 0  138848  138856  138862  138866  138872  138874  138878  138884  138886  138892  138898  138902  138904  138908  138914  138916  138922  138926  138928  138932  138934  138938  138940  138942  138943  138944  138946  138947  138948  138950  138952  138956  138958  138962  138964  138968  138974  138976  138982  138986  138988  138992  138998  139004  139006  139012  139016  139018  139024  139028  139034  139042  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:解答题

8.①People today,in all this new world of technology and thinking,have lost sight of what a true friendship is.So,thought I own my best friend Jenny,I thought 1would help the world out a little and explain what real,true friends are.
②Friends don't have to be exactly the same.They have similarities but       .The key to opening up the world of friendship is not only to expand on similarities but to accept each other's faults,because you can't ever judge your friend.
③Friends have to argue!No one likes to but it is necessary to be healthy.Because if you agree on everything,either the government has expanded cloning subjects or someone isn't being true and is trying a little too hard.
④You have to be comfortable together.Otherwise,you just aren't going to click.If you feel uneasy around the person then something isn't quite right.
⑤Friends love unconditionally.They have their little angry moments hut what's done is done and all is forgiven and forgotten.Why let something that happened in the past ruin the happiness you could have in the future?
⑥Believe in love at first sight because there is the same thing happening in friendship.Some people think that yon have Io know someone really well to become good friends.Trust me it's not true.
⑦These are only a few of the basics.Just remember,friends are forever.But only if you keep it that way.Don't disrespect your friends,1ove them instead.

76.What is the best title of the passage?(NO more than 6words)
True Friends/Friendship/What Is Friendship
77.Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?
Make up with your friends after the quarrels and don't let the sadness last long.
They have their little angry moments but what's done is done and all is forgiven and forgotten.
78.Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 2with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(no more than 8word)
they also have their differences
79.Please list three of the writer's viewpoints on friendship.(no more than 10words)
①①Accept differences
③③Love unconditionally
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6into Chinese.


科目: 来源: 题型:解答题

7.[1]some popular expressions are a raystery.No one is sure how they developed.One of these is the expression"carry a chip on your shoulder".A person with a chip on his shoulder is a problem for anybody who must deal with him.He seems to be expecting trouble.
[2]One writer believes that the expression might have come from an old saying.The saying warms against striking too high,or       .That could be good advice.If you strike high up on a tree with an axe,the chip of wood that is cut off will fall into your eye.
[3]Later,in the Unite States,some people would put a real chip on their shoulder as a test.They wanted to start a faint.They would wait for someone to be orate enough to try to hit it off.
[4]The word ship appears in a number of special American expressions.Another is chip off the old block.This means that a child is exactly like a parent.This expression goes back at least to the early sixteen hundreds.The British writer of plays.George Colman,wtcte tonse lines in seventeen sixty-two."You'll find him his father's own son,I believe.A chip off the old blank,I promise you!"
[5]The word chip can also be used in a threatening way to someone who is suspected of wrongdoing.An investigator may say."We're going to let the chips fall where they may."This means the mvestigation is going to be complete and honest.It is also a warning that no one will be protectexl form being found guilty.
[6]Chips are oaten used in card games.They represent money.A poker player may,at any time,decide to leave the game.He will turn in his chips in exchange for money or cash.

76.What's the text manly about?(no more than 5words)
Some expressions relating to chip/Chip and its expressions
77.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the allowing one?
It seems that he is likely to get into some trouble.
He seers to he expecting ruble.
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph?With proper words.(no more than 10words)
a chip might fall into you r eye
79.Chip can be used on the occasions when people (no more than 20words)
①Talk about a person who is diffident to deal with
②warn against striking too high
③play card games
80.Please translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3into Chinese.


科目: 来源: 题型:解答题

6.〔1〕The harmful effects on children were summed up last year in a report by the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine.Problems begin early,as the infants of depressed mothers cry more than other babies.They have greater fear of strangers and less tolerance for frustration.Starting in preschool and across all stages of childhood,they have more behavior problems at school and higher rates of depression and anxiety disorders.
〔2〕By adolescence,children with depressed parents have poorer social relations than the teens of parents _______,and they're more likely to be dependent on alcohol and drugs.Depression in parents also is linked to more behavior problems at school and higher rates of depression and anxiety disorders,according to studies in the report.
〔3〕And some harmful effects of growing up with a depressed parent appear to remain intoadulthood.A 20-year study on kids of depressed parents found that those with depressed parents suffered about three times the rate of anxiety disorders and depression by their 30s,and they were in poorer health than peers and much more likely to be dependent on drugs and alcohol.The study,believed to be the longest ever done,was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry in 2006.These effects may not only be long?lasting but also far?reaching.Serious depression affects about one in five American parents,and 15.6million children live with an adult who has had major depression in the last year.
〔4〕As knowledge about the effects of parental depression has grown,so too has research into how to fight those effects.Studies suggest,for example,that changing destructive parenting practices and teaching children good coping strategies can make a big,positive difference in kids.

76.What is mainly talked about in the text?(no more than 10words)
The harmful effects on children of depressed parents.
77.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?
With a better understanding of the effects of depressed parents,research is also being conducted on how to prevent those effects.
As knowledge about the effects of parental depression has grown,so too has research into how to fight those effects.
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2with proper words.(no more than 5words)
who aren't depressed
79.List three negative effects of parental depression on children.(no more than 20words)
①Greater fear of strangers  ②Less tolerance for frustration  ③More behavior problems at school
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3into Chinese.


科目: 来源: 题型:信息匹配

5.A.American & British Classics
A classic is a literary work which has stood the test of time.Generations of readers have turned to classics to discover that which is ever-lasting.Through both the works themselves and the people they mirror,we may better be able to see ourselves.
B.World Literature
World Literature examines the common people found in quality literature worldwide,in these worlds,we find not only what is unique to each culture but what is universal,
C.Creative Writing
Creating Writing does not only provide us with an opportunity to express ourselves,but also holds our attention to word choice,paragraph development,and other skills useful in writing.
D.Technical Writing
It's a course which can help you to improve your communication skills in,for arid through technology.
It's a course for seniors,in which we will cover how 10 gather,write and report the news.We will discuss how information is,or can be organized.
The course is a study of non-fiction through reading many different types of non-fiction.The course will also be about the possible changes in journalistic reporting and the sharing of personal stories of various people on various topics such as travel and adventure.
56.Lucy.wants to become a famous reporter in the world.She is eager to have the course which can help her to realize her dream.
57.Sally's vocabulary is very large,but she can not organize what she write well,which makes her writing illogically.She wants to get some more skill of it.
58.Lily can not know how to communicate with others as a.writer.She needs to improve the skill of it badly.
59.Jenny wants to become a writer of biography.Therefore,she wants to choose a.course connected with it.
60.Mary is interested in Mark Twain,especially his novels which arc full of humors.She really want to know some other writers who were born in the same country as Mark Twain was.
待选课程的学生                        课程名称
56.Lucy                                A.American & British Classics
57.Sally                                B.World literature
58.Lily                                  C.Creative writing
59.Jenny                               D.Technical Writing
60.Mary                                E.Journalism


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

4.Some people are just sure to be failures.That's how some adults look at troublesome kids.Maybe you've heard the saying,"A bird with a broken wing will(50)Cfly as high."I'm sure that T.J.Ware,who was caught(51)Ba year ago,was made to feel this way almost every day at school.
At high school,Ware was always making(52)D.He didn't answer questions,got into lots of fights and was(53)Afrom school at times.Teachers didn't want to have him again the following year.
I met Ware for the first time at a meeting.All the students at school had been invited to(54)Cfor a program designed to have students become more active in their communities.The program (55)Bgroup discussion and voluntary work in their neighborhoods.
In the beginning,Ware just stood by,not ready to join the discussion groups.But slowly,the interactive games(56)Dhim in…At the end of the meeting,he joined the Homeless Project team.He knew much about(57)A,hunger and helplessness.The other students on the team had never seen Ware making such a long,moving speech.They were(58)Cwith his passionate concern and ideas,so they elected Ware to be chairman of the team with a(59)Bvote.
Two weeks later,Ware led a group of 70 students to collect(60)A.They collected a school(61)D:2,854 cans of food in just two hours.It was enough to feed needy families in the area for 75 days.The local newspaper(62)Bthe event with full-page article the next day.After that,Ware started showing up at school every day and answering questions from teachers.
Ware's change(63)Cus that a bird with a broken wing only needs mending.Once it has(64)D,it can fly higher than the rest.
54.A.take upB.make upC.sign upD.put up


科目: 来源: 题型:解答题

3.Imagine a world in which there was suddenly no emotion-a world in which human beings could feel no love or happiness,no terror or hate.Try to imagine the consequences of such a transformation.People might not be able to stay alive:knowing neither joy nor pleasure,neither anxiety nor fear,they would be as likely to repeat acts that hurt them as acts that were beneficial.They could not learn:they could not benefit from experience because this emotionless world would lack rewards and punishments.Society would soon disappear:people would be as likely to harm one another as to provide help and support.Human relationships would not exist:in a world without friends or enemies,there could be no marriage,affection among companions,or bonds among members of groups.Society's economic functions would be destroyed:since earning 10millionwouldbenomorepleasantthanearning10,there would be no motivation to work.In fact,there would be no motivation of any kind.For as we will see,motivation implies a capacity to enjoy certain activties.
In such a world,the chances that the human species would survive are next to zero,because emotions are the basic instrument of our survival and adaptation.Emotions structure the world for us in important ways.As individuals,we categorize objects on the basis of our emotions.True we consider the length,shape,size,or texture,but an object's physical aspects are less important than what it has done or can do to us-hurt us,surprise us,anger us or make us joyful.We also use categorizations colored by emotions in our families,communities,and overall society.Out of our emotional experiences with objects and events comes a social feeling of agreement that certain things and actions are"good"and others are"bad",and we apply these categories to every aspect of our social life-from what foods we eat and what clothes we wear to how we keep promises and which people our group will accept.In fact,society exploits our emotional reactions and attitudes,such as loyalty,morality,pride,shame,guilt,fear and greed,in order to maintain itself.It gives high rewards to individuals when performing important tasks.

81.According to the passage,the concept of right or wrong comes fromour emotional experience/(social feeling of agreement).
82.Emotions are significant for man's survival becausethey structure the world for us in important ways.
83.What would an emotionless world lack?Rewards and punishments
84.What is the result of the absence of emotion?People might not be able to stay alive.


科目: 来源: 题型:信息匹配

2.A.The candidates will be expected to drive new business through telephone sales.However,the role does include meeting clients face to face,attending industry events,managing one or two members of staff,finding new advertisers and gaining repeat business from existing clients.Therefore,we are looking for sales professionals with media sales backgrounds,and experience in managing a team.
B.Bright Social Care Agency is calling for experienced support workers who can take care of adults with autism to register for work as soon as possible.The duties of this post include interacting with the service user,promoting independent living,and assisting with personal care.Therefore,the applicants should have experience as a support worker and good interpersonal skills.If you're interested,please send your CV to beca@hotmail.com.
C.Balfor Education is looking for teachers who are dedicated to children's learning and able to manage a classroom efficiency.We offer flexible teaching assignments that meet your own requirements and have a number of strong relationships with many schools.The ideal candidate should have the qualifications for a teacher and have knowledge of the National Curriculum.A flexible and friendly attitude is also an essential quality.
D.Tutor Doctor is looking for experienced and capable English tutors.If you have relevant experience of tutoring or teaching and know how to get the very best out of your students in a 1to 1situation,then we would love you to join the Tutor Doctor team.Also,you must have the passion and capability to help others learn and fulfill their potential.Most tuition happens between 4:30pm and 8pm of weekdays,and at weekends.
E.The client is looking for experienced,reliable caring individuals to look after physically sick adults in their own home.You are required to follow all rules and regulations in relation to care,and perform such other duties as may reasonably be required.You must be self-motivated,flexible,caring and sensitive to the needs of others and to the sick.
F.I run a small local family magazine which relies on adverting revenue,and I need someone to help sell advertising space for the magazine.This job would ideally suit someone who used to work in sales and now needs to work hours that fit around school hours and sports days.The job won't make you rich but it will give you the opportunity to work your own hours,from home,in an enjoyable role for a well respected magazine.

61.Henry is a high school student in America.He used to do many kinds of jobs when he was a young boy,such as selling newspapers and magazine.He does not want to depend on his parents for his pocket money or waste his time hanging round at weekends.He is fond of communicating with strangers and has developed some selling skills.F
62.Miss Harrison has worked in a newspaper agency for five years.She was responsible for the advertisements in the newspaper and for a work team consisting of five members.She gave up her previous job because she had to move with her husband to a new city.She is good at dealing with strangers.A
63.Anna is a college student whose major is English.Since she came to college,she has begun to work as a tutor.This term,she still would like to work as a tutor after classes and at weekends.Without the experience of being a real teacher,she doesn't have the confidence to manage a big class,and she just wants to teach one or two students each time.D
64.Julie had been teaching in an elementary school for many years.Immediately after she graduated from a normal college,she got a Qualified Teacher Certificate.She likes teaching young children and has no problem managing a big class.She gave up her work two years ago because she had to take care of her children.But now she hopes to take it up again.C
65.Having worked as a nurse in a big hospital for years,Susan knows how to take care of patients.She does not like to stay home alone in her retirement,as her husband died of cancer years ago and all her children work in other states.She is fully aware of the needs of the patients who are suffering from physical illness.E.


科目: 来源: 题型:信息匹配

A.Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers
This book is full of advice for parents.This question-and-answer book helps parents understand their children and tells you how to communicate with your children.
B.The Road Ahead
This book is about technology and technological changes,but most of the book is about Bill Gates'teen years.You will learn that he was a normal teenager in high school and no different from you.
C.Dave's Way
This is a book for teenagers.It contains countless simple tips on how to be successful in today's business world,showing you how to make your dream come true.
D.Teenager's Guide to Real World
The book tells teenagers how to design their own lives.It helps teenagers understand what the real world is and helps them to make good decisions about the future.
E.The Americans:The Democratic Experience
This book tells many stories about   the people who helped build the country.The writer describes the American history during the past 400years.
F.Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
This book offers a great introduction to how our brain works based on the most recent scientific research.It is a fascinating lesson on how to use the different parts of our mind.

61.Tom is seventeen years old.He dreams of becoming a successful businessman.He hopes to buy a book which can help him make his dream come true.D
62.John is interested in computer technology.He spends much of his free time on computers.Bill Gates is his hero.He would like to buy a book on him.B
63.Mary is a college student who is studying biology.She would like to buy a book on brain and learn more about how it works.E
64.Betty is working on the history of America recently.She tries to find the answer to how the US became what it is.G
65.Mrs.Green has a teenage daughter.They can't get on well with each other and they often quarrel.She would like to buy a book to help her.A.


科目: 来源: 题型:解答题

20.Exceptional children are different in some significant ways from others of the same age.For these children to develop to their full adult potential,their education must be adapted to those differences.
Although we focus on the needs of exceptional children,we find ourselves describing their environment as well.While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention,we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself.Both the family and the society in which exceptional children live are often the key to their growth and development.And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society's understanding-the knowledge,hopes,and fears that are passed on to the next generation.
Education in any society is a mirror of that society.In that mirror we can see the strengths,the weaknesses,the hopes,the prejudices,and the central values of the culture itself.The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens,whatever their special conditions,deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.
"All men are created equal,"we heard it many times,but it still has important meaning for education in a democratic society.Although the phrase was used by this country's founders to indicate equality before the law,it has also been interpreted to mean equality of opportunity.That concept implies educational opportunity for all children-the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capability,whether that capability is small or great.Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children-disabled or not-to an appropriate education,and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education.In response,schools are modifying their programs,adapting instruction to children who are exceptional,to those who cannot profit substantially from regular programs.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS.)
81.This passage is concerned primarily with the necessity of adaptingeducation to exceptional children
82.What affects the growth of exceptional children according to the author?
Their family and the society.
83.People have shown great interest in the education of exceptional children over the last three decades because they believe thatall citizens deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities 
84.According to the passage,what does"All men are created equal"mean to the country's founders?It means/indicates everyone/anyone is equal before the law..


科目: 来源: 题型:信息匹配


Bayer Aspirin (generic name:acetylsalicylic acid,ASA) is often used to relieve minor aches and pains,reduce fever and inflammation.Reducing the risk of death due to a heart attack if taken as soon as a heart attack is suspected.Aspirin taken during a suspected heart attack can also lessen the damaging effects of the heart attack.Aspirin can prevent first heart attack and stroke in individuals with angina.
-Do not lie down for 30minutes after taking Aspirin.
-Do not take it if you are allergic to this medicines.
-Do not take it if there is something wrong with your kidney.

SleepWell is a natural herbal medicine which contains ardostchya Jatamanshi and Ferula Narthex raw material.It helps to overcome sleep disorders such as insomnia and restlessness by facilitating the process of falling asleep and providing restful,deep sleep.The benefits of SleepWell include:promotion of good disposition; relief of depression,anxiety and fear; mood swings get less severe; non-drowsy formula without any addictive potential; effective in patients suffering from depression and ailments that cause shaking.
-1capsule in the morning and 2capsules in the evening,half hour before going to sleep.

Ultracet contains a combination of tramadol and acetaminophen.Tramadol is a narcotic-like pain reliever.Ultracet is used to treat moderate to severe pain.You should not take Ultracet if you are allergic to acetaminophen or tramadol,if you are intoxicated (drunk),or if you have recently used narcotic pain medicine,a sedative or tranquilizer,medicine for depression or mental illness,or any type of drug dealing with stress.
-Do not drink alcohol while you are taking Ultracet.Alcohol may cause a dangerous decrease in your breathing when used together with Ultracet.
-Do not take it if you have a history of head injury,kidney disease,liver disease.

Ibuprofen is used to reduce fever and treat pain or inflammation caused by many conditions such as headache,toothache,back pain,minor injury,especially effective in patient suffering from arthritis.Ibuprofen may cause life-threatening heart or circulation problems such as heart attack or stroke.
-Do not use ibuprofen you have a history of stomach ulcers or bleeding;asthma; kidney disease; or if you smoke.
-You should not use this medication if you are allergic to ibuprofen,aspirin

Vicodin contains a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone.Vicodin is used to relieve moderate to severe pain.
Vicodin may impair your thinking or reactions.Avoid driving or operating machinery until you know how Vicodin will affect you.
It may increase your risk of liver damage.
-Do not take it if you have asthma,COPD,sleep apnea,or other breathing disorders.
-Do not take it if you are having pills dealing with stress; or a history of drug addiction.

Tylenol is used for treating minor aches and pains due to headache,muscle aches,backache,the common cold,flu,toothache,menstrual cramps,and immunizations,and for temporarily reducing fever,especially effective in patient suffering from arthritis.
-Do not take it if you are having pills dealing with stress,if you have a history of alcohol abuse or you drink more than 3alcohol-containing drinks every day.
-Do not take it if you have any lung disease and liver disease.

46.Davidson Hamilton is a college graduate,but he hasn't found an ideal work yet.He gets nervous easily in the interview and he is always disappointed at his failure.He thinks his life is filled with too much depression.His anxiety and depression lead to his sleep disorder.B
47.Johnson,a retired mineworker,was hit by a stone in the head when he was working ten years ago.He has suffered from stroke ever since he was retired.Due to his old age,he has some lung problem and sometimes he finds it hard to breathe.These days,he has been suffering from headache.A
48.Williams was heavily addicted to alcohol when his business failed 2years ago.Now because of intaking too much wine,he suffers from headache every day.Congenital heart disease doesn't allow him to take any medicine which causes heart problem and he is allergic to aspirin.E
49.Miller,with a slight kidney problem,works as a truck driver in International Freighting Corporation.His work is to deliver goods to different parts of the US.Sometimes,he has to go through a long drive without any meal.So he has been suffering from stomachache for a long time.He caught a cold yesterday and is having a fever now.F
50.Davis,an excutive of a compamy,is facing a lot of pressure every day.He often takes medicine treating stress disorder.Recently,he has been suffering from arthritis,which brings him a lot of pain.He wants to have some medicine which can ease his pain effectively.D.

