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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Americans have always been interested in their Presidents'wives.Many First Ladies have been remembered because of the ways they have influenced their husbands.Other First Ladies have made the history books on their own.
     At least two First Ladies,Bess Truman and Lady Bird Johnson,made it their business to send signals during their husbands speeches.When Lady Bird Johnson thought her husband was talking too long,she wrote a note and sent it up to the platform.It read,"It's time to stop!"And he did.Once Bess Truman didn't like what  her husband was saying on television,so she phoned him and said,"If you can't talk more politely than that in public,you come right home."
      It was First Lady Helen Taft's idea to plant the famous cherry trees in Washington,D.C.Each spring these blossoming trees attract thousands of visitors to the nation's capital Mrs.Taft also influenced the male members of her family and the White House staff in a strange way:she convinced(说服)them to shave off their beards(胡须)!
     Shortly after President Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke (中风),Edith Wilson unofficially took over most of the duties of the Presidency until the end of her husband's term  Earlier,during World War I,Mrs.Wilson had sheep brought onto the White House lawn to eat t e grass.The sheep not only kept the lawn cut.but provided wool for an auction(拍卖) held by the First Lady.Almost$ 100,000 was raised for the Red Cross.
     One of the most famous First Ladies was Eleanor Roosevelt,the wife of President Franklin D.Roosevelt.She was active in political and.social causes throughout her husband's term in office After his death,she became famous for her humanitarian(人道主义的) work in the United Nations.She made life better for thousands of needy people around the world.
61.Why have First Ladies been remembered?D
A.They are  the wives of the presidents.
B.They are made up of history books.
C.Americans are interested in them.
D.They have an effect on their husbands.
62.The examples mentioned in Paragraph 2 show thatB
A.the two wives did business without their husbands
B.the two wives influenced the presidents'speeches
C.the two wives didn't like their husbands to make speeches
D the presidents'speeches were often interrupted by their wives.
63.Who did the most meaningful work among the first ladies?C
A.Lady Bird Johnson.
C.Eleanor Roosevelt.
D.Helen Taft
64.Which of the following is considered a strange thing the First Lady did?D
A.Raise sheep on the White House lawn to get money for the Red Cross.
B.Take over most of the duties throughout their husbands'Presidency.
C.Plant the cherry trees in Washington,D.C.to attract more visitors
D.Persuade the men staff in the White House to shave off their beards.
65.How many First Ladies are mentioned in this passage?C
A.3                            8 4.
C.5                            D 6.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.The Galapagos Islands are in the Pacific Ocean,off the western coast of South America They are a rocky,lonely spot,but they are also one of the most unusual places in the world.One reason is that they are the home of some of the last giant tortoises(乌龟)left on earth.
     Weighing hundreds of pounds,these tortoises go slowly around the rocks and sand of the islands.Strangely,each of these islands has its own particular kinds of tortoises.There are seven different kinds of tortoises on the eight islands,and each kind is slightly different from the other.
     Hundreds of years ago,thousands of tortoises were around these islands.However,all that changed when people started landing there.When people first arrived in 1535,crews would seize as many tortoises as they could.They would roll the tortoises onto their backs when they were brought onto the ships.The tortoises were completely helpless once on their backs,so they could only lie there until used for soups and stews.Almost 100,000 tortoises were carried off in this way.
     The tortoises faced other problems,too.Soon after the first ships,settlers arrived,bringing pigs,goats,donkeys,dogs and cats.A11 0f these animals ruined life for the tortoises.Donkeys and goats ate all the plants that the tortoises usually fed on,while the pigs,dogs and cats ate thousands of baby tortoises each year.Within a few years,it was hard to find any tortoise eggs-or even any baby tortoises.
     Finally,in the 1950s,scientists decided that something must be done.The first part of their plan was to remove as many cats,dogs and other animals as they could from the islands.Next,they tried to make sure that more baby tortoises would be born; This slow,hard work continues today,and,thanks to it,the number of tortoises is now increasing every year.Perhaps these wonderful animals will not disappear after all
56.What can we learn from Paragraph i?C
A.The Galapagos Islands are the biggest islands in the Pacific Ocean
B.The giant tortoises have all left the Galapagos Islands already.
C.The giant tortoises made the Galapagos Islands unusual places.
D.People have built many homes for the giant tortoises on the islands.
57.What is special about the tortoises according to Paragraph 2?C
A.They weigh hundreds of pounds.
B.They move around very slowly.
C.There are different kinds of tortoises.
D.They are larger than the ones in other places.
58.What happened first?A
A.Sailors took tortoises aboard the ships.
B.Scientists decided to take measures to protect the tortoises.
C.Pigs,dogs and cats ate many baby tortoises.
D.Settlers brought other as to the islands.
59.What happened soon after people brought animals to the islands?B
A.Tortoise eggs were kept in safe containers.
B.The animals ate the tortoises'food and eggs.
C.The tortoises continued to wander freely.
D.The tortoises fought against the other animals.
60.What's the result of the scientists'effort?D
A.The tortoises began to disappear gradually.
B:The number of tortoises began to decrease
C.Scientists took away other animals off the islands.
D.There are more and more giant tortoises on the islands.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.A staycation is a vacation when you do not travel at all.Some people use a staycation to just stay at home,and others prefer to experience the attractions around them without traveling very far.
There are many choices for staycations.Any town or city has plenty of choices for things to do if you know where to look.If the weather is nice,you can visit the local gardens or forests for a hike.You can look online for several historic places and create your own history tours.Of course,you can also visit other attractions in the areas like museums,restaurants,bars,parks,beaches,and so on.Often,if you drive just a few hours,you can find a city that you can walk around and see.Then by driving home you can save the cost of a hotel and a plane ride.
Others take the term"staycation"word for word and do not leave their houses at all.Some choices for this can include taking time off to cook a great meal and enjoy it together or spending all day at a pool.
Just as a coin has two sides,staycation has its advantages as well as disadvantages.
Since you are not traveling or staying in a hotel,a staycation can be unbelievably costeffective(低成本的).You don't have to pay for a hotel,so that cost has been completely  eliminated.You are also saving by not driving very far and by not taking an airplane anywhere.Travel costs have become really high,and the farther you go,the higher they are.By staying close to home,you cut that cost by quite a bit.You are also pushing money back into your local economy(经济)by spending your money at local businesses rather than in cities that are far away from home.Finally,any stress that you feel with travel,whether that is from driving long distances or looking for an airport,will completely disappear.

59.For what purpose is the text written?A
A.To introduce the general information of staycatons.
B.To compare staycatons with other vacations.
C.To persuade more people to have staycations.
D.To provide different ways of staycations.
60.What is one of the advantages of a staycation?D
A.The economy in other cities is also improved.
B.People spend nothing when staying at home.
C.You can visit local attractions for free.
D.There is no stress from traveling.
61.What does the underlined word"eliminated"in Paragraph 5probably means?B
A.included         B.removed
C.covered          D.raised
62.What will probably be discussed in the following paragraph?B
A.When to take a staycation.
B.What disadvantages a staycation has.
C.Why people prefer a staycation.
D.How to have a staycation safely.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16."Tear'em apart!""Kill the fool!Murder the referee(裁判)!"
These are common remarks one may hear at various sporting events.At the time they are made,they may seem innocent(无辜的) enough.But let's not kid ourselves.They have been known to influence behavior in such a way as to lead to real bloodshed(流血).Volumes have been written about the way words affect us.It has been shown that words having certain connotation(涵义)may cause us to react in ways quite foreign to what we consider to be our usual humanistic behavior.I see the term"opponent"as one of those words.Perhaps the time has come to delete(删除) it from sports terrors.(恐怖)
The dictionary meaning of the term"opponent"is"adversary";"enemy";"one who opposes your interests."Thus,when a player meets an opponent,he or she may tend to treat that opponent as an enemy.At such times,winning may dominate (支配)one's intellect(智力),and every action,no matter how gross (rude),may be considered justifiable(无可非议的).I recall an incident in a handball game when a referee refused a player's request for a time out for a glove change because he did not consider them wet enough.The player proceeded to rub his gloves across his wet T-shirt and then exclaimed,"Are they wet enough now?"
In the heat of battle players have been observed to throw themselves across the court without considering the consequences that such a move might have on anyone in their way.I have also witnessed a player reacting to his opponent's international and illegal blocking by deliberately hitting him with the ball as hard as he could during the course of play.Off the court,they are good friends.Does that make any sense?It certainly,gives proof of a court attitude which departs(背离) from (goes against) normal behavior.
Therefore,I believe it is time we elevated(提升)the game to the level where it belongs thereby (因而)setting an example to the rest of the sporting world.Replacing the term"opponent"with"associate"could be an ideal way to start.
The dictionary meaning of the term"associate"is"colleague","friend","companion".Reflect a moment!You may soon see and possibly feel the difference in your reaction to the term"associate"rather than"opponent".

56.Which of the following statements best expresses the author's view?B
A.Aggressive behavior in sports can have serious consequences.
B.The words people use can influence their behavior.
C.Unpleasant words in Sports are often used by foreign athletes.
D.Unfair judgments by referees will lead to violence on the sports field.
57.Harsh words are spoken during games because the playersD.
A.are too eager to win
B.are usually short-tempered and easily offended
C.cannot afford to be polite in fierce competition
D.treat their rivals as enemies
58.What did the handball player,do when he was not allowed a time out to change his gloves?D
A.He refused to continue the game.
B.He angrily hit the referee with a ball.
C.He claimed that the referee was unfair.
D.He wet his gloves by rubbing them across his T-shirt.
59.The author hopes to have the current situation in sports improved byC.
A.calling on players to use clean language on the court
B.raising the referee's sense of responsibility
C.changing the attitude of players on the sports field
D.regulating the relationship between players and referees.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Can you imagine that several hundred years ago,tomatoes were seen as toxic food in Europe?
What made Europeans believe this was John Gerard's publication of Herbal in 1597.Gerard wrote:"The leaves and stalks of the tomato plant are toxic."Undoubtedly,Gerard's opinion was based on a misunderstanding of tomatoes.But his opinion was widely spread in Britain and North America for over two hundred years.
In the late 1700s,a lot of Europeans held more fears for tomatoes.A nick name for the fruit was"poison apple"because it was believed that aristocrats(贵族) got sick and died after eating them.But the actual reason was the pewter plates they used.Since tomatoes are high in acidity,when placed on the plates,the lead(铅) in the plates would dissolve.This caused many deaths.Unluckily,no one knew this at that time.So the innocent tomatoes were picked as the killer.
Today,more than one and a half billion tons of tomatoes are produced every year around the world.Tomatoes are cooked in various ways.This healthy and tasty food finally wins its innocence(清白) back.
51.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?A
A.Europeans'fears for tomatoes        
B.History of tomato planting
C.Why do people eat so many tomatoes    
D.How did the tomato prove its value
52.What does the underlined word"toxic"in paragraph 1 mean?C
A.delicious          B.nutritious(营养)     C.poisonous        D.safe
53.What do we know about the book Herbal?B
A.It was written by an American writer
B.It was published about 400 years ago.
C.Tomatoes were described as good food
D.Chinese herbal medicine was included.
54.When did people begin to eat tomatoes according to the text?B
A.About 100 years ago
B.About 200 years ago.
C.About 300 years ago
D.About 400 years ago.
55.What's the key point for the death of the aristocrats mentioned in the passage?D
A.Tomatoes.B.The pewter plate.C.Serious illness.D.Chemical reaction.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.The American tradition of Thanksgiving dates back to colonial times,to the Pilgrims(清教徒) of Plymouth rock Colony.To escape religious persecution(迫害) in England,the Pilgrims journeyed to the New World on their ship,the Mayflower.After a long journey,they finally arrived at Plymouth Rock in autumn of 1620.They could not finish building the settlement before winter,so many froze to death.They ate most of their food on the journey over,so many also starved.However,the Pilgrims met a Native American named Tisquantum,or Squanto as he was better known,who taught them how to plant corn and catch eel(鳗鱼).By the same time next year,the Pilgrims had built a steady settlement,and had a bountiful harvest.To thank the Native Americans for their help and to celebrate the harvest,the Pilgrims held a grand banquet(盛宴).Together,they feasted on corn,yams,fish,and most importantly:roast turkey,which became the highlight of the modern Thanksgiving feast.
Schools always make a big deal about Thanksgiving,because they feel that it teaches children how to be thankful and to treat others with kindness.I spent the many years of elementary school making paper turkeys,fake cornucopias(a shell filled with food,a symbol of the holiday),and writing lists of what I'm thankful for.When I grew older,I watched movies and read books about the First Thanksgiving,and completed crossword puzzles and word searches filled with holiday themed words.While the idea for Thanksgiving is great,and it is a wonderful opportunity to instill certain values in children,I don't think we should name a special holiday for being thankful.We should be thankful for what we have every day,not just Thanksgiving.
56.What's the main reason for the English Pilgrims to leave their home country?B
A.Political ideas.B.Religious beliefs.C.Hard life.D.Hopes for fortune.
57.What threatened the Pilgrims most when they first arrived the new world?A
A.Cold and starvation.B.Wild animals.C.Local people.D.Sickness.
58.Why did the Pilgrims hold a banquet one year after their arrival in the new world?C
A.To memorize their family members left in England.
B.To celebrate their survival from religious persecution.
C.To thank the Native Americans for their help.
D.To celebrate the new state they've set up.
59.For Thanksgiving,all the activities are normally done EXCEPTD.
A.enjoying a big meal                        B.making paper turkeys
C.doing crossword puzzles                    D.sing Christmas songs
60.The passage was written to show the writer's attitude of beingD.
A.knowledgeable      B.responsible          C.energetic            D.thankful.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.New research finds a link between poverty and poor decision making.The findings may explain why poor people sometimes make bad choices that continue their hardship.
Earlier studies have found the poor less likely to escape poverty.But there has been little research on why the poor make decisions that make their lives harder.Until recently,it was economists who studied poverty,not psychologists.Eldar Shafir,a psychologist in Princeton University says now scientists from both fields work together.Mr.Shafir and his team did two experiments.One took place at a shopping center in New Jersey.Another was carried out among sugar cane farmers in rural India.
The New Jersey experiment involved individuals with low paying jobs and others belonged to the middle class.All the volunteers were asked what they would do if their cars needed repairs.
The volunteers were given two imaginary situations.In the first,the car repairs cost﹩150.In the second,﹩1,500.
"And what we found is that the poor and the rich performed equally well on almost all the tests."
Not so when the researchers raised the repair costs to﹩1,500.
"Now the poor performed significantly worse."The poorer lost about 13IQ points on average.This is about the loss experienced when a person has not slept for one night.
The scientists then wondered if the same person reacted differently when he was rich and when he was poor.The Indian sugar cane farmers earn most of their money once a year,when the harvest comes in.But the money often does not last through the year.
"So they find themselves basically rich after the harvest when the income comes in and poor just before the harvest.
The researchers gave them tests similar to the ones taken by the people in New Jersey.They tested the Indian farmers before the harvest and after.
And the results were much the same as with the mall shoppers.
"They performed much more slowly and with many more mistakes when they were poorer than when they were richer."
Mr.Shafir says the results support 50years of research that shows all humans have limited mental power to deal with things in life.
"And so the insight here is that,having not enough of something in a way makes it harder to make good decisions for everything else."

61.What is true about earlier studies?B
A.They were done by economists and psychologists.
B.They found it hard for poor people to become rich.
C.They explained why poor people made poor decisions.
D.They showed the poor people cared less about their health.
62.In the first experiment,the poor performed worse becauseC
A.they had not slept for one night
B.it was just an imaginary situation
C.the increased price affected their decision
D.they didn't take the second situation seriously
63.The Indian sugar cane farmersD
A.are smarter when they are poor
B.earn money all through the year
C.earn lots of money so they think they are rich
D.feel rich after the harvest and poor before harvest
64.What do the two experiments have in common?A
A.They got similar findings.
B.They were carried out in the rural areas.
C.They were carried out by economists only.
D.They chose two groups of people with different income.
65.What could be the best title for the passage?C
A.Once poor,always poor?
B.Why are poor people poorer?
C.Poverty weakens brain power.
D.Different experiments,different findings.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Today's 20-somethings are often called"millennials."They grew up around the time of the  millennium(千年)in the year  2000
Are these adults?The law says yes.But societies have their expectations for what being an adult means.Some say today's 20-somethings are having a"delayed adulthood."The term"boomerang kids"means young people leave their parents'house but,like a boomerang thrown through the air,later return.
Research psychologist Jeffrey Arnett says these terms suggest many Americans are frustrated with 20-somethings.He says Americans should consider the positive aspects.They usually have various school and work experiences or they might.try living in different cities or countries.
Cheryssa Jensen
Cheryssa Jensen might agree.She says she expected to get married right after college and to find a job near her parents.Instead,she traveled the western part of the U.S.,went to a dozen different cities there.Her job also took her to Taiwan,Sweden and Denmark.After a year of traveling,she was not sure what to do.
"Some words were nagging at me,saying,'What else,what else can you do,what else can you do while you re young?"
Julia Shaw
Julia Shaw is 28,just a year older than Cheryssa,but very different in the way she has lived her life so far.
After college,Julia began her career as a writer.She and her husband have stayed in Washington,and have lived there for the last two years.
Julia says many people are surprised that she is married and settled in one place.But she believes she is more free than many other people of her generation and she says marriage has made her life more stable.
Though their stories are different,Julia and Cheryssa still have some things in common.Both say their families are proud of them.Both say they do not feel pressured by society to follow a particular path.And both say they are happy with their decisions.
Julia Shaw and Cheryssa Jensen have something else in common.They have not made a high-paying career their first priority.Instead,most in the survey said the most important things to them are being good parents,having a successful marriage and helping other people.

56.Which of the following terms is NOT used to describe today's 20-somethings?B
A.The millennials.
B.The lost generation.
C.The boomerang  kids.
D.The delayed adults.
57.What do we know about Cheryssa Jensen?A
A.She is twenty-seven years old.
B.She travelled around only for fun.
C.She found a job near her parents.
D.She got married right.after college.
58.What do the underlined words"nagging at"mean?A
A.troubling                      B.delighting
C.encouraging                    D.disappointing
59.What can be inferred about Julia Shaw?C
A.She was surprised at her early marriage.
B.She is bored with her stable life
C.She is satisfied with her present life.
D.She gets great pressure from her marriage.
60.In what aspect are Cheryssa Jensen and Julia Shaw similar?A
A.Their families take pride in them.
B.They bitterly regret their decisions.
C.They follow the same work patterns.
D.They like high-paying career most.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Ugly was the cat in our department,He had only one eye.He-was also missing his ear on the same side and his tail has long ago been lost,leaving only the smallest stub(尾根).
Every time someone  saw Ugly there was  the same reaction."That's  one UGLY cat!"All the children were warned not to touch him.The adults threw rocks at him when he tried to come in their home.Ugly always had the same reaction-he would stand there until you gave up and quit.If you threw things at him,he would curl his lanky(瘦长的) body around feet in forgiveness.But if you ever picked him up,he would immediately begin sucking on your shirt,earring whatever he could find.
One day Ugly shared his love with the neighbor's huskies (a kind of dog).They did not respond kindly,and Ugly was badly injured.By the time I got to where he was lying,it was apparent Ugly's sad life was almost at an end.
Ugly lay in a wet circle and I could feel him struggling.Then l felt a familiar sucking sensation on my ear.Ugly,in so much pain,suffering and obviously dying,was trying to suck my ear.I pulled him closer to me,and he turned his one golden eye towards me.
At that moment I thought Ugly was the most beautiful,loving creature I had ever seen.Never once did he try to bite or scratch me,or even try to get away from me,or struggle in any way.Ugly just looked up at me completely trusting in me to relieve his pain.
Ugly died in my arms but I sat and held him thinking about how one ugly little thing could so change my opinion about what it means to have true pureness of spirit,to love so totally and truly.He had been hurt on the outside,but I was hurt on the inside,and it was time for me to move on and learn to love truly and deeply.
Many people want to be richer,more successful,well liked,beautiful,but for me,I will always try to be Ugly.

51.What would people usually do to Ugly?C
A.Treat him like their own pet.
B.Smile at him because of his appearance.
C.Avoid him because be was ugly.
D.Pick him up and show kindness.
52.What happened to Ugly one day?D
A.He was hit by rocks.
B.He curled his lanky leg,
C.He made friends with huskies.
D.He was badly hurt by dogs.
53.Why did the writer think Ugly was beautiful and loving?B
A.He was suffering and pitiful.
B.He showed his love despite his pain.
C.He was always loved by the writer.
D.He used to bite people but got forgiveness.
54.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?D
A.The writer wants to be ugly.
B.The writer preferred pets with scars
C.The writer got.sense of pride from helping the cat.
D.The writer rethought the meaning of love and care.
55.What can we learn from the story?B
A.Better late than never.
B.Never judge from appearance.
C.Hardship can be treasure in life.
D.Curiosity killed the cat.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Have you ever had travel problems because your airplane was late?It is a common problem and it is getting worse.Airport delays make people angry and cost the country billions in lost work time.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the government agency that oversees air travel.They studied the problem of airline delays.
They found eleven major problems and suggested eleven ways to fix them.Some of the problems are caused because different regions of the country do things differently.The regions don't talk to each other enough.Some of them need new computers.
Also,more planes are flying.A strong economy has more people using airplanes to get around.Airplanes are a form of mass transportation now,like trains and buses were in the past.More planes in the airport cause delays.
The airport in San Francisco is a good example.It is growing fast.Many people go through San Francisco to get to other places around the world.Ron Wilson of the San Francisco International Airport says,"If you've got 18 flights that all want to take off at 8:00 am and you're on the 18th plane in line,you're going to be 40 minutes late."
Weather is another main reason for delays.Weather causes about 70% of delays.Fog or freezing rain can cause delays.
The first thing the FAA wants to do is take control away from the regions during heavy traffic times and bad weather.A national center would make decisions on things that affect the whole country.The FAA also wants to put more distance between planes in the sky when the weather is bad.This rule could cause even more delays.
The FAA knows that their solutions will not solve the problems with airport delays.But,they hope to make things better.There are just too many planes,too few traffic controllers,and not enough new technology.
62.FAA found that some of the delay problems are caused byDbetween two regions.
A.different languages                  
B.technical misunderstanding
C.misunderstanding of the rules        
D.lack of communication
63.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for airline delays?C
A.A growing number of flights
B.Bad weather.
C.A growing population
D.Lack of new technology.
64.From the passage we can infer thatD.
A.FAA is a national center which controls all the flight matters
B.FAA has taken control to solve airport delays
C.in San Francisco,each plane will delay about 40 minutes
D.safety rules during bad weather may cause more delays
65.Which of the statements best gives the idea of the passage?B
A.FAA should make decisions to stop airport delays.
B.Airport delays are on the rise.
C.Travel problems cost billions in lost work time.
D.FAA has taken control of air traffic nationwide.

