 0  137509  137517  137523  137527  137533  137535  137539  137545  137547  137553  137559  137563  137565  137569  137575  137577  137583  137587  137589  137593  137595  137599  137601  137603  137604  137605  137607  137608  137609  137611  137613  137617  137619  137623  137625  137629  137635  137637  137643  137647  137649  137653  137659  137665  137667  137673  137677  137679  137685  137689  137695  137703  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

14.The door opened and _____.(  )
A.the servant comes inB.in comes the servant
C.in came the servantD.came in the servant


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

13.Hearing the fire alarm,she escaped____ from the office,leaving everything behind,including those important documents.(  )
A.in publicB.in panicC.in reliefD.in particular


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

12.It's getting colder and colder.Take more clothes with you just ________.(  )
A.in advanceB.in doubtC.in caseD.in control


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

11.When I was in Mount Tai,I stayed awake ________ until half past four in order to have a good look at the sun-rise by myself.(  )
A.on averageB.on timeC.on saleD.on purpose


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

A.delight   B.applied   C.eventually  D.consists  E.result   
F.attract    G.that   H.arrange   I.strengthen  J.exchange
As we all know,the Internet is getting more and more important throughout the world.It has been(61)appliedto a lot of fields especially in science,communication,education and so on.
Much to our(62)delight,our school has built a Net School,which(63)consistsof Multimedia Teaching Systems,breaking away from the traditional methods of teaching.As a(64)result,it can greatly(65)attractthe students'attention.In addition,at our convenience on the Internet,we students can also get the latest information,(66)exchangeour own ideas and(67)strengthenwhat we have learned.Most importantly,it is possible for us all to get any chance to learn.For example,if we are not in the school,we can(68)arrangeto study by Long Distance Teaching on the Internet.
It is our Net School(69)thathas opened for us students another door to the whole world,which will(70)eventuallybe much more helpful to us all in the future!


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

9.据可靠报道,毫无疑问,这两个国家将为夺得岛屿展开竞争.(there is no doubt …)According to the reliable report,there is no doubt that these two countries will compete against each other for the islands.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

8.那两兄弟不仅外表长得很像,而且在性格上也有很多共同点.(not only…but also)Those two brothers not only look alike,but also have a lot in common in character..


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

7.他的表演太滑稽了以致于大家都突然大笑起来.(so…that)His performance was so funny that everybody burst into laughter..


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

6.因为不健康的食品对人体有害,人们越来越重视食品安全问题.(用强调句强调划线部分)It is because unhealthy food does harm to human body that people attach more importance to food security..


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

5.David said to me,"Will you go to the park tomorrow?"David asked me whether I would go to the park the next day.

