 0  137753  137761  137767  137771  137777  137779  137783  137789  137791  137797  137803  137807  137809  137813  137819  137821  137827  137831  137833  137837  137839  137843  137845  137847  137848  137849  137851  137852  137853  137855  137857  137861  137863  137867  137869  137873  137879  137881  137887  137891  137893  137897  137903  137909  137911  137917  137921  137923  137929  137933  137939  137947  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

13.-Bob!How's your project?I heard you started it last Friday,right?
-Oh!I           for it.But I haven't decided when to do it.(  )
A.have preparedB.had prepared
C.have been preparingD.was preparing


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The actor still remembers the excitement in his class when a female classmate _____ for a key role in a Zhang Yimou film.(  )
A.is chosenB.was chosenC.choosesD.chose


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Students taking the course _____to finish their homework with the help of computers.(  )
A.are encouragedB.have encouraged
C.are encouragingD.had been encouraged


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Passengers,don't occupy the chairs with your luggage,    ?(  )
A.don't youB.will theyC.don't theyD.will you


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Is a recently discovered hormone the reason why folks who lose weight can't keep it off?
Like millions of other fat people,at 530inches high,more than 300pounds,Carnie Wilson was not just fat.After trying all sort of diets that didn't work,she has to go to the stomach-bypass surgery (胃部迂回手术),ie,have most of her stomach sewed up,only leaving tiny room to hold several tablespoonfuls at most.Result:she simply couldn't eat the way she used to.In three years,Wilson is one third of her former weight.
Wilson's experience is not all that unusual,and while doctors still aren't exactly sure what is going on,a report in last week's Journal of Medicine offers an explanation.The loss of appetite in bypass patients may be linked to a recently discovered hormone called ghrelin.Not only that,ghrelin may turn out to be one reason we feel hungry and it's hare for didters to keep weight off.
Nowadays,researchers are careful to stress only what they know for sure.For the three conclusions,the leading Dr.David of the University of Washington says,"I feel very solid about two of them."The first is that ghrelin levels in the bloodstream rise significantly before meals and drop afterward.The second conclusion is that ghrelin levels are higher on average in people who have lost weight from dieting.
Dr.David is less sure of the third conclusion,that bypass patients have only a quarter as much ghrelin as most people of normal weight.After all,ghrelin is produced by cells in the stomach.Years ago,leptin,a hormone was found as an appetite suppressant (食物抑制剂).But after years of trying,it had to be given up.
What doctors suspect is that both leptin and ghrelin are part of a complex system of brain and body chemicals that govern weight and appetite.That does not mena pharmaceutical (药物的) weight control is forever out of the question."In the next ten years,we will be able to develop new drugs to help people lose weight healthily and effectively."

47.What can we learn about ghrelin according to the passage?D
A.After meals ghrelin levels are higher in the bloodstream.
B.People who have lost weight have less ghreilin in their body.
C.Without ghrelin,people are really difficult to lose weight.
D.Ghrelin is something produced by cells in the stomach.
48.What is Dr.David not sure?B
A.pharmaceutical weight control is impossible.
B.There is less ghrelin in the bypass patients.
C.new drugs will be developed in 10years.
D.ghrelin levels are higher in people on diet.
49.In fact,people's weight and appetite are controlled byC
A.ghrelin and leptin             B.hormone and medicine
C.brain and body chemicals       D.stomach and food
50.What can we infer from the passage?C
A.People with a lower ghrelin level go hungry easily.
B.Doctors managed to use leption to control the appetite.
C.Doctors are optimistic about how to lose weight healthily.
D.The loss of appetite in bypass aptient is linked to leptin.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Some people who find themselves facing a problem react by just giving up.But it is not good to escape from problems by giving up or by making excuses for failures.You may be sure that all young people go through the same difficult process that you are going through:meeting new situations,developing new skills,and testing their abilities.
If you are unhappy about something,face it.Try to state the problem in a few words,so that you will know exactly what you   are up against.Then see if you can"put your finger"on the cause of your unhappiness.
In many cases,we only"think"there is no solution to a particular problem.But often we can overcome the problem and achieve the goal by making a direct attack.
For example,a boy wanted to be a debater(辩论家).When he tried out for the debating team as a freshman,the coach thought he was hopeless.He was shy; he had a high-pitched voice; and his posture(体态) was poor.Although he was given little hope of success,he took advantage of every opportunity to debate.He studied successful speakers and evaluated his own weaknesses and advantages.Then he spent many hours learning all the facts on the topics for debate,and worked at developing good posture and at speaking clearly.By his junior year,he made the school debating team,and in his senior year he was on the winning team in his state.He achieved his goal because he had made a direct attack upon his problem.
Although direct attack is often the best way to meet problems,we have to be realistic(现实的) in judging situations.Sometimes it is necessary to change either the method or the goal.
A boy who wants to be a great football player may not be too strong and not quite fast enough for football.In this situation,becoming a great football player may be an unreasonable goal for him.However,he may become outstanding in tennis or golf,and satisfy his desire to take part in sports.
A girl who is not good-looking may decide that she cannot win popularity with her face,and so she may try to develop an interesting personality,which eventually will get her much further.In this situation,she must change her method of achieving her goal.
So,although direct attack is often the best way to handle problems,it is important to study the situation and make a wise decision about what to do.

71.From the first paragraph,we can infer thatC.
A.not all people will meet the problems that they can't solve
B.not all people can solve the problems that they meet
C.all people will not give up finding the solutions to problems
D.all people will make some excuses for failures
72.The underlined phrase"are up against"in the second paragraph could be best replaced byB.
A.are dealing with        B.are faced with   
C.meet with               D.look after
73.A boy has talent in teaching,but he didn't take the course of teaching,what method will he use to solve his problem?D
A.Changing the goal.          B.Judging situations.
C.Changing his tactics.       D.Making a direct attack.
74.Which of the following best shows the structure of the text?A
(①-⑧stand for"paragraph 1-paragraph 8")

75.Which of the following is not right?B
A.When we meet difficulties,it is the best to give a direct attack.
B.If a girl is not good looking,she'd better change her style of appearance.
C.Whenever we face difficulty,we can find a way out,whatever it is.
D.Both a direct attack and a good analysis of the reality are good for solving problems.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.I got tired of living the life that everybody told me I"should"be living,so one day I decided to start living life in my own ways.Frustrated(挫败)with my job,I came home,put on my shoes,and just started running.It felt so good to be free.That first day I ended up running 30 miles without stopping.Yes,I had rediscovered my old passion ( 酷爱的事物)-and it felt so good that I set a goal to support myself and my family from my running alone.
I trained hard every day.Since I wanted to be the best I could be,I knew I would have to set some clear goals for myself.A couple of my goals were:run a 135-mile ultra-marathon(超级马拉松) across Death Valley,win the Badwater Ultra-Marathon,and run a marathon to the South Pole.
I had no idea how I was going to achieve these goals,but they certainly encouraged me to work hard.Today,I am really grateful to say that I have achieved all of them.Shortly after completing these goals,I set another goal:to run fifty marathons,in fifty states,in fifty days.Nobody had done anything like this before.To be honest,I was not quite sure if I could.But there was only one way to find out…so I just started training and preparing to give it my best try.
I completed that goal one year ago,and it felt great!But for me,life is not all about achieving goals.Sure,it feels good to succeed,but the greatest reward for me was learning more about myself and what I was able to do.
Only by stepping out into the unknown and stretching(使倾注全力) ourselves can we really discover what our true potential(潜能) is.

56.Which played an important role in the author's success?A
   A.Setting goals                B.Learning from others.
   C.Being honest                 D.Keeping on reading.
57.According to Paragraph 3,before achieving the goals the author feltB
   A.very grateful                B.not quite confident
   C.quite afraid                 D.not very satisfied
58.What does the underlined part"that goal"in Paragraph 4 refer to?C
   A.Win the Badwater Ultra-Marathon.
   B.Run a marathon to the South Pole.
   C.Run fifty marathons,in fifty states,in fifty days.
   D.Run a 135-mile ultra-marathon across Death Valley.
59.The author probably agrees thatD.
   A.life means achieving goals
   B.success is the greatest reward
   C.sports help develop our potential
   D.everyone may have great potential.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Do you really want to go on to higher education?
    This is the first question you must ask yourself and it is the most important at this major crossroads of your life.Many can advise you,but you alone face the consequences of this fundamental decision.
    Stop.Think about it.Be honest with yourself and be realistic.Do you want higher education because you really feel you will benefit from it-or are you drifting towards it in response to the expectations of your parents and friends?Conversely,are you being put off higher education by other people's prejudices?
    Don't commit yourself to any form of full-time higher education if you are not interested in any of the numerous courses available.Higher education is most uncomfortable and unsatisfying for those who have little interest in the subject they have chosen to study.
    It can be an advantage to have a clear idea about the kind of career you eventually want,because then you can choose a course most likely to equip you for your future.
    Don't worry if you have no ideas about a future career; but do find out what are the career implications of your choice of course.Broad prospects(前景)will be open to you whatever course you follow,provided you do well and have the right personal qualities.Don'ttypecast typecast typecast yourself or allow anyone else to do so.This particularly applies to girls.Girls are still subject to prejudices about courses which lead to careers traditionally labeled as"man's work".This is almost always unjustifiable and women are now working in all sorts of former male"preserves".
    Competition for places will be tougher in future but the total available will still be very large.
    Seek advice from your careers teacher,careers officer and parents--but it is you who must decide whether or not you want to go on to higher education.
42.You attitude towards going to higher education is most important becauseC
A.this is the moment in your life when you have to decide your future
B.the wrong attitude is likely to have very serious consequences
C.you will be the one affected by any decision you make
D.it is a time when you can get plenty of advice
43.A decision to continue studying should depend onA
A.the advantages you believe you will have from doing so
B.the career you are hoping to take up
C.advice from experienced people
D.family considerations
44.What advice is given about your future career plans?A
A.You should be aware of the career prospects of the course you take.
B.These must be definite before deciding on study subjects.
C.They should not influence your choice of study subjects.
D.Any course can prepare you for a suitable career.
45.If you"typecast"yourself,youD   
A.study only the subjects you are good at
B.are prepared to adopt any course of study
C.are influenced by your own personal interests
D.accept other people's views about what you should study.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

5.-I think it is unwise to spend so much money on the project.
-That's true._____ the cost,it will take a long time.(  )
A.Rather thanB.Apart fromC.Together withD.But for


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

4.Usually,he will spend          his classmates.(  )
A.as twice much time asB.twice much as time as
C.twice as much time asD.as much time as twice

