 0  137810  137818  137824  137828  137834  137836  137840  137846  137848  137854  137860  137864  137866  137870  137876  137878  137884  137888  137890  137894  137896  137900  137902  137904  137905  137906  137908  137909  137910  137912  137914  137918  137920  137924  137926  137930  137936  137938  137944  137948  137950  137954  137960  137966  137968  137974  137978  137980  137986  137990  137996  138004  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Jackie would like to buy an iphone 5but _____ was available from that shop.(  )
A.noneB.nothingC.no oneD.neither


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory.The meanings of thousands of words,the bases for the decisions we make,and the roots of our habits and skills are to be found in our past experiences,which are brought into the present by memory.
Memory can be considered as the ability to keep information available for later use.It includes not only"remembering"things like maths or historical facts but also involves(包括)any change in the way an animal acts.Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain because he has smelt something different in the grain pile.Memory is also involved when a six-year-old child learns to swing a baseball bat.
Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and machines.Computers,for example,contain equipment for storing data for later use.It is interesting to compare the memory-storage ability of a computer with that of a human being.The instant-access memory(快速记忆) teenager probably recognizes the meanings of about 100,000 words of English.However,this is only a piece of total amount of information which the teenager has.For example,the teenager can recognize a large number of faces and places.
The use of words is the basis of the advanced problem-solving intelligence of human beings.
A large part of a person's memory is in terms of words and combinations (组合) of words.
66.According to the passage,memory is considered to be.
A.the basis for decision making
B.an ability to store information for future use
C.an ability owned only by human beings
D.the data mainly made up of words
67.From Paragraph 3 we can know thatC.
A.the computer's memory has a little bigger ability than a teenager's
B.the computer's memory ability is the same as a teenager's
C.the computer's memory ability is much smaller even than a teenager's
D.the computer's memory ability is as small as a teenager's
68.The whole passage implies (暗示) thatC.
A.only human being can solve problems  
B.a person's memory is different from a computer's in every way
C.animals can only solve very simple problems
D.animals solve problems by intelligence
69.In people's memory,Aplay the most important part in solving problems.
A.language             B.skills             C.experiences         D.habits
70.The main idea of this passage isB.
A.life will not change without memory
B.memory is of great importance to life
C.how a person's memory is different from a computer's
D.what is contained in memory.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

5.There are many choices to make in life but _______ is more important than what goes on in your heart.(  )
A.nothingB.neitherC.noneD.no one


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

4.I'm a TV show host.One Sunday,I(36)Bmy 7-year-old daughter by the sea for lunch.On arriving at the beach,I saw JoJo,a(37)Cman in the hotel business.We sat down to chat in an open air cafe(38)AI watched my daughter enjoy herself on the swings in front of us.
Suddenly our conversation was(39)Bby a stranger,who politely asked    40   to speak to me.Often people want to tell me(41)Dabout my controversial TV show,when
I'm out on the(42)A.
He asked to speak to me(43)A,so we stood a bit away from my table.He said,
"I'm James,father of a 7-year-old girl,who's very sick.The doctors said that if she was treated in the UK,she would probably(44)C.But I'm poor,so can you please help me?"
Speechless,I stared in the man's eyes full of(45)Dand asked how l could help.After we talked for a while,I went to sit back.JoJo asked me,"What's wrong with you?Your
(46)Bchanged."I told him and he was very sorry for this sick child.
All weekend I(47)CJames,his daughter and his family.I even considered doing a special TV show to(48)Amoney for this sick child.
On Monday morning I was at the office after I finished (49)Bmy show,when JoJo walked  into my office.Actually JoJo is so(50)Cand I never imagined he had time to come and see me.
"Please,call the man(51)Dthe sick child and tell him that I'll(52)Aall expenses for his sick daughter's treatment."JoJo said,with a(53)Bin his hand."I've been married for 35 years,I wasn't lucky enough to(54)Da child.l want to help this child now."I(55)Cthe phone to call James.
47.A.looked afterB.cared forC.thought aboutD.asked about
55.A.held onB.got throughC.picked upD.turned on


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Not long ago the movie 2012came into screen.The people were threatened by those scenes of destroying flood,severe earthquake,terrifying hurricane and constructions representing human civilization being destroyed and even swallowed by disaster.Luckily,they are just the director's imagination,but the present situation is not heading a positive direction,either.
Take my own experience in Alaska as an example.Once I took a trip to the glacier.Along the way there stood signposts marking the snow lines of different years.They started from the foot of the mountain,but it was at the top that I finally saw melting glaciers(融化的冰川).My heart ached seeing the beautiful blue ice melting at every second.
Sad but true,they are the effects of global warming and the result of our human impact.Furthermore,each year the rising sea level will kill 56million people,and that's about the population of the entire Italy.According to studies,if the temperature keeps on rising like this,by the year 2050,some islands and coastal cities including New York,Shanghai,Tokyo and Sydney will be drowned in water.
Our fortune is in our own hands.It depends on us to shape our future,to reduce future human impact and find ways to form a peaceful relationship with our environment.Therefore,it's time for actions to be taken right now.Contribute a little to energy saving by using more efficient light bulbs and less hot water.Let recycle become our habit by thinking twice before throwing something away.Let us take public transportation as our first choice when going to a certain place.It might cost more time for now,but it's to the benefit of a permanent future.Take care of every tree and grass around us by watering them or simply just avoid destroying them.
In a word,small drops of water make a big ocean. The earth does not belong to us.On the contrary,we belong to the earth. Please bear in mind that the earth is our home.It is our responsibility to build a brighter and better future of our planet and prevent what happened in the movie 2012from becoming reality.

56.Why does the author talk about the movie 2012in the passage?B.
A.To give example.      B.To lead into the topic.
C.To make prediction.   D.To provide the evidence.
57. How did the author feel when he took a trip to the glacier?A.
A. Worried.    B. Puzzled.     C. Scared.     D.Bored.
58.It can be inferred from the third paragraph thatC..
A.56million people in Italy have been killed owing to the rising sea level
B.Some islands and coastal cities will be drowned in water by the year of 2050
C.Human beings will be in danger if we don't take actions to prevent the global warming
D.It is certain that what happened in the movie 2012will come into reality
59. According to the passage,you are advised toD..
A.drive our own private cars instead of taking buses to some place
B.recycle everything that is used
C.go to see the movie 2012at once
D.work together to take good care of our planet
60.What does the author mean by saying"small drops of water make a big ocean"?C.
A.Think twice before taking action,
B.It's our duty to protect the ocean.
C.Everyone together can make a difference.
D.It's important to save every drop of water.


科目: 来源: 题型:信息匹配

1.61.Daniel,a young computer programmer,has been working hard and needs a holiday to relax in winter.He likes to get close to nature and enjoy water sports.C
62.Henry and Ann and their two teenage sons,hope to take their holiday outdoors.They would like to find a place where they can play games,such as looking for treasure.A
63.Philip,a high school student,wants to travel on weekends,and would like to learn about materials to use when building a setting for the train set.D
64.Teresa,a primary school teacher,plans to take the whole class of 20 students for a holiday.The students will graduate this year,so she'd like to organize an activity without charge but it is instructive.B
65.Tony,a young engineer in a modern car factory,enjoys an adventure journey once a year.This time,he would like to have journeys to the countryside,where he can try to learn about driving a horse and carriage.E

A.Brightwood Park
Take you up to Westfield's natural preserve for a short hike or to practice skipping stones in the large pond.You can look for deer and other woodland animals or go on a nature treasure hunt.

B.Jewark Airport
The airport offers free tours covering the history of the airport,terminal operations,and emergency vehicles and equipment for groups of 15 to 30 persons.The tours are intended for students in grades three and above.See also Newark International Airport.

C.Cheesequake State Park
The Cheesequake State Park features 1,284 acres of open fields,a hardwood forest,a variety of wildlife and about 200 species of birds.Activities include hiking,boating,canoeing,swimming and a variety of winter sports.An interpretive Center provides live wildlife exhibits and environmental education programs,including nature walks.

D.The Model Railroad Club
The Model Railroad Club is an activity of the Union County Park System.The Club is open to visitors every Saturday afternoon for viewing the model train displays.Every fall,the Club sponsors a Light and Sound Show that will delight the model train lovers.

E.Fosterfields Living Historical Farm
Learn about farming as it was done 100 years ago at Fosterfields Living Historical Farm.There are weekend demonstrations on planting and harvesting crops as well as special programs held throughout the year.Some of these include wool cutting and carriage driving.

F.Deutsch Museum
Germany's leading museum of science,engineering,and transportation has everything from steam engines to space exhibits--some of which are closed for remodeling until May,2003.Don't miss the Forum der Technik,which has a world-class planetarium and an IMAX theatre.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Special trees that grow faster,fight pollution,produce better wood,and even sense chemical attacks are being planted by scientists in the US.
When 40 per cent of Hawaii's US 14 million-a-year papaya (木瓜)industry was destroyed by a virus five years ago,work began on creating genetically engineered (转基因的) trees.
Researchers successfully introduced seeds that were designed to resist the virus.Since then,more and more people have been testing genetically engineered trees.
Some researchers put special bacteria into trees to help them grow faster and produce better wood.Others are trying to create trees that can clean polluted soil.
Meanwhile fruit farmers are looking for trees that are strong enough to resist worms,and paper companies want trees that produce more wood and therefore more paper.
The Pentagon (五角大楼) even gave the researchers US 500,000this year after they developed a pine tree that changes its colours if it senses a chemical attack.
So far,the poplar,eucalyptus (杨树与桉树),apple and coffee trees are among those being engineered.All this can be done today because we have a better understanding of tree genomes (基因组).
However,some people fear that the genetically engineered trees will cause dangerous results.They are worried that the new trees will breed with natural species and change the balance of the forest environment
"It could be destructive,"said Jim Diamond,an environmentalist."Trees are what is left of our natural environment and home to many endangered species."
But researchers insist that science could give nature a fighting chance against both natural and man-made dangers.
They hope to answer the critics by stopping the new trees from breeding,so their effect on the environment can be controlled.
57.Which kind of tree is not the ones that scientists are planting in the US?C
A.Trees that worms can't hurt.
B.Trees that can protect themselves at a chemical attack.
C.Trees that can resist wind better.
D.Genetically engineered trees.
58.What caused the American scientists to work on special trees?B
A.They think science could give nature a fighting chance against both natural and man-made dangers.
B.Great numbers of trees have been lost due to attacks by viruses.
C.Researchers successfully introduced seeds designed to resist the virus.
D.Tree genomes are mapped out so scientists know how to improve trees.
59.Which of the following was probably the first kind of trees being engineered?A
60.Why did critics think engineered trees dangerous?BecauseD.
A.these trees can destroy the balance of nature
B.everything except trees has been genetically engineered
C.trees are home to many endangered species
D.these trees may affect normal trees.


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

19.I lived in Dallas,Texas nearly all my life with my mom,dad and older sister.We were(21)Cto respect others,value education,and get all that we could out of life.My parents always say,"(21)B hard and the world is yours."They are never without a(23)Dword of advice or a bit of encouragement when life gets tough.
My parents always(24)B me to go to college.However,when I(25)Dat 16 years old that I'd rather get married to a man than go to college,they(26)A stopped telling me they loved me and I could do anything I wanted to.(27)C,they persuaded me.I graduated from high school and currently(28)Bthe University of Oklahoma studying medicine.I want to make the(29)Da better place to live in.
Every time I call home to tell them about a (30)AI received in Chemistry Lab or Microeconomics or(31)C class it is that I'm working hardest for at the moment,they tell me how(32)Bof me they are.I know there are college kids out there that have no one to call home to when they get an"A"on a project and I feel incredibly(33)Dto have my parents.
Don't get me wrong:We've had our share of(34)B.I was the angry teenager and they were the awful(35)Cthat wouldn't let me stay out all night or let me get my tongue pierced.But somehow,we(36)Ato work through those issues.They never(37)Dloving in me or believing in me
I(38)Beverything I am to my parents.Without their constant love and(39)C,I wouldn't believe I can change the world.My parents taught me to always(40)Afor what I believe in.So I'm working toward something really great and can only hope I continue to make them proud


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

18.-It's a lovely day,isn't it?
-Yes.I love ______ when the weather is like this.Why don't we sit outside and have our lunch?(  )

