for the purpose of finding mates.
C.Grasshopper larvae learn to adapt to human-made noise.
D.Bow-winged grasshoppers grow up into adults in spring.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Back in the 1860s,a British scientist named Henry Walter Bates noticed something interesting in the animal world:some harmless animals change the color or patterns of their skin to pretend to be deadly.For example,a kind of butterfly,Common Mormon,can change the pattern on its wings so that it looks like another butterfly species,the Common Rose,which is poisonous for birds to eat.
    Bates argued that animals develop this ability to protect themselves from being eaten.This theory had been widely accepted by scientists.But one question remains:how do these animals manage to do that?
    After more than 150 years,scientists are finally able to answer that question-it is all down to a gene called"doublesex",according to a study published on March 6 in the journal Nature.
    In fact,scientists have long known that genes are responsible for this useful ability.Just like your hair color and the shape of your eyes are determined by your genes,the patterns on a butterfly's wings can be explained similarly.But until the new study,scientists hadn't been able to find out which genes in particular were responsible.
    Encouraged by the development of new technologies for studying genes,scientists at the University of Chicago,US decided to give it another try.They compared the genetic structure of the Common Mormons that changed their wing patterns with those of ones that did not.And all the results pointed to a single gene,"doublesex".
This was much to the scientists'surprise.They used to expect that something as complex as this would be controlled by many different genes.For example,one gene would control the color of the upper part of the wing,one would do so for the lower part and one would control wing shape.
    However,the"doublesex"gene doesn't quite do everything by itself.Instead,it acts like a switch-it"tells"other genes to change the wing patterns.Isn't that clever?
    Scientists believe that this special ability of the"doublesex"gene was developed throughout the long history of evolution."The harmless species gains an advantage by resembling something predators (捕食动物) avoid,"Sean Carroll,a scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,US told Nature."It was obvious evidence for natural selection."
63.What was newly discovered by scientists at the University of Chicago?D
A.Some animals can change their skin color.
B.Some butterflies can disguise themselves as other species.
C.Genes are responsible for the change in animals'skins.
D.Common Mormons change their skin patterns due to a certain gene.
64.What surprised scientists in the study?C
A.So many genes are involved in the change of patterns.
B.The genetic structure of the butterflies is so complex.
C.A single gene determines the change of patterns.
D.The gene"doublesex"singlehandedly changes the wing patterns.
65.Which of the following is the best title?B
A.A new discovery                  
B.How butterflies stay safe
C.A gene called"doublesex"
D.Natural selection.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.People in several American states may be surprised to see cars on city streets without a driver.Experimental driverless vehicles now are legal in Florida,Nevada and California.They are pointing the way to a future that is not far down the road.The high-tech company Google has a number of self-driving cars,which had covered 480,000 kilometers by August.Volvo is among the companies doing road tests and says it plans to sell driverless cars by 2020.
     In September,California Governor Jerry Brown signed an act to allow autonomous vehicles on the roads of his state."Today we're looking at science fiction becoming tomorrow's reality-the driverless car."The technology for these cars includes cameras,radar and motion sensors.The systems have been improved through competitions sponsored by the U.S.government agency DARPA.Engineer Richard Mason of the Rand Corporation helped design driverless vehicles for DARPA challenge races.
     Cars have become much more fuel-efficient,and new electronic features are'making Hondas safer,said Angie Nucci of Honda America."A camera on the passenger-side mirror actually engaged on your guiding screen so you can safely change lanes."Other safety features include warning systems on the front and the sides of the cars.These systems help drivers,but don't replace them.Curator Leslie Kendall of the Petersen Automotive Museum said autonomous cars will make the high ways safer.
"By taking out drivers,you also remove most risks of an accident,"Kendall said.He said consumers,however,may be unwilling to lose control."It may take them time to come to realize that the technology is indeed reliable,but it will have to prove itself first."
     Mason said the technology already works and the biggest challenge now is getting down the cost for driverless vehicles from hundreds of thousands of dollars to something more affordable.He said this will happen as the technology is improved.
61.What can we learn from Paragraph l?D
A.Driverless vehicles are now legal in the whole USA.
B.Volvo will be the first to sell driverless cars.
C.Driverless cars are pointing us a faraway future.
D.Google's self-driving cars have covered a long distance.
62.We learn that Governor of California Jerry BrownB.
A.helped design self-driving cars.
B.supports self-driving cars on roads.
C.considers self-driving cars science fiction.
D.improved the self-driving car systems.
63.What is the role of the systems mentioned in Paragraph 3?A
A.They can help people drive more safely.
B.They can take the place of drivers now.
C.They can make cars run without fuel.
D.They can help cars run much faster.
64.According to Richard Mason,what is the biggest challenge for driverless cars?
A.They are not allowed to run on the road.
B.Their technical problems remain to be solved.
C.They are now too expensive for consumers.
D.They are more dangerous for people on the street.
65.What's the best title of the passage?D
A.The benefits of the self-driving cars.
B.The biggest challenge of the self-driving cars.
C.Safer or more dangerous-self-driving cars.
D.Self-driving cars-science fiction future is near.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Students from Florida International University in.Miami walked on water Thursday for a class assignment.To do it,they wore aquatic (水上的)shoes they designed and created.
Alex Quinones was the first to make it to the other side of a 175-foot lake on campus in record time-just over a minute.Quinones,who wore oversized boat-like shoes,also won last year and will receive  500.Students had to wear the aquatic shoes and make it across the lake in order to earn an'6A"on the assignment for Architecture Professor Jaime Canaves,Materials and Methods Construction Class."It's traditional in a school of architecture to do boats out of cardboard for a boat race.I thought our students were a little bit more special than that,"Canaves said."We decided to do the walk on water event to take it to the next level."
A total of 79 students competed in the race this year in 41  teams.Only 10 teams failed to cross the lake.Others who fell got back up and made it to the end.The race is open to all students and anyone in the community.The youngest person to ever participate was a 9-year-old girl who competed in place of her mother,while the oldest was a 67-year-old female.
A large crowd on campus joined Canaves as he cheered on the racers.He shouted encouraging words,but also laughed as some unsteadily made their way to the end.
"A part of this is for them to have more understanding of designing and make it work better,"he said.It is also a lesson in life for the students.
"Anything,including walking on water,is possible,if you do the research,test it and go through the design process seriously.
56.Which statement about Alex'Quinones is ture?D
A.He finished the race in less than a minute.
B.He won the  race with  the help of 2  boats.
C.He failed the race last year.
D.He set a new record this year.
57.For what purpose did the students take part in the race?C
A.To go across the lake to school.
B.To test their balance on the water.
C.To pass Professor Canaves'class.
D.To win the prize money of  500.
58.Which of the following is true about the race?D
A.The students who fell into the water had to quit.
B.More than 20 teams failed to cross the lake.
C.The students kept silent when the other racers competed.
D.The youngest competitor competed instead of her mother.
59.According to Canaves,this race can help the studentsA
A.understand designing better               
B.achieve almost everything
C.work together and unite as one           
D.walk on the surface of water
60.What is the purpose of this passage?B
A.To advertise a student's program.
B.To report an interesting assignment.
C.To introduce a creative professor.
D.To encourage special events on campus.

