 0  137996  138004  138010  138014  138020  138022  138026  138032  138034  138040  138046  138050  138052  138056  138062  138064  138070  138074  138076  138080  138082  138086  138088  138090  138091  138092  138094  138095  138096  138098  138100  138104  138106  138110  138112  138116  138122  138124  138130  138134  138136  138140  138146  138152  138154  138160  138164  138166  138172  138176  138182  138190  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

5.Eliza Doolittle,a poor flower girl who was ambitious to improve herself,came from the west end of London.She made a living by (61)selling(sell)flowers in the streets.One day,she met with Professor Higgins who was (62)an expert in phonetics,convinced that the quality of a person's English depended on his or her position in society.Professor laughed at Eliza's terrible English and promised(63)proudly (proud) that once taught to speak properly,the girl could pass(64)herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party.Eliza thought that it was a chance for her (65)to change(change)her life.So she went to Higgin's house and asked him to teach her but (66)was refused (refuse).At that time,professor's friend Colonel Pickering,an officer in the army,was interested in the girl's (67)education (educate).He bet with the professor that he might not teach Eliza successfully,(68)which made the proud professor accept Eliza (69)as a student and decided to teach her not only pronunciation (70)but also grammar.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Born with easy-broken bone disease,Zhang Yonghong is only half a meter tall and must use a wheelchair.His thin arms and legs can hardly support any weight,and he is unable to take care of himself.However,his hands are able to produce fine paper-cuts,which will free his daughter from the same disease.
To support himself,he learned how to make pap er-cut art from his mother.He sold his artwork and taught his techniques in Xi'an for eight years before discovering his young daughter inherited the disease from him,leading Zhang to move his family to Beijing for his daughter's better treatment five years ago.
The daughter's treatment costs about 30,000yuan a year.The family's savings was used up in two years,and Zhang was forced to start to sell his work in underground passages with his healthy wife,who soon left him because of the hard life.
With a little help from government,he was lucky to meet some kindhearted people in Beijing.A Hong Kong businessman gave 60,000yuan to him last year to treat the girl and start a small shop on Qiangulouyuan,which is known as a famous hutong that attracts lots of tourists over holidays.Zhang Rui,a university graduate,spends most of her time helping Zhang sell the paper-cuts,translating the stories of the paper-cuts into English and selling the works on the roadside of Nanluoguxiang.
However,the artist still lives beyond his income (收入) and struggles to continue his small business."Selling paper-cuts is his only source of income.Without this,he can't support the family and treat his daughter,"says Zhang Rui,who hopes more people will help Zhang.
41.Why did Zhang grow only half a meter tall?A
A.His easy-broken bone disease affected him.
B.His parents also had the same disease.
C.His poor family couldn't provide him with rich food.
D.An unexpected accident caused him to grow slowly.
42.What does the underlined word"inherited"probably mean in Paragraph 2?C
A.get around       
B.take away         
C.pass on        
D.go over
43.Why did his wife leave him?D
A.Because she was afraid of losing the daughter.
B.Because she was tired of him and her children.
C.Because she lost hope for her daughter.
D.Because the life was too hard for them.
44.With the help of a Hong Kong businessman,Zhang YonghongB.
A.could support the daily life of his family         
B.ran a shop of his own in Beijing
C.hired a girl to sell his artworks                 
D.could start a translation room
45.What can we conclude from the last paragraph?A
A.Zhang still needs more people to help him.
B.Zhang manages his business very well.
C.Zhang's business needs to be developed.
D.Zhang needs to look for a wife to help him.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.There is a 9-year-old kid sitting at his desk and all of a sudden,there is a puddle (一滩水) between his feet and the front of his pants are wet.He thinks his heart is going to stop because he cannot possibly imagine how this has happened.It's never happened before,and he knows that when the boys find out they will never let him forget it.When the girls find out,they'll never speak to him again as long as he lives.
The boy believes his heart is going to stop.He puts his head down and prays:"This is an emergency!I need help now!Five minutes from now I'm dead meat."
He looks up from his prayer,and here comes the teacher with a look in her eyes that says he has been discovered.
As the teacher is walking toward him,a classmate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water.Susie trips in front of the teacher and spills the bowl of water in the boy's lap.
The boy pretends to be angry,but all the while is saying to himself."Thank God!"
Now all of a sudden,instead of being made fun of,the boy gets sympathy.The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym shorts to put on while his pants dry out.All the other children are on their hands and knees cleaning up around his desk.The sympathy is wonderful.But the ridicule that should have been his is given to someone else-Susie.She tries to help,but they tell her to get out."You've done enough!"
Finally,at the end of the day,as they are waiting for the bus,the boy walks over to Susie and whispers:"You did that on purpose,didn't you?"Susie whispers back:"I wet my pants once too."
24.What is the boy's reaction to this incident at first?C
A.He is calm but worried.
B.He thinks he is going to die.
C.He is afraid and embarrassed.
D.He prays and asks for help from his teacher.
25.The underlined word"sympathy"probably meansA.
A.care          B.cheating
C.belief         D.contribution
26.After Susie spills the bowl of water in the boy's lap,D.
A.other students ask Susie for help and yell at her
B.the teacher sends the boy downstairs to clean up around his desk
C.the little boy becomes really angry and runs away to change his clothes
D.the little boy is saved from embarrassment and gains others'sympathy
27.From the story,we can conclude thatD.
A.all the children feel wonderful about being able to help
B.the teacher does not know what actually happened to the little boy
C.Susie spends a long time coming up with a plan to help the little boy
D.Susie is kindhearted and still tries to help even though she is ridiculed.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Learning to drive is important to the independence of teenagers,but it is also a great responsibility.Although having a law that keeps 16-year-old drivers from having more than one teenager in the car with them at first seems unfair,there are convincing reasons for this requirement.
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that teens are four times more likely than older drivers to be involved in an automobile accident.It also reports that 16-and 17-year-old drivers are twice as likely to have an accident if they have two teenage friends in the car and four times as likely to have one if they have three or more teenage friends in the car with them.Fatal ( 致命的) crashes of 16-year-old drivers involve the highest percentage of speeding,driver error,and number of passengers.This information is enough to cause any reasonable person to wonder about the wisdom of allowing new teen drivers to take a carload of friends anywhere,even if the law permits it.
A study at the National Institutes of Health indicates that the part of the human brain that controls judgment and evaluates the consequences of our actions might not be fully formed until the age of 25.Until this study,researchers had placed the age at 18.If this is true,it could explain the reckless (鲁莽的) behavior of many teens,behavior that often extends into their twenties.It also could be a strong reason for being cautious about the driving circumstances of young people.
This is not the only study that indicates such caution is necessary.One study at Temple University in Philadelphia examines the results of peer pressure in ris ky driving situations.The study,which uses a driving game,has an individual guide a car through a course,both alone and in the presence of friends.Three different age groups participated in the study:13-16,18-22,and 24 and older.Members of the oldest group showed caution whether driving alone or with friends present,but the two younger groups took more chances when they were with their friend s.Furthermore,because these drivers were accustomed to the noise and distraction of many passengers,they were unable to see their own mistakes.Once again,this is a good indication that a law restricting the number of teenage rs in the car with a young driver is a good idea.

67.What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 2?B
    A.Many deaths have occurred because of inexperience and overconfidence.
    B.It's reasonable to severely limit the passenger number of teen drivers.
    C.New teen drivers have to.ask permission before driving with friends.
    D.There are many causes behind the teens'driving accidents.
68.From the two studies,the author probably suggests thatD.
     A.different age groups have different peer pressure
     B.teenagers often give wrong judgments above passengers'noise
     C.underdeveloped brain makes teens ignore their mistakes
     D.driving circumstances are bound up with the risk of accidents
69.We can infer that the law restriction can probablyA.
     A.protect teens on the highway
     B.raise teens'sense of responsibility
     C.reduce the number of fatal crashes
     D.force teens to drive with caution70.With which statement would thuthor most
70.kely disagree?C
     A.Some teenagers have risky behavior while driving.
     B.Certain laws treat teenagers and adults differently.
     C.We still need more studies on teen driving.
     D.Driving is important to a teenager's sense of independence.


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

1.Certainly dustmen prefer to be known as"Reuse Collection and Disposal Officers".You may think that this is rather(36)B,and it is better to call a spade a spade.But dustmen can be as(37)Aas people of any other occupation,though we must(38)Dthat their job is not a (39)Cone in the world.We often take dustmen for granted.Perhaps because they usually come very early in the morning,before most people are (40)B.We are likely to forget their(41)A.Our dustbins are(42)Cregularly,but we(43)Dstop to think about the men who do this.However,it is one of the most important jobs in the world,and when there are no dustmen to(44)Athe rubbish,the general (45)Csoon becomes aware that something is wrong.Recently,the dustmen of England went on strike for higher wages.
During the first few days it was regarded as a(46)B.But when the first two weeks had passed,and the dustbins were overflowing in nearly every backyard in the country,the joke did not seem so(47)Dany more.(48)C the strike continued,people could not(49)Athe hills of rubbish around their dustbins,and they looked for other places in which to(50)Dit.Even Leicester Square,in the heart of West End of London,was(51)Bhigh with plastic bags full of smelly rubbish.This was a(n)(52)Cattraction that the people of London were not at all(53)Dto see.Even when the strike was over,it took several weeks for the country to get cleaned up completely.Perhaps now the English people appreciate the work of(54)Ddustmen rather more (55)Aand won't take them for granted any more.
44.A.take awayB.take offC.take upD.take on
50.A.keep offB.give upC.take care ofD.get rid of


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

18.在通电话on the phone.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

17.预先,事先,提前in advance.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

16.对---失去兴趣lose interest in.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

15.在…中起重要作用play an important part/role in.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

14.click with someone喜欢某人.

